True Blood!

Oh yum yum yum, Lexi's Mummy! :)

EstelSeren & Lexi's Mummy & anyone else who would like a wee book vs show debate! :):
The thing is, I don't think Charlaine Harris' Sookie novels deserve any particular attention paid to her rules because she doesn't even bother to keep them straight herself. I think the writers of the show have every right to take artistic license when she is as sloppy as she is.
On the shifter/were/two-natured topic alone, we get a big rundown in book 3 from Alcide to Sookie on weres as they are driving to Jacksonville and he tells her that:
a) weres that are bitten not born rarely survive very long
b) if a bitten were engenders a child in human form, the trait is not passed along
c) if a bitten were engenders a child in altered form, the baby miscarries
Fastforward just two books and there are already contradictions to this. Jason is now a bitten were and no one is concerned about his imminent death. He is now part of a were community and no one says anything about him not surviving. There is concern about how he will adjust mentally, but that's all.
After Jason changes for the first time, Sookie wonders about Jason's potential future children being weres or not if he marries into the Hotshot community, whether he'd have a baby or a kitten if they mated as panthers, as if she has never had the long revealing conversation with Alcide which is supposed to have established all this info.
Don't even get me started on other inconsistencies. For example, is Debbie Pelt a were lynx or a were fox? She's a lynx in book 4 and by book 5, she is casually referred to as a were fox.
Catfish Hennessy is Catfish Hawkins in book 5, as well.
How does a writer not catch that kind of thing? Or her editors?
There are many many more contradictions, but even just starting with those, I just don't think the rules of the world need to be respected all that much. :shrug:
I do enjoy the novels a lot, but I think even just a little more attention to detail would have resolved all the weird inconsistencies. I have no problem with the show's writers playing fast and loose with Sookieverse. I really think of the show and the books as two very separate entities.
I would love to debate this! :)
You see, as I view it Charlaine Harris has complete free range over what she does with her creation. Writers quite often change their minds over details. It's not good for the reader, I agree, but it happens and they are only human. Laurell K. Hamilton, for example, makes a particularly huge and obvious change between book 1 and book 2 of the Merry Gentry series where Nicca changes from being purple to being brown. (If you've not read Merry Gentry, the main characters are all fae and are often colours that don't generally occur in nature!) It's for reasons like this that most authours of long running series' have beta writors or continuity editors, especially if they write more than one series. Charlaine Harris actually currently has 2 (according to the acknowledgments in Dead in the Family), which to be fair probably explains why there are fewer errors in the more recent books and why the latest adjustments are what now make up canon. I don't think that TV script writers have the right to make their own major alterations to worlds created by an author. Obviously Charlaine Harris must have signed over some considerable rights to the production company, especially considering that Alan Ball is able to credit himself with the creation of True Blood (something that I completely disagree with since he's not so much as a writer of the show and he certainly didn't come up with the original concept!).

To a degree, I consider some of the oversights to be more to do with the perspective. Sookie's human and forgetting conversations at a time when they very much effect your life is a very human thing to do. Charlaine Harris hasn't made the mistake of making her main character infallible. Sookie makes mistakes and she forgets things, which adds to her character and makes her realistic. A perfect Sookie wouldn't work. It needs to be remembered that the reader is effectively inside Sookie's head, or reading her diary. Even if she knows full well that something is wrong, it doesn't stop her speculating or thinking about it!

Regarding the assertion that bitten weres don't last very long, I would argue that that was based on a general rule rather than pure fact. After all, there were at least some that lasted long enough to procreate (and I'm assuming here that they weren't bitten during sex with a were in their animal form, which is a whole other ball game!! :sick:) Jason also has an advantage over most bitten weres: he has pack (or the panther equivalent) approval. He's helped through his first change. He's protected. He's expecting it. He's not going to be killed on sight by the pack, which is common in were society (take the Jackson Weres who don't allow bitten Weres so kill any that are in their territory!) You need to take into account the cultural differences between shifter groups as well. Sookie only really gets the bulk of her information from the wolves, but it is shown quite clearly that the panthers do things differently. Sam has a different culture completely. It stands to reason that different groups would treat bitten weres differently and so their life expectancy would differ depending on what they were bitten by! Sookie only gets the bully's account of what should happen, because the wolves have a bad name for a reason: they are more brutal than other shifter groups.

Debbie Pelt is a fox. Clearly Charlaine Harris felt that lynx was wrong for Debbie Pelt. It's one of those times when the latest comments are the correct ones. To be honest, this pales in comparison to Laurell K. Hamilton's change that I mentioned earlier!

Naming errors happen. It's more a problem with the editors and proofreaders not being good at their job than with Charlaine's writing. It's not unusual to miss such errors when reading your own work, it's why proofreaders are necessary!

Contradictions are part and parcel of being human and I'm sure that we all come across them constantly every single day. The written word is rife with contradictions, in both fiction and non-fiction. Charlaine Harris has a better excuse than many authors though: she can argue that it's Sookie's mind and, since it's pretty much a trin of consciousness, natural errors occur!

O/T: I loved reading about Eric's house in Dead in the Family. It was very familiar though- I'm pretty sure it was almost identical to a description in a fan fiction that I've read! :haha:

Beca :wave:
Tonight (06/27) epsiode:
Well i guess they figured out how they were going to get Sookie mad at Bill over Mirena... Gross when he twisted her neck around.

I don't care for Sam's family. His mom is creepy and his dad is annoying and his brother is the only real story line and i don't know where they plan on taking it.

And what does Franklin care about Bill. In the books he wasn't looking for Bill...

Loved the warebar. Exactly how i pictured it in the books.
The Sam subplot I find irritating in the extreme at best.
Alcide is good. Very well cast and the character is accurate. Pity that he over-pronounces the 'd' in the name though- it's supposed to be almost silent. One thing that Charlaine Harris is very good at is giving an in-text pronounciation guide!! I hope that the comment about it being nice to see one of the old pack when Alcide's entering the club is more of an indication that he's moved!!
The bar really annoys me actually. The diner that Alcide takes Sookie to is just a plain old boring diner where they just had dinner. This is more of a were club. The only were-club Sookie goes into is with Quinn later in the series and is in Shreveport and owned by Amanda of the Shreveport pack. I don't really envisage that one as like the one in the show either! The only club that Sookie goes to in Jackson is Josephine's, which is known to the Weres and other shifters as 'Club Dead' (hence the title of the 3rd book!!), and it's owned by Russell Edgington and is much more of a Supes' bar than just a Were bar. I'm REALLY disappointed that we've not met Hob as he's such a cool character!! Hopefully we'll go to Josephine's at some point, otherwise this series will be VERY low on vampires!!
Oh, the Bill thing irritates me too. He never went to see his family after he was turned!! That's why he was so excited to find his family Bible!! Argghh!!

Anyone else disappointed with the look of the Fangtasia t-shirts you can buy? I really hate them, which is a real shame as I would have really loved to get one if they'd looked any good!! Luckily I work in a shop that specialises in printing and embroidery of clothing so I may be able to knock one up for myself at some point based on the way I envisage them from the books- and using a very different tag-line!!

Beca :wave:

P.S. Before anyone asks why I watch it as the show clearly annoys me no end, I can give an answer in 2 words: Alexander Skarsgard (or Eric Northman, either works!)
Oh yes - your right. I was thinking of the bar she went into with quinn. I don't have the brain cells to remember the details. I read i enjoy and i move on lol.
I watched the third episode last night...

The bit were Bill turned Lorena's neck round was digusting! :sick:
can anyone tell me where i can watch true blood season 3 online? thanks

I just Google "Watch True Blood Season 3 online" and see what comes up! It's worth looking around as the streaming quality differs from episode to episode, and obviously sometimes the video has been removed!

Beca :wave:
You see, as I view it Charlaine Harris has complete free range over what she does with her creation. Writers quite often change their minds over details. It's not good for the reader, I agree, but it happens and they are only human. Laurell K. Hamilton, for example, makes a particularly huge and obvious change between book 1 and book 2 of the Merry Gentry series where Nicca changes from being purple to being brown. (If you've not read Merry Gentry, the main characters are all fae and are often colours that don't generally occur in nature!) It's for reasons like this that most authours of long running series' have beta writors or continuity editors, especially if they write more than one series. Charlaine Harris actually currently has 2 (according to the acknowledgments in Dead in the Family), which to be fair probably explains why there are fewer errors in the more recent books and why the latest adjustments are what now make up canon. I don't think that TV script writers have the right to make their own major alterations to worlds created by an author. Obviously Charlaine Harris must have signed over some considerable rights to the production company, especially considering that Alan Ball is able to credit himself with the creation of True Blood (something that I completely disagree with since he's not so much as a writer of the show and he certainly didn't come up with the original concept!).

To a degree, I consider some of the oversights to be more to do with the perspective. Sookie's human and forgetting conversations at a time when they very much effect your life is a very human thing to do. Charlaine Harris hasn't made the mistake of making her main character infallible. Sookie makes mistakes and she forgets things, which adds to her character and makes her realistic. A perfect Sookie wouldn't work. It needs to be remembered that the reader is effectively inside Sookie's head, or reading her diary. Even if she knows full well that something is wrong, it doesn't stop her speculating or thinking about it!

Regarding the assertion that bitten weres don't last very long, I would argue that that was based on a general rule rather than pure fact. After all, there were at least some that lasted long enough to procreate (and I'm assuming here that they weren't bitten during sex with a were in their animal form, which is a whole other ball game!! :sick:) Jason also has an advantage over most bitten weres: he has pack (or the panther equivalent) approval. He's helped through his first change. He's protected. He's expecting it. He's not going to be killed on sight by the pack, which is common in were society (take the Jackson Weres who don't allow bitten Weres so kill any that are in their territory!) You need to take into account the cultural differences between shifter groups as well. Sookie only really gets the bulk of her information from the wolves, but it is shown quite clearly that the panthers do things differently. Sam has a different culture completely. It stands to reason that different groups would treat bitten weres differently and so their life expectancy would differ depending on what they were bitten by! Sookie only gets the bully's account of what should happen, because the wolves have a bad name for a reason: they are more brutal than other shifter groups.

Debbie Pelt is a fox. Clearly Charlaine Harris felt that lynx was wrong for Debbie Pelt. It's one of those times when the latest comments are the correct ones. To be honest, this pales in comparison to Laurell K. Hamilton's change that I mentioned earlier!

Naming errors happen. It's more a problem with the editors and proofreaders not being good at their job than with Charlaine's writing. It's not unusual to miss such errors when reading your own work, it's why proofreaders are necessary!

Contradictions are part and parcel of being human and I'm sure that we all come across them constantly every single day. The written word is rife with contradictions, in both fiction and non-fiction. Charlaine Harris has a better excuse than many authors though: she can argue that it's Sookie's mind and, since it's pretty much a trin of consciousness, natural errors occur!

O/T: I loved reading about Eric's house in Dead in the Family. It was very familiar though- I'm pretty sure it was almost identical to a description in a fan fiction that I've read! :haha:

Beca :wave:

Just wanted to say thanks for the great reply and that I do want to continue debate but am currently on holiday and don't have the time I need to think and write!
Will try to get back to you next week! :)
I LOVE True Blood, can't get enough of it lol.
I've started dwnloading season 3 but my OH refuses to watch it until its more into the season :[ the suspense is killing me even though I did cheat and watch the first eppie of season 3 lol.
I've also started reading the books by Charlaine Harris. There quite good :]
Last night's epiosode was SOOO good. hate waiting a week between shows (and sometimes more when we can't get our crap together :haha:)
i loved sundays episode. (ep 5) love how we finding more and more out about eric :D x
Yep everyshow I am more and more on Team Eric. I like his little side story line.
Eric is overtaking Bill in hotness! The Franklin/Tara storyline has me in fits, he's so over the top, I loved him in the latest episode!
:flow:Oh i love true blood too!!! :flow:

up to season 2 i was team bill all the way ....but now i dont know there is something about eric .... :blush:

i love reading all the spoilers even though i have a hard time understanding most of them ...:shrug::blush:

cant wait till monday ...thats when i download it ... :happydance:
Anyone know when season 3 is on, I watched season 2 at the begining of the year (got it from USA) but getting inpatiant for the next lot, I know its started over there so might have to get it from there again.

And Eric is way hotter then Bill, he just seems old and zombie looking to me.
Anyone know when season 3 is on, I watched season 2 at the begining of the year (got it from USA) but getting inpatiant for the next lot, I know its started over there so might have to get it from there again.

And Eric is way hotter then Bill, he just seems old and zombie looking to me.

I just stream it online every week, too impatient to wait for it to air here!

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