hello everyone.....wow ive not been on this thread for a loooong time. can i have an update

who's pregnant now? sorry for those still waiting, hope you catch soon. i know its tough, i was once there myself, but your time will come. that sounds so cliche but i believe its true. my sister has been trying for 11 months now for her 4th (last one), and its so hard to see her going through each month feeling low when that damn witch comes, but i know she'd appreciate it so much more when it does happen.
well i thought i'd prop up a picture of my big bump.....and i mean big. it suprises everyone when they realise that im due 23rd August lol. but i know he/she is happy in there and loves poking out so thats all that matters as far as im concerned. so heres my bump at 18weeks (22nd March) then again at 19 weeks (1st April).....
18 weeks: https://j.imagehost.org/t/0471/18week_bump_on_22ndmarch.jpg 19 weeks: https://j.imagehost.org/t/0634/1stapril10.jpg
second pic is from a higher angle as my fiance tilted the camera to show me looking down. i couldnt help but smile at that bump. isnt it huuuuge?! lol

i find out the gender on tuesday (6th).
anyways, hows everyone been? god its been so long. hope all is well. x