The Really Useful TCM Thread

Oooh Abs....very positive session with Quing...will be keeping a close eye on you over the next few weeks Missy!!

Reba..hope the HSG went ok and your tubes got the all clear.

Glitter...sorry to hear you're cramping and feel the witch is nigh ..hope she buggers off. Will be very interested in how your adoption approval pans out - I've registered with the adoption board too and am waiting for an appointment for the initial info meeting...LONG way to go yet so will be following your journey!

My new accupuncturist is lovely. Very easy to talk to and put me right at ease about my desire to use TCM as a support while on my medicated cycles. She has had 26 ladies come to her for fertility issues in last three years and 23 of those have either had babies or are pregnant so great statistics!! Anyway, session lasted an hour or so. I had 7 needles in my tummy and around ovaries, one between my eyes, one in thumb flesh on both hand and 3 in each leg at various points from knee down. The stimulation was mild and very pleasant with the strength being upped twice during session. While I was lying there Patricia worked on my reflex points on feet for bout half an hour..HEAVEN!! Was really impressed with her and if don't get BFP in couple weeks(although am thinking very positively!!) I will def go to her again for few sessions during the next cycle!!

So that's it for now...happy weekend girls!!
thanks girls i can always rely on you to help me . so happy to hear your positive sessions. my treatment hasn't changed since i started so maybe i need to query that...... here's to bfp for july xx
Hi Girls,

Glitter, sorry to hear your cycle wasn't great and about the cystitis! I am the same as you and get very bad PMS up to 10 days before AF, this cycle Adam (my TCM man) tried something different and put me on a different formula after O. This cycle I got my first perfect 28 day cycle with next to no sore boobs, pms, cramping, or lower back ache. As you can imagine I was very happy. I think it helped knowing there was no chance I was UTD this cycle. Adam thinks my emotions play a huge part in my pms because as soon as I get it I know I'm not pregnant and then I make it worse. Sorry to ramble on but I would ask about a change in your treatment maybe. I also cut out dairy, sugars, wheat and gluten after O this cycle.

fitzy, thats great you've found an accupuncturist you click so well with. That 1/2 hour on the feet sounds devine! I'm thinking of making a reflexology app this cycle not for TTC but just for me! Hopefully next time you see her it's because you are UTD!

Abi, how exciting that Qing was so positive this session. It would give you a huge boost too! Finally all your work is paying off. I'll cross everything for you too.

Reba, have you had the HSG yet? Hope it all went well for you.

AFM, well had my first ever perfect 28 day cycle :happydance: next to no pms and bleeding started without any spotting or bad back cramps. I now have some cramping but not as bad as usual. I think the huge changes I made to my diet after reading Randine's book helped a lot too. Before doing TCM my cycles were all over the place and could be 32 - 42 days and very painful. Adam had got them down to 30 days regularly, but still a lot of pms and pain. I'm feeling confident for once that I'm on the right track and just have to keep at it and it will happen eventually.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
that all sounds really positive! I am defo changing my diet this month starying with a 7 day detox by Amanda Hamilton I have already cut out dairy-all except a little bit of cheese which is the most difficult thing to lose for me! and I am intolerent to bread but i know i don't eat enough fruit or veg so i must do better so roll on next month for UTD for all of us xx
Hi lovely ladies

reba hope the hag went ok.

God I've been so up and down like the rest of you ladies. My appointment with fs last week wasn't much good as af arrived with full force 30 mins before seeing her so I have to go back tomorrow for a scan. I'm getting worried now they are going to find something wrong- when I was pg last yr they did an early scan and could only see one ovary . Although they said it can be hard to see both I am now worrying I only have one ovary. Feel like this ttc is making me go nuts!!

I am using EPO this month . Only on cd 7 so nothing to report yet. I did try soya last week but (sorry tmi) about an hour after taking it the first time I had terrible upset tummy :( so decided to take that as a sign to stop taking it.

Af seemed a little odd this month - 2 days spotting, 2 day light af and then 1-2 days of spotting.

Hope we get some bfps this month ladies
Hi Ladies

Had my HSG on Friday - and boy was that a horrible experience. Well it wasnt too bad but wasnt too good either. Once she had the speculum inserted and started to pour the dye into my uterus my whole stomach seized up - i was breathing like i was in labour and the other nurse was rudding my hand. It was like the worst period cramping ever but thankfully didnt last too long - i was close to tears but i held it back - how embarrassing would that be! Anyway she had to keep feeding the dye in cos the radiographer couldnt see the right tube for ages but then he did (maybe he pushed through a blockage???). SO at the end the radiographer came out and said he could see contrast on both sides so didnt think there were any blockages but that my DR would give me the proper results at my next appointment (which is prob Aug at this stage). So i was happy enough with that. Just lay about for the rest of the day relaxing - kept getting the odd twinge all weekend and had alot of bleeding after the procedure and some light brown spotting on sat and sun but hope thats gone today. All ready for some :sex: action tonight and for the rest of the week (every 2nd night perhaps).

So that was my HSG experience - now I need to look over all these posts and catch up on whats been going on over the weekend!
Ok I think Ive caught up..........

Lulu - good luck with the scan - i hope it all goes well and they can see both ovaries. It is so nerve racking having these scans and hsg's done - you just dont know what the hell is going on inside!

Daydream - great news abt perfect 28 day cycle (i havent had one of those in a long time). Do you usually spot much befre your AF - i do for about 5 days but this month was only 3 (think thats down to MACA root that Ive been taking - along with acup of course). I do need to make more changes to my diet though as well - had a few too many G&T's at the weekend!

Fitzy - god they are great stats from your acupuncturist - roll on a BFP for you. The reflexology sounds great - so relaxing.

Glitter - Sorry your getting those usual AF feelings - but i really hope its your body playing a trick on you and you get a BFP instead! Good luck with the adoption approval too - Ive heard that the process is a bit of a nightmare. You mentioned Soy - have you tried clomid before (i cant remember)?

Abi - wow great session with Qing - I really hope this is your month (mine too). We really need another BFP in the Thread - come on ladies get :sex:

Well hope I didnt miss out on anyone.

As for me - CD12 today so will start the old SMEP again (every 2nd day) - gonna try not to think too much about it - gonna try to get a few day time sessions in too - a few friends have told me thats how they got pregnant.
Reba, glad that you're comfortable again and really thrilled that you know your tubes aren't blocked! Roll on your appt with your doctor so you can hear all about it :hugs:

Lulu, hope you get only good news tomorrow :flower: There's no reason to think you don't have 2 ovaries - like you say, it's difficult to see both.

Daydream, you're right that the dietary changes can make a huge difference. A few more sessions could work wonders with your PMS.

Glitter, likewise with the diet - definitely follow Randine's advice :flower:

Fitzy you ovulated!! (Just read your journal) - how does it feel? Make sure you've had a sustained rise, at least 3 days, and that you've got no more eggwhite cm before you give up the BD though won't you? (yes, mother). :happydance:

Thanks for the good luck wishes everybody! Same goes for all of us, we need some more BFPs on here and everybody falling pregnant within a few weeks would be awesome :thumbup:

Abi x
that sounds rough hope you have recovered x doc refused to give me clomid cuz i o'v myself. general advice from girls on soy forum is stay away ! my cycles are regular and it will only mess them up so diet here i come. the adoption procedure is a nightmare and then when you see children you can't have them cuz they are wrong colour/religion/background etc etc what a joke so they stay with a foster family til they are 6 waiting for the perfect family when surely a forever family is better- rant over!! Its the closest i will ever get to being like angelina jolie lol
hope the results are good lulu x
yeah to o'v fitzy x
abi - \bfps all round soon
anyone I left out loads of baby dust xxx
Thanks everyone. My appointment isn't until 630 tonight so I'm going to keep myself busy with work today and will catch up with the posts tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Thanks for all the wellwishes. Just want to get today over with :( xxx
Fitzy you ovulated!! (Just read your journal) - how does it feel? Make sure you've had a sustained rise, at least 3 days, and that you've got no more eggwhite cm before you give up the BD though won't you? (yes, mother). :happydance:

Thanks for the good luck wishes everybody! Same goes for all of us, we need some more BFPs on here and everybody falling pregnant within a few weeks would be awesome :thumbup:

Abi x

:rofl: Yes Mummy Abs!! Feels bloody fantastic to have my body doing what most women take for granted:wacko:To be fair though, the guesswork was kinda taken out of my ovulation day with the administering of HCG trigger on Sat morning..FS told me I would ovulate on Sunday eve and it appears I did!! I still got some :sex: in on Monday evening though just in case!!!

Fingers crossed we'll both have good news in a couple of weeks:thumbup:

Reba Glad you got tube clearance!! I was lucky in that HSG was done as part of lap so was under and didn't feel the pain. Best of luck with your BD'ing endeavours over the next week...ENJOY!!
Hi ladies – well I will make this very quick post as at work but wanted to update you all. Glad to hear that we all seem to be a bit more positive of late. Bring on the bfps!!

The scan went ok – I have two ovaries which was a good start! She saw a few follicles on the right ovary – the dominant one is about 14mm and I was on CD8. I have no idea whether this is good or bad – I was just so relieved she could see both ovaries and no cysts that I forgot to ask! Whoops. She is a bit concerned that each month (including right now) I always get ovulation type pains on my left side so she has done some blood tests to check for inflammation. I will get those results in 2 weeks. She said that assuming that comes back ok (if it does not it could indicate endo) then she wants to leave me for 3-4 months to get pg naturally and if I am not then she will do a lap & dye. I am lucky in some ways that it is so quick as this is covered by my bupa (as they are investigating my pelvic pain – the ttc part is really just a symptom).

I feel a bit more positive today though will feel more relaxed when I get blood tests results. Am trying to steer clear from googling pelvic pain and scary stuff comes up.

Love lulu xxx
Hello girls, greetings from CD2 :cry: To be honest I was expecting it (as I do every month) because I was ill (cold followed by wicked sore throat) right at the beginning of my last cycle which, coupled with #1's chickenpops and the stress it caused, knocked ov right back (I assume). Bah! Only a 7-day LP!!
I really need to ovulate earlier, as Qing says - I have 8 full cycles since I started seeing her and they are as follows:
27 days, ov cd18, 9-day lp;
26 days, ov cd 18/19, 7-8-day lp;
25days, ov cd16, 9-day lp;
26 days, ovcd17, 9-day lp;
29 days, ov cd18, 11-day lp;
25 days, ov cd16, 9-day lp;
25 days, ov cd17, 8-day lp;
27 days, ov cd20, 7-day lp.

Anybody see a pattern, other than shit, shit, shit?! My post-ov temps have been getting much better - faster rise, no huge falls in temps, higher temps in general, and I feel much better in myself (apart from getting ruddy colds/sore throats/cystitis the last few months - I need to avoid picking up anything). How do I make myself ov earlier? I'm not keen on trying soy as my cycles are very regular - always between 25 & 29 days. Blah.

Great news Lulu!! Try not to panic about the pelvic pain; at least it's being dealt with quickly and you'll know soon. :hugs:

Welcome to ovulation, Fitzy!! Fingers crossed that you get your good news in a couple of weeks - I need to wait a bit longer.

GLitter, I'm with you on the soy. Adoption seems like a very frustrating process, but you'll be making your own very soon won't you. Chin up (says me - that's got to be worth a laugh!).

Abi x
Oh Abi, am sorry the bloody witch got you...again!!! I have no idea how you would go about achieving earlier ovulation given that you are doing EVERYTHING right. The TCM seems to have had many benefits for you and it can't cure everything at once???:shrug:
Abi so sorry the witch got you. Big (hug) I do recall Jen got her af at dpo the cycle before her bfp (I think) as did laumatt so please don't lose hope. It will happen. Xxxx
Argh sorry meant to say 8dpo - stupid autocorrect on iPhone x
Thanks girls :hugs: I've ordered some maca in the hope that it'll do what it's done for some people, ie earlier ovulation (and sky-high, or even top-of-the-hedge libido woudl be very helpful too :haha:).
You're right, Fitz, TCM has done everything else just taking a long while to make me ov earlier. Maybe it's partly because I stupidly took a while to start following the damp guidelines. Grrr. Meanwhile, it just feels humiliating that friends all around me are growing bumps. Doesn't it make you want to demand that people wait for their bloody turn?! (Irrational? Moi?!)
Abi x
Hello lovely ladies,

Reba, that HSG sounded horrible. I'm dreading needing one of those. Great news though on no blockages! I know a few girls who went on to get a BFP just after having a HSG so fingers crossed it works for you. Surely you should get a reward for going through that.

Abi, damn that AF! It was sounding good for you after last time. I hope earlier O and a longer luteal phase is just around the corner for you. When I first started TCM in January my LP was between 9-10 days and I was ovulating anywhere from cd 18-25. I am no longer charting as Adam seemed to think it was stressing me out, but going from my signs ie. CM last cycle I would have O'ed around cd 14 and had a 28 day cycle so I think it's finally starting to change. I really hope your body is just taking time to fix itself.

Lulu, great news on two ovaries and no cysts :happydance:

fitzy, yay for ovulation! Hope you gave your ovaries lots of praise lol! Really hope you caught that eggy.

Glitter, the adoption process sounds like a nightmare. I really hope your little one chooses you soon and you don't need to think about it.

Well Dh and I go away to a romantic little cottage on the beach next week and right around O time if my body does the same as last time. I have an accu session the morning we leave and Adam seems excited for us lol! I finally have an appointment with a FS in two weeks so will be interesting to hear what he says. Dh has had blood tests and needs to do sperm analysis which he is dreading I think. I've had all my bloodwork done and hormone levels were within normal ranges. I'm gussing he will want to do a lap as my GP suspects endo with me.
Sorry for the ramble I don't get on here very much so it's good to have an update on everyone
Morning all

Abi - sorry the bloody witch turned up - hate hate hate her!!! Dont give up hope - your BFP is just around the corner (like mine).... :hugs: I havent noticed the MACA making me Ov earlier yet (only my 2nd month) but def think it helped with spotting and it gave me a 14 day LP last cycle (so if you dont Ov earlier you might get AF later and get a longer LP).

Day-dream - The HSG wasnt totally horrible (just mega uncomfortable for 20-30 seconds which seemed like forever). I dont want to scare anyone by saying it was a nightmare - i just dont want to ever have one again in my whole entire life!!!!

Lulu - Yah for 2 ovaries.... Hopefully the blood work wont reveal anything to sinister. And yes, stay away from the computer - no googling pelvic pain!!!

Fitzy - glad you Ov'd - and really hope you caught the eggy! Im due to Ov tomorrow so had a session with DH last night and again tomorrow (missing tonight due to babysitting for cousin and staying over at her's - unless DH calls for a visit and we have a sneaky session at her house!!!:haha:)

I really hope the HSG has cleared the cobwebs out of my tubes and cleared the path for the sperm and the egg to meet up for a chat and maybe a bit of fusion, and then they'll go on a trip down to wombville where they will decide to set up house for 9 months!!! (sorry think Ive lost the plot!!!) :haha:

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