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Together we're strong & ready to try again

Bumble!!!!!!! Holy moly!!! Congrats!! H&H 9 months!!! :happydance:

I am so so so sorry Spring. We have all been there and are here for you. I just had a D&E at 12 weeks last month. It was even more heartbreaking because I thought I finally got to the "safe zone". :hugs:

@Mel, I hate sleeping alone too... My hubs is a firefighter and is on a 24 hour shift schedule and right now is their "hell week" which is 4 shifts on and off every other day. It's so hard, especially not seeing a way away from that right now. But he's incredible for keeping up with it when he doesn't really like it anymore.
If you need any wedding advice, we just went through it a couple months ago ;)
thank you for the support... I have been off work since the 8th and will be returning on Monday. though through all the complications that I had I have only really had the last two days to comprehend and deal with all of this and I only have 1' more day until I go back to work... I tried for 10 years for this baby and the last 3 with medication.... I guess that is why I am taking.it.so hard and seeing my ex husband and my current husband have beautiful healthy children hurts me cause I just don't understand why I can't have that to. I dint want to wait 3 months but my husband wants to wait 5 months until we return from a pre planned trip to Vegas. I feel very alone no friends a nd my sister 3000 miles away. I dont have family close so trying to deal with this alone is frustrating since my husband has his entire family here.
What she said! You have us now. :hugs:
That's been a big help for me! I'm not nearly as far from my family, but I might as well be! I live almost an hour away and have no job, which means no gas for my non registered car and my husband and my mom don't like each other... It's really hard to go see them. I had to deal with a lot by myself with a toddler running around too. There aren't words that can truly help, but it's sometimes comforting to know that you're not alone and you have women here that have gone through it as well.
My husband is a firefighter to @Lealou, he's on shift right now.

@springmommy - my husband and I waited a year after my loss last September. We moved and I changed jobs, it was not something I was sure I wanted to do again. Over the summer we settled in and decided we were ready to try again. I am having a hard time accepting the way things are right now too. I promise you this will get easier, not right away, but it will. You are not alone, write as much as you need to, we will listen and be here for you. xo
Yay! Fellow FF wifeys! DH's on shift too. I hate how empty the house is without him!
Well girls, I just got a positive flashing smiley on my OPK. I bought the new clearblue digital, which detects your estrogen and lets you know your high fertility and peak fertility. Funny because I know my body so well and I knew I would get a high fertility day. I always have brown spotting with EWCM and then 3/4 days after I get a positive OPK. I had the spotting on Friday, which means I should get the full positive tomorrow or maybe Tuesday. A lot of Baby Dancing in store for me over the next 3-4 days, wish me luck!!!
Minions- I wish that was the final grade! I still have my final to take. I did bad on the first two tests so I can't get anything higher than a B+ in the class but I'm ok with that!

Leah- I will definitely look to you girls about wedding stuff! Neither of our parents had a wedding and I'm the first of my friends to get married so we are clueless on a lot of stuff but were trying!

My fiancé today asked if we were still trying for a baby and I said sure, why not lol. We both feel ready again and want to start our little family. He goes back to West Virginia in the morning but will be back home Tuesday night and will be home every night. I feel lucky for December so I hope it happens! Maybe bumblebees baby dust will hit all of us!
Thanks @Rhama!! I'll need it. I hope you had a relaxing weekend and are feeling ok.
I got my positive smiley this morning, I am up in the air if I should just BD today and tomorrow. We did Friday night, last night, will today and tomorrow. Is it necessary to do it on Wednesday?
YOu can ovulate up to 48hrs after the +opk, so I say do it Wednesday anyway. Cover all your bases. And then you guys can just hold hands for the rest of the month if you want ;-)
I think I may need to call in a stunt double for all of this sex lol. Thank goodness for my sense of humour, it's the only thing that gets me through sometimes.

My only question is that I got a positive at 4 am this morning, I never ever have gotten a positive OPK in the afternoon, always bright and early. Does that mean I having a surge overnight?
Maybe... Or it could have happened right before you POS. I don't think it really matters though, all it does is indicate that there should be an eggie coming out some time soon...
How helpful are OPKs? My cycle is VERY regular, a normal 26-28 cycle. My period app usually marks ovulation 2 weeks after my period, and I usually get my next period 2 weeks after ovulation. I don't get ovulation pains or feel any different. I did have some pain after my D&C, but I got my period one week after I had that pain. since then I haven't had anything. I feel like if I invest in those I'll be "trying." We are trying to just relax, BD whenever we want, and if it happens it happens. I feel like I'll get stressed out if I use OPKs, but I don't know. I would like to know when I ovulate tho, that'll be nice lol.
Mel, if you don't want to care too much, then don't bother. But you COULD have a shorter LP than you think you have... When you guys decide to start actively trying, you might want to buy some ics just to double check :) I just like peeing on stuff.
@Mel that's why I don't temp too lol. OPKs are enough for me. I have never had an issue with them, they've always worked right along side my normal ovulation symptoms. I know when I am getting close to ovulation though, get all the symptoms. If you don't have any symptoms, it might be worth a try, just to give you a little extra chance. Then again, now that I had my positive this morning, I am pressured for bding and the two week wait. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to this stuff. This is an important thing though, I think were too hard on ourselves. Of course there is going to be pressure and anxiousness. Anyway, that's my two cents lol
I felt like I was really hard on myself this cycle without trying to be lol! We BD twice before "ovulation" prediction my app. Then again, that was the only time we could since he's been working out of town. I used all my HPTs thinking we had it, I guess I like peeing on stuff too hahaha. I feel like I'm in the middle of actively trying and not trying. I just feel like if I think I'm trying, I'll get stressed out (I get way too stressed out about everything for my own good). I cant temp because I don't get up early enough lol. I have early classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and typically work at 7am Sundays. The other days I sleep as long as I can so I don't think temping would be accurate. Maybe next cycle if we don't get it this time I'll try OPKs

Do I have any line spotters still awake?? Do y'all see this??

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