Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Rosa I feel your pain babes...I do...tonight is the first night I've sat on the side of my bed wishing DH wasn't at work. I'm all sorts of emotional today...been so angry at my boys its just been one of those days and I find myself sitting here :cry: and I don't think I have the right to situation could be worse. I just feel its not going to happen until my youngest is closer to 5 and if it has to be 5 years from now I just want to be certain of that :( DH leaves in a month and a half and I just wanted to have that little baby growing in my belly while he was gone....I feel so selfish because I want it so bad and already have two children :( but truth is they are both from previous an he adopted little one :( I feel so bad that I can't give him a baby and I know he's hurting he just doesn't know what to say to me......oh I need to stop....I can't stop crying OMG :( this is awful :( I think I just need to lay down an sleep it all off....being sick on top of everything else is definitely not helping :( I am so sorry I'm ranting :( bless your hearts...its only 10 months TTC but it just feels like an eternity :(why can't we be part of the 4-5 months for normal couples category :( I know I should be patient as thats what God is teaching me its just so hard at times :( but in the end I know God will do whats best for my family whether it be us having a baby or adopting another....I feel so cheated :( but yet ashamed of how I feel :(

Sorry for the rant I'll shush now :(
andrea- sweetie im so sorry u feel that way.. i think it will happen when the time is right.. im so very sorry.. ur in my preys!!! im not being nosy but u said the two kids u had now were from ur previous marriage and u adopted one?.. if u had a kid from the previous marriage then at least u no u can have kids sweetie... im here for u if u wanna talk and i have yahoo im if u wanna instant message each other
ok so i have been going through this situation and for you to fully understand i have to give you a sort of back ground y'all dont have to read it all but i just couldnt believe what was said to me this morning...

My best friend is a gay man named Michael, he was dating a guy also named Michael (we will call him MD for short) for the past year. Saturday night was their one year anniversary, on that night MD beat Michael and was thrown out.

Michael had a friend named Amber and we have never gotten along. She has always made fun of my weight and was just a b**** to me in general. She recently seems to have lost her mind. She got pregnant back in Aug by one of 2 brothers (she doesnt know which) and since then has continued to try to turn everyone against Michael (for no apparent reason) . She told MD that he was cheating on him and addicted to drugs, the funny thing is that she would send him the text messages when he was in bed next to Michael. But before that MD actually believed her and left Michael, when they finally talked, they realised what she did and figured everything out and hasnt talked to her since.

Michael and MD have been the two people i would go to with my worries about ttc and my sex life. Well when Michael through MD out i think he went to Amber and started talking sh*t about us cause i woke up to this message on facebook....

"I think it's so funny that you and Michael sit around talking shit about me and my baby. Sorry you're so fat and disgusting that you can't get pregnant and your husband doesn't want you anymore, but really Holly? You hope my baby comes out re tarded? Maybe you and Michael should be together because ya'll are both sad f*cking people to sit around and talk about an unborn baby like that, maybe that's why you can't get's probably just because you're disgustingly fat though. I feel sorry for you though, I mean your own family didn't even go to your wedding, that has to hurt..The even sadder part is that you're "best friend" is the one that told me all this shit about you..You and Michael are two peas in a pod, maybe when your husband gets the balls to divorce you and Michael can be together.."

For the record i havent talked to Amber in over a year and would never EVER say that i wish her baby comes out re tarded, that was MD talking sh*t to Amber trying to make her mad at him. The rest was Amber trying to get between me and Michael. I know that i shouldnt take anything she says seriously but it still hurt to read. It was all my fears put on paper, in my face... i responded and told her that i didnt say anything like that and i dont believe that Michael was there talking about me as he hasnt had anything to do with her in weeks but it didnt stop the whispers in the back of my head saying "shes right... your too fat to have a baby... your husband is disgusted by you" and its messing with me mentally i just want to go get stupid drunk and pass out into oblivion but as i am in the 2ww i wont risk it.:cry:

Well i hope everyone is doing better than i am

:dust: to everyone
Hi hopeful- that was a wicked thing that girl said. Don't let it get you down. I feel disgusting when me and my husband go through dry spells.. You've hear me gripe about it. But they love us.. Or else they wouldn't be with us.

I think you need some good sleep, and need to talk to you hubby. Tell him you have some things to talk to him about, and that he needs to let you know when he can do that. Plan a dinner or go out for lunch or dinner... Express your feelings.. He should be able to comfort you. I do t see anything wrong with you. You're a beautiful kind woman. Don't let some bi*** get you down. :hug:

We have our whole lives to ether be sad, or smile and do something about it.. As women.. We're strong but emotional.. Loving but.. Will kick your ass if you get me there.. ;)
Talk to your hubby. See what he says. Find comfort.

holly- im so sorry that BIt** said that about u .. u r very pretty and ur husband doesnt think ur nasty if he did he wouldnt be married to u and yall wouldnt have the lovin relationship yall have.. i wouldnt even givin her the satisfaction of having a replie by me.. fuc* that BIT** sorry it just pisses me off that someone would actually tell u that... that is why me and dh doesnt have facebook are myspace bc it causes to much trouble..

i would delete her and ignore her from now on and move on with ur life.. ur such a better person then she will ever be.. keep ur head up and dont let anyone tell ur different.. good night and sleep tight

its 2 am here and i cant sleep... ill prolly be on here late tom ... we dtd tonight but im way over ovulation but dont even no how many dpo am i .. haha wat a life...
Hopeful, those are such harsh and inaccurate statements that you can only conclude that she is psycho! She's touching on a sensitive spot in your psyche so I'm sure it is hurtful, but there is no truth or accuracy to what she said. Blow her off as much as you can and focus on your hubby--get some good hugs and reassurance and you'll feel much better!

Brandy, yay for a good first visit!!

Mrs, how does your temp look today? Rosa, how about you?

Hazelnut, do you temp? That's really the only way to know when you O'd...but it seems like you may be on the same timeline as us. 4 dpo today & my temp was up again--yay! :)
Seems to be pretty quiet in here this morning. Hope everyone is doing well.

Hopeful- I wouldn't take anything she said to heart, though I know it's hard. You said yourself that she has a history of saying things to come inbetween people and just be generally hurtful. She knows you are ttc so she is saying all the things that she knows will make you feel bad and elicit a reaction. People like her thrive on things like this. None of it is true, she just wants to hurt you. Her opinion doesn't matter and will never matter. Try to forget the whole thing. You are so much better than her and don't need to waste your time and energy fretting over what she has to say.

As for me I'm feeling a bit down today. I'm sure it's just the hormones. I miss oh, I just want to snuggle but we are both at work :[
I talked to oh last night about scheduling a private scan for next weekend to verify the gender. He thinks it's a great idea but we are going to wait until our income tax comes in (which will hopefully be by then).
I've been looking into online schools for medical transcription so that after little button is born I don't have to go back to work and can instead work from home. The only thing is I have no idea which one to choose and the more I look at my options the more confused I become. It's starting to stress me out as I want to enroll as soon as possible so I can finish before lo is born. I found one that seemed really great, the only downside is it isn't federally funded which means no financial aid as classes are kind of expensive.

Oh, I took 14 week bump pictures a couple days ago but have been procrastinating on actually posting them so here they are.


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Love thats a beautiful bump :flower:

Thanks girls... Ive talked to my dh and he got so mad he threatened to hit her (he never really would) and that cheered me up a little :haha:... also my best friend in Florida said that she "will take care of it her way" lol again just said to make me laugh. but all that plus you girls made me feel loved. She just knew the exact buttons to push at the exact right time and it didnt help that i had literally just woke up and was checking my messages on my phone before getting out of bed so i wasnt even totally awake.....

how is everyone this morning....
good morning ladies...
love- thats a cute bump..

hopeful how u feel this morning?

everyone eles yall still sleepin are what lol
Hi ladies!

Woke up this morning and my temp was 97.0.. That's always been a pre-o temp for me. 97.6-98.0- are usually what my temps are at after o.. So idk.. I put it in ff this morning and they marked me back at ovulating 5 days ago..? What the heck is going on. Check out my chart and compare it to previous ones.. Maca is confusing my body I think..
I'll take it though.. It seems when we feel really confused about our bodies, we end up with bfp, so I'll take it.

Hopeful- I agree with every else and glad to hear dh wanted to kick her butt.. People are mean.. Imagine that she doesn't exist.
Love- ooh that would be awesome to work from hone! How long does it take to graduate? Even if you can't get financial aid there are several, several grants yOu van apply for that literally just giving money away! I have a website I'll post a link later :)

Ready- how are you feeling post o? I'm crampy confused and golly I've had o pains after ff said I o'd and my cm is watery:(
ok so i have been going through this situation and for you to fully understand i have to give you a sort of back ground y'all dont have to read it all but i just couldnt believe what was said to me this morning...

My best friend is a gay man named Michael, he was dating a guy also named Michael (we will call him MD for short) for the past year. Saturday night was their one year anniversary, on that night MD beat Michael and was thrown out.

Michael had a friend named Amber and we have never gotten along. She has always made fun of my weight and was just a b**** to me in general. She recently seems to have lost her mind. She got pregnant back in Aug by one of 2 brothers (she doesnt know which) and since then has continued to try to turn everyone against Michael (for no apparent reason) . She told MD that he was cheating on him and addicted to drugs, the funny thing is that she would send him the text messages when he was in bed next to Michael. But before that MD actually believed her and left Michael, when they finally talked, they realised what she did and figured everything out and hasnt talked to her since.

Michael and MD have been the two people i would go to with my worries about ttc and my sex life. Well when Michael through MD out i think he went to Amber and started talking sh*t about us cause i woke up to this message on facebook....

"I think it's so funny that you and Michael sit around talking shit about me and my baby. Sorry you're so fat and disgusting that you can't get pregnant and your husband doesn't want you anymore, but really Holly? You hope my baby comes out re tarded? Maybe you and Michael should be together because ya'll are both sad f*cking people to sit around and talk about an unborn baby like that, maybe that's why you can't get's probably just because you're disgustingly fat though. I feel sorry for you though, I mean your own family didn't even go to your wedding, that has to hurt..The even sadder part is that you're "best friend" is the one that told me all this shit about you..You and Michael are two peas in a pod, maybe when your husband gets the balls to divorce you and Michael can be together.."

For the record i havent talked to Amber in over a year and would never EVER say that i wish her baby comes out re tarded, that was MD talking sh*t to Amber trying to make her mad at him. The rest was Amber trying to get between me and Michael. I know that i shouldnt take anything she says seriously but it still hurt to read. It was all my fears put on paper, in my face... i responded and told her that i didnt say anything like that and i dont believe that Michael was there talking about me as he hasnt had anything to do with her in weeks but it didnt stop the whispers in the back of my head saying "shes right... your too fat to have a baby... your husband is disgusted by you" and its messing with me mentally i just want to go get stupid drunk and pass out into oblivion but as i am in the 2ww i wont risk it.:cry:

Well i hope everyone is doing better than i am

:dust: to everyone

Hi, I hope you dont mind me butting in, but I check this thread to see if Kylarsmom has updated and read this and was very annoyed.
Ive been seeing a therapist for a while and wanted to share what he has told me about dealing with people like this: You can never change a person, but you can control your reaction to the person and this is where strength lies. This person is obviously a nasty person, probably unhappy with her life and wants to make everyone around her unhappy. The fact she said those nasty things to you proves this person is not someone on your level, and should be viewed with sympathy, and disgust. Do not for a second let her comments hurt you, she does not deserve that. Its easier said than done, but with practice can work. I would think of her in my mind as a piece of dirt that doesnt deserve to take any space in your mind. You seem a really nice person, and so hold your head up high and be proud of who you are and confident you are a nice person who would never say the things she did to someone else.
(sorry if that sounds heavy but its something Ive worked on in therapy and its really helped me!) :hugs:
Hey Mrs, I had to post right back...I went through that with FF the last two cycles. Based on the most recent temps, it would pick an O date for me. And then a few days later, it would change it, and a day after that, it would remove O altogether. ARRGGH! I was so frustrated that I gave up emotionally and just wanted my period. Oops, got a bfp instead :p So hang in there and keep bd'ing as long as you guys are in the mood.

Your temps don't look like post-o compared to your previous cycles. So, it's possible of course...but I think you'll have to wait & see, particularly since you are still getting watery cm. For those of us with long cycles, our bodies try to ovulate & just don't quite and then try again...

I feel great--thanks! My temp keeps climbing and my only complaint is this darn yeast infection :( It's getting better, though.

Oh, and Love, my sis did medical transcription certification. It's a great idea for a stay at home job! I'm sure you'll do awesome; my sis has some...pyschological issues...and she had trouble finding a job. As with any degree, just make sure you know the market, pay & need for your degree :) It's a great idea! I would love to stay home.
Thanks ready I go see my ob/gyn here soon. Appt is at I'm going to bring all of this up. Urgh..

Sara- I know what you mean. I've been goingto therapy too, and thTs exactly what she tells me when I get upset about my mother.
im so ready to go to the dr. i asked dh what i should bring up at the dr.. and he said he isnt sure yet.. but make sure i bring up we dont think im ovulating.. so hey thats a step in the right direction!!!... i no im not pregnant so im just hanging out here bc i love yall lol..

i had no cm at all this whole cycle expect 3 days of lotion like.. and we dtd last night but hey im over it lol..
omg.. i forgot to tell yall .. the other day when we went back home we went out to eat there was like 18 friends plus us.. and one of our friends is pregnant and i was feeding her my veggies bc i dont eat veggies.. anyways we was just chatting and i asked her what names she liked and she was unsure.. so dh over heard us and he said i like the name Bently and my heart melted bc that has been my favorite name for so long i just never said anything.. he said he likes it for a little boy but i think i would like it either boy r girl.. that was awsome...

im cramping hmm period.. lol
hopeful I am so sorry hun :hugs: you just have to ignore an let the idiots get out of your life....praying for you darling....

AFM this is my temps as of now....really looking kinda good honestly :)


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Mrs- each place seems to have a different course length. The one that isn't federally funded takes 4 months to complete if you work at it 40hrs a week but they give you 12 months to finish it as they know not everyone has an available 40 hours a week to dedicate to the course. I'm hoping to finish in no longer than 6 months. I wasn't aware I could apply for a grant, I thought those were only for people going to college not taking one course for a certificate.

Ready- I would love nothing more than to work from home, plus it would pay a lot better than my current job. Which means I could spoil lo more lol. I already know that I'm not going to want to leave lo after he's born.
i normally dont let the things she says get to me but for some reason this time it really did. She always found it so irritating that she couldnt hurt my feelings and i would just laugh at her, and she would try anything and everything so i was use to it. but i havent talked to her in over a year so i guess i was unconditioned and unsuspecting, but i feel much better today. I looked around and realized that i am more blessed than she can ever be.

I'm actually off today but have some errands to run. I'm procrastinating though i dont want to get out of bed. im so tired for some reason, its too early for it to be a symptom, i think its probably stress, dealing with my best friend morning the lost of his relationship and work. I swear that i receive one more phone call at 3am to listen to him cry im gonna shoot him lol..

Well hope everybody has a wonderful day today lots of :dust: to all
I dont think its too early to be a symptom I'm overly tired an last night cried myself to sleep :( and I was 5dpo an today I'm overly tired need a nap and just can't go to sleep because of course having the boys LOL.....enjoy sleep while you can get it :) when ya have a baby its all over with LOL
Hey all. I haven't had time to catch up on my "reading" yet, but I wanted to check in...I'll be back later tonight. Tuesdays are BUSY! My temp was 97.6, which is 0.1 lower than yesterday. Sigh. I was hoping for 98s right away...

So, my sil told me my progesterone levels are too low. They are technically in the "range of normal" but considering the cycle day I was on, they should be way higher, which is probably why my doc didn't say anything about it. Plus, it was my general doc, not a specialist. (My sil, the midwife, just to be clear) I've been putting on the progesterone cream for many cycles now, but it's still low. Does anyone know of a way to bring my levels up??? I haven't heard back from my sil yet (doesn't EVERYONE sit by their computer all day, waiting for my messages?! WTF?! :haha:), so I'm sure she'll have some more ideas, but I was just wondering if anyone knew. :shrug: She said this is probably why I'm not getting pregnant yet. Awesome.

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