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Together we're strong & ready to try again

I think u shud try opks just to know ur cycle better i too have a 28 day regular cycle and my fertility app put me out by one day, i know the sperm can live for 3 days so we bd'd every other day cd10 to cd20 my app said ov cd14 but i got my +opks cd15 eve and all cd16 and u wont ov same day every cycle even if ur regular in my opinion stress or illness might delay maybe? We got our bfp and i put it down to opks if i hadn't id have bd'd maybe up untill cd14 and maybe missed it cause i prob had lh surde cd15-16 so could have ovd as late as cd18 and wouldn't have caught, that's just my theory anyway xxx fxd gl all for bfps!! Xxx
I felt like I was really hard on myself this cycle without trying to be lol! We BD twice before "ovulation" prediction my app. Then again, that was the only time we could since he's been working out of town. I used all my HPTs thinking we had it, I guess I like peeing on stuff too hahaha. I feel like I'm in the middle of actively trying and not trying. I just feel like if I think I'm trying, I'll get stressed out (I get way too stressed out about everything for my own good). I cant temp because I don't get up early enough lol. I have early classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and typically work at 7am Sundays. The other days I sleep as long as I can so I don't think temping would be accurate. Maybe next cycle if we don't get it this time I'll try OPKs

@Mel I know exactly what you mean. I am my own worst enemy. My husband and I BD'd last night and because I have been such a drill sargeant, it was hardly even enjoyable. I then got upset and started crying. My husband told me I am just killing my own brain with this, he is right, I am. Im so angry at myself for letting this stress me out, I am totally convinced I am already out this month because I've stressed and not relaxed. It's ridiculous. I know what you mean about temping, I would be nuts for two weeks after. I don't want to add any more stress into my life, it's not a way to live for me. Think I will start yoga or something. I personally like OPK's because even if you aren't really trying trying, you'll know your bd'ing on the correct days. I think it might be beneficial for you esp if you don't have any ovulation symptoms. Too bad we all didn't live in the same area, we could have weekly de-stress get togethers lol.

@leah, is that an OPK or a PG test??????

What do y'all think??

Top is this morning, middle is last night, and bottom is from when my levels were at 14 from after the mc to compare it to
Hmm - I definitely see something there @leah. Can you do a digital test??? It was confirmed that your levels went down to zero???
Thanks Natalie! I think I'll wait for non cheapie tests for this weekend!
They were at 7 two weeks ago and I got a negative stark white test later that week. So maybe it's going back up??! :shrug:
omg really??? Yes, I definitely see it!!! Maybe this is the lucky thread!! I know what you mean about the expensive tests, better to wait. If you can stand it lol
Hey girls,

Haven't been online for a while, but look what I'm coming back to! Bumblebee - congratulations! :happydance::happydance::happydance: That's such fabulous news. Wishing you all my heartfelt best wishes for a healthy and happy nine months. You deserve it.

I'm tired tonight, so will try to get back on soon to catch up properly with you all. I managed to work out my ovulation using test strips and got a dark and powerful surge at CD18 (later than usual, but hey ho). We did BD in the end, probably hitting ovulation day and also having a go two days before it, but we weren't able to do more than that, cos my poor hubby is in such pain with his knee (his op is 2 days away now). Not holding out much hope for this month as my temps seem to be all over the place, but I'm ok with that. I'm considering seeing an acupuncturist to help relaxation and hormonal regulation. Worked with my DD, so hoping it may work again.

Love and crossed fingers for you all,

LeahLou - Looking positive! Hoping you get a stronger result soon. Very exciting!
Just seen Florence too! Congratulations girl! :happydance::happydance::happydance: OMG, this is turning out to be a lucky thread. I'm so excited for all of you starting a new journey. XXX
I hope it is the lucky thread girl!!! I'll update y'all!

Good to meet you Minky! We're all in the same boat!! :)
@minky Thank you so much i can't believe it am still in shock. I just can't wait to start with symptoms.

@florence when did you find out I have only just see. Wow congratulation huni haven't heard from u in a while. whoopy xxx
Am in the 2WW, I may not post for awhile, I am going to try and take my mind off it. I am already thinking I am out because of the stress and pressure on my husband and I, but wish me luck anyway!
LADIES!! November is a lucky month!!! BFP!! My feeling pregnant right after O was bang on!!! My rainbow baby is coming!!!!! I am 10dpo today and got a faint but definitely there positive!!!
Omg! This is the luckiest thread of them all..... Baby after baby! Either that or we are professional bd'ers by now! Lol

Congratulations Amanda and Lou and again to Bumble! Hope I didn't miss anyone :)

Awww that's wonderful news @Amanda!!!! Congrats, so very happy for you!!!
Congrats Amanda!!

I got a beyond faint line on FRER this morning, but an awesome FS last night. I think I'm gonna do another FS with smu. Frers were the last to be positive with all my previous pregnancies
@amanda OMG wow ekkk H&H 9 months hun. super thread i cant belive all these BFP xxx
Congrats Leah and Amanda!! This is so exciting! So happy for both of you :)

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