Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

hopeful your a day behind me this time yayyyyy!

Sorry girls I haven't been posting much I've been so busy lately its rediculous an its already bedtime again....been working all day I'm tired an mad I had to work during the game but thats life for ya right! Anyways talk to you all later an hope you have a wonderful day I'm 4 dpo today an we shall see what happens I don't have much hope left as this is cycle 10 should get biopsy results back Monday or Tuesday :) sooo YAY for that :) I should get my CLOMID if I'm not pregnant this cycle an will go to another specialist whom my FS wants to have him do my surgery for endo lets pray it works out :)
i dont know if the situation has changed he says that he doesnt want one right now but me and my best friend were talking about me and dh not wanting to conceive just yet and he said "i would be happy to have a baby!" im like WHAT!!! its like hes trying to save face in front of my friend but at the same time it messes with my head.

Ive been kind of sad recently, between my husband not wanting to bd with me and changing his mind back and forth on the baby issue and coming on here and seeing all you girls temping and charting and taking maca and getting your bfps i cant seem to stop myself from being a little jealous (not that i am not super excited for all of y'all... i hope y'all dont take this wrong) then i feel bad for being jealous, and it starts this cycle of being sad all over again :dohh:... i just dont know what to feel anymore... its kinda frustrating..
Well, I just took my last opk here it is.

Here's the rest in order.. It starts a the 1st not the 2/2 I had my days wrong for a few days.. So the one that says 2/2 is 2/1 ad so on.. Excuse the leg, I hopped out of my bubble bath to do this lol
holly- it's ok to be a little jealous.. we've all been there at some point.. and every time i see a bfp.. i'm like!! YAY!! i'm super super happy that X person FINALLY got their bfp.. but then theres that bite.. like.. where the hell is mine already..??
we all know that feeling.. but each bfp comes as god sees us fit to have one.. :)
i'm wondering off what you said about your dh not wanting a baby, then saying oh i'd take one if it came.. does that mean.. that he may be more on the page of ntnp??? i would talk to him some more.. you're not protecting right?
yea no protection but its like a miracle to get him to have sex with me its down to even being shot down even playfully hinting at it... it like ill send him a text saying i love you when i get home ill show you how much *wink* and his response is glad you think so...

so no protection unless you count abstinence... its not just hurtful on the baby making front but it is starting to effect my self esteem but every time i talk to him about it he just says that its not me that he loves me he just doesnt have the energy. i know in my mind that its true but it doesnt stop it hurting
Morning girls....
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time Hopeful, hope you work something out. Would it be worth sitting your OH down and talking things through, so you both know where you noth stand. (you've prob a lready done this)

I'm ok, hubby left this morning till Thurs night....and I'm right in the middle of my fertile period. I'm CD 18. We BD fri and last night. Using conceive plus FX.
This morning, I'm having some really tugging/cramping feelings right low down, just above my pubic bone/hair!!
I do sometime get OV pain but it's normally on the side..this is a bit different!! Any thoughts?

Anyway, best go as just sat at my desk. Hope you all have a good day, and i'll catch you all later. x x x x x
Hello ladies-

Hope everyone had fun superbowl sunday. I didnt even find the commercials to be all that entertaining so was a bit disappointed in that!

Did a digi on saturday night and said pregnant so that was so cool to see.
How did you all sync your cycles together!!??! lol- its funny cuz they say when women hang out a lot together that happens...and it did in here. Im so excited to see if anyone gets a bfp this time around!! Im praying for everyone!
Joanna- I'm in the crystal lake area so I'm not sure how far that is from you. It's funny we live in the same general area and are on the same thread.

Mrs- looks like you're ov'ing now instead of a few days ago, which is better if you have been bd'ing so much. Hopefully oh will keep it up a few more days!! My fingers are tightly crossed that this situation works out with your sister and their father getting custody. It's a shame they have to go through that but you are a wonderful and strong person to be there helping them get to a loving and safe home. You'll make an amazing mother.

Ny- YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I told you!!!!!! I knew it would happen soon. Now you'll be my bump buddy right? Feel free to pm me anytime. I'm just so happy for you. What does dh think?have you called your doctor to set up your first appointment? Maybe they will give you an early scan since you had no clue when you ov'd. I think it's funny you found out the same way I did. Convinced af was going to show, bfn tests, and just
generally frustrated then boom bfp lol.
Hello all! The superbowl was fine, but the commercials were kind of boring and disappointing. And who the heck was running sound during the halftime show?! It was all over the place. :wacko: And who on EARTH messes up the words to the national anthem. Wow. We had fun, though. We were all falling asleep by the end...getting old I suppose. :winkwink:

Mrs., looks like your body geared up to O and didn't, and is gearing up again. That's great! More time to bd!

Hopeful, that is frustrating to hear your dh say different things. Sounds like ntnp is cool with him, then. He says he's too tired to bd? Does he like morning :sex:? I don't, but if it's the only way...

Ny, yay for digis!!! It must be so gratifying to see the words "Pregnant" on that tiny screen! It is SO funny how our cycles are all synced up, isn't it?! I love it.

Hazelnut, are you using opks or temping? (I feel like I should know this...) As long as you had great ewcm and lots of :spermy: in there from last night, it should be able to hang around waiting if you O in the next few days. I'm not sure on the O pain...I usually get it on the sides, too. :shrug:

Andrea, yay for the 2ww and yay for Clomid! Hopefully you won't need it, right? :winkwink:

Joanna, what cycle day are you? Have you o'ed yet?

Afm, FF changed my o date to Friday the 4th, with regular (non-dotted) lines, which is exactly when I thought I o'ed, so I"m happy about that. I'm 3 dpo now. Yippee!! 97.7...still not in the 98s yet, but I'll take it. Once it gets up into the 98s, I'll be happy. Bring on those symptoms!! :happydance:
Ny, it looks like you're not going to go bonkers after all! Are you going to change your tickers? Do you believe it yet? Also, just long were you trying? You give us all hope!

98 today for me--woohoo! It's official, I'm 3dpo :happydance: I NEVER thought I'd O so early, and I can't wait to see how our little cells treat each other this month... It's so stinking funny how many of us are at nearly the same point in the cycle. We're going to have some exciting poas action in a little over a week!
good morning ladies... how is everyone?

Hopeful-im so sorry dh is acting that way.. i no i been there and i just stopped talking about it and pressuring him so no when we dtd he cums in me.. If i was u i would stop talking about it as much.,. i no its hard to do bc u want it soooo bad but it worked for me.. im basically talkin about if im not pregnant what will i say at the dr. and he is like he doesnt know.. haha. but my mom is goin with me so it will be cool bc she can talk for me.. lmao.. i think im just gonna tell them we are ntnp for over 8 months and nothing.. which is true and i never have ewcm..

AFM-i still dont have NO Cm so i dont know what to think anymore.. My boobs dont hurt no crampin no nothing.. so im just waitin on af... last time we dtd was on thurs. the 3rd.. but up until then i dtd every other day..

i think im due for my period on the 15.. but not sure..
I've just got back in from work!
Still having the odd twinge...think it's just me ovulating which is good!! When we ttc this time last year, i knew nothing about it and was all over the place with my cycles. I couldn't tell you when I ov!! lol Whereas now.....I feel like i'm well in tune with my body which I like.
Rosa- i have got some OPK's but I got a bit obsessed with them last not sure I want to start using them again...the same with temping.
I've just got back in from work!
Still having the odd twinge...think it's just me ovulating which is good!! When we ttc this time last year, i knew nothing about it and was all over the place with my cycles. I couldn't tell you when I ov!! lol Whereas now.....I feel like i'm well in tune with my body which I like.
Rosa- i have got some OPK's but I got a bit obsessed with them last not sure I want to start using them again...the same with temping.

Hazelnut, oh that's right. I remember you saying that earlier. It's hard to keep track of what everyone does! Sounds like your body is regulating, and you are getting better at knowing your body! That's where I am, too, and I love it! At any rate, sounds like you better start :sex:!! Have you had any cm of any kind yet?

Annie, some women never get ewcm. :shrug: I recommend reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (if you can hide it from your dh!). It is a wonderful resourceful book that will really help you with cm, temping, and general ttc questions.
Ny, it looks like you're not going to go bonkers after all! Are you going to change your tickers? Do you believe it yet? Also, just long were you trying? You give us all hope!

98 today for me--woohoo! It's official, I'm 3dpo :happydance: I NEVER thought I'd O so early, and I can't wait to see how our little cells treat each other this month... It's so stinking funny how many of us are at nearly the same point in the cycle. We're going to have some exciting poas action in a little over a week!

YAY for 98 temps!!! Mine was 97.7, and I'm expecting it to go up in the next few days. I'm usually into the 98s for post-o as well. Won't it be exciting in 2 weeks! LESS than 2 weeks now!! :happydance: FX SOOOOO hard for us!
Ready- im cautious about it and still so scared! I was trying for a year since my last MC. Seems so weird that suddenly this month we did it! Glad your temp is up!

I am dumb- took my BBT today for shits and giggles and it was lower so im a little nervouse:( I need to stop doing this stuff. Doctors appt is on wed they dont seem concerned. Of course they dont. Sigh. I need to google BBT and pregnancy now to see what it says! My preg tests are still all good and even one that wasnt showing positive last friday is positive now today so thats good!

Love- YAY bump buddies!! this is so cool, I cant believe you were right that it happened for me! You must sent me some baby dust. Now send me some sticky dust? Lol. The nurse lady today says I dont get a scan quite yet cuz she figured me about 5 weeks and wont see anything yet and she says it may just cause me more stress if I cant see anything. I will, however, pressure the doc in doing some testing on my levels. She said he may not because they have no reason to think I have any more likelihood of MC than any other woman....eeeeek! I cant stand this seriously like in panic attack every other minute. I just want this baby so badddddd.
MRS- nice ovulation pics! Do you temp too and does it all match up?

Annie- EWCM is hard to go by, some dont get any at all. I never did. Until I thought that AF was sposed to be coming I noticed feeling wet a lot and having more. So maybe pregnancy is the only time I get any of that!

OH btw girls- a symptom I had- a week before AF was due i coulda sworn she was coming early and was like "yay" not a long cycle....but she never did. So that may have been implantation. I didnt bleed, but crampy, hungry, loose #2's....stuff like that. Then a week later, was CONVINCED Af was coming cuz I had all the pms again. THen bfp. So, symptoms are like AF a lot I think!

Now, if ONLY my crampin would stop so I could feel better! Its not really cramping but pulling and makes me scared !
Ny, stop taking your temp!!

Ladies, my sil is a midwife, and I know she's trying to help, but every time I talk to her, she freaks me out. She asked about my blood test results, so I emailed my numbers and she said my progesterone was too low, and my t4 (something to do with thyroids) is also kind of low, which is the leading cause of infertility! :saywhat: She's like i'm not saying that you have it...well THANKS! Now I'm panicking over here! :wacko: She suggested I put on more progesterone cream, but I'm thinking how much can that actually help?! My luteal phases are not too short or anything...Sigh. I'm really trying hard not to panic. BREATHE.
Rosa- at least you know something though, right? I'd take her advice for more cream. However, its weird that your LP isnt short with low prog....

I am having those same fears cuz now things say low BBT could indicate dropping progesterone and MC....I need to go lay down and nap so I dont have a panic attack. Good day ladies
Ladies, I hope we can all control the panicing! I'm sure everything will be ok. I'm keeping my FX for you all and praying hard. x x x

Anyway, I've just posted this in the ttc section.....any thoughts....

I'm CD18 today and my cycles are about 32/33/34..sometimes 35 days long.
I don't get much CM but did have some Thurs and Fri. We have used conceive plus for the first time this month and it's helped.
Anyway, I've had some lower cramping/tugging sensations today. It's just above my pubic bone/hair. Really deep too.
I did an OV test I think it was Thurs, maybe fri...i can't remember and it was positive. I'm not very experienced with them, but I thought I wasn't OV till Thurs this week, according to the OV calculations!
We BD last Fri, fri just gone and last night. Do you think i'm in with a chance of catching that egg?
My hub is away till Thurs night, otherwise we'd be at it tonight too!!

Thanks so much for reading. x x x x x

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