Cheryl I haven't had any cramping at all with this pregnancy, just the odd twinge, nothing more....never had any cramping ever until starting to miscarry, so I really wouldn't be concerned about lack of cramping. I've just had nausea but no vomiting, tiredness and very tender boobs.
Manny, glad to have you back with us and also glad you had a lovely time! When will you be 10DPO? I got my BFP at 10DPO this time so fingers crossed for you!! You've done all you can now so just sit back, relax and wait it out. Yes I have told our main large animal vet that I am pregnant and have asked if I can call him if I'm ever uncomfortable dealing with any large animal calls, and he said to call him anytime, so that's put my mind at ease a little. And Bananas, yes I will be telling whoever I need to tell otherwise in order to try to avoid anything remotely harmful! Just a little worried for when I am alone on call, but if I have to call someone I will, I'm not taking any chances. Excited for your OPKs Bananas, let us know when you're officially in the TTW!
AFM, I just had a phone call this afternoon to ask if I wanted to come to see the consultant TOMORROW AFTERNOON since my GP had told them I was feeling a bit anxious about the pregnancy after my losses! I am so excited, never thought a Drs appt would make me this happy! So hopefully scan sometime soon ladies, I will let you know. Here's hoping PopTart and I both have good news to report tomorrow evening.
Love and baby dust to all xxx