Things that hurt more than childbirth...

Hydronephrosis was more painful than childbirth. Hydronephrosis and appendicitus at the same time - definitely more painful than childbirth!
Kidney stones were WAYYYYY worse than labor.
Emergency c-section bring put under instead of pain medication and waking up to that raw ripped open searing pain though was worse than kidney stones. I couldn't move without crying for weeks...
Ive never been through anything as painful as labour and really hope I never have to!
You guys must have had easy labours that's all i'll say! Or I want the drugs you had with my next birth!!

I suffer with inflammatory bowel (colitis) which causes very bad pain sometimes and I broke a bone completely in two as a teenager and although that felt like my arm was being twisted and held in a furness it couldn't compare with my daughters birth! A high risk induction that was back to back! I must be mad to do it again :dohh:
My labor between when they broke my water and before my epidural was the worst pain i have ever felt. I was induced with pitocin which they upped every 15 minutes all morning and by early afternoon was when they broke my water.

I've had breast reduction surgery, surgery to alter my inner nose structure and scrape my sinus. Menstual Cramps so bad that I can't walk until after some pain relief. I've missed days of school and work with cramps... Yet labor was worse. I couldn't function, couldn't breath, was shaking so bad I couldn't get out of bed as my legs didn't work. I didn't really have a break between contractions after water broke... They were right on top of each other.

So people's pain thresholds must be different for different things or peoples labor must all be different.

Though I will say.... Pain with labor is the most rewarding type of pain and totally worth it. All the other pains mentioned .... Don't think any of them are!
You guys must have had easy labours that's all i'll say! Or I want the drugs you had with my next birth!!

I suffer with inflammatory bowel which causes very bad pain sometimes and I broke a bone completely in two as a teenager and although that felt like my arm was being twisted and held in a furness it couldn't compare with my daughters birth! Altho I didn't find out until I accessed my notes months later that she was back to back!!
I must be mad to do it again :dohh:

No i didnt have a easy labour, i also had back to back, 2 weeks of slow labour, and many other complications. But gallstones and pancreatitis are worse, and there are plenty of people who will agree.

I have IBS, broken several bones too, have had several operations, the pain was bad but your right it didnt compare to child birth at all. My sons birth was far worse. But gallstones really are a whole new league and gallstones and pancreatitis without any pain releif (due to pregnancy) is 100x worse than child birth.
I have not given birth yet, but acute appendicitis/emergency appendectomy at 23 weeks pregnant was the worst pain I have experienced. During my recovery the labor/delivery nurses who would come to my room to check Baby's heartrate with the doppler would joke that labor pains would seem easy compared to the pain of appendicitis. We'll see! I also went through my recovery and healing without taking pain meds out of concern for LO. That sucked but I was willing if it was better for him.

As others have said though, there are different kinds of pain. Sitting crouched in the emergency room with a nearly burst appendix, waiting for an hour before I was seen was a horrible kind of pain - bewildering, unrelenting, wondering what was wrong with me and how would they be able to fix this. It was a strangely helpless feeling.
With childbirth, at least you know why you are hurting, and that the reward for all your effort is a sweet little baby :baby:
I haven't given birth yet so take this with a grain of salt. . . but personally the worst thing I can imagine going through is constant severe dry-heaving unstoppable nausea... if its worse than that, i don't think i can get pregnant again...
I have not given birth yet, but acute appendicitis/emergency appendectomy at 23 weeks pregnant was the worst pain I have experienced. During my recovery the labor/delivery nurses who would come to my room to check Baby's heartrate with the doppler would joke that labor pains would seem easy compared to the pain of appendicitis. We'll see! I also went through my recovery and healing without taking pain meds out of concern for LO. That sucked but I was willing if it was better for him.

As others have said though, there are different kinds of pain. Sitting crouched in the emergency room with a nearly burst appendix, waiting for an hour before I was seen was a horrible kind of pain - bewildering, unrelenting, wondering what was wrong with me and how would they be able to fix this. It was a strangely helpless feeling.
With childbirth, at least you know why you are hurting, and that the reward for all your effort is a sweet little baby :baby:

Unless you're incredibly unlucky with your labour then I'd say the pains will feel like nothing compared to the appendix pain! Well done you for managing without pain meds! I couldn't, I took everything they would give me and begged for more (but I was waiting 2 weeks before they realised my appendix was inflammed, by the time they took it out the cell walls were already breaking down, so close :( )
I think a lot of the time with labour/birth pain. You know it is coming and can spend months preparing yourself for it.

There's s lot to be said for being mentally prepared and accepting of the experience. It makes it easier to deal with than something unexpected.
When my milk came in that was the worst!!! OUCH!!!!!
I've had a pain relief free birth and one with a back to back baby and an epidural but I'm going to say when I stepped on a champagne glass earlier this year,tore my foot to shreds and had to have lots of stitches on the sole of my foot that hurt more

I agree with Chuck that the pain of labour is a lot about your mentality.
A blood clot in the perineum is a LOT worse than childbirth pain. I also cut my finger on a bagle slices and that was worse as well. Also both the clot and the cut lasted longer, pain wise, than childbirth pain. The pain with childbirth was only in transition (15 minutes - 2 hours is normal). And with the other pains it was throbbing for hours, and then with the clot it hurt on and off for 6 weeks. After I started pushing the pain was gone and it didn't hurt postpartum.
Oh dear :wacko:

So far nobody has said any of the things I have been through....
I was hoping you ladies would be saying "yeah, stubbing your toe hurts more than labour", or "having a tooth removed/filled hurts more than childbirth".

But seeing as no-one has said that, I assume that childbirth will be the most painful thing I ever go through :cry:
ive never given birth, but been through tattoos, root treatment on a tooth, broken several bones and been hit by a car. ill make my comparisons after my LO is here lol....
at the time though all of those things felt like the worst pain imaginable. especially the root treatment. *shudders*
Oh dear :wacko:

So far nobody has said any of the things I have been through....
I was hoping you ladies would be saying "yeah, stubbing your toe hurts more than labour", or "having a tooth removed/filled hurts more than childbirth".

But seeing as no-one has said that, I assume that childbirth will be the most painful thing I ever go through :cry:

Yep it probably will be. But it's not the same type of pain. For me, it was an excruciating pain, but your body does not have the same fight/flight response. Your body KNOWS it is "normal" - whereas sticking your hand into a flame will cause a reaction to make you get out of that situation ASAP. It's really hard to explain until you go through it. But basically, instead of "avoidance", your body "embraces" it???
My mother has said that she had period cramps worse than her natural labor. Seeing as how I've dealt with debilitating cramps myself (I've lost consciousness a few times) I'm hoping that this is indeed the case of giving me a glimpse into the *type* of pain I'm in for if not the scope! One thing that seems reasurring is that people talk about there being some let up between the contractions that at least give you a moment to gather your strength.

Could anyone who has dealt with migraines talk about how labor compares to that sort of pain? Currently these rank fairly high on my list of "worst pains ever" and while not as bad as the most terrible of my cramps, it seems that different people tend to have more comperable levels of migraine pain compared to period pains.
i had gallstones from the age of 13 (no pain, just very smelly wind and bloating), and suffered pain from 14. it was horrible, i didnt get diagnosed for 2 1/2 years due to my age and suffered them attacks with very little pain relief. i got told it was indegestion, heartburn, stomach ache, virus, bug and stress. my gp wouldnt do any investigations due to my age. i felt like no one took me seriously and felt like a whimp as it was apparently trivial things causing it. paracetamol didnt touch them attacks and as i 'had a bug' i was refused pain meds.
one day i had the worst attack ever, usually i curled up into a ball with a hot water bottle which helped a little bit (when your in pain all the time, a little really does help) but this time i couldnt even breath with the pain, it felt like i was being stabbed over and over again in my stomach, i had pains shooting down my back and arms and i thought it was a heart attack, i scared my mum as i went white, clamy and was shaking. i curled up on the kitchen floor and couldnt move. i was disorientated and confused with the pain as it was that bad. my dad took me to A&E as he knew this was more than a 'bug'. i threw up bile on the triage nurse on arrival and the attack was getting worse, the oncall consultant was adament i was having a ectopic pregnancy although i said there and then i was a virgin and its impossible. he quickly fired that 'english girls tend to say they are virgins when they arent' so he refused to do anyhting unless i consented to a urine test (the consultant was polish). my dad went mad and demanded another consultant, as i couldnt even crawl to the toilet and was incontinent.
another consultant came in and straight away gave me the highest dose of morphine which dulled the pain alot and stoned me (bear in mind i had never had anything stronger than paracetamol lol). they still wanted to do a pregnancy test but at least i could wee in a bedpan with pain-relief and surprise surprise it was negative!
i was admitted so they could investigate and still get the pain relief, had a ultrasound a couple of days later and low and behold: gallstones!. got that shitty gallbladder removed 2 months later and i got my life back. when they removed my gallbladder it was starting to go 'mushy' and was going to pop. if had done that, i would of been in a very bad way.
as a result my pain threshold is very high, and when i was seeing a obstetrican a month ago, he told me if i suffered gallstones i will fly through labour lol.
I broke my elbow when I was 12 and dislocated it in the process. Imagine your elbow bending the wrong way......that's what happened!! (Gymnastics...) That part definitely hurt but having 2 doctors, one at each end of my arm, spend 45 minutes trying to relocate it (with a broken bone still) was probably worse than childbirth!!

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