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*~*The Young Parents Club *~*

i also feel i wont have anything in common with the other girls in the class. like we will all have kids but i think after that nothing else. im not a very socail person.
purple kiwi,
i was wondering how you got your username, your not an expat are you?
whats an expat? lol. kiwi it for well keely my name sounding like kiwi (the fruit lol) and i just like purple
they want me to go back like now but i probably wont till september. i just dont feel right. and i toured the day care and i wasnt very impressed :/ and some old lady made me mad. saying she was ready to be in day care i just need to let her go and it be better then siting at home doing nothing. i snapped at her. i do lots of stuff i go to baby classes and just she made me mad lol

ya I called my ON working about LEAP then she said I can back to school now, and I was like uhhh not ready to do that
It makes me mad when younger girls rush back into going to school, other people take a year mat leave off if they want :wacko:
i think shes to small for day care :(. besides that the have a recalled snuggle nest in the day care and they got snappy at me when i told them it was recalled and i wouldnt want my baby put in it.
kiwi ~ don't let them bully you into going back to school. They do want you to go back pretty much right away usually I find-- while everyone else gets a year off??

I can see where they are coming from in a way.. their aim is to get you educated and ultimately off any assistance paying lots of taxes, and the less time you're away from school, the easier it is to go back...

But they can be super brutal.. I know in other countries they go back earlier but I can't imagine leaving a baby under 3 months in a daycare!! I can't believe they're even putting that pressure on you... I'm not surprised TBH but it is really bad that they do that.
ahh cool i see,

its just im from New Zealand ( expat ie... I dont live in NZ at the moment ) and we call oursevles "kiwi's" and we call the bird kind of kiwi a Kiwi too but the fruit we call Kiwifruit to save on confusion,
ahh cool i see,

its just im from New Zealand ( expat ie... I dont live in NZ at the moment ) and we call oursevles "kiwi's" and we call the bird kind of kiwi a Kiwi too but the fruit we call Kiwifruit to save on confusion,

oh lol. i like kiwis lol they are my fav. fruit.
andi that totally sucks hun, i remember when my mum got it when feeding my brother she was really unwell
yea i went to bed really really hot and i woke up shivering cold and really achy and my skin so sensitive and whopping headache i thought i was coming down with the flu and i was feeling abit sick and part of my right boob so sore and hot and bright red like someone slapped it!! Really didnt know how i was gonna cope today with ella, i was crying in bed this morning coz i was feeling so terrible. panadol and codiene helped with the achyness and i'm on antibiotics. i havn't taken any yet coz we got the prescription the same time as we got tea and i have to take them 2 hours after food!! SO GLAD OH is home this weekend so i can hopefully get a good sleep in, he can do her 7 o clock feed and stay up with her coz she doesnt like going back to sleep at that time. atleast at her 3 o clock feed she usually goes straight back to sleep! i have to keep expressing and breastfeeding even though it hurts to so bad, but otherwise i will get engorged again and make it worse!
yeah , i remember mum expressing lots it was the only time i ever saw her with a pump in hand,
tired and fed up with EJ not sleeping at all in the daytime
lol i wish, hes had maybe 1 1/2 hrs sleep today since 9am, its really been doing my head in, I left him with DH tonight and went out for a couple of hours for a pamper night with some friends and ended up coming home before i even finished getting my nails done as i needed to pump and feed him

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