The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi Girls wondering if I can join you all too? I'm so excited to find a thread on TTC and TCM!

No one else I know is or has used TCM before so it will be good to share. I am a mummy to one little boy. He is 2.5yrs old. We have been TTC since July 2009 so it's been a while and has been a rude shock as ds was concieved without trying really (first month without contraception). I've been doing accupuncture and herbs that I cook for 30mins and drink three times a day since January this year. Apparently I had a cold uterus, My spleen, liver and kidney were all low? I think and I am hypothyroid and have very low iron.

I see my guy between once a week and once a fortnight atm depending on what I need. My spleen is much better and liver but my kidneys are still not very good. (I'm not sure of the technical term). I've been told to cut out or at least down on wheat, gluten and dairy and no cold or raw foods. I had a blood test recently and my hormone levels all seemed normal, my thyroid was good and my iron was the best it's ever been and I've stopped taking iron supplements just using the herbs so they have obviously helped.

Sorry for the long "me" post. Been feeling a bit down and feel like everyone around me is utd!
Hey girls, coming on here definitely helps - it makes such a difference being able to talk to people experiencing the same crappy problems. I'm pretty certain the hag is coming as my breasts are getting quite tender around the edges. I'm going to get really strict with the diet guidelines - really start cutting down sugar, not that I have much anyway - and I've pretty much decided that I'm going vegan. I've felt some disquiet for a while about the dairy industry and milk in general - when you drink cow's milk it's breast milk designed for their young and we're the only species that drinks the milk of another animal, or drinks milk beyond the weaning stage. I've just borrowed The Kind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone and she goes into quite a lot of detail about it, amongst other things, and explodes the milk=calcium=avoiding osteoporosis myth (did you know that until dairy products started to be introduced into the diets in places like china and japan they had no incidences of osteoporosis? Since they've started to be more widely consumed over there they are getting cases. Sorry to rant but it really bothers me.

I'm going to talk to Qing about whether I should go back to just tablets, as almost 3 months into taking dried herbs they've not made much difference. I'm also going to knock the B-100 on the head - 6 months in and computer says no, frankly. Really think I'll pick up some soy iso at Holland and Barratt on thursday, our weekly trek into town for #1's swimming lesson. It'll probably be CD2 by then after all.
My cold uterus has gone too - partyly warm things in the diet and partly near-incessant use of a hot wheat bag.

Reba, you're not wrong. Most people are pregnant with another one in the time it's taken us to get nowhere. Why not try the soy-iso together? When do you expect the hag, if she's coming? Maybe assuming we'll have another cycle and spending a little money on the soy will ensure we don't need it.

I was at the country park with #1 yesterday and kept seeing 2 magpies. Is it incredibly sad that I kept thinking "2 for joy, 2 for joy"? It is isn't it.

Am I rambling?

Abi x
Hey daydream_mum - welcome! Don't worry, I'm the queen of "me" posts! We've had quite a few pregnancies since the thread started - 5 in fact. Look forward to reading your contributions! You can be as me-ish as you like- we're here for info sharing and support.

#1 is almost 22 months, conceived in 2 cycles, and we've been trying since Nov 08. A rude surprise to say the least. Get hold of a copy of our bible - Randine Lewis's The Infertility Cure - absolutely wonderful. Will explein to youall about your imbalances and tell you exactly what things you need to add to/ remove from your diet. Very cheap, 2nd hand on amazon.

Abi x
Hi Abi

"Computer says no".... I love it!!! hahaha :haha:

Yes lets do the Soy together - im on CD17, i think, so hag not here til 1st June - when are you due on? Yeah if we spend loads of money on them then fate will make us pregnant!!!! I was thinking of buying ST's in bulk last month in the hope that I would fall pregnant and it would be a waste of money!!!! No such luck.

DO you think I should try the soy this next cycle (even though HSG planned) or wait til I have that and start in July cycle? I want to start sooner rather than later..... Must look up the Soy thread on here and see what the ladies were saying.

Welcome day-dream mum. Dont worry about the "me" posts - thats what BnB is here for - to talk about whats going on with us and see if anyone else has the same problems.... :thumbup:

Jo-Jo thats great about the soy helping your cold uterus - i have the same diagnosis (amongst others - kidney yang, spleen def. etc) - i really notice my belly being cold - think its a wee bit warmer though since starting the acup.
I had 11th (or maybe 12th) acup session yesterday evening. It was CD16 for me so thats my usual Ov day even though I had the EWCM on sat night and sun morning (so might of Ov'd a day earlier).

Anyway she put the needles in the usual places (belly too). I kept dozing off into a deep sleep and then waking suddenly. My belly was really warm (cos she used the heat lamp) and it was for most of the evening too. Of course couldnt sleep last night cos of the heat and feel like Sh1t again today - oh well.

Next appointment 2nd June.
Thanks for the welcome :hi:

Hi girls it is nice to come in here and realise you girls just get it! The Soy sounds really interesting I might give that a go next time. I looked for it at our chemist but couldn't find it there. I'm cd 5 today so might be a bit late now.

Abster, I'll definetely have a look for that book. My tcm guy has given me lists of good and bad foods but some days I really am stuck on what I can eat! I'm finding cutting dairy out the hardest but I've cut out a lot and only eat organic dairy now. Great that your cold uterus has gone! Isn't it horrible when baby #1 was so easy and now to go through this is just well worse than horrible

My next appointment is in 2 days so hopefully he will have something good to say about my kidneys this time. I'm sure all this ttc is the universe trying to teach me some patience! Not usually one of my best traits lol
Hey Daydream - how did the appointment go today? I know what you mean about patience - im the worst in the world... no patience at all!

Well im 20 or 21 - 4 or 5 DPO - im getting the usual twinges and feelings but i aint hopeful - nothing is different. Just waiting anxiously for the HSG now and then after that the clomid perhaps - oh Abi i read the Radine Lewis book (page 268 or 269) about clomid - she says the only people she would suggest (or who might have success) using clomid are those with a kidney yang def, spleen Qi def and cold uterus.... i'm all of the above - made me more interested in trying it now. Still will give my body another month or 2 after the HSG and see if I can fall naturally first!

Anyway ladies I hope you all have a nice weekend and when I come on here on Monday I want to see some :bfp: ......!

Snap! Plus some damp.
Really recommend you drop refined carbs and dairy products (wheat too if you have damp).
Sorry, can't chat - in a rush..
Abi x

Happy weekend everybody!
Hi girls, the appointment went well. He's really happy with how I'm going. Apparently I wasn't too good when I first saw him! My tongue still has a coating that indicates some damp, which he would have thought would have gone by now. Pulses all seemed much better and after my bloodtest my iron was better than it's ever been as he has got me on a strong blood building formula. Had a bit of accu on my feet and leg and one in my lower abdo. He is confident I will get pregnant soon now which he has never said before, but he thinks Spring will be best to fall pregnant for my body type.

Our GP has ordered blood tests and sperm analysis for dh, which he is not happy about so I'll have to force him lol! After dh is given the clear, I'm to get a lap/hsg for suspected endo I think.

Reba, when do you get the HSG done? Hope the TWW goes quickly for you and you don't end up needing the HSG!

Have a good weekend girls! I'm child free today and the stupid thing is I don't know what to do with myself :shrug:
HI Girls,

Please may I join you, I have been stalking this thread for a while now and want to thank you all for sharing your courageous journeys with the rest of us.

You have inspired me to order 'that book' and I am pleased to say it arrived this morning and I have been a book worm all day!

Me: I have a cute 4 year old for whom I had now issues conceiving but now at age 37 and having been trying for 3 years for number 2, I am getting really depressed.

My tests and laps showed that I had lesions on my tubes (a remenant of 1#'s c-section) but that was over 9 months ago and still no luck?

can anyone recommend a good acu in West London by the way?

sending baby dust to you all

T x
Hi Tammi - welcome to the TCM thread. I hope your stay is short and sweet and you get a BFP soon! :flower: 3yrs is a long time - i'll be 3 yrs at the end of 2010 too - its a nightmare but we will get there in the end. :thumbup:

Well nothing to report from my neck of the woods - 6 or 7 DPO (i cant rem - 7 i think). The spotting arrived on this day last month but nothing yet - but i do feel like thw witch is on her way - lower back sore, the odd twinge in ovaries and that general periody felling... oh well not to worry - will arrange the HSG once she shows her ugly face!

Hows everyone today - did all have a nice weekend - the weather was glorious here - but back to cloudy today - oh well.
HI RebaRezzelba

and thankyou for your warm welcome.

My weekend was indeed glorious, joined the gym and prebooked personal trainer to put the fear of god into me so that I attend and try my best to at least control my weight.

My theory is that I need to do everything I can to maximise our chances of a jellybean.

hmmm, I was also thinking of getting some immuno tests done, could it be that my body is rejecting jellybeans from implanting for some reasons....

anyway I am hunting down local acu people and will keep you posted on my progress

T x
Hi TCM ladies - how is everyone these days? Its gotten very quiet on this thread....

Glitterqueen - whats the latest with you? Hows things going?

Abi - i see AF got you - oh well onwards and upwards - we will get there soon, im sure of it!!! :hugs:

And the rest of you ladies - whats going on???

As for me im on CD24 (7DPO or maybe 8) and spotting hasnt arrived yet but isnt really due til Thursday. And I feel the witch coming so not holding out any hope. Onto HSG once AF shows. Next Acup booked for Wed 2nd June.
goodness! it is quiet on here! i've not been around for a while as i've been mega sick and just been feeling utterly sorry for myself. thank goodness for continued accu to try and cope with the m/s......reba, no spotting is GREAT even if you feel the witch is on the way. one thing i would say to anyone on here is - make sure you're in absolute tip top condition while you are TTC. i know it sounds daft but getting a bit of weight on if you tend to be a bit skinny (like me!) is defo worth doing. i had no idea i'd feel so rough and be so off food....i'm glad i managed to get some pounds on before the m/s kicked in. its been the best part of four weeks hugging the loo. classy.

where are the rest of our bfps?????
god rubyloo sorry your feeling so rough - but worth it in the end up. :wacko: Unfortunately for me I am not too skinny.... could do with losing a half stone before getting pregnant so as I dont gain too much when I finally do (positive thinking!!!). But of course thats easier said than done.

Well spotting isnt normally due until CD26 which is tomorrow (last month it came on CD23 which was weird) so I'd say its gonna show as normal. I started taking MACA last month too so we'll see if that helps.
Hey reba and girls
well witch got me - i am day 6 now really gutted. cathy said my last 2 cycles were perfect 14 day lp( but that was never the prob!) perfect period bleeding etc still apinful but not quite so bad. bd'd on all the right dates so where is my BFP?? I am going to try soy next month-missed this one. isn't it from day 5-9 you take it?? cathy said it can't do any harm. She said everything is perfect just need the magic to happen now so come on BFP.
but the sun is shinning so lets all get BFP this month ladies xx
p.s abi i got the randine lewis book so i asked cathy to confirm my diagnosis she just said deficient spleen
Hi lovely ladies :wave:

Well sorry I haven't been contributing. I have been feeling a bit down in the dumps and stressed - trying to move house and this ttc lark is really getting to me now. I know I'm only on cycle 11 but I seriously thought that after all the trauma I went through last year I would be cut a break.

Anyhoo - as for me I am on CD17 . Think I am ovulating today as loads of EWCM but sadly DH is away on business so that rules out this month :nope::nope: Oh well the AF will probably arrive in a few days so onto cycle 12.

Last month I had a 10/11 day LP - which is good for me. Irritatingly even though my cycles are nearly normal in length (27/28) it only seems to be because my ovulation day is getting later and later.

I have decided to schedule my acu for cd5 next month to try and induce ovulation. I am also giving serious thought to the soy next month. Seems to work wonders for some people. However, I am also worried about messing up my body further. Not sure what to do.... will give some more thought

Anyway bestgo as I have to leave in a min. Baby dust baby dust to you all.

I was just thinking the same thing about soy - i have a 30 day cycle with ov day 16/17. Cathy said that is perfect so i am afraid of messing things up . she said if i want to try it shouldn't do any harm but i don't know. I have heard that different days do different things ie more eggs day 1-5 or better quality eggs day 5-9 any guru's out there with advice. like i said i know i ovulate but are the eggs good quality?
you dog is just fantastic by the way xx
I was just thinking the same thing about soy - i have a 30 day cycle with ov day 16/17. Cathy said that is perfect so i am afraid of messing things up . she said if i want to try it shouldn't do any harm but i don't know. I have heard that different days do different things ie more eggs day 1-5 or better quality eggs day 5-9 any guru's out there with advice. like i said i know i ovulate but are the eggs good quality?
you dog is just fantastic by the way xx

I haven't researched the soy properly yet but need to do so. I am in two minds 1) my body is getting back to normal so why go and mess it up now (like with the agnus castus experiment i did a few months back) to 2) I need to do something what the hell! Hmmm we'll see. It worked for Laumatt though she had very similar cycles to me. Its tricky cos your cycle is perfect but then if Cathy said no harm.... Let me know what you decide. We may very well have a 'TCM does SI' thread next month as I think Reba and Abi are thinking of giving it a go.

Thanks my dog is keeping me sane! Though she has grown since this pic xxxxx
Well spotting isnt normally due until CD26 which is tomorrow (last month it came on CD23 which was weird) so I'd say its gonna show as normal. I started taking MACA last month too so we'll see if that helps.
Reba any news on the spotting? Keeping everything crossed that it keeps away and you get a lovely BFP. we need some more on this thread! xxx

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