! Same day as the Hubby's birthday which will be hilarious if his entire birthday is spent with me in labor! ah poor man!
Tested today at 9 DPO, BFNExpecting AF Tuesday... I know it is still early but I would honestly be shocked if I got a BFP this month since I'm not feeling it at all, no symptoms. I don't feel at all like I did when I was pregnant and my cervix doesn't feel like it did when I was pregnant either. Also haven't had IB which I had last time I was pregnant. I expect AF. Booo though!
Fail. Tested again. BFN. Have cramps today. I think AF is right around the corner. My cramps were a little different last time. Honestly, I don't really care either way (obviously I would rather end up pregnant!) but I am just so ready for this cycle to be over and move on to the next. I want to try to move on from this MC and get excited by TTC again. This cycle has been a drag.
Got back from Doctors and it's good news ladies! Just had round 2 of bloods I asked them to check my iron and vitamin d levels as they were low last time. He said my blood pressure was a little bit on the high side. I had problems with that with my first pregnancy so am hoping it is lower next time I see him on Tuesday as I really do not want to take extra drugs unless I need to. If all goes well I am due July 1st! Same day as the Hubby's birthday which will be hilarious if his entire birthday is spent with me in labor! ah poor man!
Congrulations libby. We said don't worry that it wasn't positive at the doctors as your just 4 weeks.
AFM I haven't tested again. Put a tampon in before bed as expected start of period but hasn't started yet. Wish it hurry up.
hi hope everyone is ok. i am after some advice i am now 19dpo on a 32 day cycle so about 5 days late. and absolutly petrified if i do a test and its neg i willl be gutted but if i do a test and its pos i will be so scared that i might lose it again.
i have no preg signs so feeling rather confused.
also can i do a test at any time of day
TBH I have no idea how far gone I'd been. Guess coming up to 20 weeks since my due date was near my sons birthday and my 20 weeks scan was on my birthday that is what I'm basing it on.
AFM AF has come. However I should be ovulating on my OH and my birthday his 8th and mine 9th so maybe it will be a birthday baby![]()
hi i spoke to the dr and we dicided to get her to do the test as if bfn at least i know and if bfp either it sticks even if it makes worry or i m/c again but at least i would have know where as if i didnt test yet and i was bfp then i started bleeding before i found out it would be counted as a period not a m/c so sounds a bit harsh but at least the drs would know it would be 2 out of 3 m/c's so would be one step nearer getting soe help.
any way it was a BFN so a bit gutted but relieved at the same time at i know now and can try to relax even if i am gutted that it is another failed month.