The Really Useful TCM Thread

omg fitzy brilliant xxxxxxxxxxxx
abi excellent news re damp etc its going to be your month xx
reba i got my maca from amazon- didn't say organic but said pure maca certified or something like that. go for the clomid-sods law says you will fall pg at the most inconvenient time lol poor but will have your little one its always the way!
day 12 - or maybe 13 today - loads of ewcm this morning but gone again if i had an early ov yesterday and i b'd on sun night will i have caught it??? i will keep trying anyway but really can't be bothered tonight- the things we have to do lol xxx

Hey Glitter - yeah I must check Amazon out - i always forget about that site (i only buy my cook books from there - and I have got one too many now!!! cupboard is falling down with them....

I know - im thinking that I might as well start the clomid..... Just really wanted to have a baby Au Natural but that doesnt seem to be happening - and of course no guarantee the clomid will work either!!! Think I'll go get the prescription before 12.30 today and then I can wait for proper AF to show (which will be Fri or Sat if its the usual 5-6 days of spotting).
Fitzy - OOOOOOMMMMMGGGGG - thats fantastic news - the Lap & Dye def gave you a good clear out. I had to do a double take on your post to see if my eyes were discieving me!! Great news altogether!

Thanks so much Reba...I'm still in disbelief although took a digi test this morning and :bfp: with word Pregnant staring me in the face so it's starting to sink in now:blush:

Defo think you should try the clomid....I know au naturale is the ideal for us all but some of us need a little shove in the right direction!!
Thats brilliant news fitzy - congrats again. Im sure it will start to sink in soon!

I know I should just start the clomid - im such a chicken when it comes to things like that - i hate messing with nature!!! I still havent picked the prescription up but i still have a few days before AF shows in full swing anyway!

How long have you been trying in total for Fitzy?
what di dthe doc say when you got clomid. I wanted it but doc wouldn't give me it as i have regular cycles and ovulate but i wanted something to increase the chances of ov every cycle and maybe increase the qty or quality of eggs but he refused- still wondering if i should try that before ivf??
Congrats Fitzy! I saw your wonderful news in your journal a couple of days ago but you need congratulating everywhere!!! :happydance::happydance:

Daydream, I know what you mean about it being a shock to end up where you've seen other people. I have a friend I met in September 2008 - when I met her, I'd not started ttc #2 but she'd been trying since the beginning of the year and I really felt for her every month. She started having tests - all normal - and then I started trying in the November. She started acu in the january and then after 4 sessions, in Feb, she fell pregnant. Did I ever think I'd be trying for a year? No. Look at me on cycle 22! You don't think (or don't want to think) that it'll happen to you. I'm seeing th edoctor tomorrow, but more about that later...
The TCM will really help you - and you can have some of my seemingly-incredible (so I'm told) willpower. Promise to try really hard with the dietary guidelines - especially the damp and spleen. I found givin gup bananas and nuts recently really helped the damp, having already dropped dairy and wheat months ago. Really try to top up onteh things that are good for your condition too. Is spleen one fo your issues? Apparently the digestive issues of that can be helped by having fruit on its own, no more than an hour or so before or after a meal (it's a good thing to take out and about as snacks, I@m finding) and drinking peppermint tea helps a lot too.

Reba, I know what you mean about trying to stay natural. Do you get plenty of ewcm? Are your periods heavy-ish? I've read that clomid can dry up the cm a bit and thin your uterine lining - but then it still works very well for some people. Have you made a decision yet? It must be a big worry that your jobs don't seem very secure but I'm inclined to agree with glitter - go for it anyway! If you don't and then your jobs turn out to be fine you'll worry that you've missed months of pregnancy chances adn stress like hell over it (which in turn will affect your fertility :dohh:).

Hey Jojo, thaks for popping in - good to hear from you. How are you doing?

So, monday's appointment...
Qing went to a Zita West course over the weekend and came back with some new ideas, she said. She told me to to seee my GP, to ask for blood tests, and tests to determine my ovarian function and FSH/AMH levels (this'll involve u/s I think). She was quick to reassure me that she doesn't think there is something wrong which will stop me getting pregnant (in fact she said that now she's not sure what's stopping me - I htink it's the 20% chance each month stat) - just that she wants to know if there's anything else that needs tweaking which she's not picked up on. Seeing my GP - meetin ghim for the first time, that is - tomorrow morning...
She checked my pulse and tongue and said my spleen and kidneys seem stronger - still a bit of damp in my pulse, but it's getting better still too.
I was CD14 on monday. Started with needles in my scalp and lower back, with heat, than had them in my abdomen and lower legs and really relaxed into it. Seeds in my right ear. Going again tomorrow.

And NO! I've not ovulated yet... CD ruddy 17... still, might not matter form what QIng was saying, eh? HAd time for plenty of BD anyway! Oh, and she said that it's very effective to orgasm with, or just after, OH as it makes the cervix suck up all the sperm like an elephant's trunk :rofl: (I've heard it described before, but not like that! Very effective image though).

Come on girls, Fitzy will be lonely of she's the only BFP on the thread this cycle!

Abi x
what di dthe doc say when you got clomid. I wanted it but doc wouldn't give me it as i have regular cycles and ovulate but i wanted something to increase the chances of ov every cycle and maybe increase the qty or quality of eggs but he refused- still wondering if i should try that before ivf??

Hi Glitter - the FS I went to last year in the Royal wouldnt give it to me cos like you I have normal cycles and Ov on my own every month but the FS i went to privately in May (its a place called Medical Associates off the Malone Road) offered it to me straight away - she said even though I Ov this might help increase my chances (and because I spot before AF it might help clear that up if its a hormonal thing). I thought I was going to have to demand it but she offered it straight away. Is it the FS Dr that wont give it to you or just the normal Dr? Might be worth going to the place I went too - or just telling your Dr that there is research out there to suggest that even if you Ov that taking clomid can increase your chances and tell him that you would like to try one more avenue before going down the IVF route.
Hey ABi - great your spleen and kidneys are better. I eat alot of bananas but never thought they could cause a problem, might need to lay of them for a while.

Thats hilarious - suck up the sperm like an elephant trunk - very descriptive!!! I do try to Orgasim at same time as DH but find it too hard - it takes me forever and he can't hold on long enough :haha: so I usually do it afterwards - but I always think loads of seminal fluid has already come out of me. When my sister got pregnant she said she was on top and orgasimed and nothing really came out at all so she kinda knew it was going to work - i think I need to be standing on my head to make sure nothing comes out. I really need to try harder this month (the past few Ive let the love making slip).

So Abi are you getting all the blood tests done with the DR - have you not had any done in the 22 months of trying? I hope they all come back okay. :thumbup:
Fitzy, how are you going? I don't really check any other threads except this one. Have you tested again yet?

Abi, it will be interesting to see if the bloodtests show anything. Have you had any other testing like HSG or lap done? Thanks for some of the willpower. I really think it helped to read that just now. Had a very bad day involving chocolate and biscuits and popcorn :blush: I really do need to get back onto it. Even though going away was great I got so out of routine and started eating badly again and I've stopped doing my yoga in the morning. I don't think the pms is helping and I really think the bad eating has caused the pms to flare up again. Even the herbs Adam gave me for my pms are not helping. I'm so moody, crampy and bbs tender like they always get. Must be good tomorrow.

Spleen is a big one of my issues along with damp and kidney yang defiecient. Adam can't believe how long my kidneys are taking to respond. I have cut out bananas and most wheat and dairy. I only have 50ml of gluten free milk in the morning. No more ice-cream for me. I've also tried to cut out alot of sugar but it's in everything. Compared to what I used to consume I've cut out a heap of sugar. I was a three tspn of sugar in tea girl and drank at least four cups a day. I also loved fruit juice and I now have none. Must remember to cut out nuts as I thought they were ok.

Sorry for the blah, but I don't really have anyone else to talk to about the TCM and dietary changes. Everyone just thinks I'm nuts and I get the occasional eye roll from some lol.
Congrats Fitzy! I saw your wonderful news in your journal a couple of days ago but you need congratulating everywhere!!! :happydance::happydance:

Come on girls, Fitzy will be lonely of she's the only BFP on the thread this cycle!

Abi x

Thanks again Abi and yes I will be verrrry lonely...I need some company and will be checking in here regularly to make sure I get it!!!:hugs:
Daydream I havn't tested today but am going to docs this afternoon. Kinda worried I'll get a BFN and she'll tell me it was all in my head!! I did get BFP on clearblue digi yesterday though!

RebaI have been trying for 14 months which isn't too long in grand scheme of things but had all the other complications to go with ovulation, completely mental cycle lengths as a result of that, clomid resistant, endometriosis, copious u/sounds and a lap/dye plus D&C.:wacko:

Sending much :dust: to all xxx
it was the fs in royal wouldn't even consider it- my doc said he can't prescribe it as you need to be monitored and he can't do it? might just ask again and give it a go. x
Glitter you know what i've been dying to poke my nose in for ages but kept resisting, I read what the other girls on soy thread said about not taking it if you ovulate and are regular and I completely disagree! our hormones are such a delicate thing and any discrepancy can cause alsorts as you well know as its described in TCM, these minute differences could be rectified with soy, I literally ovulated day 19 I got my bfp (earliest ever was 18 but then it had gone up to 23 lately) and luteal phase was short and got 1 extra day on that too so only small differences but after 19 months TTC I think it gave me the shot I obviously needed. If your thinking clomid I'd def give the soy a go first! Just 120mg days 3-7 won't do any harm, I'd certainly say it was worth a try! The girls on that thread are nice but too quick to advise against it if you ask me, its not a mutually exclusive club they sometimes treat it like (hope this doesn't offend anyone reading) xx
Just wanted to pop in and congratulate Fitzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG thats so bloody fantastic, see all you needed was a little 'clear'out and buba is on the way!

I am poppin in here from time to time checking on how everyone is doing. Keep it up girls, if it can work for me (who was no angel on the diet front!) it could work for anyone.
Just an interesting thing Ive found out.. I have seen on the net that some people are saying that Benedryl (taken 3 times a day) have helped to get them preggers. Now I got pregnant the very same month I started taking my hayfever tablets - yes Benedryl - so who knows, just really struck a chord with me as no1 was concieved in the spring too, start of my hayfever season... so I wonder if it helped. anyway take a look if your interested.
Im doing better on the puking front, still no appetite tho (well only for take out!) but Im suffering from the dreaded hayfever and asthma now... grr... but always a silver lineing and that the baby has started kicking at 16 weeks (17 now) so its lovely to feel that again.

Good luck girls!!!
Glitter you know what i've been dying to poke my nose in for ages but kept resisting, I read what the other girls on soy thread said about not taking it if you ovulate and are regular and I completely disagree! our hormones are such a delicate thing and any discrepancy can cause alsorts as you well know as its described in TCM, these minute differences could be rectified with soy, I literally ovulated day 19 I got my bfp (earliest ever was 18 but then it had gone up to 23 lately) and luteal phase was short and got 1 extra day on that too so only small differences but after 19 months TTC I think it gave me the shot I obviously needed. If your thinking clomid I'd def give the soy a go first! Just 120mg days 3-7 won't do any harm, I'd certainly say it was worth a try! The girls on that thread are nice but too quick to advise against it if you ask me, its not a mutually exclusive club they sometimes treat it like (hope this doesn't offend anyone reading) xx

thank you so much for 'butting in' i really appreciate your point of view- i really feel the soy would help me porduce more mature eggs my luteal phase is 14 days so thats ok i just need somehting to help produce more eggs or better quality so i think i will give soy a go it seems day 5-9 are the ones for better quality eggsx thanks again jojo xx
Glitter - def try the Soy and then ask the FS again for the clomid too - you never know - it might be just what you need to get your BFP.

Laummatt - glad the baby is doing good - and your sickness has subsided a little. :thumbup:

Well Ive decided to wait til Sept to start the clomid - what with the job and the holiday in August I'd rather just wait - i dont want to be sick on my holiday (wouldnt really want to fly if I was just pregnant either) - so Im just gonna forget about it for the next 2 months and just go with the flow and enjoy the summer - not gonna bother with OPK's or any of that til Sept - not even gonna bother DTD unless im in the mood - can't be arsed! Well i say that now but we'll see what happens on CD16 when Im ov'ing......
Hi ladies

Wow I go away for a week and there is a BFP - great news. Congrats Fitzy!! :happydance:

I haven't had chance to catch up on all the posts properly but will try to do so soon. I am currently sitting by the phone waiting anxiously for my solicitor to tell me whether we will exchange on our house today. I hope so as I think it is making me really stressed and getting in the way of my ttc efforts. :nope:

Well sadly I think the witch is on her way :growlmad: I think I am 11dpo but last night I had a night sweat and I ALWAYS get them the night before my AF arrives. Must be my body reacting to the drop in hormone levels. I also have cramps. I feel pee'd off already as had loads of EWCM, saw my follicle on the u/s and normal lining and DTD at the right time. So WHY WHY WHY is not happening!? Arrrrrgh!! Sorry to have a rant. I know we all feel like this at times....

I had my follow up with the gynae last week. The good news is that apart from a tilted uterus (which apparantly 1 in 3 ladies have and doesnt cause any issues) everything looks ok. I was a bit worried as my periods have been light of late but my lining on CD8 was fine. She also did some blood tests to check for inflammation which could be an indication of endo or worse. That was all ok so she is giving me 3 months to get pg naturally and if I am not she will help things along. She also said she could give me some prog for my short-ish LP though she didnt think necessary. This is the first DR I have spoken to who has acknowledged that a LPD even exists! So I am thinking that at least there is stuff which can help that out.

Sorry this is such a medical post for a TCM thread. Anyway just wanted to update you.

Think Im also going to give MACA a go this month as well as the EPO - that gave me such great ewcm last month.

Love to all xx
Hey girls, I've just come back from seeing my GP forthe 1st time (I say 1st time, but he was a locum there when #1 was 5 days old and we rushed her there because she vomited up blood. He was very calm but sent us to emergency paeds just to be on the safe side - after blood tests on her (and much screaming) they decided she was fine and it turned out she was tongue-tied and the blood was coming from my lacerated nipples. Luckily they run a breastfeeding clinic at Southampton maternity hosp (the one where One Born Every Minute was filmed) where they cut tongue ties so we had her done the day after and I just had to use horrible nipple covers to feed her until I was all healed. GIRLS!! It hurts like buggery (well not exactly like buggery, although I wouldn't know) feedin with cracked nipples and will only get worse if not sorted out - also, some babies can't feed properly even if they can latch on, and this leads to sudden weight loss and having to go onto formula, which must be awful if it's not what you want ot do. WHen you have your babies - even if you're not going to breastfeed them - make sure the midwife checks under the tongue and ask for it to be dealt with if there is a tie - tongue-tie sufferers tend to have bad teeth as they can't run their tongues round the inside of their mouths to loosen trapped food (lovely image to match the one of the elephants' trunks up our hoo-has which I gave you the other day!), leading to tooth decay problems. This is a public service announcement, haha.

Anyway, my GP appointment...
He knows about women's fertility!! He wrote down everything I told him about my cycle, listened to me talking about TCM (although he did admit to knowing nothing about it) and agreed that blood tests and hormone/ovary checking are the right way to go. I really waffled an about cycle length, ovulation day, LP, you name it. So... need to go for CD21 blood test at general on Mon (no appts at my surgery til 2 weeks' time), have a practice nurse appt for 12th (urine, weight, height I seem to remember), need to do an FMO sample to check for chlamydia and drop it back to the surgery (we both agreed it's highly unlikely but good to rule out - I've only ever had unprotected sex with Andy and he's never had anything either). If I have another period, I need to go for a cd2-4 blood test and after all that make an appt to see him again once the results are back.
He said that once theyr'e back we'll think about AMH/FSH level testin and an u/s to check my ovaries and tubes are ok. There's nothing TCM-wise to indicate blocked tubes - that would be pain and heat I think. I'm yang deficient and have no period pains and very little in the way of pm symptoms other than breast tenderness sometimes.
He also mentioned that IVF funding is available in our area up to the age of 35 but that's not a necessary road for me as far as I'm concerned - and I pointed out that that Qing is certain I can conceive naturally again and just need tweaking once we have the results of diagnostic tests. It seems strange to be in the medical system now, I have to say.

Hey Laummatt, oh kicking is magic! Glad the nausea is beginning to subside :hugs: The benadryl thing is interesting but unfortunately it's in gelatine capsules so I ain't going near it.

Good to see you back Lulu - hope the solicitor's been on the phone with good news :thumbup: Great news about your test results too - it must just be some TCM tweaking for you too. Stick to the dietary guidelines like glue!! Would you remind me what your diagnosis is please? I like the maca capsules I'm taking - got them from Don't think they're organic, but the majority of my diet is and I'm sure it's diet more than suplements which need to be.

Reba, glad you've managed to make a decision about the clomid - but I fully expect you to be gearing up to bd when the EWCM arrives - resistance is futile when you've been doing it as long as we have! Oh yeah, and I have to make sure I orgasm after bd - not always but most for the time. Glad the elephant allegory tickled you!

Jojo, thanks very much for butting in about the soy - I may try it yet. There's a fantastic little pharmacy close to me which stocks a plethora of things H&B doesn't carry - or, in the case of soy isoflavones, stocks them in vegecaps rather than nasty gelatine ones. Betheney swears it worked for her and she's 20 weeks now, give or take.

Hey glitter, sounds like soy might be good for you. I'll go check out the thread for myself and keep in mind what jojo has said.

Think that's everybody..
Abi x
hello all!

sorry not to pop in more often - i just couldn't read a run what with another TCM bfp! fitzy, well done you and's to a happy and healthy 9 months. how very, very exciting!

i'm just about over the sickness although i'm still struggling with a general lack of appetite! thank goodness for rice, fish and fruit! i managed some bacon and pasta (gf of course) this week which is very exciting. i've also started making my own homemade rice pudding - this week is strawberry rice pudding and i eat it both hot and cold like muller rice! i'm also addicted to asda own hoola hoop crisps.....

scan put me a bit further ahead so i hit 16wks tomorrow - not noticed any movement yet but they do say with your first you might not feel anything until 20wks. laumatt - glad you're doing better now too!

i think of all you girlies often and hope you continue to keep positive on this journey xxx
Hello everyone!

Well we finally exchanged - woo hoo! Been so busy packing this wkend (as we move this fri) that it was a welcome distraction from the witch arriving on Saturday :( oh well you know what they say, new house new baby. I had only half a day of re-af spotting, now on cd3 and af nearly finished.

I am back on the epo this month and decided to give soy a go. Only 55mg to begin with. Took it last night so will also do on cd3-5. Jojo, laumatts and betheney have convinced me to give it a go.

Abi I am blood deficient. I need to re-read 'the book' but it's currently packed. I'm not surprised with the diagnosis as I lost over 4 pints of bloods when in labour last year and had to have 3 blood transfusions so I am sure it has taken it's toll on my body (combined with the 28 hour labour). Galit (my acu) thought my energy was generally low as well- not sure what the tcm technical term for that is. When I get the book out will take a look to check the recommendations.

We need some more bfps!! Baby dust to everyone!

Lots of love xxx
Hi ladies, I'm after some help and some advice on what I can take to help get my BFP.

I fell pregnant in April 2008 with an unplanned but very much wanted baby. Pregnancy went fine, and I now have a 18 month old daughter :cloud9: 3 months ago we decided to TTC again. I had been charting casually since January.

Jan-Feb cycle - 32 days long, ov on CD18
Feb-March cycle - 43 days long, no ov
April-May cycle - 38 days long, ov on CD24 with 120mg soy taken CD3-7, BFP on 11dpo, BFN on 14DPO, AF on what should have been 15dpo
May - July - 43 days long, ov on CD29 with 200mg soy taken CD3-7, BFP again on 11dpo, BFN on 14DPO, AF on what should have been 15dpo

Help! I'm looking for something to make my cycles more regular, shorter and something that will help fertilised egg implant. I dont mind taking a whole bunch of things lol.

Thanks in advance :hugs:

ETA - I'm hopefully going to get a doctors appointment on Thursday to discuss my concerns with them but I don't think they'll do much since we've only been TTC a few cycles :shrug: I'll try and get a scan for PCOS although I'm not convinced that its my problem really as I don't have any of the classic symptoms apart from the irregular and long cycles.

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