The Really Useful TCM Thread

Ruby, how confusing, but glad you were able to identify potential OV and hopefully get in some quality BD'ing! Will your Mom require treatment for her condition? Glad they were at least able to figure out what caused it. Sounds like you had a wonderful acu session yesterday. Speaking of achy acu points, when I had my acu on Tuesday she put a needle near my left ovary (the one the fertility dr said I would ovulate from within a few days) and it hurt soooo bad. I actually yelled out, which normally at best I just kind of hold my breath. No clue if it means anything or if she just hit a nerve but I like to think that it was a result of a nice ripe eggie in the area. Hopefully a great sign for both of us since we seem to both be around OV at the same time.

Abster, I agree, DH will probably be more open to "testing" at home instead of going into a dr or having to drop off a sample. Best of luck when it arrives.

Fitzy, don't usually say this but hope the witch finds you asap so you can get back to making some nice ripe eggies with the higher dose of Clomid. I really hope this works out for you. I read something that I took as positive the other day on a fertility site. It said that if you're under the age of 40 that it's usually a matter of finding WHICH fertility medication will work for you and not IF they will work at all.

LuLu, good to hear from you again and hope you had a wonderful vacation. Awesome news on the post AF spotting, def a very very good sign. Acu is definitely working it's magic for you. I'm also considering stopping the b-50 complex I've been taking. Really hoping to move my ov forward.

Reba, also good news for you on less post AF spotting, I'm guessing it's a very good sign and that your post ov spotting may now start to lessen as well. Isn't acu awesome! What new vitamins are you going to be getting?

Fertility monitor went straight from Low yesterday to Peak this morning, no High in between. Very confusing as I haven't noticed any ewcm, only what I would describe as water creamy. Hope that's enough to give the swimmers a fighting chance. Have also used pre seed every time we BD to try to make up for the lack of fertile cm. If I have 3 days of sustained high temps FF should list today (cd 18) as ov. Very excited about that possibility because that would mean ov has pulled forward from cd 21 to cd 18 which is just on the late side of normal!!! We BD last night and the night before and plan to tonight as well. I think DH may be a bit depleted so really hope we get some strong swimmers. I checked my cervix last night and it was very high and very swollen, which is why I made sure we BD last night. This morning (when I got my peak) it's still high but feels a lot more firm so it's possible I may have ovulated yesterday afternoon and monitor is just picking it up today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and hopefully a long weekend for many of us. Supposed to be in mid 70s today and mid 80s tomorrow. Very unlike Michigan in early April but definitely not complaining. I have a feeling spring is going to be a good time for all of us. Here's to new beginnings :flower:
massive temp leap this morning so ov date CD40. not had a cycle this long since last september. very odd all in all - last cycle i managed to ov on day 29, still ages but CD40??!!!! oh well. can only keep everything crossed now in the hope a sperm has met an egg and they are doing the right thing in order for me to be pg. don't think i can cope with these stupid cycles much longer. if its the same again next cycle then i wont ov until May!!!! grrrrr :growlmad:

how's everyone else doing today?!
Hi all - well nothing much to report from me - still spotting away (on to day 5 today) Ive had about 6 days max spotting before so not sure how long this will last (hopefully AF will show this eve or tomorrow) - not that I want her to show at all and especially not tomorrow when i will be going out on the town (nothing worse than feeling like that on a night out). And even worse showing the day after a night on the town when i might have a little bit of a hangover!!!! Oh well - C'est la vie... Im sure a huge easter egg will make me feel alot better. :haha:

I might take a HPT with me this weekend just incase the witch doesnt show (i dont know why Im thinking like this cos this cycle is no different to any other cycle Ive had Im just living in hope.... need to get that idea out of my head cos it will all end in tears!

Oh and just found out another friend is pregnant - and Im nearly positive another friend might be telling me her good news at the weekend also - fecking sucks. She started trying in Jan and I havent seen her since then and she is the type to fall by looking at sperm so no doubt she is - really hope she isnt though cos she was really cocky last year when she said she was gonna start in jan and that she would most def fall pg the frist month cos shes so fertile etc... felt like kicking her in the fandango but i restrained myself - she didnt know about my problems of course at the time (she does now though). :growlmad:

Anyway hope you all have a nice Easter and get loads of chocolate eggs to see you though the next cycle.... must be good for our moods! x
Hi girls, hope your all ok.

My period is offically late...... I really have been distracted this month and not thought about it much at all for over a week now but......

Anyhow, I've done a HPT (POAS addict whe I get the chance) and I really think I can see a faint line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Ive pee'd on two more and they all look the same..

I've been feeling crampy but not quite AF, not right....... OMG could this actually be happening. Im going to test again in the morning...............
Hello girls... looks like Laummatt's answered your question about who'll be starting the TCM got me up the duff thread, Reba! Obviously early days and you'll be really cautious, but congratulations!! :happydance::happydance::flower::happydance::happydance::cloud9::cloud9:
(Obviously the celebrating could all be about a lovely long luteal phase as well, which is also good, just to keep bases covered :thumbup:). I think what kept me sane this week was telling myself I wasn't - although I didn't get anything like close to a positive test, or any test at all come to that. Now I'm seeing 2 days added to my LP as a lovely-ish thing. Anyway, fingers crossed for you!!

Hey Lulu, hope the break was really good for the two of you :hugs: - and hurrah for the reduced spotting :happydance::happydance:. Got any more lovely acu lined up?

Reba, dont' you take a test with you!! If you want my advice, don't ever do a test or start thinking it might be a possibility until after your period is due. Helps to keep me sane doing it that way. Boo for the spotting and I hope it gets sorted out very soon :hugs:
I'm with you on the announcements thing - I had another one today, from friends in australia, about their 3rd one. (I like fandango as much as hoo-haa :rofl::rofl::rofl: )

Bernina, yay for the high cervix and BD bonanza! :happydance:

Ruby - wow sorry ov happened so late. Fingers crossed for you, obviously, but if it's not to be this cycle, please try to keep your hopes up about what the acu can do for you. :hugs:

Will write up today's acu soon, but for now, I'm off.
Abi x
Well 7 tests later and its def a BFP :happydance:

I dont even know what Im thinking, I feel kind of shell shocked. I havent been very good this month either, eating what I want too much coke, cakes etc. I did start drinking green tea and taking Guaifenesin, also was put on new asthma medication which helps dampen my immune system.. who knows what helped, something did. Obviously the TCM rocks!!!!!
Well 7 tests later and its def a BFP :happydance:

I dont even know what Im thinking, I feel kind of shell shocked. I havent been very good this month either, eating what I want too much coke, cakes etc. I did start drinking green tea and taking Guaifenesin, also was put on new asthma medication which helps dampen my immune system.. who knows what helped, something did. Obviously the TCM rocks!!!!!

Ohmygosh I just logged in to see this - CONGRATULATIONS :happydance: so so so so happy for you. This is amazing - what a wondeful thing tcm is. This has given me such hope. If I remember correctly you have very similar cycles to me (short cycles and 7-8 dayLP??). I really hope I'll be joining you soon on the pregnant with TCM thread. Here is to a healthy and sticky little bean.


what WONDERFUL news - your very own little Easter egg! i'm so pleased for you. just what this thread needed - a BFP to keep us all going!

all thoughts and prayers with you for a H&H 9 months xxx
Hi everyone,

well I just logged in and saw Laummatt's news - how wonderful! Sending babydust to all of the rest of us.

Hope you are all having a good easter break. Abster - I need to get some more acu booked in. Unfortunately I can only see my acupuncturist on a Friday and the bank holiday has meant I couldnt see her yesterday. I am going to call first thing Tuesday to hopefully get something booked in for next week.

Well quick update - even though I havent been using OPKS etc I think I actually ovulated yesterday (CD15/16) as LOADS of EWCM and tummy cramps. I haven't had much/any EWCM over the last few months so hopefully this is a good sign even if my ov wasn't brought forward. Also the tummy cramps were much less painful than the last few months. This month I stopped the BVITS so I will have to see what/if any impact this has on my LP. I am so hoping that my LP would increase to at least 10 days - though Laummatt's news has given me more hope.

Reba - Sorry to hear that the spotting seems to be dragging on. I know how horrible it is. Makes it really really hard to try and 'relax' and forget about this whole ttc lark. It is a constant reminder.

Ruby - sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she is doing ok now.

I hope everyone has some good stuff planned for the weekend?

We picked up our furbaby last week and she is keeping me very busy. A great distraction from ttc!!

Love to you all x
Well 7 tests later and its def a BFP :happydance:!

Oh Laummat I am just so happy for you!!:happydance: Congratulations and hope you have an uber-sticky bean who is snuggling down for a comfy and healthy 9 month journey!

This thread really did need some more positive girls we just need to follow suit and head over to Up the Duff with TCM:haha: to ensure Laummat doesn't get lonely:hugs:

Reba Hope the spotting has either stopped or turned into proper flow.

Rubyloo Ovulation is ovulation...even if it did happen late. My cycle before starting accu I didn't ovulate til day 106 and after just 4 sessions I ovulated on day 60 of next cycle. So really did weem to work for that. Great that you managed to BD at the right time and hope you have good new to share in a few weeks!!

I'm still waiting on :witch: Hope she hurries up. No accu session for me this week but will be back next week. Still taking the pills!
Thanks everyone, seem surreal at the mo, thought Id be really excited but Im just holding back as its still so early.

Lulu, yes I did have a 7 day LP, 6 some months. I think it extended last cycle but I didnt temp that month so only guessed, and this month it worked!!

I've been having acu once a fortnight and the raw herbs. Along with lots of other self prescibed stuff!! I also just got my referral to a FS, funny how that always happens...

Really hoping it sticks, sending plenty of babydust all about. Want you to come join me.... SOON!!!!
Quing fitted me in on friday morning, so I didn't have to miss a session.

She was pleased about my 11-day LP. She said she'd spoken to somebody about temping and that 4-ish in the morning is too early really (like FF says) and that I need to do it about 6/7-ish every day. I reminded her that 3 hours' sleep and a regular temping time very rarely coincide when you're ttc #2, to which she said that I needn't worry too much about temps then, just do them when I can.

Lying on my front, I had the scalp needles, some in-and-outs on my upper back and a few needles in my lower back. Lovely heat on my back.

Lying on back, I had 3 needles in my tummy (ovaries and uterus) and several, very heavy, needles in my lower legs. Topped off with needles by my thumbs, one at the top of my nose (I was a bit mucousy last week). Heat on my tummy.

Guess what? Quing reckons my spleen is cured (in a good way, I've not pickled or smoked it!) and my liver's pretty much OK; it's just my damp retention and useless kidneys that need work still (think my cold uterus is a lot better, doesnt' really feel cold to the touch now). I'm allowed to drink a bit too!

Back on the dry herbs - theyr'e pretty much the same as at the beginning of my last cycle, but I'm not havin a problem with them now I'm mixing agave nectar with it once I've heated it up.

Laummatt, once it's sunk in are you going to head over to 1st tri and set up an "Up the duff with TCM" thread, or do you want to wait for a couple of us to join you?

Happy Easter everybody!
Abi x
Hi all, hope everyone had a very nice Easter.

Ruby, sorry ovulation was so late, but at least you did ovulate which is great. Fingers crossed that one of those sperm had a hot date with ms. eggie!!

Reba, hope you're doing well and that your spotting gets less and less with each cycle. I suffered with it for months and I know how unbelievably frustrating it is.

Laummatt, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :dance::dance:!! I'm always so excited when I get to break out the dancing smiley face!! A very happy, healthy and sticky 9 mos to you!!!

Lulu, yeah for ovulation and ewcm!! I also stopped the b vits recently to see if they were to blame for pushing back my ov so far. Congrats on the new furbaby, pictures please!!

Fitzy, looks like the Provera worked for you, see you're on cd 2 today. I really really hope the higher dosage of Clomid gets things moving for you!

Abster, that's wonderful news about your spleen and liver. Hopefully with those on the right track your body can focus more energy on correcting the damp and the kidneys.

Fertility Friend has indicated ovulation on cd 17 which is great news although my chart is not looking at all like it usually does. My post ov temps haven't been nearly as high as past months and I had no ewcm and only a little bit of what I'd call watery/creamy (was clear not cloudy though). We used a full plunger of pre-seed each time we did the BD around ov but I also feel like maybe we didn't get enough quality BD'ing in. I know from my chart the timing looks good, but 2 of those times DH was a bit dried up. He swears something did come out every time, but lets just say things took a LOONG time to finish and that usually indicates a depleted store from my experience. But I know, it only takes one swimmer to fertilize the egg, so fingers crossed there was a strong one on the team. Probably a side effect of the Clomid, but I had strong shooting pains around my left and right ovaries starting on cd 17 and lasting I think until cd 20. I could see if it was only on the left side where I think I ovulated from, but to have them on both sides was confusing. Also, I don't normally get pains like that so no clue what that was all about. Maybe Clomid made a stronger ovulation and therefore a stronger corpus luteum is pumping out progesterone (although you wouldn't know it by my temps).
Hi ladies,
I do pop in and out of this thread and need to catch up on alot of posts :blush:

I am currently going through my third miscarriage- a blighted ovum at 7 weeks. I have always thought my cycles were ok at 29-30 days and 15-17 days for ovulation (BBT, CMFM and CM monitoring) This being my third loss in almost 9 months when I am nearing my first loss due date is unbearable.

I have Dr Lewis' book and on first read thought my BBT said my LP is ok. with my B/O diagnosis I am inclined to think being 37 my egg quality is low and seeking ways to overcome this. Once again I have come up on TCM. I now think my erratic temps post ovulation may suggest a compromised egg quality.

Ok- so longwinded but I know googling will give me 100+ clinics in London (or surrounding areas) I want to start with ones that people may have tried and tested. Is there anyone who has a good acupuncturist and TCM in the London area?

I am googling away and top start with I came up with

Also Inga Heese came up through another thread

I would really appreciate a recommendation or perhaps someone your acupuncturist knows.

thank you so much-:cry:
Sorry Minimin...not living near London so can't help you there but am sure one of the other girls will point you in the right direction.

I am so sorry to hear about your must be so difficult. Thinking of you and hoping accu and tcm can do something to help :hugs:
Hi Minimin, so very sorry for your losses. And I totally understand your feelings as the due date for the first loss draws near. :hugs:

Sorry I'm not from London but I'm sure others will have some info for you soon.

Regarding egg quality, my acupuncturist recommended Royal Jelly to help with that (you can read more about it online). It can take up to 3 mos to work so if you decide it's right for you make sure to start as soon as possible. I tried taking the fresh stuff that I got at the whole foods store, but couldn't stomach the taste. Now I take freeze dried capsules with the rest of my vitamins. I use the YS Organics brand.

I am very pleased with the treatment received and progress made with my acupuncturist. I started back in mid January and at the time I was spotting both pre and post ovulation and now (fingers majorly crossed) it appears to be gone. My ovulation has also moved forward a bit (was cd 22 for several cycles, now at cd 17/18).

I really do think that acupuncture along with visiting your regular doctor or fertility specialist will provide you with some answers and treatment that can help boost your egg quality and get your hormone levels where they need to be at all stages in your cycle.

Best of luck and look forward to following your journey!
Hi Minimin, I'm ever so sorry for your losses. I hope you and your OH can find a way to cope with the miscarriage you're having at the moment; the anniversary must make it all the more difficult.
I can't recommend anywhere in London, as I don't know anywhere, but you could maybe try searching places approved by/affiliated to the British Acupuncture Council (think that's what it's called). You should be able to google it I think.
I definitely believe that TCM can help to rebalance your body. It may seem like a long way off at the moment, but it will happen for you.

Great that you're oving earlier Bernina!

Abi x
Fitzy, Bernina and Abster- Thank you so much ladies :hugs:

Will definitely be looking into Royal jelly as it has come up several times in my searches. I will also make sure where I go is affiliated by the BA- Thanks for that- My DH has a friend who knows someone {:shrug:} Who couldnt get past 7 weeks and is now 12 weeks after visiting an acupuncturist. I have asked DH to get those details as soon as poss.

I read a paper on CM and fetility and noted they talked about picking up problems in the first part of the cycle from BBT- I monitor mine but really was focusing on the post ov phase I know a drop could mean MC and low temps could mean low progesterone or something. Having gone back and with the idea that I may have low quality eggs I wonder if there is something in my follicular phase? :shrug:

Anyhoo- that is me just bantering my thoughts. I am off to the EPU tomorrow- Some more bleeding and pain but I really want this over with. If they can confirm the pregnancy has passed I will not have a D and C otherwise I am considering this.

Hopefully at the end of the week I will have a consultation booked. I'll keep you posted ladies :hugs:

hi Minimin - what an awful place to be. i'm so sorry. i'm afraid i can't help with the London search either, but would always suggest going with a recommendation and it sounds like you might have one of them. either way, look for someone who specialises in fertility issues - that's what i did. i read up on her online, including testimonials, then emailed her with my issues. she just does acu no herbs or anything but, apart from my very long irregular cycles which have yet to be sorted (i've only had about 8 sessions since jan....) any other problems such as mid cycle spotting have been bought under control. they do suggest that you'd need treatment for a minimum of 3 cycles, preferably 6, to really see results. based on her suggestions i've also made all sorts of lifestyle and dietry changes so be prepared for this! do keep us updated :thumbup:

right - as for me, i've got acu this afternoon. 6dpo and naturally its dragging like the devil! swing between feeling really positive to utterly miserable about it all. doesn't help that i'm on the school hols for two weeks and have more time and space to obsess :dohh: i hate this whole emotional rollacoaster with ttc - keeping that bit of your heart open to the fact that you might be pg, whilst making sure your firmly in control mentally to cope with the fact that you're probably not, ready to embrace yet another cycle. what a mare!!!

Hi All - I havent been on here since last friday so it took me a while to catch up with all thats happening.

Laumatt - fantastic news for you - congrats. Hope you have a H&H 9 months :flower:

As for me the spotting went on for 5 days and then on day 6 (at 6.30am) i woke with terrible pains and AF had arrived. The painkillers didnt work either (i needed Nuerofen but didnt have any in so had to do with Paracetamol). Took two and brought a hot water bottle to bed - which usually helps but it didnt either - lay in pain for an hr and half then took another 2 tablets and finally got back to sleep. Got Neurofen in the afternoon then which did the trick. So onto cycle 28 for me.... brilliant!

Im starting to think the acup isnt working for me.... I dont want to give up but the cost is outweighing the benefits at the moment - £80 every week for 7 weeks and now £80 every fortnight and im no better off - still spotting, still in pain - maybe its just not gonna work for me! I dont want to give up but at the same time cant seem to justify it - at least if the spotting got better I'd keep it up but onto 3rd cycle now with acup and no better. Im onto 2nd day post AF spotting now too.

Oh and as for finding out about friends being pregnant - the girl I thought was gonna be telling me at the weekend did - shes 7 weeks gone and I got it out of her.... And my other friend told me she has started too. Very happy for them but pissed off too - for myself!

I need to read back and see what the rest of you have been up to - alot of posts to catch up on!

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