The Really Useful TCM Thread

HI Blah
not sure i can help but vit b6 seems to be good at doing this- well it will lengthen your lp but from what i have read take the b50 or b 100 and dont take it in its own but with other b vits as they need to be balanced. not sure if this will help but didnt want to read and run!
also accupuncture and tcm is good for regulating periods
good luck x
anyone got suggestions for constipation relief that are safe if ttc? I have irritable bowel but right now its bloody mad!! I am taking psyllium husks but my tummy is so swollen i look like i am about to give birth! i am also taking probiotics as i have just had lots of antibiotics for kidney infection but my god the wind is awful. I am afraid to take my meds for this as they may not be safe so i have taken peppermint capsules instead. Help??
Glitter - i always find that eating an apple whilst sipping a cup of hot water (with or without lemon) can get things moving down there!!! Or munching a raw carrot too - weird I know. :thumbup:
Peppermint tea can help with the digestion. Try massaging your tummy too. Drink plenty of water every day - and even more when it's hot. Other than that I don't really know as constipation's not something I suffer with. Sorry you're so uncomfortable. :hugs:
Do you follow the dietary guidelines for your TCM diagnosis?

I ov'd on fri and am now 5dpo. Qing was pleased that my GP was so educated about women's fertility. Had similar treatment to normal, but this time had 3 needles in my abdomen.

Had my CD21 blood test on monday (CD21, luckily enough!) although my temp had dipped from 36.55 to 36.40 - and then 36.32 yesterday! - but back up today (slightly less than 3 hours' sleep) to... 36.68! Low progesterone my arse (I hope... let's see if they stay up)

Hope everybody's having a good week.

Blah, can't really advise much other than trying TCM, which can be a bit pricey, if very good, but would you consider maca? Try looking at a maca thread - very good at balancing hormones. And yes, like Glitter said, try a B-complex. check out the B6 thread (lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone) - didn't work for me because I don't htionk that's what my problem is, but it's worked for lots fo people.
Glitter, I think you're on the right path with the probiotics and psylium husks. I know what works for me is to drink 1 large glass of water every morning and have 1/2 cup of oatmeal. You don't have to have the oatmeal every day, but as many days as possible really helps. Usually by the time I finish the glass of water (I drink it as I'm doing my hair/make-up in the morning) I can feel the need to use the bathroom coming on. Works out good this way I get it out of the way before work.

Also, watch out for too many bananas as they can actually stop things up a bit (they're good if you have the runs though!)

Best of luck honey, I know that's a very uncomfortable feeling.
well I now don't think the constipation is the prob-everything moving so to speak but still cramping and back really sore- could be the ibs spasms but feels different somehow- will play it by ear- the psylium husks did the trick but the wind is still really bad- tmi sorry i think it is 3 weeks in barbados required- can i get it on prescription lol xx
Hi girls,

just a quick me post cause I'm feeling a bit down. :sad2: AF just showed up and I'm just so over it. I know some people go through ttc for much longer but it's been over a year now. Just really over it. I really thought we were in with a good chance this month with getting the accu done right before I went away, ovulating while we were away and having lots of sex. How could it not work??

My cycles are much better, my 21 day progesterone test level was 32 and I was told that clearly showed ovulation. I've been so good and feel healthy. Dp's sperm results have come back and they were not as good as they would have liked so he needs to do another one soon. I will read the results tonight but I know he had 82% abnormal. I want him to go see Adam but I'm not sure whether he will or not.
Hope you're more comfy soon glitter :thumbup:

Daydream, I'm sorry :hugs: Must be a shock for you both, your OH getting such bad results. Def try to get him to see Adam, Randine says acu (or was it dry herbs?) can really help men. Supplements and dietary changes should help your OH increase his sperm count and motility. Umm... Randine's book lists loads of stuff but off the top of my head... cutting out - or down on - alcohol, no smoking, plenty of fruit, veg, fibre, seeds and nuts. Might help, I think, cutting down on junk food too - certainly fried stuff. Yep, all the obvious stuff. Supplements include (as I remember it - I started dosing OH up months ago just in case!) - high-dose Vit C, Vit E, selenium (loads of antioxidants basically).

Abi x
Hi Daydream - so sorry the witch (bitch) turned up - its heartbreaking I know but you'll get through it. It doesnt get any easier the longer you try.

Def get your DH loads of supplements - Zinc is a good one for sperm. Just get him a Wellman pack of tablets - sperm can regenerate within 3 months so the next test could be great if he starts eating really well now and takes his vitamins.

Glitter - what CD are you on? Could the back pain and cramps be something else??????

Hows everyone else doing?
Hi everyone. Daydream sorry the witch got you big ((((hug))))

I am in the middle of packing but thought I'd stop for a quick 5 min break. My af was on the lighter side of normal and no spotting. On cd3 I decided to do an hpt - I know this may seem odd but when I was pg last yr I had a 7 day 'period.' anyway I wanted to make sure a million % I wasn't pg as I wanted to take some cream for my eczma which had flared up. Anyway it was of course -ve. The next morning out of interest I looked at it again and there was an evap line. So I decided to take another one- I thought I cld see a faint line. When I came home from work it was dark! Again another evap line (ics). So I did another and had another evap line after the time limit. Anyway 2 more tests later (incl a predictor) I get evap lines on them too.Sorry for the ramble but have any of you guys ever had this? I'm not pg as I did another one this am with fmu and no line (although a fainter evap line after an hour). I'm wondering if I've had a chemical pg or if maybe I have had extraordinary luck with evap lines.... Any theories gratefully received?!

daydream- boo a f - piss off you with( mine must be due cuz thats the mood i am in lol )
reba i am day 21- the thought did cross my mind but made it leave quickly!
abi- cathy didn't really talk about food at all just to maintain a healthy diet lots of fruit and veg( which i hate!) she didn't mention anything about damp - just deficient spleen- any pointers?
Also... the ivf clinic just called- i start the drugs around 15th Aug- egg retrevial 1st week in oct approx- omg so nervous already- will be keeping up the accupuncture throughout but have to stop the herbs. Can anyone recommend a good accu practitioner in Sheffield??
Hey ladies!
I haven't been on for ages but been popping in and out to see how you are all doing. Congrats Fitzy!

Quick recap- I had a Miscarriage at 9 weeks back in the beginning of April they said was a blighted ovum. This was my third pregnancy in 9 months (Chemical in Jan 2010 and Ectopic with right tube removal in Sept 2009). Since the last miscarriage I have been to Dr Chang at the Asante TCM center in London. He was recommend through DH's friend who had several MC around 7-14 wk mark. (who I am pleased to say is in her 34th week atm!!)

I have been continuing with regular weekly acupuncture and been taking herbs to compliment the treatment. He has shifted me to his walk in clinic based nr. Tottenham Crt Road St so I no longer have the lovely heated lamp :( and the clinic isnt as nice. but Dr Chang says I can start trying again...eek. He believes my energy levels are getting better. I have been pretty good with Acu and have not missed appt but have been slack in taking herbal tablets. I am so thankful that he has got me off those awful ones that I was taking at the beginning that were so small I felt I was taking gazzziiillliiioonnns! I am now on three sets each to take 12 x2 daily. As we dont know if I am pregnant or not he has asked me to be careful and stop taking them as soon as I am late for AF (tomorrow is late!!!)

I am sure she is about to rear her ugly head so I shall be back on board.

Glitterqueen- one of my friends just had her 3 MC in Sheffield and I was talking to her just yesterday about my TCM and she looked up this lady:
My friend has a consultation on tuesday so I will let you know how she gets on.
Hope that helps.

I am not waiting got AF to rear her ugly head. We did BD a few times around OV in June- but I am not holding my breath on that one.

Anyway- I am ready to TTC again- at least physically if not emotionally.
Thanks girls for commiserating with me! lol

I am feeling much better today as I knew I would. It's just there are so many babies and pregnancies around me at the moment I can't get away from it. My close girlfriend came to visit yesterday with her 8 week old and today I had to go see our neigbours gorgeous new dd. (we were pregnant with our first together.)

I know there are people much worse off than myself but sometimes you just need to feel sorry for yourself I think.

glitter, i hope AF bypasses visiting you and just stays with me. One of us has to get a BFP soon surely? From memory for defiecient Spleen you need to avoid dairy, wheat and sugar mostly and do not consume raw or cold foods. No cold drinks. I know there is more but can't remember right now. Abi might be able to help there.

lulu, thanks for the hug. Thats strange about the evap lines. I have never had one no matter how hard I look at the damn tests and I've used IC's, FR you name it I've tried it lol. Maybe it was a chemical?

Abi, I went to see Adam today and he was really pleased with me. Says I'm at about 75%. DH is coming with me next week and Adam is confident he can help mainly with herbs but also a bit of accu. It's frustrating as neither of us smoke, DH is not a big drinker, hardly ever drinks and I try and make sure we all eat healthy, however Dh does not eat as well as me and likes his milk, chocolate and soft drink so lots of sugar and dairy!! Even though I don't keep it in the house I know he has it at work. Hopefully Adam can help change that. Dh is a welder and we have our own business so he is working A LOT! We hardly ever see each other, so I have a feeling it is work related. It will be interesting to see what his next sperm count is like after seeing Adam for a while.

I've lent my Randine book to a girlfriend who I really believe needs it. She has been TTC for over 2 years and she is 37. I really miss the book though! Thinking about buying another as it was great as a booster or just to reassure myself on certain things.

Minimin, I'm sorry to hear about your M/c's thats great your energy levels are up and you feel ready to try again. I can't imagine how draining physically and emotionally a M/C would be. Fingers crossed it's your turn now.

Come on girls we need some BFPS in here! We can do it!
Sorry lulu, can't help - I've only poas twice in my entire life. There are POAS whore threads on here though - they probably have an explanation for everything. :hugs:
Glitter, if it's a spleen deficiency you have you need to drop dairy and refined carbs (white bread, pasta etc) - might be a very good idea to cut down on wheat completey. There are lots of alternatives to wheat bread - rye, spelt - but they can be more diff to find and are more 'spensive. Def cut out white bread though. There are tons of non-wheat pastas and they're great.
Right... spleen diet - eat your veg (and lots of it, mainly organic) lightly steamed or sauteed; don't eat raw, cold foods or use ice; avoid mangoes, watermelon, pears, cucumber, lettuce, celery, spinach (energetically cold); eat rice & oats; eat yams, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds (you don't have PCOS so you can follow this one); eat beef, chicken, goose, ham, rabbit & mackerel (or don't - I wouldn't!!); eat cherries, coconut, dates, figs, grapes, molasses, potatoes, shiitake mushrooms (but have fruit half and hour apart from other foods); avoid sugar and sugar substitutes (I'm havin ghoney though - concentrate on the sugar, I htink); eat whole fruits rather than drinking fruit jiuce; avoid milk, cheese, ice cream; get adeqhuate rest adn sufficient exercise - but not too mich exercise during AF - walking's good - nothing too strenuous.
Hope this helps :hugs:
It must be nerve-wracking approaching IVF, but you've waited a long time for it and you're probably readier than you think. If you still need it by then, I reckon you'll both be in the right place emotionally to cope with it.

Hey minimin! Lovely to see you back on the thread - and great to see you so much more positive now. Really pleased to hear you feel ready to ttc again. Back on the crazy train! Fingers crossed it happens quickly for you (and the rest of us, obviously).

Well done remembering zinc reba - I had my partner on that too, just forgot...

Got to dash - waiting for my partner to call me from the GP surgery to pick him up to take him to work - talking about his sperm and when he can go to the general to be tested (don't know why, but that always makes me giggle!).
Abi x
Hi ladies,

Lulu - i cant help - ive pee'd on many a stick and never in my life had a line of any sort (evap or not - dont even know what an evap is to be honest). I hope its a BFP and that the hormone isnt strong enough yet - are you late? if so by how long? Can you hold off testing for a few days -save your money (easier said than done I know).

glitter - i know what you mean about not letting those thoughts into your head - can be totally heartbreaking when the witch shows. But ill keep my fingers crossed for you anyway just in case! And exciting and scary the thought of IVF - wish you could get a BFP before then but if not at least you have a plan of attack.

Abi - I think all the Gillian McKeith books I read and programmes I watched made me remember the Zinc....

Okay im off for an extra long weekend - not back in work til next Thurday (yippie :happydance: ) so I hope by the time I get back someone is up the duff!!!! hahaha :haha:

Have a nice weekend ladies!
Hi Ladies! :wave:
Thanks Abster and daydream_mum! I'm home now- did a HPT which was positive but I have to be monitored so went to the early pregnancy unit and they confirmed it- I have to go back for more bloods on Monday- and the rollercoaster begins. I called Dr Chang and am seeing him on Monday- He told me to stop some of the pills I am taking gui pi wan & liu wei di huang wan and stopped taking ba zhen wan & nuan gong yun zi wan :shrug:

I am sending lots and lots of :babydust: to you allxxxxxx

thanks for the diet advice- pretty much doing most of that but i struggle not eating cheese so just realy restricted it to very little-tried goats chese-yuck! but aiming to lose at least 1 stone before middle of august before ivf but finging it hard- now i know what middle age spread is!! thinking of having a colonic ................
Congratulations Minimin! You certainly were ready to ttc again, apparently :thumbup:
I hope the first few weeks wont' be too nerve-wracking for you. If you ever get scared, just remember that this time you have TCM on your side so you're body's super-ready for it :hugs:

Hey you lot, how's it going?

Daydream, it's great to have somebody else on here who's ttc for the 2nd time - without a doubt I know exactly how you feel :hugs:

Abi x
Minimin, wow thats fantastic news!! :happydance: It does sound like your body is ready this time and you are doing everything you can to keep it that way! Make sure you keep popping in to let us know how you're going.

glitter, I hear you on the no cheese! I used to love dairy. Still do, but trying very hard. I must admit I had a tiny bit of grated cheese on my rice pasta the other night. I'm definietly not doing as well as I could but Adam said not to stress myself out over it and just do as well as I can possibly manage or I'd be miserable which isn't good either.

Reba, hope your enjoying your exta long weekend! Thanks for the advice on Zinc. I've got Dh on menevit at the moment which I read has it in it, but not sure if it's enough? Oh well will be interesting to see what Adam puts him on.

Abi, it's great to have someone who just gets it and is doing the TCM too :hugs:

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