Tinsel Tots 2009

I know what you mean angel75 - lol!!! I joined about a week or so ago and am obsessed!! I am analysing everything!

I wont be on here much next month as we are moving house in the beginning of Dec and we have alot of work to do in the house and also wont have broadband - arrgghh - how will I cope!!

Do you think you and your oh will get back together? do you actually want to?

Oh god i don't think i could cope without internet anymore haha

Regarding me and the fella its the best thing for us to split without going into much detail he thinks i have a past...and making it sound much worse than what it is (its actually not that much!) but he calls me names, wants to know what i've done with previous partners, did i make noises, what positions etc.. Its not normal. Hes very insecure and possessive...i'm not allowed to talk to men but he can have as many girly friends as he wants! Hes finished with me at least once a month since we got together. (14 mths)Thats the awful stuff about him the nice stuff is he's one of my best friends (yeah i know when hes not being horrible!) i can just be myself with him, he makes me laugh we just love being together and chilling, doing stuff.... But i suppose its time to face facts hes not going to change he's always going to ask questions about stuff he shouldn't even be asking, i'm never gonna feel like i'm in a secure relationship. My friends will be so relieved just got to cut ties with him (unless i get my BFP and in that case its a different story!) I'm gutted and sure i will be for a while just gonna try to keep busy....anyone know any nice single, non psycho men?? haha
hi girls..
alot it catch up with as usual..

titi..realy wanted to see what happened but i see the witch got u..im sorry but well done for making it thru the baby shower:)

gosh you girls who check your cervix are brave, i cant bare to do mine..
twinkle good luck for later this week..w
welcome mrs barrowman..any relation to JOHN...i i think he is brilliant

well there is not chance of me being pg as have not done bd much due to the lap but i have so much pasty cm..which i think someone mentioned..

battery about to die, catch up with u all later..x
Oh angel75 I read that you had broken up on another thread but I thought you were joking. Are you ok? x

Yeah i'm ok...then i'm not...then i am haha gutted cos put so much into this relationship but as i said before hes always going to be the same. I just want a nice easy life instead of being on edge wondering when the next question will be about my previous sex life!!
I know what you mean angel75 - lol!!! I joined about a week or so ago and am obsessed!! I am analysing everything!

I wont be on here much next month as we are moving house in the beginning of Dec and we have alot of work to do in the house and also wont have broadband - arrgghh - how will I cope!!

Do you think you and your oh will get back together? do you actually want to?

Oh god i don't think i could cope without internet anymore haha

Regarding me and the fella its the best thing for us to split without going into much detail he thinks i have a past...and making it sound much worse than what it is (its actually not that much!) but he calls me names, wants to know what i've done with previous partners, did i make noises, what positions etc.. Its not normal. Hes very insecure and possessive...i'm not allowed to talk to men but he can have as many girly friends as he wants! Hes finished with me at least once a month since we got together. (14 mths)Thats the awful stuff about him the nice stuff is he's one of my best friends (yeah i know when hes not being horrible!) i can just be myself with him, he makes me laugh we just love being together and chilling, doing stuff.... But i suppose its time to face facts hes not going to change he's always going to ask questions about stuff he shouldn't even be asking, i'm never gonna feel like i'm in a secure relationship. My friends will be so relieved just got to cut ties with him (unless i get my BFP and in that case its a different story!) I'm gutted and sure i will be for a while just gonna try to keep busy....anyone know any nice single, non psycho men?? haha

sorry to hear this..life is full of emotional bullshit
it took me 36 years to find a non psycho man.....there's always hope

take care x
Titi: The extra stocking ready for 'bean' sounds lovely.

Twinklestar: I'm so excited that it's now the afternoon. Good news for us by the end of the day I hope!

Angel75: I'd say you're better off without him. I can't imagine the mixed feelings you must be having. :hugs:.

As for me, just wishing the days away. Paid for that Christmas meal on December 4th, what's that 11 days? Oooo and I should be rather fertile too. YAY!!!
Titi: The extra stocking ready for 'bean' sounds lovely.

Twinklestar: I'm so excited that it's now the afternoon. Good news for us by the end of the day I hope!

Angel75: I'd say you're better off without him. I can't imagine the mixed feelings you must be having. :hugs:.

As for me, just wishing the days away. Paid for that Christmas meal on December 4th, what's that 11 days? Oooo and I should be rather fertile too. YAY!!!

**xmas meal will be so nice!!
Angel-I agree-also took me v. long time to find good man-I guess why I am ttc so late. I know it's hard now but will get better.

Stocking for bean hard to look at but is also PMA and will keep it up as a hopeful reminder. I wanted so badly to put a postive test in it this month as it is a very tiny little sock. Hopefully someone else will get a tinsel tot BFP because that is a really great way to tell DH/OH, I think!!

Muncho-hopefully you are on your way to tinsel tot or 2010 tot-you never know!!!!!!
Titi - sorry to hear the :witch: got you.

Lauraly - sending :dust: for the bd'ing

I must of mist the sacrifices when reading through also, so i am giving up my Archers and lemonade to get my xmas bfp.
Now i must try and figure out these signature things :wacko:

lolley- i think the signature is on page 4 or 8. you just copy and paste into your edit signature bar. hope that helps. if not let me know and i will see if i can help more :thumbup:
Hello, all. AF today...a day late.........AT THE BABY SHOWER. Which by the way, all the other women at were pregnant. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I also am probably the only woman in the world to test AFTER getting my period. What is wrong with me this cycle? It wasn't as heavy as normal and I had so many symptoms this month I just really needed to see yet another BFN and my period, lol.

so, I'm out......soooooooooo out. Going to take a day to recover mentally and then go stock up on more baby making products. Preseed in the mail today. DH goes for SA 11/30 and we should have results maybe week after that-which will be too late to know for this cycle if there is a count/mobility problem. We tried EVERY day for 7 days in a row this cycle timed perfect. How do we BD if he is low? REALLY want a tinsel tot!!!

THanks all

So sorry the witch got you - and at the shower :cry:! I have seen in some more recent posts that you seem to be ready to try again! I really admire your PMA :thumbup: And glad you went through with the baby shower...it must have been tough, but I am sure she was glad for your support. :thumbup:
The party I went to last night had 2 prego women and 2 women with 3 month olds....UGH :dohh:!!!! And there were probably only 6 women there all together :wacko: Talk about :baby: central! I'm just hoping that some of there prego/baby dust rubbed off on me for this month :winkwink:

If we don't get our bfp this month, my DH will also be scheduling a SA. I would be interested in anything you find out. My DH did some things in his younger days that he now regrets :nope:...took some "supplements" for weight lifting and we now think that it may have had an effect on our ttc abilities. Guess we have a few weeks to find out if this cycle took!:wacko:

Well LOTS of PMA and :dust: sent your way! Good luck with your new cycle!:hugs:
I know what you mean angel75 - lol!!! I joined about a week or so ago and am obsessed!! I am analysing everything!

I wont be on here much next month as we are moving house in the beginning of Dec and we have alot of work to do in the house and also wont have broadband - arrgghh - how will I cope!!

Do you think you and your oh will get back together? do you actually want to?

Oh god i don't think i could cope without internet anymore haha

Regarding me and the fella its the best thing for us to split without going into much detail he thinks i have a past...and making it sound much worse than what it is (its actually not that much!) but he calls me names, wants to know what i've done with previous partners, did i make noises, what positions etc.. Its not normal. Hes very insecure and possessive...i'm not allowed to talk to men but he can have as many girly friends as he wants! Hes finished with me at least once a month since we got together. (14 mths)Thats the awful stuff about him the nice stuff is he's one of my best friends (yeah i know when hes not being horrible!) i can just be myself with him, he makes me laugh we just love being together and chilling, doing stuff.... But i suppose its time to face facts hes not going to change he's always going to ask questions about stuff he shouldn't even be asking, i'm never gonna feel like i'm in a secure relationship. My friends will be so relieved just got to cut ties with him (unless i get my BFP and in that case its a different story!) I'm gutted and sure i will be for a while just gonna try to keep busy....anyone know any nice single, non psycho men?? haha

Hi Angel75

Just read your post and was filling up reading it.

I hope that your ok and feeling ok. Breaking up with someone is never easy.

Can anyone tell me where you get the CD thing from. I have seen some Xmas ones and some love heart ones etc?

Nic x
Stocking for bean hard to look at but is also PMA and will keep it up as a hopeful reminder. I wanted so badly to put a postive test in it this month as it is a very tiny little sock. Hopefully someone else will get a tinsel tot BFP because that is a really great way to tell DH/OH, I think!!

It is a great idea! I keep having to convince myself to hold out on these things, (buying a test, registering on the testing thread, and now the little stocking), until my tww, see how I feel then. I wanna do it all!!

Nic - try tickerfactory too.

Hmm.. to ticker, or not to ticker.
Just realised bnb isn't an addiction, it's a hobby. Creating threads, tickers, signatures, journals...
Thanks LauraLy-
You pretty much went through the same thing as me yesterday with your party!

DH has a cousin TTC with a similar problem as yours. Not quite sure details but had a low count for similar reasons. Just started TTC-I will let you know if I hear anything more about their journey.

If there is a problem with my DH, it would be related to diet I believe as well as smoking/drinking. Just social drinker but TTC and 1pk cigs per day while TTC as well as severe diet problems. Hasn't had a vegetable since he was 9 (he is 35) and only eats pizza, hamburgers, steak and fried foods, basically.

We might postpone the SA a week or so as I accidentally scheduled it right when we need it for BD for OV :dohh: but will definitely share results. We are going to just go on assumption something wrong this month and ttc like there is and if not it will just be good news.

Do you mind if I ask how long you have been ttc? I'm sure you mentioned but this is a big thread and moves fast and I sometimes have trouble remembering it all.
Man this thread is busy lol. I was just on late last night and came back to 5 new pages. Its soooo good to have people to talk to tho.
Well we are all still in our pj's. DB woke me up to some fun BD'ing before the kids woke up (Tmi). I miss fun BD'ing. It seems like we are so focused on ttc that its sometimes more of a job than fun. My temp jumped up this morning. Not sure why?
I can't remember the questions and comments that I had. My cm has been creamy to pasty too and my cp has been high. Looking at last months chart this is normal for me tho. Not sure how I feel. I'm trying not to ss tho cuz it makes a bfn soooo much harder.
Fish n Chips - I forgot to mention that I was temping inaccurately up until around 4dpo. I had the damn thermometer too far back in my mouth...duh. So that's probably why my temps were so weird and FF doesn't know how to analyze it.
We are gonna get the rest of our Christmas lights up today. Its one of the last 55 degree days of the year.
Thanks LauraLy-
You pretty much went through the same thing as me yesterday with your party!

DH has a cousin TTC with a similar problem as yours. Not quite sure details but had a low count for similar reasons. Just started TTC-I will let you know if I hear anything more about their journey.

If there is a problem with my DH, it would be related to diet I believe as well as smoking/drinking. Just social drinker but TTC and 1pk cigs per day while TTC as well as severe diet problems. Hasn't had a vegetable since he was 9 (he is 35) and only eats pizza, hamburgers, steak and fried foods, basically.

We might postpone the SA a week or so as I accidentally scheduled it right when we need it for BD for OV :dohh: but will definitely share results. We are going to just go on assumption something wrong this month and ttc like there is and if not it will just be good news.

Do you mind if I ask how long you have been ttc? I'm sure you mentioned but this is a big thread and moves fast and I sometimes have trouble remembering it all.

Not at all! I went off bcp in January. We didn't really "try" but we increasing the amount we bd and taking it really causally hoping it would just happen- no luck :nope: So, in September- once we finally got settled into the new house and new job (for me) we starting "calculating" ov and charting. So, this is technically cycle 10...but my 3rd cycle of charting and such- if that makes sense :shrug: I'm 28 and he's 29...when we got married we always said we wanted kids by the time we were 30- so we will see. My mom had some issues when she was my age- but just had another at 48 (he's a happy healthy 5 y/o now!!!)

Your husband's diet is pretty much opposite of mine. Mine is a gym-aholic. He eats constantly- lots of protein and vitamins. He does enjoy his fried foods and snacks- but honestly its in moderation. He works out 4 times a week and is really hard on himself. In the past, he went through some stuff and took some things he shouldn't have and was drinking a lot. He has taken some natural testosterone boosters in the past...as he had some performance issues :blush::blush: about 2 years ago- right after going off his "supplements". So, we didn't really think anything of it- as everything seems to working properly now:thumbup:. I had my pre-ttc checkup in Feb 09 and everything seemed fine. I came off of bcp fairly easily and have had pretty regular cycles. So, we will see what happens?!?!:wacko:

I am trying opk's for the 1st time this cycle. I got a positive yesterday and we have bd'd twice early in the week, last night, and plan on continuing for the next few days. Maybe we will catch it??? :shrug:

Did any of you UK girls get a pre-ttc check up? I told my new doctor we were going to try and she just told me to take folic acid. I would quite like someone to run tests to make sure I'm ok.
Lauraly-sounds like good :sex: for catching! We started trying In Jan. too. All we did was OPK for a month or two and then just tried to "time" right until last cycle where I started chating everything.

Tis good your DH is so healthy and sounds like he is really on the right track. My DH is naturally VERY slim/muscular with high mb. so has always taken gym and diet for granted, although has been doing yoga with me this month. Just wish he would improve diet and quit smoking.

Off to Whole Foods now to stock up on stuff to baby make this cycle!
hi fish..
i got my tests quite easily but i think it depends in how old u are and how long you have been trying. its good to get these done as if there is anything wrong you can take a few tablets to sort it hopefully...
mind u i do have a very good docs...some of them are a bit useless..good luck x

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