The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi Girls

Just thought i'd pop back and say hi!.. i hope you are all doing well. Also just to let you know, i went to see a private sonographer a while ago and she was really interested in the whole TCM and how it worked for my PCOS. She said the medical industry are starting to look more and more into it's benefits and how it can help. She has also heard lots of good stories!..

Good Luck Girls! x
Hi All

Thanks Glitterqueen for the suggestions but AF showed up in full swing by the afternoon - and it was heavy but I wasnt in that much pain - no painkillers until bedtime cos I knew I wouldnt be able to sleep without them. So all in all I only had 3 days of spotting (2 less that usual) and the period was so managable I was shocked - I really think the MACA has worked wonders for me. So if I stop bleeding by tomorrow or sun at latest I should be all clear (of post AF spotting) by next Friday and the HSG should be able to go ahead as planned. :happydance: :wacko: :happydance:

TnT - Welcome to the thread. I think you should def get the Radine Lewis book "the infertility cure" - its full of advice and tips for people with endo etc. Reflexology is suppose to be good too - i did it once or twice but never continued.

Thank you. :hugs: I think I am going to get the book this weekend at Borders...hopefully. I definitely wanna start trying something else because my drs wont let me take anything for pain besides plain tylenol. And my pain is too much and I think i wont get BFP if I am under constant pain from the endo...I just want to see if something ACU or reflex will help me through it....thank you soo much. I really do want to get that book though cause I am curious on what they say about Endo. :shrug:

Thank you again
Hey ladies
just got a really strong positive on ov stick - day 15 one day earlier than normal and loads of ewcm- must be all that evening primrose have been taking so fingers crossed for next few days of b'd and a sticky bean xxx
Hello girls, I'm back! Just caught up on all the posts - must say, the thread's been a bit quiet on and off, hasn't it? Hello newbies :hi:

tnt - it sounds like you're in a terrible amount of pain; hope you find a qualified TCM prac and can get some help very soon. Reflexology can be very helpful for fertility, but it's not as effective or proven as TCM. I used to have massage and reflexology regularly, but had to stop it until I'm pregnant as weekly TCM treatments are pricey and I decided it was best to put all my eggs in a chinese basket! Reflexology is fab though.
Def get the Randine book - I got mine very cheap, second-hand on Amazon.

Hey daydream - I always turn to TCM for medical treatment now, unless I need antibiotics, which I only use for cystitis (had it about a month ago). I've been treated very effectively for a chest infection and a throat infection so far - the little herbal pills worked really quickly both times.

Grrr,I sem to have something go wrong every month. AF started the same day as my throat infection this cycle and then my period was lighter than usual, but 9 days long as opposed to the usual 6. I usually ov on CD 17/18-ish, but here I am on CD 19 and am still inundated with EWCM. THat's not a bad thing necessarily, as last night was the first chance we had to do anything about it, having had #1 in bed with us a lot when we were on holiday. Maybe I'll have a long cycle with a long LP, rather than a crappy 9 days. Got really excited about an 11-day LP a couple of cyc;es ago, but I've gone back to 9 days. On the upside though, since I stopped having bananas and nuts the damp seems to have got a little better. HAving treatments tomorrow and friday, to make up for 2 weeks without treatment. Had one on 24th, the day we went away, but I can't remember much to tell you about it.

Hey Carrie29, thanks for popping in :flower:

HOpe you both feel beautifully pregnant, rather than disgustingly ill, very soon, Laummatt and Ruby :hugs:

I know you're fed up about AF reba, but it is great that you had less spotting :happydance:

Back tomorrow sometime

Abi x
Hello girls, I'm back! Just caught up on all the posts - must say, the thread's been a bit quiet on and off, hasn't it? Hello newbies :hi:

tnt - it sounds like you're in a terrible amount of pain; hope you find a qualified TCM prac and can get some help very soon. Reflexology can be very helpful for fertility, but it's not as effective or proven as TCM. I used to have massage and reflexology regularly, but had to stop it until I'm pregnant as weekly TCM treatments are pricey and I decided it was best to put all my eggs in a chinese basket! Reflexology is fab though.
Def get the Randine book - I got mine very cheap, second-hand on Amazon.

Hey daydream - I always turn to TCM for medical treatment now, unless I need antibiotics, which I only use for cystitis (had it about a month ago). I've been treated very effectively for a chest infection and a throat infection so far - the little herbal pills worked really quickly both times.

Grrr,I sem to have something go wrong every month. AF started the same day as my throat infection this cycle and then my period was lighter than usual, but 9 days long as opposed to the usual 6. I usually ov on CD 17/18-ish, but here I am on CD 19 and am still inundated with EWCM. THat's not a bad thing necessarily, as last night was the first chance we had to do anything about it, having had #1 in bed with us a lot when we were on holiday. Maybe I'll have a long cycle with a long LP, rather than a crappy 9 days. Got really excited about an 11-day LP a couple of cyc;es ago, but I've gone back to 9 days. On the upside though, since I stopped having bananas and nuts the damp seems to have got a little better. HAving treatments tomorrow and friday, to make up for 2 weeks without treatment. Had one on 24th, the day we went away, but I can't remember much to tell you about it.

Hey Carrie29, thanks for popping in :flower:

HOpe you both feel beautifully pregnant, rather than disgustingly ill, very soon, Laummatt and Ruby :hugs:

I know you're fed up about AF reba, but it is great that you had less spotting :happydance:

Back tomorrow sometime

Abi x

Thank you hun!! All we have in my town is reflexology so we will see what i can figure out. I been reading alot about alternate medicines and thinking it is a bit pricey but thats ok if its worth it. Thank you for your advice!:hugs::hugs:
Hello girls, I'm back! Just caught up on all the posts - must say, the thread's been a bit quiet on and off, hasn't it? Hello newbies :hi:

tnt - it sounds like you're in a terrible amount of pain; hope you find a qualified TCM prac and can get some help very soon. Reflexology can be very helpful for fertility, but it's not as effective or proven as TCM. I used to have massage and reflexology regularly, but had to stop it until I'm pregnant as weekly TCM treatments are pricey and I decided it was best to put all my eggs in a chinese basket! Reflexology is fab though.
Def get the Randine book - I got mine very cheap, second-hand on Amazon.

Hey daydream - I always turn to TCM for medical treatment now, unless I need antibiotics, which I only use for cystitis (had it about a month ago). I've been treated very effectively for a chest infection and a throat infection so far - the little herbal pills worked really quickly both times.

Grrr,I sem to have something go wrong every month. AF started the same day as my throat infection this cycle and then my period was lighter than usual, but 9 days long as opposed to the usual 6. I usually ov on CD 17/18-ish, but here I am on CD 19 and am still inundated with EWCM. THat's not a bad thing necessarily, as last night was the first chance we had to do anything about it, having had #1 in bed with us a lot when we were on holiday. Maybe I'll have a long cycle with a long LP, rather than a crappy 9 days. Got really excited about an 11-day LP a couple of cyc;es ago, but I've gone back to 9 days. On the upside though, since I stopped having bananas and nuts the damp seems to have got a little better. HAving treatments tomorrow and friday, to make up for 2 weeks without treatment. Had one on 24th, the day we went away, but I can't remember much to tell you about it.

Hey Carrie29, thanks for popping in :flower:

HOpe you both feel beautifully pregnant, rather than disgustingly ill, very soon, Laummatt and Ruby :hugs:

I know you're fed up about AF reba, but it is great that you had less spotting :happydance:

Back tomorrow sometime

Abi x

Hi Abi - good to have you back. My cycle seems to be doing the same as yours. AF arrived last night 10dpo - so I am now back to a 9 day LP too having increased to a 10/11 day LP the last 2 cycles. So irritated. :cry:

Are you going to try soy this month? I am in two minds between that and maca..... i need to make up my mind soon seeing as I am CD1 today.

Hi Lulu

I got my MACA from - I got 2 x 90 tablets for under £10 I think. Also I will send you the link to the MACA thread. I think the best type to get is Organic cos it only has the MACA root in it and nothing else where as the stuff I got is not organic (i will get the organic when I finish my 2nd month). The ladies on the MACA site got theirs from a different site (i cant rem the name but if you ask on their thread they will help) - also type "buy MACA online" into google and loads of sites pop up (try to go for Organic). I really think it helped me - 14 day LP, 3 days spotting, 2 days period (medium-heavy flow, hardly any pain), 3rd day post AF spotting so far.
lulu - here's the thread

Glitterqueen - great news about the positive Ov - get your "homework" done as Cathy would say!!! :haha:
Abi - yeah its great news about the less spotting - i really think it was the MACA but could be a conbination of both that and acup - who knows. Im looking forward to next months AF to see if it really does work wonders.... I hope it does - if so it has proven to me that my spotting is def a hormonal thing rather than a fibroid or endo (bloody HSG this week though to see if tubes are blocked - dreading it but i need to rule it out).

Bummer that your Ov is delayed this cycle - are you still getting some :sex: in just incase you missed it?
lulu - here's the thread


Thanks reba - great news about the af. Well my af is currently spotting - frustrating as I know I'm not pg and I'm never sure whether spotting counts as cd1 - so I could be cd2 or cd28. Not sure - anyhoo beginning to think it doesn't really matter if not pg.

Good luck with the app this fri. Will be a relief to get out of the way. I'm getting nervous bout gynae app tomo

Hi all,

Abi, bummer about O being later, but as you said it might be a longer cycle overall and hopefully you feel recharged and ready to :sex:

Reba, goodluck with your HSG. Hope it all goes well and doesn't hurt too much :hugs:

As for the Maca and Soy I'm tempted, but after reading the Randine Lewis book I really want to just give TCM a really good go.

The book was fantastic, I'm almost finished reading the whole thing and it just made me feel so much better and re-affirmed I am doing the right thing. I just feel a lot more at ease so I hope I can keep it up. Also I can honestly say I feel so much better after doing the TCM approach to my chest infection. Antibiotics were helping but I still wasn't feeling great. Now I feel really good!
Hi all,
Well havn't been posting here in while but have been having a read every now and then! I'm back on the accu train this Friday though as a support to my meds. Am starting with a new therapist who was recommended via lady doing similar fertility treatment to what I'm doing. She combines accu with reflexology (which I LOVE!!). Works on feet while needles are in...sounds like my idea of heaven!! Am so excited to meet her and see what she's like. Will post my experience at the weekend!
Hi all,
Well havn't been posting here in while but have been having a read every now and then! I'm back on the accu train this Friday though as a support to my meds. Am starting with a new therapist who was recommended via lady doing similar fertility treatment to what I'm doing. She combines accu with reflexology (which I LOVE!!). Works on feet while needles are in...sounds like my idea of heaven!! Am so excited to meet her and see what she's like. Will post my experience at the weekend!

Fitzy, that sounds great - reflexology and acup at the same time - I'd be snooring half way through.

Hope it goes well and you get some good results at the end! :thumbup:
lulu - here's the thread


Thanks reba - great news about the af. Well my af is currently spotting - frustrating as I know I'm not pg and I'm never sure whether spotting counts as cd1 - so I could be cd2 or cd28. Not sure - anyhoo beginning to think it doesn't really matter if not pg.

Good luck with the app this fri. Will be a relief to get out of the way. I'm getting nervous bout gynae app tomo


Hey Lulu,

Did the spotting turn to full blown AF yet? Def count the spotting as CD28 not CD1.

Well Im still spotting like mad - its annoying now cos if its not gone by Fri morning I have to postpone the HSG - hopefully it will start clearing up today and finish off for good tomorrow - if not then thats another month to wait. I hate the waiting game!

I wonder how long after the HSG you have to wait to DTD - obviously there would still be dye in there and it would be pretty hostile for the little :spermy: - i must do some searching on Net and see what they say about it. At least I'll only be CD9 and dont Ov til CD16 usually so I have a full week to play with - but would like to get a little session in CD14 & CD15 too.
Hey all, it's days since I've been on here.
Reba, are you going to be able to go ahead with your HSG on Friday? Hope so, and that it goes well and you get good news :hugs: Otherwise it's another frustrating month-long wait - and you've had enough of those already!! Who'da thought our lives coudl actually be run by our hoo-has?! :blush:

daydream mum, when I saw Qing on monday (extra session to make up for the holiday) she wasn't concerned about ov being later, as my period was longer his cycle - much lighter, so probably the same amount of flow, but 3 days longer. Now I'm 3dpo and quite frankly doing the same as every other buggery month!

Think I might be losing my mind - dreamt the other night that my mum (61) is pregnant and that my pregnant neighbour is having twins in a few months followed by a single baby a couple of months later :dohh:
Foudn out yesterday that another woman I know is expecting. To be honest, these days I just expect everybody but me to be up the duff, so it doesn't bother me as much. DOn't know how I@ll deal with it if they're all having their babies whilst I'm still trying though. DOn't want to face that one yet.
I'm write up monday's session later on sometime.
Have a good day everybody!
Abi x
hey Abi and the rest of the ladies,

Spotting has pretty much gone so should be all set for tomorrows appointment. A bit nervous but I should be fine - im a tough cookie!!!! Just need to pop a few pills before the procedure and that should help with some of the pain and discomfort!

Abi - I have 2 friends who have started TTC - one in Jan and the other in March so Im just waiting for the call any day now to say they are pregnant - but at this stage I just dont care anymore - its tough but i get over it pretty quickly!!! I have to - otherwise I'd go insane! :wacko:
well ladies
so much for the perfect cycle and o'v i have the usual period cramps and lower back pain day 22 on cycle so don't think I am winning this month. Starting to get a bit disillusioned-yes my period is regular and better but i am still getting the pain about w eek before with PMT then the pain goes only to return with the witch in tow!!
We have decided to continue with the tcm until August then its IVF sept/oct depending on my cycle cuz i aint getting any younger. To cap it all off i have a urinary infection(prob from to much B'D!!!) but doc won't give me anything til he is sure i am defo not pregg so i am in bloody agony!! I know moan moan moan- I haven't said this on here before but I am going to adoption panel in July for approval- its been ongoing for 3 years but i have zero chance of getting a baby-don't start me on the whole area of adoption!! so i will get my child one way or another but its the old question-why am I not pg I am really tempted with soy this month even though i know i am o'v just for stronger eggs?? so sorry for the moan luv to all xx
Hey glitterqueen, sorry you feel AF is on its way. You sound very down and I'm not surprised. Ouch to the cystitis! Drinking plenty of water and camomile tea will help to ease it, as will bathing your hooha with very diluted tea tree oil (one drop in over 100ml of cooled boiled water. Camomile essential oil can be very helpful too - a drop or 2 in a bath of water. My massage therapist, who's also a trained aromatherapist swears there's no reason not to use essential oils in pregnancy, so don't worry about that.
Hey, with supercathy helping you, you wont' need the IVF!!
Adoption must be a difficult process to go through - a wonderful thing to do for a young person though. My thoughts are with you Glitter! :hugs:

Reba, lovely, how did it go? Hope you're not too uncomfortable and they've been able to give you good news. :hugs: I think we're in the same place as regards other people's bumps.

Hello everybody! Lots of love. Am feeling more positive and not at all whiney today - can you tell??

Abi x
I've lost count and didn't write up the last 2, but here's today's write-up:

Really positive! Qing looked at my chart and got really excited - I've updated it on FF so you can see what she saw - because I've had an immediate, very healthy temp rise, rather than a staggering rise with lots of drops. She talked about pregnancy really being a possibility this time - crossing her fingers and all sorts.

Lying on my front: needles in my scalp as normal. Some on my lower back adn some in-and outs in my upper back. Lovely, lovely heat on my back. She left me there quite a while, as 4 dpo is not a good time for lots of work on the abdomen.

Lying on my back: one in the top of my head, one in the flap of skin by my right thumb, 4 or 5 in my legs, below the knees - really, really strong, heavy feelings! Some heat on my abdomen, but not very hot. She burnt some moxa over my abdomen too.

Quite a few seeds in my right ear. She's never been so positive about me, it was great to hear. I burnt moxa on my tummy button on tuesday, wednesday and thurs nights and from wednesday am I've been weeing loads - Qing tells me this could be some of the damp leaving my body. Think stopping eating nuts and bananas (damp-causing) a few weeks ago helped too. As did the different brand of you-gui-wan (Qing thought this might be the case). I've also been doing leg massage for my spleen every evening too.
Things seem to be starting to come right, and about bloody time!! Am only 4dpo so no way of knowing either way yet.

Abi x

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