Lol Kris, I started my maths A level..then changed course because I was getting on with it. My teacher was very strict..I mean I changed course instead of telling her she was going to fast for me. Looking back I should have just gone to her after a class and told her how I was feeling..she might have given my a session in one of my free lessons to catch up a bit.
Just been looking at my local college, Think I'm going to apply for a book-keeping course that starts in September. Its 2 hours a day, one day a week. So I won't have to feel bad about leaving Liam because it only for a short time. Win-win I think.
OU course would be good, but I'm not very good at making myself to things with deadlines and would probz leave it all until last minute. So if I have someone checking up on me every week, I won't be able to fall behind.
I really want a good well paid respected job. Not that all I want is the money, just having not enough money is stressful. My mum was a single parent with four kids and until only about 3/4 years ago she always had a child young enough to not be in school and she wanted to stay home looking after us.
So when poeple asked me what my mum did for a living, I always felt embarrassed telling them that she didn't work, because I knew that the next question would be what my dad does, and he was absent for a large part of my life.
My mum recently went back to work but gave it up to look after my ill grandad. She is no longer single though. She got married last year to my youngest sisters (from my mum) Dad, and he is a plasterer. He was offered a promotion inspecting other peoples work but turned it down because he knows how it feels when you struggle in pain to get a job done in time and some one comes round to tell you it's not good enough and you have to start again.
I want Liam to have a good life, I don't want to struggle to pay for his school trips or anything. But at the same time I don't want to spoil him.
So basically, I don't want to be poor, and I don't want to be rich..Just to have a healthy income.
This post has turned out much longer than I intended it to be, but I babble a lot when I'm getting tired. Well done anyone who read it without getting bored
And kris...BnB addict.. Your fingers aching yet?
well done!