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Together we're strong & ready to try again


Here's my smu FS test! No idea how many dpo. Maybe 10? I'm excited because the (tmi) was basically clear and I still got this! :)
Looks very promising Leah!! Baby dust to you!!!

I have a question, I am agonizing over whether or not to BD today. I got my positive smiley OPK on Monday, we did last Friday (when I had my pre ovulation spotting) Sunday (night before smiley) Monday (day of smiley) and yesterday, one day after smiley. I still feel like I could be fertile but I don't think my husband can tonight, we've put so much pressure on each other, he even stayed home from work yesterday to BD. I think we have totally stressed ourselves out way to much and now I will be out this month. @3minions I know you said I should today too but I just don't think it's possible. Ugh
I think y'all need a break.
The cycles I've conceived were the months that we did it when we wanted. I usually get a higher sex drive around O time so that helps but it is a lot of pressure. Just relax and if it doesn't happen this month, just make love next month instead of timed sex ;)
@minky Thank you so much i can't believe it am still in shock. I just can't wait to start with symptoms.

@florence when did you find out I have only just see. Wow congratulation huni haven't heard from u in a while. whoopy xxx

hey bumble bee i found out on the 5th november! and it still doesnt feel real, well it does but it doesnt. im 6 weeks today, scan booked for 2nd january, telling our parents this weekend, it feels like i ovd about a year ago it was only 4 weeks ago!! im so excited but still cautious i think ill be checking toilet paper for blood for the whole of my pregnancy :s xx
i still bob in and out of forums but been so busy fundraising for DHs cousin that died aged 10 ive been so tired im doing it from home now to rest up, this lack of caffeine is showing, cant keep my eyes open!

congrats amanda

looking on its way leah lou!! whens af due?

fxd we need more bfps please!!!! xx
I think y'all need a break.
The cycles I've conceived were the months that we did it when we wanted. I usually get a higher sex drive around O time so that helps but it is a lot of pressure. Just relax and if it doesn't happen this month, just make love next month instead of timed sex ;)

I know - we do need a break. I've given a good effort this month, not much more I can do. I am so mad at myself for stressing out and ruining this whole process.
But the best thing is you have many many more chances :)

Thanks ladies! I'm just wanting to see those double lines before I go to the doctor on Monday to get my bloods drawn! I have no idea where I am in my cycle. I never had AF after my most recent mc. My hormones went to 0 and now I'm getting lines again!
@florence think its going to be the longest 9-12weeks for all of us lol. I booked my first midwife appointment today but ill prob get my scan 1-2nd week in January xx

@leah looking good Hun I didn't get a good line until 13-15 dpo keep with it Hun xxx
Congratulations to everyone! I'm just about to enter the 2ww so hopefully might have some good news in a few weeks but not holding out too much hope!
Oh @Rhama I know what you mean, I get sooooo emotional when I am sick too. I understand your fears completely, I am going through the same thing. Its so hard, nothing anyone can say will make us feel better. Im in the TWW and I am convinced I am out already because of all the stressing I have done.
I'm sorry you're sick Rahma :( hope you get better soon!

I really hope all of us can graduate to the pregnancy forums ASAP!! :)

Ok ladies I have a question! I asked this in another thread too.

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I already O'd and am getting those super faint positives!
I always get super faint positives after I o.... I would just chalk it up to your hormones being wonky.
Today my fiancé and I finally got our rememberance tattoos :) he got his on his wrist and I got mine on my foot. They are the same size but the angle he took them out makes mine look bigger. Makes me feel like I can finally have some closer

@Mel, so pretty!!! What an amazing way to honor your angel.
Well looks like I had a chemical ladies. AF rolled in today as heavy as ever. Oh well onto next cycle...
Oh Amanda, I'm so sorry. What a kick in the gut. We're here for ya! :hugs:

Awesome tat Mel! I want to get one or two but am always too scared to!
Well looks like I had a chemical ladies. AF rolled in today as heavy as ever. Oh well onto next cycle...

aww - so sorry to hear this Amanda, I really feel for you. Hang in there, pamper yourself over the next couple of days xoxo
@amanda am so sorry honey how horrible. Keep strong, we're here for u xxx

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