The Really Useful TCM Thread

Fitzy, glad to hear you're feeling more positive this week. Bring on a fresh start and good things to come!

Abs, 10 day luteal phase so far, looking good!!

Reba, I'm so sorry that you're starting to spot. My body did that for the last 5 months and towards the end was spotting both pre and post ovulation. I'm not sure what helped with my spotting but I really believe it was acupuncture and the TCM herbs. The cycle the spotting stopped my practitioner started me on a new supplement called Vitanica Pregnancy Prep. You can read about it here and see the ingredients: Definitely discuss the spotting with your acupuncturist, there are things they can do (needles and herbs) that can help but it could take a few months. :hugs:

Blue, I also go weekly for acupuncture. The cost is dear and has cut into the money I normally put into savings but I'm not willing to give it up yet.

Mid cycle ultrasound is this afternoon. Over the weekend I thought I felt ovulation approaching but clear blue fertility monitor continues to report Low. Also haven't had any fertile quality cm but did notice my cervix is high and feels like it's getting softer. Really hope those eggies are rippening up nicely.
RebaSorry to hear about the s%#t. Any chance it could be IB...know it's prob just clutching at straws. Is your luteal phase usually that short and do you usually get spotting this early??

wait month for her to rock up. Hope this cycle is going ok for you x

I've had a lovely relaxing weekend and have gotten over my major disappointment last week. Keeping the chin's a tough road but giving up will do nothing!! OH bringing me on a surprise night away today and I am excited. Bit of pampering and total relaxation will do us a world of good!!

Hi Fitzy - well I was looking back and the spotting can start any where from 9DPO to 12DPO but usually around 10DPO so this is nothing unusual for me - and I was half think IB but thats just clutching at straws as you said - i can feel a tightening in my stomach like AF coming so I am 99.9% sure its just my normal spotting. And I thought an IB would be more pinkish and just a little bit where as mine is light brown. Its very early to be happening so I really need to mention this to the FS again when I get my appointment with her - which going back previous appointments might not be for another 6 months. Maybe I could get some progesterone cream or something that might help - will def be asking her for Clomid too.

Hope you have a lovely relaxing night away - would love a pamper session myself. :flower:
Reba, I'm so sorry that you're starting to spot. My body did that for the last 5 months and towards the end was spotting both pre and post ovulation. I'm not sure what helped with my spotting but I really believe it was acupuncture and the TCM herbs. The cycle the spotting stopped my practitioner started me on a new supplement called Vitanica Pregnancy Prep. You can read about it here and see the ingredients: Definitely discuss the spotting with your acupuncturist, there are things they can do (needles and herbs) that can help but it could take a few months. :hugs:

[Mid cycle ultrasound is this afternoon. Over the weekend I thought I felt ovulation approaching but clear blue fertility monitor continues to report Low. Also haven't had any fertile quality cm but did notice my cervix is high and feels like it's getting softer. Really hope those eggies are rippening up nicely.

Hi Bernina - I have mentioned the spotting to the acup DR and she gave me different black pills a few weeks ago but they havent done the trick either - maybe she will change them again when I go back this evening. And she also but needles in different places to help the spotting but nothing seems to be working - which makes me think my problem might be worse than i think (endo). I will continue with the acup for another month and see how that helps - just want to see some noticable difference cos its alot of money to not be benefiting from it.

Hope the ultrasound goes well and you have loads of ripe eggies waiting for you.... :thumbup:
Nothing yet... 11dpo/cd29. I used to have cycles of 25, 27 or 31 days before having #1. Continued roughly the same once they came back in Sept 08, but the last time I had a cycle longer than 27 days was june last year (31).
I'm not doing anything until I get to 31 days - might test on wednesday night if still nothing. Not taking any notice on symptoms, although I know what they are, because I started getting them regularly once I started charting in august and was twice taken in by them and horribly disappointed when the hag arrived. For the moment I'm :ignore: so don't anybody tell me to test. I want to wait til I'm pretty sure and won't talk to Quing til I've got to 31 days (after all, havent' I been after getting a longer LP as a means to getting pregnant?!).

Thanks for all the positivity! I'm expecting it all to go tits-up though, as it has been for the past 17 months! Less disappointing that way.Do I sound like a nutter?
Abi x
abs - i've got everything crossed for you.....everything xxx

blue - i cried like a complete loon during acu last week. tends to release stuff (i pent things up terribly - maybe some of my problems stem from this?!) i would just keep going with it and just let yourself cry. it is good!

reba - how crappy about the spotting. not what you need at all. i spotted mid cycle again this month but fortunately the acu i had stopped it. i've also noticed spotting a couple of days before af the last two cycles but hope the acu will control this too. i know its hard but try and keep positive....:hugs:

if FF is correct then i'm 6dpo with quite a major temp dip. this month is odd because i usually get mega sore boobs right after ov but not this time - i do, however, keep getting quite unpleasant stabbing pains in them esp round the sides....but who knows. depending on what my temp does in the morning FF might move ov date (again....seriously...its a comeplet mare...)

aside from that my mum was rushed into hospital this morning with a problem with her heart. she has no history of heart problems and her blood pressure is fine. my dad kinda brushed things aside and said everything was ok, but i could tell he was really worried because he kept talking and he never talks much on the phone. i'm feeling really wobbly about it all - my mum is quite old - and now in a state of panic that she'll die before i manage to get pregnant......its probably my worst nightmare. don't mean to sound all doom and gloom, sorry. anyway, so feeling super emotional and super fragile and will prob cry like a baby in acu on wed. great.

i sometimes feel like i just wish the world would stop, for five minutes you know? this year has been crap so far. please someone have some good news soon!!!!
Ultrasound went well. Lining is nice and thick at 12mm, I guess 8 is considered good so I think my acupuncture is doing it's thing and the Clomid doesn't seem to have hurt things in that department.

Took them a while to find my follicles but eventually located the dominant one on the left side. Looks like it's around 18mm (I forget exact size) and he said it's looking good. They continue to grow about 2mm/day so I should ovulate in the next 2-3 days if all goes well.

No guarantees of course but at least I know we have a real shot this month. Told me to keep up the Clomid for another 4 cycles (if needed) and then to come back if not preg by that time. Also when I do get my BFP will go back and determine if progesterone or other support is needed to maintain pregnancy. Was very pleased that he brought that up on his own as I was wondering if I should go on it as a preventative measure due to previous losses.

So now DH and I need to get down to some baby making sessions over the next few days!!

Can't wait to share the good news with my acupuncturist tomorrow. Really think I owe her for the nice thick lining and lack of spotting!!!
bernina - that's wonderful news! so glad the acu and clomid together seem to be working for you xxx good luck and enjoy baby making xxx :happydance:
Hi girls, sorry I'm not replying to anybody at the moment - am in a rush now so am planning to get back to everybody properly later today.
Well, I was right not to get excited, bitch got me this morning, cd30. So I had a 29-day cycle with an 11-day LP. Forgive me if I'm not celebrating a slightly longer LP at the moment, but I'm pleased really. You know how it is... Have just ordered a home sperm test from access diagnostics. He hardly drinks, doesn't smoke, has a predominantly veggie diet with plenty of seeds, fruit and veg, exercises, wears boxer shorts and has been taking various supplements I've been giving him since november. GOing to get him a high-strength antioxidant to cover everything and help with his psoriasis too.
So no 2010 baby but 2011 here we come. I'm glad I kept telling myself there was nothing doing the last couple of days.
Abi x
Hi Ladies

Abi - what a balls AF showed up - but dont despair.... onwards and upwards.... More :sex: for you. Maybe the longer LP will help you this cycle. :thumbup:

Bernina - Thats great the ultrasound went well - hope you get lucky this month - we are def due another BFP on this Thread.... soon!

Rubyloo - sorry to hear your mother is not well - hopefully its nothing too serious. Take care and try not to stress too much. x

Well I had my 8th Acup session last night. Told her I was spotting again so she put a few needles in my wrist which i think is suppose to help - it might off cos not too much this am when i got up - must go to loo now though cos can feel AF pains. Other than that she just put the needles in the usual places - head, legs, feet. I was a bit cold though so every time i started to drop off a shiver came over me and i woke again - so wasnt the most enjoyable but still nice to just lie somewhere quiet and calm for 50 mins!!!

Anyway lets all hope and pray for our BFP's this month - we deserve it now!
Abs Sorry to hear she got you. Know exactly what you mean when you say you're glad you didn't get hopes up too much because it's so hard when it all goes tits up!! Yes I know it's little consolation but an 11 day LP is considered're past the 10 day watershed...who knows what next month will bring?? In the meantime big :hugs:

Bernina [/B You don't know how happy I am to hear your good news. Nice thick lining and a Big Fat Follie..I am's what I aspire to!! Enjoy the BD'ing and go catch that eggie:winkwink:
abs - so sorry to hear the old cow got you. i'm impressed with your attitude though, not letting the build up get to you and all that! nothing wrong with a 2011 baby - it's what we're all looking at now i reckon. and an 11 day lp is brilliant...lots of time for your body to do what it needs to do to support a baby x

i promised myself i'd be pregnant by the time i'm 30 - i've still got 8 months but i'd much rather be close to having a baby by that time. oh well!

my mum is out of hospital and ok - they are not sure why her heart was doing funny stuff (done all sorts of tests and no apparant reason....), anyway, she phoned me earlier and it ws good to hear her sounding alright. i was defo shaken up by it all....

my pregnant best friend is fast approaching her 8th week. i can't believe its going so fast....i'll never catch her up at this rate....
Ruby, so glad to hear that your Mom is doing better, can't imagine how scary that must have been for you and your family.

Abster, sorry the hag got you but I really am happy about the 11 day lutueal phase. Mine is at 12 days and acupuncturist and dr don't seem concerned about it's length. Hope DH's sperm analysis comes back sky high of quality swimmers. Sounds like he's doing everything right.

Baby Dust and Sticky glue to us all!!

just got a + OPK. a little smiley face grinning back at me. i didn't have any left but when i went to the loo earlier (tmi warning) i was more than a little 'moist' shall we say :blush: just absolute tonnes of blummin' EWCM. quick trip to ASDA and back - hey presto. so FF has changed its tune AGAIN this cycle. time to jump on the bding bandwagon once more.
Thanks for all that girls :hugs:

Blue - I say go with the emotions. I've never been able to hide my feelings and have never tried to learn how to either. Bottling things up never helped anyone. I've heard it said that all sorts of alternative therapies can release a lot of emotion - certainly reflexology, massage and acu.

Rubyloo - very glad to hear your mum's OK :thumbup: What a relief for you! Do you think it's possible it may have been some kind of panic attack? My uncle was rushed to hospital possibly having a heart attack last year and the thinking is that it was a panic attack, pure and simple.
Good to hear you're nice and moist (hope I'm not making myself sound inappropriately interested in the workings of your hoo-ha :blush: You know what I mean. Get in there! Ruddy FF. I had to override it this month; it told me I ovulated somewhere between CD 13 and 25. Why, thank you. :dohh:

Bernina - great news about your lining and follicles! :thumbup: I know what you mean about having a shot. Lots of luck to you!! Reba and Ruby are right - we really need some astoundingly good news on here... soon!
I've not told OH I've ordered the sperm kit yet, just figure it'll be less hassle than trying to get him to go to the GP.

Reba - hope the needles are helping with the spotting. I really believe it'll help clear it up for you; it can just take a little while to sort you out, as I'm finding. If we're all patient for each other, maybe we'll forget our own reasons to be impatient.
I reckon whoever gets pregnant first needs to start the TCM got me up the duff thread on the 1st Trimester board. What do you think?!

Fitzy - Where are you in your cycle now lovely? Are you taking the provera again, to bring on a bleed? Do your FS and you have a plan? Higher dose of clomid? Sorry I can't remember :hugs: TCM will do it for us all - I'm certain the herbs I took helped with my LP.

Shaerichelle - how're you doing? Not seen you on here in a little while.

Glitterqueen - how goes the build-up to ov? Fingers crossed!

Hope I've not missed anybody out :flower:
Abi x
Hey Abs,
Yeah am waiting on period now after provera. Then it's 150 mg of Clomid(third time lucky and all that!!) and if that doesn't result in ovulation it's injections for me!! :shrug: Up the Duff with TCM...Bring it on!!
hi all!

fitzy - fingers crossed for af then the 150mg dose of clomid.....sounds like your ovaries need a good kick to get them into action!

abs - my mum had something called an 'aortic filbrulation' (?????spelling?????) which means the top bit of her heart wasn't actually beating properly, or something...anyway, just spoken to her again and she seems fine, just very worn out. at least that's one less thing to worry about! as for your interest in my 'hoo ha' :)haha::haha::haha: oh that made me laugh) it kinda goes with the territory of ttc. its all about our bodies and more specficially about that part of our bodies!

managed to bd last night - no chance this am as DH slept in and had to rush off, but will try again tonight. the advice on my CB digi OPK packet is that you have sex on the day you get your smiley face and the day after. ....not much more i can do really. oh, and still waiting for a significant temp rise but am expecting that tomorrow. watch this space!
Hi ladies

I haven't been on here for a little while as have been on holiday. DH and I thought we needed one after the year we've had (we haven't had one since losing Gabriel last August). Unfortunately the old witch got me on holiday but it was much easier to cope with in paradise! Although I had 2 days of spotting before AF it only lasted 3 days with NO spotting after! Amazing!! I normally spot up to CD12!

I think I said before that I have decided to stop using OPKs and 'try to relax' (easier said than done!) - well I think my ov came forward this month (though obviously I can't be sure). Interestingly I also stopped the Bvits this month - I think they may have delayed my ov. There was a post on here about this topic a while back...

Anyway hoping to get some acu in soon - I haven't had it for a couple of weeks due to holiday. I'm feeling more positive this month so we shall see how things go.

Baby dust to everyone - I will try and catch up with the rest of this thread.

Love Lisa x
Hi Lulu - thats great about the spotting - i too spot up to about CD12 and I know last month it was a wee bit less (post AF) so hoping this month it will be even lesser. However saying that I started spotting pre AF at 9DPO so a bit disappointed in that. It was very light for the past two days and I was even hoping that it might go away but low and behold it got heavier today so nothings changed in that department. Fecking spotting makes your period last for ages - poor DH is always deprived when ive got AF..... :winkwink:

Glad you had a nice holiday too - think I might be due one of those soon also - need some sun - lacking in Vitamin D :haha:
Thanks for all that girls :hugs:

[Reba - hope the needles are helping with the spotting. I really believe it'll help clear it up for you; it can just take a little while to sort you out, as I'm finding. If we're all patient for each other, maybe we'll forget our own reasons to be impatient.
I reckon whoever gets pregnant first needs to start the TCM got me up the duff thread on the 1st Trimester board. What do you think?!

Hope I've not missed anybody out :flower:
Abi x

Abi - Think the acup might of made the spotting less for the past 2 days (i was half hoping it was going away and I was finally going to get my BFP) but unfortunatly it got heavier today and the old familiar feelings of AF coming started too - oh well another month of trying!

I cant wait for the TCM got me up the duff thread..... I wonder who will get to start it????

Other than that nothing much else to report. Should be due AF on Monday but the spotting started earlier so maybe Saturday - happy Easter to me!

Reading the Radine Lewis book im gonna get some extra vitamins this month and get more health foods into me. Also gonna bath feet in hot water ever night and use a hot water bottle or heat pad on my stomach. And do some femural massage to get the blood flowing to the uterus. Will also try to get out for a walk most evenings - if this bloody weather picks up. And I might try to avoid too much :sex: until day before OV - save the little :spermy: up for a few days!
hello lulu! i often get mid cycle spotting and sometimes also spot for two days before af. i have found acu to be really effective in this respect - i had mid cycle spotting earlier this cycle and it stopped the day after acu. it really is great stuff.

reba - fingers crossed for you this cycle....defo like the idea of saving up the :spermy:! they do say doing too often depleats the little swimmers!

acu this afternoon. lovely, relaxing session. my prac was thrilled to hear about the positive opk and also about the EWCM - apparently lots of this shows good, strong Qi which is what i've been lacking. she is still a little mystified by my strange cycles, particularly in view of my cycle history which was previously nice and regular! she is confident, though, that continued treatment will sort it all out. had needles in the tops of my feet (liver energy), outside of my ankles, inside of shins and on my ovaries - these ones really pulled and were quite achey. a couple of 'in outs' on my stomach and i was done. she was very pleased with my pulse - didn't need any heart points doing this week. got a session next week then she's away on holiday. she said the week of my cycle she would be missing is the least important.....and is going to keep things crossed for conception this cycle. just gotta jump on DH again tonight, which is going to be tricky as he's stuck at work until late and will be a) tired and b) grumpy when he gets home! (nice undies might be required :winkwink:)

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