I'm ok thanks love xxx
Here's an update from me. I had a brilliant time in Brighton, we laughed soooo much! We were on our way back and stopped halfway at a service station when I noticed some pink/brown discharge. Started to get worried and told my friends, we tried to be optimistic and think it was just a bt of discharge.
We stopped at another service station as my friend, who was driving, needed a sleep. They all went to sleep and I went to the loo to check the discharge and it had become bright red blood... and I knew it was over. I sat on a bench outside the service station and wept, then rang Jonny and had to break the news to him. He left work and said he'd meet me at my Mum's as I was two hours away from there.
When I got to my Mum's the blood had gotten brighter and a bit heavier. We went home and I broke down. Thank God for my Jonny he is a true rock and I love him so much.
I rang the docs on Monday and got an appointment. I had really low expectations as to what would happen due to the person that I had spoken to on Thursday when I got my BFP. The doctor was lovely and, most importantly, took me seriously. It felt like such a relief not to be made to feel like a crazy nut.
She tried to get me an appointment at the EPAU, but couldn't get through and said she'd keep trying. We went out for some lovely lunch to treat ourselves. The doc rang me as we were having our lunch and had booked us in with the EPAU the next day.
We had to go to a stoopid wedding rehearsal that evening for my BIL's wedding. My hubby said I didn't have to go, but I wanted to support him as he'd supported me so much. I could see he needed me to be there, so I went. I felt miserable and it was awful trying to put a happy face on. My SIL is 16, but she is so perceptive and can rally pick up on people's mood. She kept asking if I was ok, I felt awful lying to her. We practiced our happy faces before we got there, which made us giggle a bit. I was in soooo much pain, much worse than any period pain or MC pain I've had before. It was awful, and I lost my appetite (which never happens to me). The bleeding was so heavy as well - it was horrible.
Went into work on Tuesday morning (which I realise now was a mistake) and then went to my scan. Again, the EPAU were lovely and so understanding. I had a scan and they said my womb was empty, which was expected after all the pain and bleeding.
The good news is that the Sister at the EPAU said that she thinks I should be referred to Liverpool Women's EPAU, as they have a specialist unit for testing for clotting and chromosonal issues. So I've got an appointment with a GP on Tuesday and I have to tell (the nurse stressed this lol) that I need to be referred to Liverpool.
I've been told I can't get pregnant whilst they are testing though so I need to take a break from TTC. TBH I feel like taking a break anyway. The GP said I should wait 2-3 cycles to fully recover physically and emotionally and I think she's right.
So, I didn't go back into work on Tuesday and had Wednesday off. I'm worried about my sick leave, but I do have a leaflet from the NHS to say that you should take 1-2 weeks off after having a MC. So if I get dragged into HR I'm going to take that leaflet in to prove I could have been off a lot more!
Sorry for the epic post.