Tinsel Tots 2009

Hi ladies, I have a question.. do any of you get a decreased appetite around ov? I've really gone off food today and I'm hoping it's a good sign that I'm about to ov. x
Hi Lauraly-So sorry about this morning. I feel so sad for you-that was the same situation my DH & I were in last month and I cried the whole day I got my BFN. The witch is being particuarly nasty this round-that is what she did to me-I always get full on day 26 in the am and on day 27 she came around with just some mild afternoon spotting...........Angelblue-I hope she is not playing tricks on you too.......either way FX for both of you that it is NOT the witch!!

F&C-Thanks for help about my OV. I am not sure if I have a decreased appetite or not but now that you mention it going to montitor. I am usually almost always hungry : (
Hi All ladies trying for a Christmas BFP -join up today!

My previous 3 cycle buddies all got their BFP in the lats week or so!
I was also a member of Bonfire babies and most of the team there for their BFP

As a group we are just trying to chat to others ttc in November December and we kind of decided on the Tinsel tots thing today and thought it would be fun.
Just like previously when there has been groups of women celebrating Junebugs and Halloween Humpers , bonfire babies etc

Come and join us ! In the meantime Im going to have a word with the little man upstairs...

Dear little man upstairs,

Its been a while since I have written to you, i hope you are keeping well and not misbehaving. Well I have one last request before the year ends and actually this one is for some of my new friends as well.

Little man as you know we are all TTC ( trying to concieve) our own little man or woman but you havent made it all that easy have you..you naughty man (bend over whilst i slap your bottom). Listen we understand that you have other priorties and we have been so patient. Its hard you know seeing people around you getting their BFP and playing with their own liitle tots..
Now christmas is coming and we would love our own little tinsel tot - its the most exciting and special time of the year and i know you can make this happen...

I know you like to play games with me , so in exchange for our tinsel tot some of us are prepared to give up a little something until we get our BFP!!

Here goes:

Muncho; CREAM CAKES - I know last month I had about 10 but really this month I will give them up for my BFP :baby: Let me explain this. My once super sexy size 8 figure is now being compromised by these cream cakes. I have had to cut down at gym, the stress is making me look weary. Im loosing my model looks.Little man TTC is taking its toll. DH has to put an eye mask on when we BD...thats not good is it? HELP ME :)

Angelblue: I am giving up alcohol, and will try my hardest to only drink decaff, only have chocolate once a week and will sell my motorbike! i would give up all my xmas presents for BFP too!

Gossipgirly: Chocolate!

Rogue: I will give up sweeties, even rainbow drops and candy floss just so i can get my BFP, please understand Mr Little Man Upstairs, i am a sweetie addict, i eat them for breakfast lunch and tea, not a single haribo or humbug will pass my lips until BFP!!! thanks!!

Titi: I gave up all alcohol-not even sip of champagne

Babybound; i'd give up lifetime for a bfp && that's saying alot because i'm addicted an love my daytime tv!!

Premomt:I resolve to get our finances in order for a BFP. No more eating out, no more spending friviously. And even after we get our we will keep on the straight and narrow. I promise!!!!

MrsCrabsticke: ill do more excersize.

Babytots: i shall give up poas til my af is due in return for my much wanted sticky bfp!!!

Dee7509:I gave up refined carbs and sugar

Sonyabazonya:im going to "take on" a healthier lifestyle to make a great nesting ground for my bean!

LauraLy:I will not ask or ONE OTHER thing! not one...thats it. And until then, I promise to give up soda...even my diet soda! This is coming from a girl who drinks it EVERY day...and I promise- not one drop of soda in exchange for my !!!!

I would also gladly give up my precious KFC, roast beef monster munch and chocolate if it gets me a healthy pregnancy soon as lol.

Scarlett83;I'm going to give up alcohol and try and eat healthier!

Fish&Chips: I promise to do more exercise

Abster: I'm a potato fiend and sometimes just cant help myself if there are crisps in the house. I pledge not to go to the chip shop and not to have any more than one packet of crisps a day.

AngelMyKy: i am willing to give up fizzy pop and any other bad snacks for my tinsel tot i love my pepsi and foxs whipped creams.....going to miss them

DeDe80: I'll give up eatting a lot of junk food and start to exercise

Ohhbabybaby: i will happily give up scones for my - seriously - i'm addicted to them!!

I'd give up caffiene, all EXTREMELY fatty foods, and even my double stuffed oreos and chunky chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for a BFP!

Little man thanks for listening to our request but now ENOUGH of the pleasantries. We WANT our BFP for christmas and if you dont give it to us you will be so sorry! When we meet (hopefully not for a long time, but i wont forget) ill kick your fat podgy ass so hard you wont know whats hit you.In fact for each BFP we see (not including anyone from BnB) from now till we get our own, you will get a hard fat slap across that swcarny little face of yours...are you understanding me yet? are you? I CANT HEAR YOU...I STILL CANT HEAR YOU.....I get nasty when im angry!

Thats better now we can start over..

Thanks for listening, in return if there is anything i can do for you please let me know ( just PM me - or you can send us a response on this thread)

Yours sincerely Muncho

Can u add me pplllleeeeaaasssseeeee???

im giving up alcohol and pizza.
Sorry Auntiebee, but only muncho can update that bit as she started the thread and she's not using tinseltots any more, she's gone over to LTTTC.
Abi x
Well I just found out I didn't get the permanent job, :cry: the guy that did got 2 points more than me - I am so devastated, I've had to show this guy the most basic of tasks, I've worked so hard, why do I never get a lucky break? I feel so crap now, that was my chance to have a job to go back to after a maternity leave. I had a good cry in the toilets at work and my project manager said it was an injustice :nope: and she cant believe it either! I really wanted it - I actually thought I had done well for once.

I was in floods of tears driving home :cry: (couldnt face going back in the office so just left!) and I had a really good idea that if I got a HPT on my way home that a bfp would be the only thing that would cheer me up, I imagined it all in my head, telling my OH when he got home... but it was :bfn: I am even more upset now - why did I do that to myself? I had promised myself I was waiting til sat to test if I hadnt come on - I was doing so well :cry:

I'm so sorry angelblue. Hopefully there's something bigger and better on the cards for you.
:hugs: angel. I agree with Fairy Girl, it is because there is something bigger and better out there for you. x
Oh angel you poor thing. I totally know how you must be feeling as I was in a similar situation not so long ago but like the other ladies said good things must be round the corner. Everything happens for a reason and some day you will look back and think what a lucky break you had. Sorry also about the BFN but the witch hasn't arrived yet.

thanks girls, feeling a bit better now, OH is taking me out for tea its our 2 year anniversary so trying not to be upset!

Its so nice to have all this support, I'll keep you posted so far no af
Enjoy yourself Angel.

Would you ladies mind having a look at my chart and letting me know if you think today's temp might be a pre-o dip? We have bd-ed every day since Sunday this week and I'm wondering if we should do it again tonight? x
Angel have a great meal. x
F&C I wish I studied charting. What you said about appetite decreasing can be true. Has happened to me once or twice. x
well, I am now 6 days late, and no af!
held out til today to test again as I didn't want any more confusion, I wanted a nice clear bfp with no need to squint and tilt and photoshop the lines!!
so out came the frer and...BFN!
I am so confused and gutted. always as regular as clockwork, but not this month.
I am now convinced that I have to be out this month as we haven't done 'it' for the last 2 weeks.
just want af now so that I can get on with this month!
feel like crying, hate not knowing what is going on with my own body!:cry:
Hi All ladies trying for a Christmas BFP -join up today!

My previous 3 cycle buddies all got their BFP in the lats week or so!
I was also a member of Bonfire babies and most of the team there for their BFP

As a group we are just trying to chat to others ttc in November December and we kind of decided on the Tinsel tots thing today and thought it would be fun.
Just like previously when there has been groups of women celebrating Junebugs and Halloween Humpers , bonfire babies etc

Come and join us ! In the meantime Im going to have a word with the little man upstairs...

Dear little man upstairs,

Its been a while since I have written to you, i hope you are keeping well and not misbehaving. Well I have one last request before the year ends and actually this one is for some of my new friends as well.

Little man as you know we are all TTC ( trying to concieve) our own little man or woman but you havent made it all that easy have you..you naughty man (bend over whilst i slap your bottom). Listen we understand that you have other priorties and we have been so patient. Its hard you know seeing people around you getting their BFP and playing with their own liitle tots..
Now christmas is coming and we would love our own little tinsel tot - its the most exciting and special time of the year and i know you can make this happen...

I know you like to play games with me , so in exchange for our tinsel tot some of us are prepared to give up a little something until we get our BFP!!

Here goes:

Muncho; CREAM CAKES - I know last month I had about 10 but really this month I will give them up for my BFP :baby: Let me explain this. My once super sexy size 8 figure is now being compromised by these cream cakes. I have had to cut down at gym, the stress is making me look weary. Im loosing my model looks.Little man TTC is taking its toll. DH has to put an eye mask on when we BD...thats not good is it? HELP ME :)

Angelblue: I am giving up alcohol, and will try my hardest to only drink decaff, only have chocolate once a week and will sell my motorbike! i would give up all my xmas presents for BFP too!

Gossipgirly: Chocolate!

Rogue: I will give up sweeties, even rainbow drops and candy floss just so i can get my BFP, please understand Mr Little Man Upstairs, i am a sweetie addict, i eat them for breakfast lunch and tea, not a single haribo or humbug will pass my lips until BFP!!! thanks!!

Titi: I gave up all alcohol-not even sip of champagne

Babybound; i'd give up lifetime for a bfp && that's saying alot because i'm addicted an love my daytime tv!!

Premomt:I resolve to get our finances in order for a BFP. No more eating out, no more spending friviously. And even after we get our we will keep on the straight and narrow. I promise!!!!

MrsCrabsticke: ill do more excersize.

Babytots: i shall give up poas til my af is due in return for my much wanted sticky bfp!!!

Dee7509:I gave up refined carbs and sugar

Sonyabazonya:im going to "take on" a healthier lifestyle to make a great nesting ground for my bean!

LauraLy:I will not ask or ONE OTHER thing! not one...thats it. And until then, I promise to give up soda...even my diet soda! This is coming from a girl who drinks it EVERY day...and I promise- not one drop of soda in exchange for my !!!!

I would also gladly give up my precious KFC, roast beef monster munch and chocolate if it gets me a healthy pregnancy soon as lol.

Scarlett83;I'm going to give up alcohol and try and eat healthier!

Fish&Chips: I promise to do more exercise

Abster: I'm a potato fiend and sometimes just cant help myself if there are crisps in the house. I pledge not to go to the chip shop and not to have any more than one packet of crisps a day.

AngelMyKy: i am willing to give up fizzy pop and any other bad snacks for my tinsel tot i love my pepsi and foxs whipped creams.....going to miss them

DeDe80: I'll give up eatting a lot of junk food and start to exercise

Ohhbabybaby: i will happily give up scones for my - seriously - i'm addicted to them!!

I'd give up caffiene, all EXTREMELY fatty foods, and even my double stuffed oreos and chunky chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for a BFP!

Little man thanks for listening to our request but now ENOUGH of the pleasantries. We WANT our BFP for christmas and if you dont give it to us you will be so sorry! When we meet (hopefully not for a long time, but i wont forget) ill kick your fat podgy ass so hard you wont know whats hit you.In fact for each BFP we see (not including anyone from BnB) from now till we get our own, you will get a hard fat slap across that swcarny little face of yours...are you understanding me yet? are you? I CANT HEAR YOU...I STILL CANT HEAR YOU.....I get nasty when im angry!

Thats better now we can start over..

Thanks for listening, in return if there is anything i can do for you please let me know ( just PM me - or you can send us a response on this thread)

Yours sincerely Muncho

Can u add me pplllleeeeaaasssseeeee???

im giving up alcohol and pizza.

Hi everyone, i just popped in to say, hope you are all ok. Any BFPs??

Auntiebee i will add you now..it was a coinicidence that you joined today as i ahve not been on here for weeks

baby dust to you all x
Until you know what your cycle does before ovulation, it's difficult to say. It could go down further or stay flat for a couple of days before it rises. It's best to keep bonking - which is why we ended up doing it for 8 days straight. That and we started too early!
Abi x
Hi All,

Still no Af for me, did test and got :bfn:

where oh where is AF? hello are you there? See it even sends me loopy looking for the thing.

Boobs feel weird and had weird pain in left hand side today. Have absolutely no idea what is going on.

How is everyone? Sending lots of :dust:

Thanks Abster! Hope I'm still going to be able to walk after this week!! lol x
Blimen af... sorry nnn xx

Hey Muncho.. long time no hear. Hope you are doing well x

doddygirl.. I'll keep my FX that you get your BFP soon.

fairygirl.. I had no appetite again today and I'm fairly sure I'm about to ov after what the ladies on here have told me. I'm going to see if it happens next month (if there is one!) x
Well ladies...AF arrived this afternoon- only a day late...stupid old hag! But since I found her- I have begun to search for my PMA...and this is what I have found out thus far...

#1 OV should fall on Christmas Day...if my cycle doesn't act up...I sure do LOVE christmas so being able to BD the night away should be wonderful :blush:
#2 I should be able to take a hpt on my hubby's 29th birthday...I will be one day late (cd31) a BFP would make a great b-day gift- don't you think? :thumbup:

Well, with my absolutely hectic work schedule- that is all I was able to come up with. That and I am going to be following the sperm meets egg plan...and going to be looking at the ole' diet to see if I should tweak a few things. Gotta keep moving foward...we can only change the future- not the past!:thumbup:
Thanks for all the lovely support! :hugs: Here's hoping for a 2010 BFP!!!!! :happydance:

Oh, and now I am heading to pick up some wine and orange soda...I have missed them over this past month! Think I will enjoy :wine: tonight! Cheers!

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