Trying before AF?

When I got my BFP last time I had tested 2 days before af and it was negative, 1 day after faint positive. I had the internet cheapies "Alice" I don't think they are that great. I'm with you gals, my body decided what to do last time, I'll let it decide when it's ready this time!
Hi ladies!
I found out on 19th April at the scan that I'd had a missed miscarriage,
I then had my d&c op on 26th.

As soon as I've stopped bleeding (currently its like a very light period), then well bd loads and take it as it comes. Hopefully we do get a BFP instead of af, but if af comes then my cycle I'll use opk's to try and catch that month.

Im sorry for your loss hun :hugs: Id be careful BDing right after your done bleeding since you had a D&C. You are very suceptible for an infection:nope: Dr.s usually recommend for women who have had D&C to wait 2 weeks before being intimate again.

I just wanted to make sure your aware just so it doenst set you back more in TTC if indeed somthing like that happens...

when did u ov before you were pregnant? were u regular?

The midwife told me not to bd when bleeding, but I can once stopped.
I just want my body to get back to normal quick! I'm too impatient!

I ov mid cycle cant remember actually cd number now. My periods were usually regular.
Couldn't agree more little j, if my body isnt ready then I won't get pg. what will be will be I think.

Jagger - I am also ntnp now...I was getting too mad at negative opk's when I thought I had O pains, I really think opk's don't work for me and I was only ntnp when I got pg last time so I'm just going to do that for a couple of months and see how it goes.

I still have 9 more days until AF is due, I think I'm at 9dpo now so I could test tomorrow if my digi arrives in the post, I'm not sure if I want to wait a couple more days to guarantee a BFP if I am pg. I only tested when I missed AF last time as I was all new to ttc and didn't realise you could test so soon! What do you think I should do ladies???

OPKSs never worked for me either..... what is NTNP mean?

I only got faint + on both my pregnancies at 12 DPO. But everyone is different...just as eveer pregnancy is different. So its a matter of how much $ your willing to spend really. I only test when i start getting a dizzy/vertigo feeling bc i never get that and with my last 2 pregnancies i have gotten them randomly and when i go home to test, sure enough....faint +!
NTNP means Not trying, Not preventing.

GL to all you lovely ladies. All our angel babies are giving us lots of :dust: for our sticky bean!

I think I'm going to leave it until the weekend to test, just to give more chance of BFP, don't want to be getting a bfn today really as I would convince myself that I wasn't pg. Patience is a virtue lol!! Xxx
I have also been wondering about this, my MC was confirmed on the 3rd, and I was trying to figure out when I ovulate this month, based on my last actual period and/or the MC bleeding. I've managed to create a window between the 5th and 11th of this month, so me and my OH are BDing every day until then, and regularly after that too... keeping our fingers crossed...

I hope we can get to where we were and carry on this time, we were so gutted that we lost our little bean and I'll never forget what could have been... but we are both just so glad we were able to conceive in the first place since we are both young and it took us 7 months.
Hope you're all okay and I'm sorry for your losses. <3

My doctor said to wait until my next AF to try again, but me and my OH can't see any harm in trying now, since I've heard so often that you are more fertile after a MC! My OH's sister had 3 MC's and after 2 of those she conceived the next month... fingers crossed for us all, I can't stand waiting again.
I have also been wondering about this, my MC was confirmed on the 3rd, and I was trying to figure out when I ovulate this month, based on my last actual period and/or the MC bleeding. I've managed to create a window between the 5th and 11th of this month, so me and my OH are BDing every day until then, and regularly after that too... keeping our fingers crossed...

I hope we can get to where we were and carry on this time, we were so gutted that we lost our little bean and I'll never forget what could have been... but we are both just so glad we were able to conceive in the first place since we are both young and it took us 7 months.
Hope you're all okay and I'm sorry for your losses. <3

My doctor said to wait until my next AF to try again, but me and my OH can't see any harm in trying now, since I've heard so often that you are more fertile after a MC! My OH's sister had 3 MC's and after 2 of those she conceived the next month... fingers crossed for us all, I can't stand waiting again.

sorry for your loss hun. Somthing i have learned tho is it doesnt necessarily boost your chance by BDing everyday for consecutive days.... they say to take a break every other day for the guy to regenerate their "juices". It takes on average 3 days for spermies to mature. If you do it every day its hard to get enough that are mature to get the job done. Just some info i thought id share! It took us 4 months to get our first BFP, and we found we got to our BFP when we did it every other day rather than every day (for both pregnancies)

Good luck to you both! (and there is no medical reason to wait unless there was an issue which doesnt seem like there was, your body will allow you to get pregnant when its ready!)
Hi Ladies - thanks for starting this post.
I'm trying to work out when we can try again after finding out I was having a mc on 4th May at 11 weeks - my second mc this year.
My first mc was in Jan at 8 weeks (blighted ovum) and we decided to wait for first AF before trying again. We managed to catch the egg on the first cycle after AF and everything was going great. Had a scan at 9 weeks and size and heartbeat was perfect. Then started bleeding on Friday afternoon and turned out heartbeat had stopped.
My thinking is if your body is ready, it will work. We waited the last time and it ended in mc anyway. So this time we're thinking of just jumping back into it. I'm going for some initial blood work next week to check thyroid, clotting etc and if all is ok, we'll get BDing straight away.
Good luck to you all for your BFPs. Keep us posted. x
sorry for your loss manny..... hope you get the answers your looking for so you can get back to it ASAP!
For those wondering when you ovulate after a m/c my doc said it's usually 7-14 days after. She also told me and hubby that when we get to trying again to do it everyday during the most fertile and twice on the day you O. I know everyone has a different opinion, I was just sharing what she said ;)
From what I'm understanding you more so want that sperm waiting when the egg drops as the sperm can live for a few days, your egg only a few hours to a day.
On another note, It had taken us three YEARS to get a BFP. Kind of devastating, but we were more so ntnp. After I started charting it took about 4 months so doc says she expects me to call in 6 months if we don't have a baby brewing. You know what's funny though is I'm 26, so a good age for baby making, but after a year with no baby we went to the Dr and they said "Oh, you were on birth control (Depo), we don't worry about infertility until after 2 years if you've had an 'intervention' (Birth control). Thinking back to that MAN I WAS STUPID for just taking that as an answer. I've switched doctors since then. Ya live, ya learn. :laugh2:
Sorry for your losses Mannymoo... GL with the blood work and I hope you can get back to baby making ASAP.:thumbup:

jaggers - that GP was an idiot. :growlmad: Makes me so mad!

My GP said to start again whenever, but then my FIL (who is a GP) said to wait a month. Needless to say I ignored my FIL :haha:

I really hope one of you lovely ladies gets your sticky BFP soon!

Please update on here if you do!

hi ladies,

I MC on Fri 13th, bleed very lightly for 4 days, HCG back to normal within a week and iv been TTC for nearly 3 months, i am almost 99% certain i OV nearly 2 weeks due to observing EWCM, i have had nearly every symptom under the sun this past week but after several HPTs and countless £££ spent on them iv decided to give up testing for a week or so and then just to test once/twice a week! I think as we are all TTC before AF it makes is harder for us to know when AF would be due to take a HPT if you get me? hoping we will all get our :BFP: Soon!!! xxxxxx
Yup I get you hun!

GL I hope you get your sticky bean!

I know it's hard to tell when to test isn't it? I thought I O'd 12 days ago and I'm going to test at the weekend, if it's bfn I won't test again until the next weekend, I've given up on opk's now as its too hard when you haven't had AF yet and I'm just getting annoyed! I'm pretty sure I already O'd though so I'll either get a BFP soon or AF will show up!!

Anyone think they O'd and are now symptom spotting?? I keep peeing all the time, which was my first pg symptom last time, but I could just be drinking a lot of water lol!!
me too hun!!! so far iv had:

bleeding gums
feeling and actually being sick
vivid dreams (Had a dream last night that i had to have my finger cut open then my contraception pill placed under the skin?!)
veins across my bbs
pulling feeling
urinating a lot
pain in belly button which i had last time

its annoying the life out of me as iv had so many BFN im now thinking its all in my head and im losing it :-( im 12 DPO aswell hun, well so i think?! xxx
Oooh Cath if we both get BFPs soon we could be bump buddies yay!!! I haven't tested yet as I don't want to be disappointed but I think I might just to stop the nagging voice in my head!! I've only got an Asdas own hpt though so it might be too early. I've ordered some CB digis from eBay but they haven't arrived yet. Do you think i should wait til they arrive before I test, or just use and Asda one now lol?!
Go and do the Asda one now hun!!! at least you will know whether you have your BFN or BFP and i can know then lol! im only waiting because so far i have done so many tests im afraid to buy any more lol i got 2 superdrug ones left and got 2 CB digi ones coming Saturday! i think im out tho as i honestly do think its all in my head otherwise they would have shown up on the tests by now but at least if AF shows up i will have a good idea when my next AF would be due if you get me lol! go and test hun!!! xxxx
As suspected bfn sigh! But I realised I'm 11dpo not 12, I keep thinking today's Thursday!! Although I'm not even sure what day I O'd or if I even did so who knows! All I know is that 13 days ago my follow up scan showed my right ovary about to ovulate, two days later had strong O pains on my right and didn't test wih opk's. But if my ovary was preparing to O almost 2 weeks ago then surely I should have O'd during that time.....and the waiting continues lol!

I was wondering though if its possible to have any pg symptoms when hcg is so low that you get a bfn.....would have thought if I did actually have pg symptoms then we'd be getting BFPs? Oh well I'm ok either way really, if I am not pg I can enjoy my holiday and birthday and have a few drinks, and then can track my cycle properly. And if I am pg then yay!! Xxxz
awwww sorry hun. its a kick in the balls when you just stare at that big white window tho isnt it? i hate it! yeh im the same if AF comes atleast we can enjoy not being pregnant for a few more weeks but id love to be pregnant right now!! my birthday is in june so im hoping to be pregnant then ha!

oh you have def ov then hun! you might be a late implanter see! so i wouldnt test now until the weekend,wat date did you MC? did they do any bloods to check HCG? mine were back to normal by the 20th April. im not going to test now until Friday, I found out i were pregnant last time on a friday but i also MC on a friday so its my lucky and unlucky day, right now im having backache on my left just above my bum, i had a shooting pain in the right side of my groin this morning, never know i could be OV right now but i have no EWCM! either way the OH is going to be happy later haha xxx
For those wondering when you ovulate after a m/c my doc said it's usually 7-14 days after. She also told me and hubby that when we get to trying again to do it everyday during the most fertile and twice on the day you O. I know everyone has a different opinion, I was just sharing what she said ;)
From what I'm understanding you more so want that sperm waiting when the egg drops as the sperm can live for a few days, your egg only a few hours to a day.
On another note, It had taken us three YEARS to get a BFP. Kind of devastating, but we were more so ntnp. After I started charting it took about 4 months so doc says she expects me to call in 6 months if we don't have a baby brewing. You know what's funny though is I'm 26, so a good age for baby making, but after a year with no baby we went to the Dr and they said "Oh, you were on birth control (Depo), we don't worry about infertility until after 2 years if you've had an 'intervention' (Birth control). Thinking back to that MAN I WAS STUPID for just taking that as an answer. I've switched doctors since then. Ya live, ya learn. :laugh2:

I ended up Oving 3.5 weeks after my MC in its can range alot which def. sucks when u finally grasp your cycle and then have a MC cus then it gets all screwed up!

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