The Really Useful TCM Thread

HI ladies
Just checking in really on cd2-period came approx 4 weeks after d & c procedure so i think i am lucky some people wait 3 months or more-so i am officially trying again-i am having the period from hell I had really bad pmt etc but i hope i get lucky this month again off work all over my ov time so look out oh here we go again !!!! love to all xx
glitter - that's wonderful news!!! sorry to hear the pmt monster has got you, good luck with your next cycle xxx
Gald AF arrived for you Glitterqueen (not too often you hear that) - good luck with this cycle. Lets hope Cathy can work her magic on both of us!

My next Acup is on Monday.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Fitzy, I'm so sorry to hear that the 100 mg Clomid didn't work, I'm frustrated and upset for you!! Has the doctor offered you next steps? How long have you been getting acu done? I'm sorry I've forgotten, but are you also taking the TCM herbs?

Misskat29, congratulations on your BFP!! That is wonderful news and more proof that going natural really can work!! A very happy and healthy 9 mos to you and lots of sticky glue!!

Glitterqueen, so glad to hear you're able to start ttc again!! Are you going to keep up with acupuncture?

I'm sorry that this has been a rough month for many of us on the thread. BFP announcements from friends and family are always hard to deal with and at least for me it feels like the world is playing a cruel joke when people who weren't really trying or those who only tried for a few months get their BFP. I know no person deserves a BFP over another, and I try not to look at it that way, but it just really stings when it's not you. This thread provides a great place to vent and share what you're feeling without being judged. So if it helps to vent then I say go for it. We're all pretty tough ladies here (you have to be to put up with long term ttc) and there's probably nothing we ourselves haven't felt at one time or another.

A little update on me. I started using my clear blue monitor and the past 3 days have all been low readings, so looks like Clomid didn't cause any false highs/peaks. Really curious to see when I ovulate this cycle, was hoping it would be earlier than usual but it's cd 12 and still no signs of fertile cm, so I'm guessing it will be closer to cd 18 at the earliest. My appt is on Monday (cd 15) and am very curious to see how my body is responding. My problem in the past has been thin lining and small eggs. The clomid should help the eggs but could really thin the lining, so it's a toss up for sure.

:hugs: to all and an extra sprinkling of baby dust and sticky glue all around!
Just had to share these photos of actual ovulation taking place in the human body. Amazing!!
Hi Bernina, thanks for the's lovely to be in touch with people who really understand every bit of the frustration the TTC journey can cause. I was gutted on Tuesday and have been pretty emotional all week but picking myself up a little now. I've been doing accu since mid-December and having weekly sessions for the most part. I'm also taking TCM pills...different ones at diff times in the cycle.

I'll be dying to see how you get on with check on CD15...really hope your body responds well to the Clomid. Have you had any side effects??

I am taking 150mg for one last try and then will be put on injections to see if they can kick my ovaries into gear...such an ordeal!!
Only side effects have been the hot flashes the first few days of taking the pills. Haven't noticed anything out of the usual since then. CM seems to be normal although I don't have too much to compare it to because I was usually spotting at this time up until recently.

I really hope your body responds to the higher dose. Are they going to induce a period for you with the medication you used last time (Provera?)

Do you take your TCM medication while using the Clomid. I didn't take it during those 5 days but started it back up afterwards.
Hey girls, saw Quing again today. She relaxed a bit when I reminded her my crazy pre-ov temps (check them out - I was ill with a cold from beginning of this cycle and FF won't record my 37.02 and 37.08 temps from the first few days for some reason. Then my temp rose again about CD10, with a sore throat for a couple of days afterwards) were becasue I was ill twice and said my post-ov rise was good, but was concerned about the dip. She expected the herbs to work better for me, although the fact that my temps are generally taken after about 3 hours' sleep does mean that some of them will be on the low side - she told me not to worry too much about temp readings but to take them anyway - I can see what she means; it's good to have the record there, and to be able to see a pattern and read when ovulation occurs, but not to hang all your hopes on them. I'm pleased that my temps are still climbing back up, myself, but reserving judgement on the outcome at the moment. I'm too desperate for pregnancy to let myself really think about it, but more on that later.

QUing asked about my phlegm and it occurred to me that I've not had the horrid cough caused by irritation in the back of my throat for about a week now. Said she'd give me a cup on my back just to keep on kicking out any remnants. Ruddy cold. Damn it, I've just started coughing with a niggly phlegm-like feeling int eh back of my throat. Possibly the result of the cup.
Right, on my front.... 2 needles in my scalp, cup on upper back, some in-and-uts on my upper back; about 3 needles in my lower back, with some more in-and outs and some hardcore pinching of my lower spine before any of the needles went in. Heat on my back.

Onto my back... Needles in my lower legs (some very strong ones) and one just under my diaphragm for a while. No needles in my abdomen, tried one inmy foot but I couldn't feel it. I had one by each thumb (again, very strong). She put no heat on my abdomen.

Seeds in my right ear again. She's not given me dry herbs. I've been told to finish what I've got and then go back on my old pills (I have 2 unopened bottles of You-Gui Wan - for kidney qi deficiency, 12 twice a day - and Er Chen Wan - for spleen qui, 15 twice a day (dry out the damp, she said). She gave me a little bag of anonymous black pills and told me to take them for the first 3 days of my next cycle but - get this, never heard anything like this from her before - IF MY PERIOD DOESN'T START WHEN I'D EXPECT IT TO I'M TO CALL HER AND SHE'LL SEE ME BEFORE NEXT FRIDAY. Hmmmm... If my period starts CD 27, which is the latest it's been since before christmas, that'll be sunday. If it doesn't start by monday I'll be a bag of nerves but - I'm saying this now so I dont' look like a muppet, right - it's clearly going to start before then because I'm me and that's what happens. I'll be ecstatically willing to take that back and have a good laugh at myself if I'm proved wrong!
Going back with my OH on Friday morning - his herbs seem to have stopped working as he's been using the same blend for 3 months, so she'll be rejigging them on monday. He's finishing what he's got then drinking lots of water and sleeping plenty til he sees her.

Oh girls...
Sorry you feel you're out already Laummatt. I totally get the screaming with frustration. Where were you in your cycle before he legged it? If you were DTD within 3 days of ov occurring then you have every chance of catching the egg (like most of us though, that's not your issue is it?). Awful, crappy feelings and impatience aside (like all of us, that's a big issue!) try to have faith in the effects of our TCM, whatever else is happening.

Reba, what do your temps tell you? Are you temping? Damn I can't remember - sorry. The post-ov "it's not worked" feeling is very familiar to me - but you know, however unlikely it sometimes feels, it will happen for you. I think it can be horribly easy to slip into the mindset that for some reason it's never going to be you ( I know coz it's exactly what I've done :dohh:). One day it will be.

Glitterqueen, it's great to have you back with us! Sorry you're have a cruddy period - Cathy will sort you out though. Roll on the BD!

Rubyloo, you're not kidding about having an awful month are you?! I'm sorry you've had such a horrible time of it. You will ov properly soon, becasue your treatments will sort you out. It's frustrating waiting months, possibly, but it will work and it'll help you in all sorts of ways. Wish it could be easier for you. Just keep using us and we'll return the favour.

Bernina, I couldn't have (and haven't!) put it better myself. Hope monday goes well and the clomid works for you.

Fitzy, likewise. How are you feeling now? How hopeful is your doctor that the clomid will work? I really hope it does work for you.

I think that's me done - oh, although Quing asked me today if my OH has had his sperm tested (no, figured that if he was fine before and he's continued having a healthy diet and taking supplements since I started shoving them down his throat in november, he'll still be OK now). I'll be talking to him tonight, see what he says.

Have a good weekend girls :hugs:

Abi x
hi all!

its been a tough one this month for us all......bernia and fitzy, i really, really hope the clomid (along with TCM) kick in soon and get your pesky ovaries going. goodness knows what's going to have an effect on mine - trying so hard to keep positive though.

abs - i like what your prac says about the temps. i hate having to take mine every morning because it means the first thing i end up thinking about is babies!!! i know my prac wants me to temp because it helps her - so i'm trying to keep that in mind and not read too much into them.

well, according to FF (and the bloody great thick red crosshairs) i ov'd on cd31. i'm not holding my breath as my temps have been all over the shop this month. it just dawned on me that i've had a lurking sore throat for about 2 weeks now which might have something to do with my pre o temps being significantly higher. anyway, hit 36.7 this morning which is my 'classic' temp after i've ov'd....although i'm not holding my breath! slightly tender boobs are also a good sign. DH and i dtd two days before so i doubt very much anything has happened and certainly not getting my hopes up! 4dpo and expecting af on easter sunday.

DH and i had a long talk this morning and i pretty much told him everything about my thoughts and feelings regarding TTC. it was also interesting to hear things from his point of view. i think, like lots of men, he worries about money (we moved last year and have a bigger mortgage) and would like to be able to conceive without all the pressure e.g. have good regular sex without protection and hey presto! a baby! lol!!!! i did chuckle - men are so wonderfully simple some days.....its not that he doesn't get it, he just wants it to feel more natural. he's also worried that my fixation isn 't healthy. i did have to laugh at that one - and agree. i know its not - and God! what i would pay to go back to my carefree, baby-wanting free mid 20s! there is nothing i would like more than to feel like sex one night and that translate into a viable pregnancy. anyway, i have to temp because on the ongoing acu but i think i might try to calm things down a bit on my next cycle and see where that goes. i know we've done the NTNP thing in the past - and didn't get very far - i think i'm just going to have to listen very carefully to my body and observe all my fertility signs on the quiet then pounce on him at the right sort of times!

and once again - my thanks to EVERYONE on here who takes the time to read and give a damn xxx
Hey girls, not got a lot of time to post but just wanted to say its so good to have a place to come and talk about our crazy lives. Strangely feel like I can tell you guys more than I can my own friends and family.. Sorry to hear your all suffering this month, but abs!! that at least sounds hopefull even if you dont catch this month she obviously thinks that you can now!!

Im not really sure when I ov, 5 dpo I think but the temps look a bit odd the 3 days before that too, maybe I'll try and get on FF and see what you guys think.

Take care will catch up properly later x x x x

Just input this on FF, hope it works. I thought I ov day 18, what do you think??

Im a bit rubbish with checking CM as I find it hard to tell after BDing!!!! Even if it was the day before so days 15 to 17 I did have some EWCM just not much and only on the cervix, day 14 was obvious if you know what I mean!!

I dont know why Im too worried cos AF either turn up or not, obviouskly the latter would be preferred!
I absolutely am continuing with the accupuncture- i firmly believe thats what helped the last time and it managed to stop my bleeding after d& c and also gave me my period after 4 weeks when some people take months. I really hope i get caught fast this time cd 4 and counting !! I am going to try that sperm meets egg plan this month to give myself the best chance x
Hey Laummatt, I'd say going from both your temps and cm that you ov'd on CD14.
If AF doesn't turn up before tomorrow morning, my LP has increased to 10 days and counting (10dpo today). Not thinking any further ahead than that at the moment because I can't bear the thought of the disappointment. But I'll be contacting Quing tomorrow afternoon if the slag bag's still not turned up, like she asked me to, becasue I assume she'll want to give me something different to what she gave me on friday. You're right Laummatt, it's very positive that she said what she did to me on friday.
Part of me wonders if she was hedging her bets on friday, or doesn't like to raise her women's hopes too early if she senses something's happening. Obviously I didn't just commit that to print though, did I?!
The seeds in my ear are hurting me when I press them, meaning work needs doing. Can't think if this is normally the case when AF is approaching. My breasts are both a little tender round the outside, which they weren't when AF approached/had arrived last time.
All in all, let's aim for a longer LP.
I'm off to get ready to watch Brian Cox. I've always gone for geeks - never been out with anybody that wasn't an engineer or a computer scientist at some point, bizarrely, and my OH is a brainiac geek. Even my best mate Debbie's a comp sci geek. I'm all arts though, but suddenly physics makes sense, as much as I think it ever could to me, and astronomy seems exciting. Anyone else watching it? He's a truly amazing teacher. Must say though, it's helpful that he's so easy on the eye!
Hope everybody's well. Very quiet on BnB today.
Abi x
Hi ladies,

I have had a very emotional weekend - just this whole ltttc process. I was wondering if I was felling this way because I was going for acu - every monday and friday and then she said I should/could reduce to 1 time a week so I didn't go this Fri and I cried most of the weekend.

How often do each of you go for acu?

:hugs2: thank you...
Abs!!!!! OMG keep us posted, this is great!! Ive got everything crossed for you. I know what you mean tho, just cant even entertain the thought for too long in case of heartbreak.... but looking up!!!

Blue - I only go fortnightly and I used to spend my time counting down to it, felt like I really needed to go, but the last time I was ok. Weird effect, hope your feeling better today xxx
Hi ladies,

I have had a very emotional weekend - just this whole ltttc process. I was wondering if I was felling this way because I was going for acu - every monday and friday and then she said I should/could reduce to 1 time a week so I didn't go this Fri and I cried most of the weekend.

How often do each of you go for acu?

:hugs2: thank you...

Hi Blue

I was going once a week but was too costly so going once a fortnight now - and I was pretty emotional last week myself - it sucks this TTC carry on - we all know how you feel. Im not sure if its the Acup thats making me more emotional though.... maybe???
Hey Laummatt, I'd say going from both your temps and cm that you ov'd on CD14.
If AF doesn't turn up before tomorrow morning, my LP has increased to 10 days and counting (10dpo today). Not thinking any further ahead than that at the moment because I can't bear the thought of the disappointment. But I'll be contacting Quing tomorrow afternoon if the slag bag's still not turned up, like she asked me to, becasue I assume she'll want to give me something different to what she gave me on friday. You're right Laummatt, it's very positive that she said what she did to me on friday.
Part of me wonders if she was hedging her bets on friday, or doesn't like to raise her women's hopes too early if she senses something's happening. Obviously I didn't just commit that to print though, did I?!
The seeds in my ear are hurting me when I press them, meaning work needs doing. Can't think if this is normally the case when AF is approaching. My breasts are both a little tender round the outside, which they weren't when AF approached/had arrived last time.
All in all, let's aim for a longer LP.
I'm off to get ready to watch Brian Cox. I've always gone for geeks - never been out with anybody that wasn't an engineer or a computer scientist at some point, bizarrely, and my OH is a brainiac geek. Even my best mate Debbie's a comp sci geek. I'm all arts though, but suddenly physics makes sense, as much as I think it ever could to me, and astronomy seems exciting. Anyone else watching it? He's a truly amazing teacher. Must say though, it's helpful that he's so easy on the eye!
Hope everybody's well. Very quiet on BnB today.
Abi x

OMG I read you other post at the weekend but didnt get a chance to reply - I hope your acup DR sensed something with your pulse..... Its very exciting..... Did AF show up yet.... please say no..... :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Just input this on FF, hope it works. I thought I ov day 18, what do you think??

Im a bit rubbish with checking CM as I find it hard to tell after BDing!!!! Even if it was the day before so days 15 to 17 I did have some EWCM just not much and only on the cervix, day 14 was obvious if you know what I mean!!

I dont know why Im too worried cos AF either turn up or not, obviouskly the latter would be preferred!

Hi Laummatt - it looks like Ov was CD15 but not 100% sure though.
Hi All

8th Acup session this evening - thank god - i missed it last week (seen as Im going fortnightly now cos too costly). I wish I could afford a weekly session cos its very relaxing.

I dont have much to report - no real signs or symptoms (just the usual pains and twinges but nothing concrete). Id say im out again this month - surprise surprise!!! :growlmad: :nope: :growlmad:

Think Im 9DPO today so too early for implantation maybe so I doubt if Cathy (my acup Dr) will be able to tell anything with my pulse - bummer! AF due on Easter Monday - brilliant! :growlmad:

JUst a little update to this post - just went to bathroom and spotting has started already - 9DPO.... this fxxking sucks!
RebaSorry to hear about the s%#t. Any chance it could be IB...know it's prob just clutching at straws. Is your luteal phase usually that short and do you usually get spotting this early??

AbsGood God girl..I don't want to sound too excited but I am!!Will be dying to hear what happens at your next session although totally understand how hard it is getting hopes up only to have them come tumbling down. Thinking of you hun :hugs:

LaummatReckon CD15 looks like ov to me too. How you feeling?

BlueI do weekly accu and have found that it has really balanced me emotionally...used to have such build up of tension/hormones and it would all come crashing out is one big meltdown once I couldn't take it anymore BUT not so since started Accu...Thank God...and OH breathes a huge sigh of relief!!:haha:

GlitterWelcome back :witch: That was great going only having to wait month for her to rock up. Hope this cycle is going ok for you x

I've had a lovely relaxing weekend and have gotten over my major disappointment last week. Keeping the chin's a tough road but giving up will do nothing!! OH bringing me on a surprise night away today and I am excited. Bit of pampering and total relaxation will do us a world of good!!

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