To my bump buddies and anyone else is welcome!

Rachel what a lovely idea hunnie :)

Well hello to all you georgous ladies and your beautifull bumps, i hope to get to know you all soon.

For those of you who dont know me :)

Name : Lizzie Sheridan
Age: 29, ill be the dreaded 30 on 9th december lol
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Hobbies: Reading, Shopping, Spending time with my beautifull family, Music
Job: Taxi controller
Due date: July 12th 2011
expecting: Another beautifull baby boy :)
Name?: Alfie or Lucas
Health problems?: Where do i start lol, pregnancy related problems are : hyperemesis gravidarum, duplex kidneys, cysts on ovarys, severe wieght loss
Cravings so far?: Potato scones, scrammbled eggs and tinned tomatoes, also chicken temptations from subway :)

Cant wait to get to know all you lovely ladies xxxx
Hiya ladies!
been super busy today, had to take my 2 girlies to Tesco to do the food shop cos I couldnt get an asda delivery slot! It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be tho and they were super good!! I think we over did it on the junk food tho ...... oops. Oh well it is half term afterall!! Got home in time for lunch and then rung up and confirmed my booking for my 4D scan and paid the deposit!!! woohoo I really cant wait. Its on 26th March at 10.30am. We are taking the 3 girlies(4,3,1) with us and the 2 boys (8+6) arent realy interested so they are going to play with some mates. Its all exciting!!
Anyway, Hope all you ladies are good and bumps are fidgeting.
Chat properly later on after the bedtime routine ha ha!!

Hey Ladies!

Just saying Hello!!!

Name: Kailey ... aka Kaileymonster [I have a habit of making Dinosaur Noises :S]
Age: 20 Years Young!!
Lives: Leeds, UK
My OH: Brett .. 21.. VERY Happy Daddy To Be ^^
Job: Unemployed :/ [Off Sick... BOOOO!!]
Expecting: Boy
Due Date: 5/7/2011
Baby Name: Leighton Zane Bradshaw Ryan

Hope you all ok!!! <3
Morning ladies!:flower:

I had a terrible dream last night, I can't quit explain it but, I'm just so worried and stressed about school and I really hope I am a good mom! I know I will do my best and love my LO more than anything but I just hope I don't mess up too much!:dohh: On a happier subject I'm 21 weeks today! I know It's not a mildstone or anything but, every week feels like an accomplishment to me!:thumbup:

Anyways, how're you ladies and your bumps today?:hugs:
Hiya ladies!
been super busy today, had to take my 2 girlies to Tesco to do the food shop cos I couldnt get an asda delivery slot! It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be tho and they were super good!! I think we over did it on the junk food tho ...... oops. Oh well it is half term afterall!! Got home in time for lunch and then rung up and confirmed my booking for my 4D scan and paid the deposit!!! woohoo I really cant wait. Its on 26th March at 10.30am. We are taking the 3 girlies(4,3,1) with us and the 2 boys (8+6) arent realy interested so they are going to play with some mates. Its all exciting!!
Anyway, Hope all you ladies are good and bumps are fidgeting.
Chat properly later on after the bedtime routine ha ha!!


Awh sounds like you had a very busy day! Congrats! Hurray for 4D scans!:happydance:
Morning ladies!:flower:

I had a terrible dream last night, I can't quit explain it but, I'm just so worried and stressed about school and I really hope I am a good mom! I know I will do my best and love my LO more than anything but I just hope I don't mess up too much!:dohh: On a happier subject I'm 21 weeks today! I know It's not a mildstone or anything but, every week feels like an accomplishment to me!:thumbup:

Anyways, how're you ladies and your bumps today?:hugs:

:friends: don't worry hunni, bad dreams are normal in pregnancy, i've had so many, where I've neglected the baby in some way!
Morning ladies!:flower:

I had a terrible dream last night, I can't quit explain it but, I'm just so worried and stressed about school and I really hope I am a good mom! I know I will do my best and love my LO more than anything but I just hope I don't mess up too much!:dohh: On a happier subject I'm 21 weeks today! I know It's not a mildstone or anything but, every week feels like an accomplishment to me!:thumbup:

Anyways, how're you ladies and your bumps today?:hugs:

:friends: don't worry hunni, bad dreams are normal in pregnancy, i've had so many, where I've neglected the baby in some way!

Thank you, always helps to hear reassuring words!:hugs:
Hi everyone! well I went back to sleep at about 10-11, didn't wake up til 4. Haha, was lovely to lie in, now I've had a banging migraine all day :( So bad that when I ate I felt nauseous again, I thought I'd finally kicked the sickness. Nothing yet but feeling like I might throw up soon. :(
Don't worry! I've had some horrible dreams, even my OH has.!

Lizzie & Kailey - Nice to see you both on the thread. Hope we manage to all keep this thread going for aslong as possible. I know when I log on now, I come here first. haha

Chrissy7411- I think every week counts as a milestone! so congrats:) it means too that I'm 21 weeks tommorow :p hehe.

On another note, my angelsounds doppler came today!
It's great to hear her heartbeat, and it was suprisingly easy to tell mine and hers apart. Even the OH had a massive grin on his face when he found the heartbeat ( he did it for me ) bless ! I'm worried I'll use it too much though hahah. It's so adictive!

Hope you're alll feeling good ladies, and that your bumps are doing great.
Morning ladies!!!! How are u all feeling today?? I feel awful!!! My cold has come out loads I'm really dreading going back into work today!!!! Hardly slept last night ahhh full of moaning today!!!!
Ok little bit about me:
I'm Natalie I'm 25 live in Buckinghamshire got married last July :D first baby due 18th July work for Sainsburys in bakery I have very thick hair... It's curly and straight!!! Complete nightmare as hair goes!!!
Hobbies are sleeping!!! Cooking shopping beauty products!!!
Not sure what we are having hoPefully find out fri!!
No cravings hmmm welll maybe I craved becks... Lol
No sickness just nausea and a hell of a lot of pain!!!
I think that's it.... I'm off to work wish me luck!!!! Xx

aww Natalie, sorry to hear you're having such a rough time today. I feel crappy lately too.
Hope work wasn't too bad for you. xx
my doppler was def the best thing i ever invested in :)

hope every one is well xx
lol i use mine lots, have had it since i was 10 weeks pregnant! :)

im fine ta hun, bit knackered for sum reason but all ok, how about u? Baby Jakey is wriggling and kicking alot more now and kicks are gettin stronger! :cloud9:

have u bought much for the :baby: yet? xx
lol i use mine lots, have had it since i was 10 weeks pregnant! :)

im fine ta hun, bit knackered for sum reason but all ok, how about u? Baby Jakey is wriggling and kicking alot more now and kicks are gettin stronger! :cloud9:

have u bought much for the :baby: yet? xx

I'm ok, sciatica and migraines are killllllling me haha and i'm particularly tired today!
hehe thats so cute. :) my little girl's a wriggler too! then I panic when she doesn't.
The cutest thing was when I was using my doppler, I felt her kick where the doppler was and I even heard her do it! haha,
Love feeling her move about

Well so far we've bought ( I say we because luckily for me my OH has payed for a lot of it as I'm off sick from work, My pay is poor due to that)

Baby bath
bottle steriliser
manual breast pump
7 baby grows
one little tshirt that says "I <3 my mummy" (hehe)
2 little hats.
4 pairs of newborn socks,
and a pair of handmade knitted cute little booties.
That's it so far ( I think )
I get paid on friday and will be splashing out then
& My nana is buying us a pram.

How about you hun?
aww love u! sounds like ur having a bit of a rough time! i have sciatica now and again but its not really painful, just enough to make me go ouch if that makes sense!!! Migranes r a bummer hun!

Lol, i know the kicking on the doppler is fab, its so nice that when he does it on there i can 100% feel it now! :wohoo:

so far hun we've got:

cot bed/changer/wardrobe - on order with mamas+papas
pram+car seat - on order
lots of little oufits
lots of vests
baby bath and eqipment
cot beddin
electric breast pump
hospital bag
2x sterilisers
a few sleeping bags
a duffle coat
changing mats
play gym mat
shoes :)
loadsa sleep suits!!!

do u know i cant even remember wat else! think i need to start keeping a record now lol
i completely love baby shopping but not so much paying for it lol xxx
Awh I want a doppler SO bad, I would love to hear my LO's heart beat whenever I wanted!:cloud9:

My OH and I just got into it! I don't even know why we fight, the fights are always over the dumbest things... but I wish I didn't always have to be the bigger person... Sometime I wish he would just say sorry and come hug me! But men... so stubborn!:dohh: Anyways, we got in a fight over how he should do his hair for his job interveiw!:wacko: Dumb I know, but I hate it, every single one of our fights (no matter how dumb or serious) are always because I don't agree with him... I have my OWN brain and my own opinions and it's not fair that he storms off and acts like a little kid every time I don't agree with him. But I know I act stupid too... Just ugh Idk.:dohh:
aww love u! sounds like ur having a bit of a rough time! i have sciatica now and again but its not really painful, just enough to make me go ouch if that makes sense!!! Migranes r a bummer hun!

Lol, i know the kicking on the doppler is fab, its so nice that when he does it on there i can 100% feel it now! :wohoo:

so far hun we've got:

cot bed/changer/wardrobe - on order with mamas+papas
pram+car seat - on order
lots of little oufits
lots of vests
baby bath and eqipment
cot beddin
electric breast pump
hospital bag
2x sterilisers
a few sleeping bags
a duffle coat
changing mats
play gym mat
shoes :)
loadsa sleep suits!!!

do u know i cant even remember wat else! think i need to start keeping a record now lol
i completely love baby shopping but not so much paying for it lol xxx

Wow! haha fair play to you! You've bought loads already!
I can't wait to decorate her room :D eeeeeeeee.
aww love u! sounds like ur having a bit of a rough time! i have sciatica now and again but its not really painful, just enough to make me go ouch if that makes sense!!! Migranes r a bummer hun!

Lol, i know the kicking on the doppler is fab, its so nice that when he does it on there i can 100% feel it now! :wohoo:

so far hun we've got:

cot bed/changer/wardrobe - on order with mamas+papas
pram+car seat - on order
lots of little oufits
lots of vests
baby bath and eqipment
cot beddin
electric breast pump
hospital bag
2x sterilisers
a few sleeping bags
a duffle coat
changing mats
play gym mat
shoes :)
loadsa sleep suits!!!

do u know i cant even remember wat else! think i need to start keeping a record now lol
i completely love baby shopping but not so much paying for it lol xxx

Wow! haha fair play to you! You've bought loads already!
I can't wait to decorate her room :D eeeeeeeee.

cant wait to do jakeys room either! we have a wk off in april so will start it then, furniture not comin till april anywat but got the border and wall stickers sorted! i'm keeping babies r us and mothercare in business lol :) xxx
Awh I want a doppler SO bad, I would love to hear my LO's heart beat whenever I wanted!:cloud9:

My OH and I just got into it! I don't even know why we fight, the fights are always over the dumbest things... but I wish I didn't always have to be the bigger person... Sometime I wish he would just say sorry and come hug me! But men... so stubborn!:dohh: Anyways, we got in a fight over how he should do his hair for his job interveiw!:wacko: Dumb I know, but I hate it, every single one of our fights (no matter how dumb or serious) are always because I don't agree with him... I have my OWN brain and my own opinions and it's not fair that he storms off and acts like a little kid every time I don't agree with him. But I know I act stupid too... Just ugh Idk.:dohh:

Aww hun :hugs:
I bought an angelsounds doppler, it's really quite cheap!
Me and my boyfriend have been up and down soooooo much
one minute we're better and closer than we've ever been before,
the next we are like cat and dog. haha.
Don't worry hun, pregnancy is hard and our hormones are crazy and a lot of the time men are insensitive to this, and act like idiots, trust me I know how you feel. I know that I'm in the wrong sometimes! but at the time I'm convinced I'm right! xxx:flower:
Awh I want a doppler SO bad, I would love to hear my LO's heart beat whenever I wanted!:cloud9:

My OH and I just got into it! I don't even know why we fight, the fights are always over the dumbest things... but I wish I didn't always have to be the bigger person... Sometime I wish he would just say sorry and come hug me! But men... so stubborn!:dohh: Anyways, we got in a fight over how he should do his hair for his job interveiw!:wacko: Dumb I know, but I hate it, every single one of our fights (no matter how dumb or serious) are always because I don't agree with him... I have my OWN brain and my own opinions and it's not fair that he storms off and acts like a little kid every time I don't agree with him. But I know I act stupid too... Just ugh Idk.:dohh:

Aww hun :hugs:
I bought an angelsounds doppler, it's really quite cheap!
Me and my boyfriend have been up and down soooooo much
one minute we're better and closer than we've ever been before,
the next we are like cat and dog. haha.
Don't worry hun, pregnancy is hard and our hormones are crazy and a lot of the time men are insensitive to this, and act like idiots, trust me I know how you feel. I know that I'm in the wrong sometimes! but at the time I'm convinced I'm right! xxx:flower:

Thank you! I just hate feeling like a crazy women!:dohh: Lol, we are okay now, it's like nothing even happened lol. I don't understand it but, I'm happy we're happy again!:happydance:

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