Hey ladies
A quick post to say I am a mummy! Zachary James arrived Friday night, via emergency section. My waters broke Wednesday last week and I didn't go into labour on my own so ended up getting induced, laboured for 14 hours on TENS, G & A, and some Pethidibe, before getting stuck at 7 cms for 4 hours cos Zachs head was in an awkward position and I wasn't progressing.
We came home yesterday, am very sore and BFing is defo a struggle after a section, not sure that its going to work for us as I'm now pretty sore after some dodgy latches and Zach is getting too familiar with the bottle as we have to top up with formula.
Hope you are all ok, I'm sorry no time to catch up on what's been going on as grabbing dinner and eastenders while he sleeps!