How's everyone today?
Bd'd again last night! Hoping to get a pos OPK tomorrow (might do a sneaky one tonight too, just to practice).
and PMA all around!
hi ladies sorry i havnt been about the last couple of week as you know i went on my holiday and then just i was getting sorted from the holiday my pregnant friend phoned me and was sayting that her ancles and hands were very swollen and she had been booked an emergsancy midwife appiontment, she couldnt understand why as she thought that the swelling was just normal near the end of pregnancy so i explained to her they were probebly worried incase of pre-eclampcia. and later that day she was sent in to hospital for 48hr observation to check her and baby.
luckily they have now lowered her blood pressure and she is on blood pressure tablets.
but drs said if they dont have to deliver before 38 weeks they wont and she is booked to go and she the dr at the hospitl again this friday and i got a feeling that they will induce her this weekend.
so again i do apologise for not being around much but any day now my best friends little blob will be born and she wants me there for the birth.
afm- i am cd 18 and think i ovulated this morning but we have not been using any sticks this month just going to try and relax a bit this month and see what happens.
how is everyone ????????????????
I'm having a Monday nightmare! I went to get in my car this morning to drive to work and my car wasn't there! Stolen from outside my house!! Bloody nightmare!
Hi everyone! I am looking for some advice. I suffered from an ectopic pregnancy and had surgery to remove my tube on the 3rd of september,so it has been 5 weeks today since I had the surgery.I know it is not a m/c but there doesn't seem to be many threads for this so I do apologise.We had the go ahead from the doctor to start ttc straight away if we felt ready,I had some cramping on the 16th which I assumed was ovulation as I always have cramps around ovulation I also monitered my cm.I carried on getting cramps for 2 weeks as if I am about to start af, if I did ovulate then I would be 21dpo but I got a bfn today.I am starting to think that I didn't ovulate and maybe my body just trying to get back to normal as I've not had af since the surgery,just the normal bleed due to falling hcg levels.I still have some hope as I always seem to test positive late, 8 weeks with dd and 6 weeks with ectopic,I had a lot of negative tests leading up to both positives.Sorry for the ramble but I am confused and really want a bfp to happen soon,I also suffer from endo and my tube was stuck together when I had the surgery and they tried to unstick it as best they could so I feel that if i get pregnant sooner rather than later then maybe there is less chance of having another ectopic.Thank you so much for listening