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*~*The Young Parents Club *~*

Yer lol but you know we struggled to get 10 members on active at one time once upon a time :rofl: no we struggle to keep our eyes open :shock: so the volumn of members matters it's just I'm usually with head up my rear end so was stick in the old days then it clicked on me that actually we could probably discuss this again and OH agreed and was thinking the same ...

Need OHs attention for adding new sections and hes looking rather in deep thought right now so I won't bring it up now for my own sake :rofl: so it really is a case of a little wait but can confirm 100% it is going to happen for you'.

wow its mad to think the forum used to be that small!
lol i read it was pink too?
Thats just mad lol :haha::haha: xxxx
Having just been told off by Kris I've come to join you :D

I'm Hanna for anyone who doesn't know mummy to

Jak, who is 3.5 born on the 20th Sept 2006,

Summer, who is 21 months, born on the 12th July 2008, and

Bump, who is minus 2 months 2 day, and due on the 16th June 2010

I've made tickers for you Kris (end bracket just needs closing for img and url) :winkwink::thumbup:

Jak https://alterna-tickers.com/tickers/generated_tickers/p/pge62hfu0.png[/IMG ][/URL ]

Summer [URL=https://alterna-tickers.com][IMG]https://alterna-tickers.com/tickers/generated_tickers/s/sxi1tkgo5.png[/IMG ][/URL ]

K I'm going to read through the thread now
Oh Kris you have family in carshalton..I may know them ?
esp if you have any young (ish) family in Greenshaw or carshalton high school for girls ??
No, they only moved there a few years back and im an only child.
Just my dad and my stepmum there now since i moved out :(
lol thanks hanna...mind if i wait till noahs here to add a ticker?
off to do it now :) xxx
wow its mad to think the forum used to be that small!
lol i read it was pink too?
Thats just mad lol :haha::haha: xxxx

It was a light red but some mistook it for pinky :D the butterfly looked more pinky.

Attached an image of the butterfly from then (ignore background that wasn't the colour) ...


  • 11122245.png
    4.8 KB · Views: 35
wow i seriously cant imagine that,
purples much better :thumbup: (not that its my favourite colour or anything :haha:)
Kris im in Kingstons upon thames, where abouts in london are you ?

Andi, strange but im going to ask you a question, how much is Ella having with each bottle feed ? i know EJ is bigger than her but i just have this feeling that if i offered him 8oz he would drink it all lol, and ds1 was taking formula as well as EBM at this stage and i was just giving him a bit larger feeds if it was EBM than if it was formula as EBM digests quicker

She has about 120ml when she wakes up hungry which is about 4-4.5oz. If she is already awake and gets hungry i will breast feed her, but sometimes if i feed her the bottle she may only take about 50mls. It's ebm too. i do give her 120ml of formula though for her night feed :)
ta hun, EJ drank 150mls easily the other night so i'll stick with about that for now, might just prepare a bit more than that though and see if he will stop on his own or keep going, hes a big boy after all,

Kris i used to work in Balham as an aupair and the bus for the school run went through tooting, anyway way around most places in surrey/south london are only max 40 min drive on a good day from here caus of the A3 which isnt bad really considering the voulme of traffic on the roads lol some days its faster to get to clapham than it is to wimbledon caus of the a3 lol
ooh, i thought that 1 was meant 2 help periods??
thats the 1 i want :wacko:

Ya I thought so too :dohh:

Rome-- I get the max baby bonus, which is $300 something ($325-$350 range per month, not sure exactly) per month plus the $100 that everyone gets... so I get nearly $450/month, pretty sure I only lose that if I start to make over $15,000 per year (which I won't at minimum wage, well, just above, working part time... on mat leave I made about $8,000 last year.. and that's 55% of my regular pay... and I'm on way less hours..) OR if I move in with my boyfriend...

I wonder why I'm not getting the max? or maybe the guy didn't add the other 100 in ? :nope: I hope thats it
Cause all of last year I only made like 100 dollars cause I only worked for 1 week :blush::blush:

wow i seriously cant imagine that,
purples much better :thumbup: (not that its my favourite colour or anything :haha:)

the lighting on my computer makes it blue :haha: so whenever I'm on my moms I'm like :o ITS PURPLE lol :dohh:

but to be corner/demanded like that really piddled me.

I'm sorry :blush::blush:
forgive me? :dohh:
they probably didnt add the other 100 because its seprate from the other 300 sumthing i was told it eeven comes in a different day
Plus GST every 3 months-- before I was getting $90ish, now that I have a dependent I get $150... so $600/year!

I was wondering about this too, I got my GST in at the start of the month but it was sent to my parents and it was the normal 62, then I got another at my apartment for 94$ like 2 days ago

is that normal?:dohh:
It's different, one is CCTB and one is UCCB... but they come in on the same day. They come into your bank account as 2 separate transactions.

Baby bonus is the 20th of the month, if the 20th is on a weekend you get it early. So if the 20th is a Sunday you get it on Friday the 18th.
:dohh: i was kinda lazy and didnt send in the direct diposist form i never got around to filling it out an my mom kept saying i had to hand it in and i was stressed :wacko: lol
i didnt fill in my DD cause I couldn't get my butt to the bank so i just sent away without it
I think you can tick a box on your income taxes to get it by direct deposit.. I know that doesn't really help right now lol...

I can't even remember doing the forms TBH lol, the first like 5 weeks are a blur lol
I filled it out a few days ago to send in but now I don't remember where i put it lmao
im so tired. ive had meetings for leap program, baby classes, house cleaning, kailee was unsettled last night. i wanna go to sleep :( but i have a baby class at 1:30
they want me to go back like now but i probably wont till september. i just dont feel right. and i toured the day care and i wasnt very impressed :/ and some old lady made me mad. saying she was ready to be in day care i just need to let her go and it be better then siting at home doing nothing. i snapped at her. i do lots of stuff i go to baby classes and just she made me mad lol

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