Urgh! Snow! We were supposed to be going to Manchester today but wouldn't have got over the Pennines without skidding into a tree so ended up at a shopping Center instead, this did have good points, it was warm and dry, I got new glasses as Flynn had snapped the arm off mine and destroyed them (I've been squinting for days) bad parts were that we had already made a packed lunch up do had to sit on a bench in a busy shopping Center and eat sandwiches

we ended up buying Flynn three new pairs of shoes that he didn't need and about 100 new crayons :-/
He also got a bit bored and drank so much juice that I changed his nappy then an hour later had to change his whole outfit coz he had peed that much he was soaked through!
Also on the journey home mil asked if he could have a bit of kitkat, I said yeah but wasn't paying much attention as they were in the back and I was settling down for a little snooze, next thing I know mil says "he's got a bit of chocolate on him" I turned round and OMG! He was covered in it, all over him and his clothes all over his brand new very expensive pale grey carseat, all over the car door and his blanket. It was on his eyelids!
I thought she was giving him a little piece of kitkat but she actually just gave him a whole two finger kitkat and left him to it! I was napping, dh was driving and neither of us noticed.
Then we get home for tea and dh produces a bottle of flavoured water and fills flynns cup up, Flynn didn't seem to like it but had a bit, then proceeds to puke all over himself, it was fizzy water. FFS!
I've come to the conclusion that I can't trust anyone to look after Flynn even family!
I'm quite down at the mo and not quite as on the ball as I could be so little things like large quantities of chocolate and fizzy pop at 20 months old have slipped past until it was too late.