The Really Useful TCM Thread

Well spotting isnt normally due until CD26 which is tomorrow (last month it came on CD23 which was weird) so I'd say its gonna show as normal. I started taking MACA last month too so we'll see if that helps.
Reba any news on the spotting? Keeping everything crossed that it keeps away and you get a lovely BFP. we need some more on this thread! xxx

Hi Lulu - no spotting yet - CD27 and 11DPO at the moment - I still feel her coming though so not really hopeful. I was gonna test this am and took a sample but dumped it again cos once I had taken it I felt the witch was on route - so not wasting any tests. It might be the MACA thats keeping it away this month?

Yeah keep everything crossed for me - it would be great to not have to do the HSG and the clomid in the next few months - but as I said Im not feeling too hopeful!

Hope you have a nice weekend! :thumbup:
Hi Reba - thats great news about no spotting!!! Keeping everything crossed you get your BFP. But even if not thats a great improvement with no spotting.:happydance:

I might have to read up on MACA..... havent heard of that before.... I am going belts and braces next month. I want my BFP!!! I want I want I want!!

Have a great weekend ! Keep us posted - baby dust baby dust baby dust

Hey girls. I havent been on here much lately, Ive been really ill! Have just tried to catch up with your posts and Im really praying for some more BFPs. I will keep popping back in to see how everyone is doing, dying to know that it works miracles for more of us.
A while ago some one asked if their herbs etc changed through the month, just to say that mine never changed, I just took the same ones all month and had acu fortnightly. I guess we all get treated slightly differently.

Everything is well (now) here, baby is 12+2 weeks due Dec 8th. Had our scan today and all looks well. But boy ohh boy have I been ill, ended up in hosp last week on a drip... yuk, have never thrown up quite so much in my life. nice!

All be worth it and I am feeling better now (last 3 days anyhow!)

Good luck all, I hope TCM works in magic on everyone x
Hi Reba - thats great news about no spotting!!! Keeping everything crossed you get your BFP. But even if not thats a great improvement with no spotting.:happydance:

I might have to read up on MACA..... havent heard of that before.... I am going belts and braces next month. I want my BFP!!! I want I want I want!!

Have a great weekend ! Keep us posted - baby dust baby dust baby dust


Hi lulu - there's a thread on hear dedicated to macs-I'll post the link . A good few have got their bfp after taking it. It's a root for the Peruvian mountains. All natural, no hormones but it balances your hormones- good for men and women but haven't managed to get DH on it yer!

Bfp's for us both soon :) and of course the rest of the ladies on here!!
Hey girls. I havent been on here much lately, Ive been really ill! Have just tried to catch up with your posts and Im really praying for some more BFPs. I will keep popping back in to see how everyone is doing, dying to know that it works miracles for more of us.
A while ago some one asked if their herbs etc changed through the month, just to say that mine never changed, I just took the same ones all month and had acu fortnightly. I guess we all get treated slightly differently.

Everything is well (now) here, baby is 12+2 weeks due Dec 8th. Had our scan today and all looks well. But boy ohh boy have I been ill, ended up in hosp last week on a drip... yuk, have never thrown up quite so much in my life. nice!

All be worth it and I am feeling better now (last 3 days anyhow!)

Good luck all, I hope TCM works in magic on everyone x[/QUOT

hey L

can't believe your feeling that sick- I really hope it passes soon :)

And great news the scan went well too - I suppose you'll be telling everyone now( if u haven't already that is?)

Still no spotting for me but my stomach is in knots and I can feel the old bag trying to get out- but if she arrives tomorrow that's a 12 day LP so haven't had one that long in a while which is good I suppose

anyway must go-feel better soon :)
Thanks.. Not rying to get your hopes up at all....but... when I just found out I was convinced AF was on her way, crampy for days and even up till 8 weeks or so. Fingers crossed for you.

Yes people know now which is a relief as Im being so miserable and to be honest I have a considerable bump already, so no more hiding. Second baby thing I guess. Feeling better all the time and Ive actually had a few meals too!!

I'll keep checking back

Baby dust x x
Hi girls, gosh it's quiet in here! Hope everyone is ok.

Reba, I hope the witch didn't show up for you.

Laummatt, sorry to hear your having a rough time with the pregnancy. Did TCM work for you?

I think I'm out for this month, I've been really sick and I think I should have O'ed this weekend or now! I'm feeling too sick to do anything about it though with a horrible chest infection. I havn't really noticed any EWCM though which I always get, but I'm thinking the antibiotics and meds I'm on are affecting it. Oh and I've ordered the book by Radine Lewis, just waiting for it to arrive!

Accu appointment this Friday so hopefully he can make me feel better.
hey laummatt!

ditto here on the sickness front - i was at the emergency GP two weeks ago for anti-sickness treatment. not keeping a thing down. i'm still feeling sick as hell and pretty depressed and miserable with it. i'm approaching 11 weeks and babs due around the 21st dec. the thought, sight and smell of food are enough to set me off! i tend to be sick every morning without fail and haven't had a proper meal for weeks. i've lost 1/2 a stone which is not great. i'm just hoping and praying it passes soon! i know its great to be expecting but i just wish i felt better - its so hard to be positive when you're this sick!

anyway - still hanging on for some more bfps ladies.......!
Hi ladies

hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm 5dpo - nothing exciting to report my end and think I'm out this month as didn't dtd at the right time.

Any BFPs?!

Reba - I'm still keeping everything crossed for you. Has the witch stayed away?


Im feeling better now, have my moments but no where near as bad as I was, stopped at 12 weeks pretty much bang on. Im 13 now and even managed to eat a 3 course meal at a wedding Sat!! Yay!! Were so close its cool, Im due Dec 8.

Hoping you recover really soon, its hard to be happy about it when your so ill, but we know you will be as soon as you stop feeling like death!
Hi ladies

Well no spotting on Sat (12DPO) - so i tested - BFN.... :cry: (wasnt too upset cos I knew I wasnt)
No spotting sunday (13DPO)- started to get hopes up....
No spotting monday (14DPO) - hopes up even higher
Then Monday afternoon the dreaded spotting showed up
Tuesday (15DPO) - had blood and spotting
Today (16DPO) back to dark black/brown spotting no blood. So annoying cos I need to get AF before Fri so that I can book the HSG for nxt Fri... typical.

I think the MACA messed up the cycle this month. I thought I was just havign one day of spotting on Mon when I started bleeding red on Tues but it went back to spotting - I thought the Acup and the MACA were finally working their magic but no it doesnt seem like that. OH well onto another cycle nearly..... Maybe I was secretly stressed about the HSG and that was delaying AF too.....

Acup tonight so she'll prob take my pulse just to confirm Im not "up the duff"!!!! :)
Hi ladies

Well no spotting on Sat (12DPO) - so i tested - BFN.... :cry: (wasnt too upset cos I knew I wasnt)
No spotting sunday (13DPO)- started to get hopes up....
No spotting monday (14DPO) - hopes up even higher
Then Monday afternoon the dreaded spotting showed up
Tuesday (15DPO) - had blood and spotting
Today (16DPO) back to dark black/brown spotting no blood. So annoying cos I need to get AF before Fri so that I can book the HSG for nxt Fri... typical.

I think the MACA messed up the cycle this month. I thought I was just havign one day of spotting on Mon when I started bleeding red on Tues but it went back to spotting - I thought the Acup and the MACA were finally working their magic but no it doesnt seem like that. OH well onto another cycle nearly..... Maybe I was secretly stressed about the HSG and that was delaying AF too.....

Acup tonight so she'll prob take my pulse just to confirm Im not "up the duff"!!!! :)

Oh no so sorry to hear the witch got you :growlmad:

I know it seems like little consolation but at least you had a great length LP (mine is only 10 days - would love to lengthen it further).

Stress does have such a big impact on cycles - I am only 7dpo but feel like I am going to get AF any minute. Think its because we are trying to move house and feel ready to explode with the stress of solicitors and annoying buyers/vendors.

Good luck with your HSG. I am seeing a gynaecologist on Tuesday - have decided to see privately as I have BUPA though if I need fertility treatment I will have to pay for. At least hoping the initial scans and investigations will be covered.

Hi Lulu - thanks - Im not too upset this month about getting AF.

Yeah moving house is pretty stressful - and TTC on top of it all is even worse! Good luck with the move. :thumbup:

I've booked my HSG for next friday so hopefully AF will be gone by then cos they said it needs to be completely finished for them to perform the x-ray and usually I have about 7-8 days of AF and post AF spotting so i really hope itsgone by next fri - otherwise I have to wait another month - nightmare!period is slowly but surely coming out - my stomach feels like Im having contractions but the blood isnt flowing (TMI) yet but it will be by this evening Id say - my legs are so heavy too - i really need some nuerofen but gonna try to stay away from it - will use hot water bottle instead and some paracetamol.

My acup last night was nice and relaxing too - kept dozing off as usual. Next appointment is in 3 weeks - trying to space them out more cos need the money for my summer holiday which I hope to book this week or next - spain at the end of August for 10 days all going to plan.
Hello everyone, :flower:

I am checking out this thread because I feel as though I need to be doing something different. I graduated massage therapy school and was good with energy work but I never followed in that path. It feels as though I fell off the wagon. I remember being in school and how good I felt with positive energies and massaging the pain out...felt so good. So here I search of that feeling..... :hugs:

As for me: Well like my ticker thing says....I have Stage 3 endo...probably having another lap this month if I get a BFN. I have read a few posts on some of you having Endo and alot of TCM has helped them...Boy do I need to know what to do on that. My gut tells me that I shouldn't have done a lap because I am still in tremendous pain. With that comes pain pills and eating the wrong foods and not wanting to work out... because of the pain. My OH and I have a donor but really only have him until Jan 2011....he leaves for Afgan then... So I am pressed on time with him. He is super great, healthy, and has amazing values. So I am hoping to get BFP from him and not a donor bank.

Have any of you gotten a BFP with Endo after any TCM method? I am taking alot of vitamins and maca. I am debating whether to continue with the clomid because the side effects are body is sensitive to meds. Just looking for something "else" to help with my TTC journey......

Sorry if this seems daunting. Just not sure what to do...kinda confused about all of this.... lol
Hi Lulu - thanks - Im not too upset this month about getting AF.

Yeah moving house is pretty stressful - and TTC on top of it all is even worse! Good luck with the move. :thumbup:

I've booked my HSG for next friday so hopefully AF will be gone by then cos they said it needs to be completely finished for them to perform the x-ray and usually I have about 7-8 days of AF and post AF spotting so i really hope itsgone by next fri - otherwise I have to wait another month - nightmare!period is slowly but surely coming out - my stomach feels like Im having contractions but the blood isnt flowing (TMI) yet but it will be by this evening Id say - my legs are so heavy too - i really need some nuerofen but gonna try to stay away from it - will use hot water bottle instead and some paracetamol.

My acup last night was nice and relaxing too - kept dozing off as usual. Next appointment is in 3 weeks - trying to space them out more cos need the money for my summer holiday which I hope to book this week or next - spain at the end of August for 10 days all going to plan.

Hey reba
boo for the witch!! Just reading your post remionded me of advice i had read if you r trying to bring on a period or help with bleeding take 1000mg vit c 3 time a day- i used to take it all the time but was advised not to ad it can cause bleeding. Also try baby asprin as it thins the blood and might make your period more productive- just a few things i picked up over the months hope u don't mind me suggesting them. u might need to build up the dose of vit c as too much too soon can lead to major runny bums ahhhh TMI xxx
I am on day 14 no positive ov yet but i usually ov day 16. cm looking better than last month due to upping the evening primrose oil and drinking cough bottles lol!! b'd every other day until positive etc trying the sperm meets egg plan also considering the pre seed ? hope all your procedures go well xx
Hi ladies

Well no spotting on Sat (12DPO) - so i tested - BFN.... :cry: (wasnt too upset cos I knew I wasnt)
No spotting sunday (13DPO)- started to get hopes up....
No spotting monday (14DPO) - hopes up even higher
Then Monday afternoon the dreaded spotting showed up
Tuesday (15DPO) - had blood and spotting
Today (16DPO) back to dark black/brown spotting no blood. So annoying cos I need to get AF before Fri so that I can book the HSG for nxt Fri... typical.

I think the MACA messed up the cycle this month. I thought I was just havign one day of spotting on Mon when I started bleeding red on Tues but it went back to spotting - I thought the Acup and the MACA were finally working their magic but no it doesnt seem like that. OH well onto another cycle nearly..... Maybe I was secretly stressed about the HSG and that was delaying AF too.....

Acup tonight so she'll prob take my pulse just to confirm Im not "up the duff"!!!! :)

I had lost this thread - glad to have found it - is it just me or is it in a new section recently. Anyway,

So sorry RebaRebellza about af - I wish it was different for you. Very glad that you are going to have an hsg. That is very important information.

:dust: to everyone!!!
Hi Girls,

Reba, hope AF starts in full swing and gets out of the way for the HSG, theres nothing worse than the waiting, waiting, waiting we do while TTC. Glad you're not feeling too bad about AF showing up.

lulu, hope the moving house is going ok and you can start to relax a bit more now. I keep meaning to say the pic of that puppy in your avatar is gorgeous, such a cute face.

TntArs, welcome! Sorry to hear about your endo, I have read about people having great results with TCM and my accupuncturist says he can help. I'm in the "suspected" endo catergory atm until I get a lap to confirm. My TCM practioner won't treat me for it until it's confirmed as he doesn't think thats what I have. Maybe purchase the book by Randine Lewis "The Infertility Cure" . Thats what the girls here recommended and I just recieved mine today O:)

Well I had my appointment this morning and got in trouble lol! I've been really sick with flu/chest infection and been on antibiotics. I was told I should have gone straight to him and he would have been able to fix me up. Apparently I've taken a bit of a step backwards now. My pulse was bad as was my tongue coating. I've been eating really badly so he's advised me to almost fast. Just have chicken soup, ginger tea with honey. I'm now armed with some herbs and I think I can kiss a BFP goodbye this month. I do feel silly for not going to Adam sooner I guess I just think of him for fertility and went straight to my normal G.P. :blush:
Hi Girls,

Reba, hope AF starts in full swing and gets out of the way for the HSG, theres nothing worse than the waiting, waiting, waiting we do while TTC. Glad you're not feeling too bad about AF showing up.

lulu, hope the moving house is going ok and you can start to relax a bit more now. I keep meaning to say the pic of that puppy in your avatar is gorgeous, such a cute face.

TntArs, welcome! Sorry to hear about your endo, I have read about people having great results with TCM and my accupuncturist says he can help. I'm in the "suspected" endo catergory atm until I get a lap to confirm. My TCM practioner won't treat me for it until it's confirmed as he doesn't think thats what I have. Maybe purchase the book by Randine Lewis "The Infertility Cure" . Thats what the girls here recommended and I just recieved mine today O:)

Well I had my appointment this morning and got in trouble lol! I've been really sick with flu/chest infection and been on antibiotics. I was told I should have gone straight to him and he would have been able to fix me up. Apparently I've taken a bit of a step backwards now. My pulse was bad as was my tongue coating. I've been eating really badly so he's advised me to almost fast. Just have chicken soup, ginger tea with honey. I'm now armed with some herbs and I think I can kiss a BFP goodbye this month. I do feel silly for not going to Adam sooner I guess I just think of him for fertility and went straight to my normal G.P. :blush:

I sure do hope you get to feeling better soon! Thats no fun being sick. How involved are you with the ACU? seems (if your fasting) that your pretty involved. How has it helped you?

I think I may look into that book. IDK if there is an ACU where I live. I know they do reflexology. Does that help at all?:hugs:
Hi All

Thanks Glitterqueen for the suggestions but AF showed up in full swing by the afternoon - and it was heavy but I wasnt in that much pain - no painkillers until bedtime cos I knew I wouldnt be able to sleep without them. So all in all I only had 3 days of spotting (2 less that usual) and the period was so managable I was shocked - I really think the MACA has worked wonders for me. So if I stop bleeding by tomorrow or sun at latest I should be all clear (of post AF spotting) by next Friday and the HSG should be able to go ahead as planned. :happydance: :wacko: :happydance:

TnT - Welcome to the thread. I think you should def get the Radine Lewis book "the infertility cure" - its full of advice and tips for people with endo etc. Reflexology is suppose to be good too - i did it once or twice but never continued.
Reba - really glad to hear the maca seems to be working. Sorry I know this isn't a maca thread but could you let me know where you got yours from and how much and when you take it? My af is due Monday so will prob buy some this weekend so I can try for next months cycle. Thanks!

Hope the af goes away quickly.


hi everyone else! Glad to see the thread has had more activity.

Hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the sun


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