The Really Useful TCM Thread

hey all - i hope no one minds me dropping in. its great to keep up with people and their TCM journey. some good news and some not so good news.

abs, if you remember i was waiting upwards of 30 days to ov - the cycle i conceived i didn't ov until day 40. that was despite changes to diet, lifestyle and the acu. i'm sure i did get pg despite the late ov because i was in good nick courtesy of the acu. prior to acu i was having on average 7 to 8 week cycles which was crap. as a trainee homeopath i am concerned by your ongoing low-grade infections. these suggest your immune system is compromised in some way - it might sound like a daft question but are you taking good care of yourself? eating enough and taking your vits? i'm sure you are - it just seems odd. have you had a good cry recently? colds and damp in general can signify unshed tears - maybe you need to let yourself get really upset, it can be very cleansing. anyway, just some thoughts.

lulu - good news about your ovaries. fingers crossed that folicle gets going!

fitzy - i really hope you get that egg! yay for ov.

sorry if i've missed people....its been a while.

p.s. am doing ok - been sick as a dog but seem to be coming out the other side now..... xxx
Hi all...greetings from my TWW...I havn't gotten to say that very often:haha:

Reba - Best of luck with the egg chase over the next couple of days. Will be keeping everything crossed for you and sending lots of dust. I'm thinking same as you that maybe fertilisation and implantation might be more likely after having my Lap/Dye last month. We've both been cleared out a bit so bring on our BFP's!!

Daydream - what good timing on the romantic little cottage break..if that's not baby making territory I don't know what is???!!!

Ruby - glad all is going well and thanks for he good wishes. It's nice to have you coming back and sharing your success..keeps us thinking positively :hugs:

Nothing to report from me but sure that's not surprising at only 4 dpo:wacko:
HI ladies
well the witch got me- 28 day cycle got a positive ov at day 15 so again another nearly perfect cycle-except no BFP ahhhhhhhhhhh mind you on some heavy duty antibiotics for kidney infection.
well heres to another month of trying.
abi - have a dodgy immune system and the only thing which really helped was 3,000 mg vic c daily but unfortunately that is not good for ewcm but would still try to take it during period-have you tried echinacea even for just a short course? not sure about ttc with it but could google it hopefully the lovely weather will help
lol xx
Glitterqueen - sorry the witch got you :( don't forget everything being perfect still only 15-20% chance of success so statistically next month will bring you your bfp! :)

fitzy- great to hear about the 2ww! Good luck!

Abi- just a thought ... Are you still on the bvits? They make some peoples lp even shorter and I have found mine better since stopping them...

Morning ladies,

Rubyloo - thanks for coming back for a visit. Sorry your still feeling rough with morning sickness but Im sure it will get better soon. :thumbup:

Glitterquuen - sorry the old hag got you again - but yah for a perfect cycle - that has to be a good sign. Are you still going to Cathy? I have an appointment next week which I might need to cancel til the following week (funds are low cos we booked our summer holiday).

Fitzy - i'll be joining you in the 2ww tomorrow or sunday - CD16 for me today which is usually Ov day and I've had an abundancy of EWCM this am and last night so its def happening - of course I was babysitting so didnt get to DTD with DH - will have to jump on him once he comes home from work which I hope will be early today!

Nothing else to report from me - just hoping and praying the HSG gives me good results this cycle ..... the 2WW is gonna be a nightmare for me - at least Im away next weekend visiting family and going to a christening so that should take my mind of it for the weekend at least!
is signed up to cathy for the 6 weeks- gets you a discount but still 400 for 6 weeks including the herbs I think i will have to tell her this may be the last course its really expensive and and i am having ivf in sept if not lucky before!!
I really hope it inproves my egg quality my periods were always pretty regular although went a bit strange when i turned 40 ( so did I come to think of it!!)
is signed up to cathy for the 6 weeks- gets you a discount but still 400 for 6 weeks including the herbs I think i will have to tell her this may be the last course its really expensive and and i am having ivf in sept if not lucky before!!
I really hope it inproves my egg quality my periods were always pretty regular although went a bit strange when i turned 40 ( so did I come to think of it!!)

Hey Glitterqueen - thats expensive - I think I might be cancelling this weeks session myself. Im trying to save for my holiday at the end of August and £40 here and there on Acup is alot over the next few months. I might just go once a month from now on - or I might even give up.

Im so pissed off with the TTC malarky - I was saying to my DH at the weekend that if there is nothing wrong with me and nothing wrong with him then why the hell can we not get pregnant and everyone else around us are popping babies out - are we doing something wrong??? Why why why!!!! Its so frustrating sometimes.

I really hope you get a BFP before the IVF in Sept - but at least you have that as back up - I postponed mine for another yr so thats my safety net for next year if still no luck!
gods I know how you feel! why is it not happening! hopefully neither of us will need the IVF. I am trying maca this month and going to give the asprin a go. I still have a bad kidney infection and feel really low and tired. struggling to eat healthy as well must do better lol X sorry to hear about the old hag getting you. Accu does add up and especially when we are going for months at a time. I took a break for a couple of months and just went back for a session before ovulation last week. If don't get BFP will try and get couple sessions in next cycle but not as fanatical about it as was.

Reba - welcome to TWW...hope it flies in and that the little swimmers catch that egg!!
Morning ladies. I am in the 2ww too. I think I ovulated yesterday (positive opk and ewcm). The epo brought my ov forward by two days as yday was cd14 :) I've managed to dtd at the right time this month so it's now in the hands of the gods. I'm not that hopeful as my stress levels have been thru the roof- house sale fell thru last week plus my hospital apps been getting to me a bit. Have follow up this fri. Good luck to us all ladies- we are long overdue another bfp on this thread! Xxx
Hey girls, finally have time to post again. Will reply first and write about myself slightly later.:winkwink:

Sorry about all the stress Lulu, but concentrate on the positives - ov on cd14! How long have you been taking the EPO? Ive read that it takes 3 months to start having any effect. I stopped the B-vits on CD1 last time round. They didn't shorten my LP - it was still bouncing round from 8-11 days - but they clearly weren't what I needed )which makes sense if what my body needs to do is manage to ov earlier). You to try these things for a few months though, just to find out, don't you? Fingers crossed for your 2WW! :flower:

Sorry the bitch got you, Glitter. I'm still waiting for my ruddy maca capsules to turn up :wacko: CD8 now and rapidly losing hope of them helping me this cycle unless they do have miraculous effects on me. Maybe they'll tweak my ov date a liottle faster then the acu is managing. Try to stick to the dietary advice because it really is an integral part of TCM. :hugs:

Reba, same about the dietary guidelines for you diagnosis. Are you following them? They do make a real difference (they certainly have for me!) and woudl enable you to have the acu less often. It takes 3-6 months on average when you're following all the guidelines. Stick with it as much as you can! :hugs:

Hey Fitzy, not you too! Oh dear. I we're all major cases, which is why it's taking a while. I still believe though, impatient and exasperated though I am with my body. Please don't lose faith - I think what's difficult is the fact that it takes months on average when you're following all the guidelines, because it works naturally, in harmony with your body and these days we've come to expect things to happen quickly. Wish I'd started acu a ruddy year earlier! :dohh:

Hey Rubyloo, thanks for your post. I think my immune system may be slightly compromised by the dampness, but I'm actually really healthy most f the time. I have the healthiest diet (if somewhat currently restricted) and lifestyle of anyone I know and take Pregnacare conception, spirulina, wheatgrass, Omega oils daily, along with a veggie diet incorporating plenty of fruit, veg, non-animal protein, wholegrains, pulses, seeds. I drink loads of water and fruit teas, some decaf tea, don't smoke, exercise regularly (walking, swimming, yoga), drink very little alcohol and am tryin to up my egg intake as Qing (and Randine) tell me I need animal protein every day. I did find I was picking what I thought was lots of colds, but given that my temps weren't generally rising, I think that, as was the case last winter, the awful phlegminess and congested symptoms I was having were all down to the damp and spleen deficiency. I believe now that my kidney yang, spleen damp problems had got to a stage where they were just at roak bottom, which is why balancing me is taking so long. If I do ever get anything, like my coldy symptoms followed by the sore throat last cycle, of the cyctitis the cycle before, I do get rid of it very quickly. As for the tears, I'm one of those people who cannot, and doesn't try to, hide emotions or stop herself crying - from what you're saying, that's probably saved me from even worse damp/cold problems! Really interesting stuff Rubes. Last time I cried was a meltdown around (late!) ov time last cycle. Thanks for your concern though, very much appreciated. :hugs:
I remember that your cycles were very long - how long was your luteal phase though?
Glad you're starting to feel better - must seem like ages since you were longing for just any sign that you were pregnant; I imagine you've had all the signs you want now! How many weeks are you? Any signs of little one kicking yet? THat is absolute magic!

Daydream, how was your weekend?

Right, friday's session.....

CD4. QIng was very calm about my stupid 7-day LP. Think it's all down to being ill then having late ov last cycle.
My tongue tells her that the damp is clearing now, but my pulse is still showing congestion from damp and my spleen and kidney yang are still weak. I've been doing moxibustion whenever I'm at home in the evening, which can help to dry up the damp. I told her about the maca and it's potential for bringing ov forward and she told me that anything that might help can only be a good idea.
Lying on my front, I had needles in my scalp as normal, some heavy pinching on my back followed by some needles in the normal places on my lower back. Then some lovely heat and I really relaxed. Didn't stay on my back for long as she wanted to concentrate on my abdomen.
She tried some needles in my tummy, but I ended up with just the one, very low down (apparently lots of women can't feel needles in the abdomen very well), and then the normal (again, very dull and heavy-feeling) needles in my lower legs. Also needles in next to my thumbs. Then I relaxed for about half and hour. Bliss!
She gave me some seeds in my right ear again, reminded me to do the leg massage for my spleen and tummy massage for my digestion - also to helop my spleen (her words, roughly, were that we have to do absolutely everything we possibly can for me).
I have (spleen) er-chen-wan pills again but for this stage in my cycle she's swapped the (kidney yang) you-gui-wan for jin-kui-sheng-qi-wan. She also gave me some more moxa. Next appointment is monday of next week (she's away friday).

A friend has lent me a Gillian Keith recipe book which I'm findin guseful. She makes references to areas of TCM - ie bit of info about tongue diagnosis of damp and spleen issues (yay!) and recipes to suit. A really useful piece of info for spleen/digestive issues is to frink peppermint tea after meals and not to have fruit with a meal but half an hour before. If you ahve a line down the middle of yoru tongue, it points to digestive problems and therefore spleen deficiency.

That's enough for one mammoth post today!

Abi x
Hello all,

Well I'm a bit confused as to what my body is doing atm. After having a great 28 day cycle, (sorry if TMI) but I went on to keep getting brown mucousy discharge almost like EWCM? I always get a bit of this but not as much or for as long and I'm itchy down there :blush: Then it changed to sticky creamy and now seems watery at cd11. Have any of you girls had anything like that? I'm getting alot of tension headaches too. I see Adam in two days just before we leave to go away so hopefully he can tell me whats wrong. I'm annoyed as I've been so good and doing everything I possibly can and my body still doesn't feel right.

Having a bad week! First my washing machine blew up and then today the clothes dryer! Arrrgh and it's winter and freezing cold and I need to get a heap of washing done before we go away in two days.

Abi, it was interesting reading your post as I have spleen defieciency, with lots of damp (I was always getting thrush) I'm also a phlemy person lol! Whenever I get a cold I always end up terribly congested with chest infections etc. I have kidney yang defiency also. So it sounds like we are fairly similar. I might have to get Gillian Keith's book next as I am struggling with meal ideas.

Lulu, it's good your O day got brought forward. Hopefully the stress was just taking your mind off TTC. Now you've got the TWW to go through hopefully it goes quickly for you and is much less stressful

Fitzy, hows your TWW going? Hope it's not dragging too much for you.

Glitter, I think we will give Accu another month or two then have a break as it is getting very expensive and we are now booked into see a FS so God knows how much that is going to cost as we don't have private health cover. I will still follow the TCM principles and maybe keep up the herbs but I think I need a break.

Ok spose I should go do some houswork. The house is in such a mess and I have ppl coming tomorrow so better make it look a bit more presentable.
Hi everyone!! I've been more of a lurker on these boards the past month or so, just really trying to relax about the whole ttc thing and unfortunately this site just feeds my obsession :blush:

I hope everyone is doing well with their current treatment plans.

I've continued with acupuncture and just recently learned that a friend who was going to the same acupuncturist is pregnant!! Her and DH had been trying for 4 years with nothing physically wrong with either of them. Stories like that give me so much hope and I wanted to make sure and share with you all. I know we've all been through so much here and can use any little shred of hope we can get. :hugs:

I have a question for those who have done injectables and acupuncture/herbs. After 3 unsuccessful months on Clomid we've decided to try injectables next cycle. I was wondering if you continued with acupuncture and also drinking the herbs and taking the supplements during the injection cycle? The nurse at my fertility clinic said that she can't tell me to continue with the herbs because they are not monitored by the FDA. Same old story they always give. But she did make it clear that she has to say that and it really didn't sound like she was telling me it wasn't safe to continue. My acupuncturist is happy to continue with herbs and treatment, but I just wanted to get your opinions and see what your practitioners had recommended.

Big hugs to everyone and even though I'm not around much you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi everyone. Hope this makes sense as trying to type on tiny small screen - sorry now for typos

abi - I just did epo this month. Got from holland and barratt and took 3 a day for 10 days only. Would have taken for longer but I brought a 30tablet bottle thinking try would last a while until I read the back which said to take 3-6 a day! I'm not sure if it was them that helped. Tho hving said all that last month I had 2 days of pre-af spotting which I did not count as cd1-2. If I were to then I wld have ov on cd16. Do u have pre-af spotting and how do u count it? I find it all a bit too confusing!

Daydream - I have had similar ecwm at end of af in the past. It then normally goes watery around cd9-13 before getting 1 day of ewcm on ov day. I am beginning to know my cm pattern off by heart now that I have been trying for 13 cycles, grrrrrr.

Bernina- good to hear from u. Sorry the clomid hasn't worked :( I know what u mean about feeding ones obsession! Sorry I don't know the answers to your question but just wanted to say hello.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

I'm off tonight for a short break with some friends so will catch up with u when back. Have my follow up app on fri so keeping everything crossed all my blood tests etc come back healthy.

Baby dust! Baby dust!

Hi Lulu,

Regarding the pre AF spotting, I don't count that as cd 1, I count cd 1 as the first day of full red flow that requires me to wear more than a panty liner. I had some battles with spotting in the past and have asked that question a lot of times and was always told not to count spotting as cd 1.

Best of luck to you with the blood test results, please keep us posted!!
I have just been put on my second course of antibiotics as my kidney infection hasn't cleared- do you think it will stop my getting pg this month? just wondered if it affected ov or anything or just because i am nackered!!! all the months of building up my kidney energy and now itd buggered ahhhhh!!!
Hi Glitter,

I don't have personal experience to go on, but I really don't think the antibiotics themselves will cause any problems. The infection could weaken your body and that might cause your ovulation to be delayed or not happen, and in that case the sooner those antibiotics kick in the better it probably is for you. Hope you feel better soon!!!
Hey lulu - CD1 is the first day of full red flow, definitely.
Glitter, don't think the antibiotics will do any harm - just make sure you take them half an hour away from taking any chinese meds is what I was told when I had antibiotics in may. The illness is very likely to affect your cycle - most likely delay ovulation - and I'd think the weakening of your kidneys will exacerbate your kidney deficiency symptoms - I know this from experience too. Anybody else feel like they balance on a knife edge every cycle?!
Hope it clears up very soon glitter, can't be pleasant for you. IN the meantime I'd say follow your dietary and lifestyle guidelines to the letter to minimise the effects on your cycle. Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
I have just been put on my second course of antibiotics as my kidney infection hasn't cleared- do you think it will stop my getting pg this month? just wondered if it affected ov or anything or just because i am nackered!!! all the months of building up my kidney energy and now itd buggered ahhhhh!!!

Hi Glitter - I hope they dont cause too much problems for your ovulation and chances this cycle. Are you drinking cranberry juice by the bucket load? Also are you taking a prebiotic tablet (Acidophilus I think they are called) to keep the good bacteria in your gut cos the antibiotics will kill them off.
Hi everyone!! I've been more of a lurker on these boards the past month or so, just really trying to relax about the whole ttc thing and unfortunately this site just feeds my obsession :blush:

I hope everyone is doing well with their current treatment plans.

I've continued with acupuncture and just recently learned that a friend who was going to the same acupuncturist is pregnant!! Her and DH had been trying for 4 years with nothing physically wrong with either of them. Stories like that give me so much hope and I wanted to make sure and share with you all. I know we've all been through so much here and can use any little shred of hope we can get. :hugs:

I have a question for those who have done injectables and acupuncture/herbs. After 3 unsuccessful months on Clomid we've decided to try injectables next cycle. I was wondering if you continued with acupuncture and also drinking the herbs and taking the supplements during the injection cycle? The nurse at my fertility clinic said that she can't tell me to continue with the herbs because they are not monitored by the FDA. Same old story they always give. But she did make it clear that she has to say that and it really didn't sound like she was telling me it wasn't safe to continue. My acupuncturist is happy to continue with herbs and treatment, but I just wanted to get your opinions and see what your practitioners had recommended.

Big hugs to everyone and even though I'm not around much you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Bernina - I feel the exact same as you - this site is feeding my obsession too much that I think I need a break away from it all. :wacko:

As for the injectibles - sorry I dont know the answer but I'd say your acupuncturist would know whats best - the nurse has to say that incase something happens and you have a bad reaction - but I cant see the herbs messing too much with the injectibles to be honest - Abi might know more (our Acup Guru)... :haha:

Great too about the woman who was trying for 4 years and is now finally pregnant - scary too though - im getting close to 3 years and cant deal with the thought of 4 or even 5 years (or never at all)... its so bloody hard. I saw a poster in the Dr surgery yesterday with the heading "More to Life" for people who are involuntary childless - think there's a seminar or something on about it and how there is more to life than having kids etc. I wish I could forget totally about it and just get on with my life but its always there at the back of my head - i need a holdiday badly (oh i have a half day tomorrow and monday off too so that should help a wee bit - think I'll get pissed to take my mind of everything) :drunk:

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