The Really Useful TCM Thread

HI Pinkangel
As a final year acupuncture student, i can advise that the easiest way to find a reputable acupuncturist is to go onto the British Acupuncture Council website and go to their find an acupuncturist section and search according to your area.

All chinese medicine trained acupuncturists should be able to treat menstrual issues, but in reality some tend to find they end up treating more one kind of patient than another, such as musculo-skeletal problems, or fertility. As part of ongoing continual professional development some will have gone to take additional studies in fertility issues. You can always ask if they have done if that is important to you. Some will say on their websites if there are particular areas of interest that they have.

It is important for you to get a good vibe and connection with your acupuncturist, it's all part of how you relate with each other and will help your treatments. It's like anything, one person can really gel with a therapist, the next person not so much.

Hope this helps.

ok advise needed girls
got positive ov on day 16-my usual cycle i had ewcm from day 14 but by day 16 it had gone, but the ov was positive. used pre seed to help the swimmers along their way!! b'd day 11,13,15,16,17 and will do tonight then break for a day and give it one last go. please say there was enough!!- any ideas on the old ewcm usually ok but its strange cuz there is a lot more before I get the positive ov i thought the two would match up ?
Hi Glitterqueen
I'm sure i read somewhere that the EWCM starts disappearing pretty much at the same time as ovulation kicks off. Hence why doing the BD before O is soooo important. So if you got a positive OPK on day 16, chances are you ovulated somewhere between 16 and 17. (I think the +OPK means you ovulate 12-36hrs later). So it makes sense that by day 16 the EWCM was going. I guess there may still have been some up there, but less obvious. So looking at the days you did the BD and adding the preseed on day 16, looks like you have got your bases covered!!! Fingers crossed! Watched a programme once on reproduction and i think i remember it saying it takes the sperm up to 24hrs to get as far up into the fallopian tubes to be in place to meet the eggy. Which is why the day before ovulation is soo key, cos if you only BD on the day of Ov, by the time the sperm gets there, the egg, which only lives 12-24hrs, will have disintegrated.

Feel free to correct any of that anyone out there who is more officially informed!

Baby dust to you Glitterqueen

Hi ladies, some advice needed please.

I have thinking aout accpunture for a few weeks now, after trying for 8 months falling preganat only to have an early miscarriage.

I was recomended an aupuntarist through a friend at work who had used her for a bad back. We exchanged a few emails and spoke a few times on the phone. I spoke with DH and he agreed for us to try (cost was a bit of a factor) Spoke to acupuncturist to book first appointment and she recommeneded starting at the beginning of my cycle which is this weekend, so we booked in the date. I turned up today and she said that I had the date wrong that we had booked and told me to come back next week, I said that it wouldn't be the beginning of my cycle and she said that it didn't really matter?

So just wanted to hear you opinions whether I should start at the begging of my cycle? To be honest I didn't get a very good vibe and it took 45 minutes to get there anyway?

Hi Pink Angel

I dont think it matters what time of the month you start to be honest - and in the book the infertility cure the author suggests you dont do any acupuncture during your period.

As for not getting a good vibe - id take that as a warning - i think you need to get a good feeling about your acupuncturist - if you dont feel relaxed or you feel stressed it might not be very beneficial. Also a 45 mins journey is long - after a session you can be very tired and all you want to do is relax but with such a long journey ahead of you that might not be good. Have you checked the British Acupuncture Council to see if your acupuncturist is registered -

Good luck what ever you decide to do
ok advise needed girls
got positive ov on day 16-my usual cycle i had ewcm from day 14 but by day 16 it had gone, but the ov was positive. used pre seed to help the swimmers along their way!! b'd day 11,13,15,16,17 and will do tonight then break for a day and give it one last go. please say there was enough!!- any ideas on the old ewcm usually ok but its strange cuz there is a lot more before I get the positive ov i thought the two would match up ?

Hi Glitterqueen - I second what Fairy said - it looks like you got all your bases covered. There might of still been EWCM up at the cervix it just didnt come out. Hope you caught the egg this time. Fx you did. :dust:
Hi Ladies

The TCM thread is getting very quiet.... whats going on with everyone?

Well I had my appointment with the FS yesterday - I've updated the whole story in my Journal but long story short Im on a waiting list for the HSG which hopefully if my period lands on time and all going to plan it should take place on the 11th June. She also gave me a prescription for clomid and said to try it to see if it helps with the spotting (if it does then its more than likely a hormonal problem - if its doesnt then it could be a fibroid in whcih case a hysteroscopy (not sure if thats the right name or speling) will be required - which she said is less evasive than a LAP (whish she didnt recommend I have at all unless the pain i get is unbearable which it isnt at all).

So if HSG is in june then cant start clomid til July - it scares me taking fertility drugs but she did say ive been trying for a long time so why not give it a shot. I must do some reading up on clomid now.
Hi Reba, not surprised you're wary about the clomid - from everything I've read, which is pretty much just Randine to be honest! - clomid's not right unless you're not ovulating. Read up on your Randine again and have a good think about it. Hope the HSG comes around quickly. Fitzy's just had hers and now knows she has perfect tubes and had a little bit of endo removed - check out her journal.
Abi x
Thanks Abi - I dont want to take the Clomid but even the FS said I;ve been trying for a long time and I should try it to see if its stops the spotting (then we will know its a hormonal thing). Hopefully the HSG will be clear.... Im not getting a LAP like Fitzy did - FS said there was no point!

I have Acup this evening - 11th session I think (maybe 12th) - i totally missed my appointment on Monday - it completely slipped my mind til 10pm that night when I realised.... oops!

I might be giving it up soon too - the spotting just isnt going away and its money I could be doing with (especially if I want a summer holiday this year) but I will continue for another few sessions - i had told myself back in Feb that I would do at least 16 sessions - so another 4 or 5 to go - 2 months worth!

I wish I could get a BFP before the HSG and the clomind.... come on Fate - work your magic!!!! :dust:
Hi all,
Just caught up on few recent posts. Reba, I can understand your concern taking clomid. I had no prob taking mine because I just wasn't ovulating but if you are then it seems a bit pointless. However, your FS obviously has a reason to try it?? I had a Lap and Dye together because my doc wanted to ensure that, not only were the tubes clear but that there was no scar tissue, endo to be gottne rid of. Anyhoo mild endo was removed and dye came out the other side:happydance:

I wish you well in your decision's such a tough journey! Maybe might be worth trying clokid for a month??
Hi All...May I join you?! I really like this thread...speaks to me!
I'm doing Acu and herbs for 4.5 months now.

I'm 45. yes 45, and trying for a second...for my lovely 4 yo daughter to grow up with. I'm an idiot for waiting so long but was incredibly lucky the first time conceiving in spite of myself. I didn't know that was unusual...One night, one bd, first unprotected during ovu, my husband was traveling so much, and VOILA! pregnant.

No such luck this time. A month my acu said we can start "trying." My MP is still super light but very regular. After all this acu and herbs I feel better and definitely look better since the TCM - and others have commented that I appear brighter, healthier or refreshed etc. That was an unexpected bonus!

I take EPO, MACA, B-100, Whole Food Vitamins that contain 200mg vitex/red raspberry/red clover/dandelion complex, Vit. D, CoQ10, and use a CBEFM.

I have been researching DHEA because I learned that a NYC fertility clinic has had great success with DHEA trials - I mentioned it to my ACU who said i wouldn't need that since I have the herbs - she implied that DHEA is in them or something that does the same thing.

Wondering if any of you have tried DHEA or know about it. I've found a few articles online, it's sounds incredible. but I'm a little scared to take it and no that my acu said I don't need to...I'm considering going to the clinic in NYC which is a ways away but they will take women in mid-40's. They wven want them because they re having such success with the DHEA i think.

Also, have their been any success stories as a result of ACU and herbs on this thread or elsewhere you know of? My DH is starting to want to nix the acu/herbs because he hasn't seen results. i tell him my acu follows more the japanese style which is a little more slo going, less agressive then the Chinese style but also very effective...supposedly. Oh, I don't know!

Sorry to go on and on...Nice to meet you all!
Welcome koosmummy, of course you can join us - the more the merrier (or more deranged, depending how we're feeling)!
Can't chat now as I've got stuff to do but will come back on later.
Abi x
Hi all,
Just caught up on few recent posts. Reba, I can understand your concern taking clomid. I had no prob taking mine because I just wasn't ovulating but if you are then it seems a bit pointless. However, your FS obviously has a reason to try it?? I had a Lap and Dye together because my doc wanted to ensure that, not only were the tubes clear but that there was no scar tissue, endo to be gottne rid of. Anyhoo mild endo was removed and dye came out the other side:happydance:

I wish you well in your decision's such a tough journey! Maybe might be worth trying clokid for a month??

Hi Fitzy

Yeah the FS wanted me to try it to see if it would help the spotting I get from 7DPO and have done for so long- she said it might be a slight hormonal problem that isnt being picked up by the blood tests.... She said if the spotting doesnt stop then just stop taking it - so i'd prob give it 3 months but not the whole 6 - i hate the thought of messing with my body like that (god only knows what the long term side effects are!!) but when you've been trying for so long you'd try anything! Also the HSG will hopefully clarify if tubes are blocked or not - if not then will def go on clomind... I think... I dont know.... I need to think good and hard about this one!

Glad you got the endo removed and tubes were clear - hopefully a BFP is around corner! :thumbup:
Welcome Koosmommy - as Abi said - the more the merrier!!! :thumbup:

I haven't read too much about the DHEA but have heard it mentioned in the Zita West books - anything is worth a try. But I suppose if your acupuncturist doenst want you taking it then maybe the herbs are enough.

I hope your stay here is short and sweet (in a good way)!!!
Glum, glum, glum. Wing was concerned about my chart - temps not really high enough and ov still being cd17 (it's always been 16-18 pretty much) and LP still being only 9-11 days. I told her how I've been feeling recently - that even though I have total faith in TCM and in my logical mind I know it'll work for me, I just don't feel at the moment like it'll ever work. I asked her if she was surprised it was taking my body so long to respond properly to the treatment (6 months come May 23rd) and she admitted that yes, she was. It's still my spleen, she thinks - phlegm obstruction. My cold uterus seems to have warmed up and my kidney yang seem to have responded a bit - post-ov temps are def higher than they used to be - and my pre-ov temps are less erratic too. Still though, even though my spleen qi deficiency is massively better than it was (and it really is - I feel plenty better within myself and my phlegm is far better than it was whan I started) it must have been shockingly, and I really mean shockingly, bad when I started seeing her. I was bunged up all the time amd kept getting what I thought was one cold after another, but without elevated temps. This was infact phlegm caused by me spleen qi deficiency. So after months of acupuncture, pills/dry herbs and dietary changes (no wheat or dairy mainly, but all sorts of other things, such as lettuce and spinach becasue they're cooling to the kidney yang,or phlegm-forming), using heat bags all the time and having to opt for spicy food whenever possible and eating/drinking tons of ginger, only drinking warm water and taking wheatgrass and spirulina I still have a way to go.
On positive times I remember that I the same cycle lengths (25-30 days) before I fell pregnant with #1 so damn easily but I think the truth is that my body will be healed when it's ready and in the meantime I'm stuck in "all-my- friends-are-up-the-duff" land - another one this week and my OH's cousin's pregnant too.
Sorry, I'm feeling whingey. The good news from Qing, though, is that I definitely will get pregnant, it's just the waiting. She's given me som emoxa to burn on my tummy - over my tummy button, she said; no lower, just in case (bless her for tryin to give me hope!).

Anyway, my treatment...
Lying on my front, I had nedles in my scalp and some on my lower back. Heat.

On my back, I had one in my tummy, briefly, then on top of my head. Some in my legs (really heavy-feeling ones!)and some heat on my tummy.

She's also shown my some more spleen massage, which should help, and I'm going to check with Randine once more as to what I should be eating in huge quantities and what's on the banned list.
I've got seeds in my right ear again.
Oh, and the tablets my OH has been taking for his psoriasis in place of his dried herbs have been working in that it's not getting any worse, so we can save some money til I'm pregnant at least. :thumbup: There you see, something positive :winkwink:

Abi x
Hi abi sorry to hear your having a tough patch, ttc does that to you long term, I know I've had months of it! The good news is as you can see fron signature I finally got a bfp. It was the 19th cycle and only 2 weeks ago fs diagnosed unexplained secondary infertility and said to go back in a year as nothing could be done yet, seems miracles do happen!

The only thing I took this month was soy, took it days 2-6 as with clomid, it was second cycle using it and it bumped lp up by nearly 2 days the first month, I think I had lpd which is why wasn't getting pg, I'm amazed how well it works and was cheapest thing I used yet lol!

Anyway early days and all that, hope to see some bfp's from you ladies, I check in on you all the time even when not posting much

stay positive abi, it will happen! I know I thought it never would but I was wrong! Xx
Abs, am so sorry you're going through a rough patch. I understand the frustration...6 months is a long time waiting for TCM to do it's magic....appears you just have a lot more issues to resolve eh?! At least your practitioner is confident you will get pregnant...doesn't make the wait any easier though:wacko:

I want to start back my accu again as havn't been in over a month. I'm thinking about changing practitioner though as I honestly do feel that I need to use TCM as a support to the Western meds road I'm on. My current accu is Chinese and very much of the opinion that TCM is ALL I need so I don't feel I can be totally honest with him about my pending injections etc. He has a very good reputation but is an avid believer in the herbs. I don't want to take the herbs as, even though I know they probably have no adverse reaction with the Gonal-F whatsoever, I don't want to risk it. So, I've started doing some research on accupuncturists who are Zita West affiliated and are recommended by some of the IVF clinics over here. I feel they may be more understanding of my desire to follow an East meets West approach.

Sorry for the epic post girls...just writing it down makes me feel a bit clearer about what I'm doing! Any thoughts/Suggestions??

Reba When are you having your HSG done??

Jo-Jo Major congrats to you on your BFP hun...wishing you a happy and healthy 9 mths!!
Thanks girls - and congrats Jojo!! :happydance:
I really think I might give soya isoflavones a go next cycle, although I'm torn between doing that and sticking with TCM puritanically, which is a slightly stronger pull for me. They seem to have worked remarkably well for you and Betheney. My LP hasn't lengthened beyond 11 days (2 cycles ago) and I'm still oving at cd 16/17/18. My cycles are the same as pre-#1 but something's obviously not working.

Fitzy, you need to be treated by somebody who can give you what you need because it's such a very personal thing that you and your OH are trying to achieve. :hugs:

I was blowing my nose at 5 this morning, so I think pregnancy's out this month. A third friend from my first-time parents' group announced her pregnancy today. I think men are going to start falling pregnant before I do; I feel like some sort of sodding talisman!

Hey everybody! Hope you've all had a good weekend.

Abi x
Morning ladies,

Jo-Jo congrats on the BFP - been thinking about the Soy myself.... would that be better to try than Clomid??? More natural I suppose!!!

Abi - it sucks that it has to take so bloody long to fall pregnant - its really pissing me off. My niece just had a wee boy last week (he's so cute) and my friend is 12 weeks preg now, my other friend started trying last month and havent heard anything from her so no doubt the next time I see her she'll be with child!!! Oh well - whats for you wont pass you as the saying goes!!!

My HSG is planned for june - if my period falls on the right day (1st June) then hopefully i can get it done on 11th june (which is CD11 but they want it done by CD10 - hope that doesnt cause any problems - i dont Ov til CD16 anyway so no chance of being pregnant and have 5 days to clear the tubes of any dye that might still be floating around there).

I dont think I'll start the clomid til Sept at the earliest - will see if having thee HSG helps clear any blockages i might have and let mothernature work her magic. If after 3 months no BFP i might start the clomid..... I so hate the thought of putting fake hormones into my body but i need to try something new.
Thanks girls, reba I had absolutely no side effects with soy so from that point it has to be better than clomid which I hear is evil. I doubt I would be pg without soy, this was 19th cycle. I got up to 11 days on luteal phase instead of 9 in first month using it.

One amazing thing tho, from randine lewis book I had cold uterus among other things and my abdo was constantly cold to touch, after taking soy it went, no idea of how or why but it's been warm to touch ever since! X

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