Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Thanks everyone for the comforting words! I just need to quit replaying it in my head, and I'll be ok. I really hope you are right and that she wasn't in pain long.

OMG NY, congrats , I knew baby would be doing good! I can't believe you are already 12 weeks! Crazy!! Love the scan photos yay!!!!!!!
Oh my oh my NY thaere is a baby in there!!!!!!!! lol that is a superb scan just amazing...... thannk you so uch for the advice of drinking loads guess what it works the cramps are so much less today as i have drank all day... and oh boy am I sleepy

Jump to it ready ha ha get on the catch the eggie train...

Oh Heather my thoughts are with you honey you must be heart broken xxx

Lol, shhhh, don't tell:) Wouldn't want people to think im excited or anything:)
Ny- Congrats!!! What beautiful pics! Yay now you can put your mind to rest a little bit!! :) So excited for you!!
ny- WOOOT!!! Absolutely ADORABLE little bean you've got there. It's about time you shared a picture of that bundle of absolute cuteness!! I just KNEW all of your results would come back wonderful. Now I can finally breathe knowing that you are finally starting to get excited, but I promise I won't tell lol. You should definitely share this news with your mom, I'm sure she is going to be so over the moon she'll never come back down. I almost feel bad for little beanies when I see scans pictures. They always look so smushed, like the walls of our uterus are going to crush them, though of course that isn't the case. I know they have plenty of room, for now lol, but I can't help but feel bad they they look all squished lol.

Star- Cramps are normal, I STILL get them only now it's like a charlie horse in my uterus. As hard as it is, and believe me I know, just try to relax. Every pregnancy is different and just because you have overlapping symptoms from your loss doesn't mean that this little one isn't going to be super super sticky. With my loss I started spotting a couple days before I hit 7 weeks. I had an emergency scan that showed a corner of the placenta was folded over itself which was causing the bleed. They said there was a 50/50 chance that it would fix itself. Unfortunately things didn't work out that way and I beanie was lost at 7+3. With this pregnancy I started spotting, again, just before 7 weeks. The only thing I could think was "great... here we go again" and prepared myself for the worst. I already had an early scan booked for a couple days after the spotting started so I decided to just wait it out. To my complete surprise my little button was safe and healthy in there at my scan. They couldn't find a cause for the bleeding and I honestly didn't care since he had a strong little heartbeat and there were no indications of placental problems. Just try to have faith that your little one is going to hang in there so he or she can snuggle up to you in another 8 months. What I found helped me when I was worried or scared was talking to him. Telling him how much he was already loved and pretty much willing my love to keep his little heart beating. Somehow it just made me feel better.
Love- I agree that they look smushed. I even asked her that- I was worried my sac didn't look big enough for baby and she said its fine....but i have seen ladie's who is really big and round and that worreid me. Idk....also, about your placenta at 7 she told me the placenta hasn't started yet and those take over around 13-14-15 confused!
ny- the thing with them looking all smushed is because it's only 2D. When you see them in 3D/4D you can clearly see there is PLENTY of space, until late in the third trimester of course when there just isn't space for anything lol. She's right, the placenta doesn't take over until closer to second tri but it starts forming early on as that is what is holding the little one in place. It is getting all it's nutrients from the yolk sac but the blood is coming from the placenta if I'm not mistaken. With the corner of the placenta being folded over there was a 50/50 that the placenta would detach completely, which is what ended up happening.
Oh gotcha. Ok, that makes sense I think. Lol. I was worried maybe my placenta shoulda been taken over by now! Weird that they can't find a source for my constant spotting....maybe its something with the placenta too...Hope not. They showed me yolk sac still there offering nutrients so thats good. Your avatar scan pic is better than mine. Lol. Wish i could see the brain better! Hope it has one. Hahahahhaa
It makes sense because the placenta can't take over later if it hasn't been made yet lol. Plus, they don't just appear overnight. There is just so much to build in there no wonder it starts early lol. It's very unlikely that your spotting is caused from issues with the placenta. If that were the case they would have found it because when they scan they aren't there for vanity purposes lol, they check EVERYTHING. They keep poking around at my ovaries and cervix on the scans to make sure there is nothing out of sort there. My scan is more detailed than yours because I didn't have my 12 week scan and NT testing until I was 14 weeks. It's really amazing what a difference those 2 weeks can make. Plus, my scan had to be done internally because he was being a shy little buggar and not letting her see him from the outside.
Ahhhh gotcha. I was so hoping i graduated from internals and she didn't end up doing one. Yay! I hate those. My NT scan took a long long time for her to get a good pic of the neck fluid and the baby being in a good profile. Apparently those are the 2 things it needs to be for a good picture. My baby kept his hand up by nose so that made the profile not perfect when she had a good view of the neck fluid. Finally did it but took a while>! She also found out that my one and only kidney is like, even with my ovary. So super low, and she kept running into it. How weird!
Well.. No idea what is up with my temps or my cycle. AF is here. :cry: There goes my last shot for a 2011 baby. I guess what sucks the most is I was supposed to have a 2011 baby. My LP was only 10 days so that sucks. It all sucks. Now I have to figure out if this short LP was just a fluke thing or if I should start taking something to lengthen it. What happens if it's short next cycle.. Ugh. I'm so sick of this. I don't know if it's because I O'd so late or what. It's usually 12 or 13. O-well.. So not in the mood for any of this right now.

Ny- Beautiful pics of Baby smurf!

Star- That is so exciting to see the words on that test! So happy for you!
Honestly, I think I liked internals more. Walk in to hear my favorite words "go empty your bladder" lol. With the external scans you have to drink soooo much water (really not all that much but it feels like an ocean) and then hold it. I had a hard time holding it BEFORE I got pregnant... now I'm lucky if I can manage to go to the bathroom then stand up and NOT have to go again lol. I think it's cute when they have their hands up by their face, but of course not when you are trying to get a good picture to take home and show off. My little one kept doing that during my gender scan when we saw him in 3D/4D. All the pictures I took home of him had his little hand in the way lol. Come to think of it, he was doing that again when I had the scan at the hospital after my accident. I'm willing to guess that your little beanie is a boy just because of all the grief it is causing you. Mine did the exact same lol.
Oh, Kiki, :cry:, I'm sorry! Your chart was so promising; oh I feel bad... Stupid, bad, ugly witch. Have you been doing the maca this cycle? Did you try any other supplement type things?

Isn't it absolutely the worst that we can't plan and pick when to have our babies?? But we will get them. Just'll be all big and pregnant over the holidays and your entire family will rub your belly for good luck :)
Star- SEE!!! You really are pregnant lol!

kiki- Are you sure it's af? I'm sorry you had a short lp, fingers tightly crossed that it was only a fluke. I know how you're feeling, I was supposed to have a February '09 baby. To think he or she would already be 2 years old.. Have you considered trying soy isoflavones? I read many posts about how it helped so many women. It's supposed to be natures clomid.
Kiki----So sorry hun:( Im so mad at your cycle right now! Ugh. Thank you also for the congrats even when you feel so frustrated and let down. Thoughtful. I took B complex to help my LP. It helped a little bit, but that made my cycle longer. That IS technically what we want, its just tough to have a longer cycle. Maybe look into that.
Kiki I'm so sorry honey bloody cycles!!!! Wee should be able to take a pill and then get a baby in 2 weeks time no mucking about or stress.... big hugs darling XXXXxxxxx
Ready- Thank you so much for your kind words hun. I am very much hoping to be able to be pregnant over the holidays. I actually stopped the maca this cycle just to see what it would do. Maybe I should try that again. I almost want to just be completely clean of everything to see if my cycles will even out and figure themselves out but I don't know how long that will take and I'm sick of waiting so I probably won't do that.

Love- Yes I'm sure. Thank you for the advice. I may research the soy. I have never had an LP this short before so I'm hoping it's just a fluke. They are always 12 or 13 days long.

Ny- Thank you hun. I am so mad at my cycle too. So confused too. It's really messed up this month. I actually researched B complex a few months back so maybe I will try that. How long was your cycle while you were on it?

Star- Thank you. I really wish we could just take a pill. I would be happy with 2 chances a month instead of only one. It feels like forever to wait to do this all over again.

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