So today I had my appointment with consultant who gave me a sweep and said that my cervix is favourable and reckons I am about 5cm! He has also booked me in for an induction on THURSDAY morning!!!!!!! OMG going to meet baby in two days (if not before!)
Can't believe it is so soon now!
Sweep hasn't done anything so far but I am not sure it was majorly effective anyway as I was so shocked at how uncomfortable it was! Most uncomfortable thing I have had for a long time! SO now we are hoping it doesn't work naturally lol as I am happy to have one last day with just Flynn and then go to hospital on Thursday! My house is tidied, bag is packed, trying to get all my washing an ironing sorted and it means we are hitting the ground running!! I was induced with Flynn so know what to expect and I am so glad as I can get an epidural asap as I am a total scaredy when it comes to pain. Sorry if anyone disagrees with induction/epidurals but for me it is definitely the best way to go and I feel a lot calmer about labour now!
Will keep you updated though I reckon it will prob be Friday before baby here depending on how long induction takes! Wish me luck xxxx