Good luck girls! Now go and do some funky love!
Twister - Yes I also believe you need to surround yourself with positivity. It's hard to find sometimes... I really dislike my job at the moment, but I'm really lucky that I have funny and supportive colleagues (and you guys on BnB
) or I don't know how I'd cope!
My new SIL tagged me on Facebook at her wedding over a month ago (a few days after my last MC) and I look so bloated and yucky! Double chin alert! I really want to detag them, but is there some sort of etiquette about this?
Mummy2o - When to test - that's the million dollar question really! I suppose I'd
try to wait 2 weeks after O, but I'd probs cave and test at 10dpo
Symptoms are so similar to AF symptoms - bloatiness, loads of watery CM, twitchy eye
, sore boobs. Sometimes no symptoms is a symptom!
Hope that helps. Try Countdown to Pregnancy website that has a percentage of symptoms per dpo.