Things men don't understand......

My husband is great, I would hate it though if he did everythign for me I like to struggle on :rofl: he moans about my work being too hard on me etc, however the one thing he dies not understand and really who can blame him with all of the pregnancy modles not actually being pregnant but he cannot understand why I am not thin with a football shaped bump :wacko::shrug: I have tried to explain that they are not real and I was never thin in the first place but hey ho he thinks I should be neat I AM NOT :rofl:

Some of them could be real...I havent put on weight anywhere apart from my belly, my arms, legs, face everything is still the same...
SOmetimes they just can't win tho can they? My OH is great but sometimes he drives me nuts saying you shouldn't be doing this or that! Hormones have a lot to answer for xx
my dh doesn't seem to understand that being pregnant isn't just an excuse. wtf should I take the dog out twice a day anyway when he takes her out once? chivalry= dead.
........................why they are always tarnished with the same brush!

I wait on my girlfriend hand and foot. She Is 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant. If I had it my way she wouldn't lift a finger.

I think your just bitter that your with the wrong man!


I beg to differ my dear.....
first, this is not about "tarnishing men with the same brush" mind you.'s not about being with the wrong man and being bitter...
There is absolutely nothing bitter about my relationship...I happen to have a wonderful husband thank you very much...
The point of the thread is for us ladies to share with each other things that men don't understand about us when we're pregnant. I genuinely believe that they don't understand what we are really going through at's good that you wait on ur gf hand and foot, but they are alot of men out there who do not and don't understand what the big deal is to us.
Sometimes I hear the statement...and this is from men OTHER THAN my husband,...why is it that when women get pregnant they.....(whatever comes next) it is not all women who may feel nor do nor act in that way, but it's labelled as such.....Kudos to you for being perfect all the time and for totally understanding everything about ur gf's pregnacy and feelings and moods and why she has them....

Woah, woah woah! Calm down!
That bit about being bitter was just a joke!

I know all men are different i work with enough of them. But if I wouldn't even dare shout or have a go at my girlfriend for not doing the dishes, dinner, cleaning etc(which has been said on this thread) I mean what sort of arsehole does that. Wouldn't even do it if she wasn't pregnant. As for being perfect, i'm far from it.

Sorry for posting in your thread.
Can't complain too much about my DH as he has being great just wished he didn't panick everytime I tell him I am stomach pains :lol:
Mine is sooo understanding, especially the last couple weeks I've been so uncomfy and in a lot of pain (plus my blood pressure isn't great so the doctor told me that I need to rest at least 2 hours a day). But even though he understands doesn't mean the sink full of dishes gets done (even though he says he'll do it), so I can't run the washing machine (live in an apartment and my washer hooks up to and empties into the sink). Actually the sink is so full that there isn't even any room to wash any dishes either! But he makes up for it with the almost daily hour long (or more) foot rubs :D
My husband is great especially lately with my pgp being so bad. But I have had morning sickness non stop in this pregnancy :( and when i am hungry I get sick and it is worse when I stand up. So the thing he doesnt seem to get is when i ask him to make me something to eat because I am gonna be sick... I mean NOW! Not I may be sick in 10 minutes or that I am feeling a bit hungry. I mean I am actually gonna puke all over in 3... 2... :sick:
My hubby has been amazing and has understood all of this. However the lot I work with are a bunch of ******** (add what you feel appropriate) I work in a office full of men and one woman who has never had and will never had children, I can't say a thing, they give me crap if I am off, take the mic all the time (not good when slightly tearful) comment on how much I eat (this maybe the problem why I have still only put on 4lbs total at 27 weeks) I hate coming in here and can't wait to not see any of them for a long long time!
My OH is lovely. :) Some woman purposely barged past me in the supermarket yesterday, nearly knocking me into a stand and then had the nerve to tut at me and give me a deathly stare and he was like 'I'M GONNA GO AND TALK TO THAT WOMAN' and I had to stop him. He's very protective, he can't do enough for me and he insists that I shower with the door open incase I slip and fall in it.
My hubby has been wonderful - if anything I have the opposite problem of him not letting me do anything and being a little bit bored!!
His only slip up so far has been to say offhand - It'll be great to have a xmas baby as I'll be on holiday for 4 weeks and can look after the little one while you get back to the gym...he he - yeah right!
Katekatekate - so sweet, my hubby is all protective too - I love it first time I have really felt like the weaker sex and for some strange reason I quite like it. Only while pregnant tho - will have the trousers back once bean arrives!!!!!

RT&theBean - What a little monkey - the gym well I never. Sneak and do things that what I do - wait till he's out and clean the bathroom! tehe
Mine is nearly perfect :) The sweetest bf ever and I am sure he will be the best daddy as well. Only sometimes I can see that it is difficult for him to understand the emotional states that pregnancy can put a pregnant girl in and also groans when I have to wee again after being out and around for about 10 minutes with him. Even told me not to drink as much, as if I have any control over it (I drink when I am thirsty, like most people lol).
My hubby has been wonderful - if anything I have the opposite problem of him not letting me do anything and being a little bit bored!!
His only slip up so far has been to say offhand - It'll be great to have a xmas baby as I'll be on holiday for 4 weeks and can look after the little one while you get back to the gym...he he - yeah right!

PMSL - mine made almost the same innocent slip... he said "well of course I'll be happy once he's out and you lose the weight, what man wouldn't!" followed up with "you aren't fat, you're pregnant! ... I love you" haha
My hubby has been wonderful - if anything I have the opposite problem of him not letting me do anything and being a little bit bored!!
His only slip up so far has been to say offhand - It'll be great to have a xmas baby as I'll be on holiday for 4 weeks and can look after the little one while you get back to the gym...he he - yeah right!

PMSL - mine made almost the same innocent slip... he said "well of course I'll be happy once he's out and you lose the weight, what man wouldn't!" followed up with "you aren't fat, you're pregnant! ... I love you" haha


yeah, my OH's been great but I know he's keen for me to get back in the gym. He's very concerned about us finding a gym with a creche. :haha: There's not one within a half hour drive mile radius and the one at half an hours drive's REALLY expensive.

Also I don't think I could put boogallu in a creche when she's so young! :cry: She's MINE!!!! I have to look after her. :cloud9:

OH God!!!! I'm a crazy protective possessive mother and she's not even been born yet. God help her!!!! :shock:
hahaha awww - I was thinking I'd just wear him in a sling while I exercise - no running on the treadmill of course, but walking and squats and weights and stuff
Wow my list could get long...

That just because he saw a pregnant lady at the gas station changing her own oil, it doesn't mean pregnancy isn't terribly rough on some of us. (mine uses that one against me when I feel like crap)

That I'm only getting a few hours of sleep at night because I can't get comfy around this belly and it makes me really really cranky because in my head I'm not going to get a good nights rest for atleast another year! (rest of pregnancy plus for a bit after baby is born)

That my body is working 20 times harder than his so just because he has the energy to do stuff it doesn't mean that I should be able to do it too.

That food is now on my mind at least 80% of the time and the urge to eat is WAY more powerful than normal so I will very likely end up in tears if I need to eat but can't.

That Yes, it IS a big deal to pick up the living room floor after the dogs have trashed it. (There are 8 big dogs and as far as I'm concerned they are all his job to pick up after because I would have put them outside a long time ago if he would let me) Picking up anything on the floor is a big deal because it hurts a lot to squat down. Getting back up takes an act of god. If he doesn't want it there, he can put out the dogs because it's not worth it to me when they will just drag it all out again in 10 minutes!
(they WILL be out before baby comes!!!!)

That I feel crappier than he could ever possibly imagine 90% of the time and if jailed inmates were put through the kind of torture pregnant women go through, someone would get arrested for cruel and unusual punishment. The ONLY thing that gets us through it is knowing that it's worth it in the end. The fact that the men get the same reward without the work isn't fair and means they shouldn't even think about bitching and moaning at what they have to deal with from us. Their torment is a tiny fraction of what we deal with.

I could think of about a thousand more I'm sure... especially since I have a very dense DH who has never been anywhere around a pregnant woman before except in passing!
my oh has been good when i have had a craving, he even ran to mcdonalds months ago when it was due to shut in 5 mins (he made it in time).

But sometimes i just feel like he doesnt get it and needs to get one up on me.

If i say i feel not right, he's not well. If i say i'm tired because i didnt sleep at all, he says he didnt either (which is rubbish as he was snoring all night).

Also the one thing that gets to me the most, is if i take a deep breath (normally due to acid or feeling sick) he turns round and in a horrible voice says' whats up with you now'

its not like i moan about things that oftern just when i do he seems to not get it.

But as pregnancy has gone on he has got better, but he is totally unprepared for the birth and i think he will have one hell of a shock when labour starts lol x
........................why they are always tarnished with the same brush!

I wait on my girlfriend hand and foot. She Is 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant. If I had it my way she wouldn't lift a finger.

I think your just bitter that your with the wrong man!


I beg to differ my dear.....
first, this is not about "tarnishing men with the same brush" mind you.'s not about being with the wrong man and being bitter...
There is absolutely nothing bitter about my relationship...I happen to have a wonderful husband thank you very much...
The point of the thread is for us ladies to share with each other things that men don't understand about us when we're pregnant. I genuinely believe that they don't understand what we are really going through at's good that you wait on ur gf hand and foot, but they are alot of men out there who do not and don't understand what the big deal is to us.
Sometimes I hear the statement...and this is from men OTHER THAN my husband,...why is it that when women get pregnant they.....(whatever comes next) it is not all women who may feel nor do nor act in that way, but it's labelled as such.....Kudos to you for being perfect all the time and for totally understanding everything about ur gf's pregnacy and feelings and moods and why she has them....

Woah, woah woah! Calm down!
That bit about being bitter was just a joke!

I know all men are different i work with enough of them. But if I wouldn't even dare shout or have a go at my girlfriend for not doing the dishes, dinner, cleaning etc(which has been said on this thread) I mean what sort of arsehole does that. Wouldn't even do it if she wasn't pregnant. As for being perfect, i'm far from it.

Sorry for posting in your thread.

My apologies if I jumped on you...guess my hormones do have alot to answer for after all :haha::flower:

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