Trying before AF?

Lol, my oh seems to be very happy with it at the mo too, thinks all his Xmas have come at once!!

I actually mc on 23rd march but was bleeding for 5 weeks. I stopped bleeding 2 weeks ago at the time of that last scan where my ovary was ready to release the egg. But the previous 2 weeks before that I was getting BFN's, and when the bleeding stopped BFN's too. I never had my bloods done to check hcg, dr just said getting BFN's was enough. So my hcg was definatley low enough for me to have O'd already. An last time I was pg I actually didn't test until after I missed AF as I wasn't expecting it, I had been ntnp for just a month after stopping taking bc pill!! So I could be a late implanter, or just O'd a little later than I think. But like I said either way I'll be ok I think. I originally wanted to have AF first again anyway so I wasn't worrying about not being ready but I got impatient with all the weeks of bleeding that I didn't want to wait again for AF to show lol.

I will probably wait to test until either sat or sun now, just to give myself that extra time. And if I am right on when I O'd AF should be due about Weds, so this time next week I should know a lot more (I hope!!). Let me know what your test says in fri!!! FX'd for you, I'm so excited to see people getting these BFPs!!! Xxxx
Lol, my oh seems to be very happy with it at the mo too, thinks all his Xmas have come at once!!

I actually mc on 23rd march but was bleeding for 5 weeks. I stopped bleeding 2 weeks ago at the time of that last scan where my ovary was ready to release the egg. But the previous 2 weeks before that I was getting BFN's, and when the bleeding stopped BFN's too. I never had my bloods done to check hcg, dr just said getting BFN's was enough. So my hcg was definatley low enough for me to have O'd already. An last time I was pg I actually didn't test until after I missed AF as I wasn't expecting it, I had been ntnp for just a month after stopping taking bc pill!! So I could be a late implanter, or just O'd a little later than I think. But like I said either way I'll be ok I think. I originally wanted to have AF first again anyway so I wasn't worrying about not being ready but I got impatient with all the weeks of bleeding that I didn't want to wait again for AF to show lol.

I will probably wait to test until either sat or sun now, just to give myself that extra time. And if I am right on when I O'd AF should be due about Weds, so this time next week I should know a lot more (I hope!!). Let me know what your test says in fri!!! FX'd for you, I'm so excited to see people getting these BFPs!!! Xxxx

ohg so you had a pretty rough time with it then hun?? i only bled for 4/5 days very light so im grateful for that. yeh if you get negative tests HCG has dropped right right low and you cant OV if you have 5+ levels of HCG so it was def all out of your body! its mad how they know they can see that your about to OV!!!! i wish i had a scan a few days before i OV!!! a month?!?! you caught so quick!! it took me and OH 5 months!!

you'll have to let me know too hun, im not on here much on the weekends so you will have to message me and ill message you!! FX for the both us and hopefully if we both get our :BFP: we can become bump buddies!! xxx
Yeah I will do hun, and yeah I did get pg really easily last time so hopefully it wasn't a fluke!! I'm going to try my hardest to wait until Sunday until i test again, FX'd for us both!!
If my tracking is proper I should be sliding into the two week wait here. Ahhhhh!!!! I got 20 internet cheapies off ebay for like 3 dollars so I don't really have to hesitate to test. I have OPT that came with some test awhile back but they're expired. I've been peeing on them anyways and it was dark about 4 days ago, but not quite as dark (or darker) than the control line. I've never been very good at using them. (Which is why they expired. lol) So I guess I just play the waiting game. At least this month if AF shows I don't need to be CRUSHED like usual as I was supposed to wait for her anyways ;)
That's what I think too jaggers, I won't be as bothered if AF shows up this month, in a way I might even be glad (denial lol!) as I am going away with my family in 2 weeks and I don't want to have to tell them I'm pg but I don't think I'll be able to hide that I'm not drinking for a week lol!!!
i tested again today!!! im just going to give up hope now! tomorrow im on CD28/ and i know you dont get a normal cycle after a MC but it shouldnt be much longer hopefully, i just want AF to show so i can get back to my normal cycles, my friend had a missed MC 2 weeks before me and she txt last night to say AF has arrived, i was slightly jealous :-( who would ever be jealous of someone who has rec'd their AF lol im losing it! xxx
Aww Cath you aren't losing it, I'm the same, a workmate had a mc the week before me and AF showed for her too and I'm jealous but she's jealous of me coz she knows I'm in 2ww, but I'm becoming convinced I'm out this month. The constant need to pee must just be because I'm drinking too much water lol!!
its horrible init hun! before i fell pregnant i would be extremelly jealous of people who were pregnant and now im getting back to what i was like and i dont like it :-( i just txt OH to tell him how p*ssed off im feeling and i just want to see good old flow now, his reply was 'lmfao i never thought i would hear your kind say that about flow' ha! you never know hun, how much water you drinking a day and how many times are you urinating?? all my symptoms have gone, i was urinating up to 13 times a day last week but now im lucky to hit 5/6, sickness is still there but only in the afternoon, when you going to test next? xxx
I know what you mean about wanting AF and oh thinking I've now gone completely insane!! He can't keep up with all the ttc talk, he just agrees when I say let's dtd haha!!!
And as for the peeing, I've been 4 times already this morning an I only got up at 10am!! And it's just like when I was pg, I seem to need it a lot but when I go there isn't much. Knowing my luck it's a uti!! But I'm trying to drink 4 pints of water a day but some days it's less.

Did you have sickness last pg Cath? I didn't get ms at all so I'm not expecting it this time as a symptom. It worried me for a bit that no ms was a sign that I would mc but my mum never had it with me and my brother and she never mc.
I know what you mean about wanting AF and oh thinking I've now gone completely insane!! He can't keep up with all the ttc talk, he just agrees when I say let's dtd haha!!!
And as for the peeing, I've been 4 times already this morning an I only got up at 10am!! And it's just like when I was pg, I seem to need it a lot but when I go there isn't much. Knowing my luck it's a uti!! But I'm trying to drink 4 pints of water a day but some days it's less.

Did you have sickness last pg Cath? I didn't get ms at all so I'm not expecting it this time as a symptom. It worried me for a bit that no ms was a sign that I would mc but my mum never had it with me and my brother and she never mc.

well they do say early pregnancy symptom is like a uti, feeling like you got loads to pee but only a little bit comes out! you never know hun!! i drink way too much diet coke so tomorrow ill start drinking water, ill drink 4 pints and ill tell you how many times i pee because i honestly dont think im preg but i think you are!!

nope nothing hun and for the last week and a bit thats all iv done is felt sick! i felt sick one or 2 days last time but this time its before any positive test unless its all in my head. no 2 pregnancies are the same tho hun so you might be hugging porcelin soon haha!! id like MS i would as to me in my mind i would think of it as a sign that its all going ok, the last time i was pg i only had very very sore boobs and tiredness and thats it and it ended in mc so the more symptoms the better lol!

this morning i woke up all achy aswell like i had a cold coming and i had a sore throat on the weekend, have you had any of that? xxx
I feel the same about ms, I would like to have it as a sign everything's going well but I know that's now true, it would just make me feel better!!
I have been waking up feeling a bit headachey and like my heads all 'muggy' for want of a better word, like a slight hangover but without the nausea. And I am tired a lot but that's nothing new with me, my job is shift work and it's physical so I would be tired lol!

The sickness sounds like a good sign then hun! Especially if it's been most days, like you said every pg is different so it could be!!

I'm going to test with a digi on sunday I think, if I have the patience!! When will you test again, do you know how many dpo you might be?
I wouldnt be sad if AF showed either (i mean....a little dissapointed yes) but like you guys I was suppost to wait as well since it was my 2nd MC in a row....

im roughly 3DPO (from when i got my EWCM) and i have been really crampy..... not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing? I just wish time would go a little faster!!!

I should probably break down and buy some IC isntead of running to the store every month. I also want to order a CB digi with the conception time. Those seem so cool!
I feel the same about ms, I would like to have it as a sign everything's going well but I know that's now true, it would just make me feel better!!
I have been waking up feeling a bit headachey and like my heads all 'muggy' for want of a better word, like a slight hangover but without the nausea. And I am tired a lot but that's nothing new with me, my job is shift work and it's physical so I would be tired lol!

The sickness sounds like a good sign then hun! Especially if it's been most days, like you said every pg is different so it could be!!

I'm going to test with a digi on sunday I think, if I have the patience!! When will you test again, do you know how many dpo you might be?

oohhhhh iv heard the hangover feeling is a sign too!! If you feel more tired than normal have a nap or something ok, dont fight the tiredness lol!

hhmmmmmmmmm fingers crossed, iv been feeling like this for about a week now id say and smelling things a lot more and (sorry if TMI) my nipples have turned white on the end and when i showed my OH last night my bbs to see if he thinks they have changed he said they have gone bigger and my nipples have changed again?! atleast i know thats not in my head!!

ohhh hun you'll have to message me on here to let me know the outcome! id love it to say Pregnant 1-2 for you i really would. I think im anywhere between 10-13DPO :-( im CD28 tomorrow xxx
I feel the same about ms, I would like to have it as a sign everything's going well but I know that's now true, it would just make me feel better!!
I have been waking up feeling a bit headachey and like my heads all 'muggy' for want of a better word, like a slight hangover but without the nausea. And I am tired a lot but that's nothing new with me, my job is shift work and it's physical so I would be tired lol!

The sickness sounds like a good sign then hun! Especially if it's been most days, like you said every pg is different so it could be!!

I'm going to test with a digi on sunday I think, if I have the patience!! When will you test again, do you know how many dpo you might be?

oohhhhh iv heard the hangover feeling is a sign too!! If you feel more tired than normal have a nap or something ok, dont fight the tiredness lol!

hhmmmmmmmmm fingers crossed, iv been feeling like this for about a week now id say and smelling things a lot more and (sorry if TMI) my nipples have turned white on the end and when i showed my OH last night my bbs to see if he thinks they have changed he said they have gone bigger and my nipples have changed again?! atleast i know thats not in my head!!

ohhh hun you'll have to message me on here to let me know the outcome! id love it to say Pregnant 1-2 for you i really would. I think im anywhere between 10-13DPO :-( im CD28 tomorrow xxx

I wish they sold the CB digis here in the US... but do to certain regulations they cant.

What always made me test early for pregnancy was the vertigo/dizzy feeling.... and the muggy cloudy head feeling....i would really notice this at 9DPO or so. So for me, for both pregnancies i had that and thats y i tested before a missed AF. I feel as tho im starting to feel that way again (but im only 3DPO going off of EWCM) so i dunno if its just in my head or what...
I feel the same about ms, I would like to have it as a sign everything's going well but I know that's now true, it would just make me feel better!!
I have been waking up feeling a bit headachey and like my heads all 'muggy' for want of a better word, like a slight hangover but without the nausea. And I am tired a lot but that's nothing new with me, my job is shift work and it's physical so I would be tired lol!

The sickness sounds like a good sign then hun! Especially if it's been most days, like you said every pg is different so it could be!!

I'm going to test with a digi on sunday I think, if I have the patience!! When will you test again, do you know how many dpo you might be?

oohhhhh iv heard the hangover feeling is a sign too!! If you feel more tired than normal have a nap or something ok, dont fight the tiredness lol!

hhmmmmmmmmm fingers crossed, iv been feeling like this for about a week now id say and smelling things a lot more and (sorry if TMI) my nipples have turned white on the end and when i showed my OH last night my bbs to see if he thinks they have changed he said they have gone bigger and my nipples have changed again?! atleast i know thats not in my head!!

ohhh hun you'll have to message me on here to let me know the outcome! id love it to say Pregnant 1-2 for you i really would. I think im anywhere between 10-13DPO :-( im CD28 tomorrow xxx

I wish they sold the CB digis here in the US... but do to certain regulations they cant.

What always made me test early for pregnancy was the vertigo/dizzy feeling.... and the muggy cloudy head feeling....i would really notice this at 9DPO or so. So for me, for both pregnancies i had that and thats y i tested before a missed AF. I feel as tho im starting to feel that way again (but im only 3DPO going off of EWCM) so i dunno if its just in my head or what...

Oh really? couldnt you order some off or ebay and they might ship to the US? they are really good i love them, it just makes it a bit more normal seeing it in written than squinting looking for a line!

iv ordered somemore internet cheapies, i didnt get on with them last time but its saving me from ordering the more expensive ones!

Yoiu never know hun suymptoms do start from 1dpo with some women, :-) i had no symptoms at all last time, i didnt even realise until the day AF was due. i thought AF was due 3 days before so i done a clearblue test and there it was Pregnant 1-2! so happy!! xxx
Yea we can order them online. We have the CD digitals here in the US but not with the conception indicator for how many weeks you are.

Iv been taking low dose aspirin this cycle so i hope that helps with a sticky bean... my Dr. also wants me to come in ASAP when i get a + HPT so i can get my blood drawn to check my progesterone levels (i honestly feel that might be my problem since i can never get passed the 5 week mark!) I had sore BBs my last pregnancies...but i dont have them yet.... i guess i didnt get them 7DPO tho, i guess we will wait and see

I just hope i can get another BFP soon so i can figure out if that indeed is the problem with the low progesterone!
Hi guys! I've had a sore lower back the last couple of days - don't know if that's a symptom. I can't remember what I felt like last time. I don't really want to look back in my journal as it might upset me a bit.

GL with your BFPs - update us!

I had that with my 1st 2 pregnancies!

how many DPO are u?

Im about 3DPO and im feeling crampy....and starting to have "muggy" head feeling again like i did before.... i hope these are all the right signs!! (they line up with my other pregnancies....but i dont wanna get my hopes up bc what are the odds of being pregnant 3 times IN A ROW!) if it turns up to being a BFP i really hope this one sticks!
Little j you should definatley try to get some off eBay, it's great to see just how high your hcg might be. Mine said 3+ weeks last time when I was late for AF by 3 days!! I'm waiting for mine to arrive in the post and will test with it either sat or sun.

And Cath that sounds like great signs especially if your oh can see a difference! I'm trying not to get excited as I know it could all be in my head. I really can't wait to test!!

And flapjack I always have backache but it became really sharp and agonising just before I got my BFP,so you never know that could be a good sign!!

AFM, I'm still peeing a lot but not many other symptoms as such :-( think I'm beginning to feel its not likely, but we shall see at the weekend!
Little j you should definatley try to get some off eBay, it's great to see just how high your hcg might be. Mine said 3+ weeks last time when I was late for AF by 3 days!! I'm waiting for mine to arrive in the post and will test with it either sat or sun.

And Cath that sounds like great signs especially if your oh can see a difference! I'm trying not to get excited as I know it could all be in my head. I really can't wait to test!!

And flapjack I always have backache but it became really sharp and agonising just before I got my BFP,so you never know that could be a good sign!!

AFM, I'm still peeing a lot but not many other symptoms as such :-( think I'm beginning to feel its not likely, but we shall see at the weekend![/QUOTE

No more testing for me, another BFN this morning, i even had a nose bleed and i havent had a nosebleed since i was 11!! im just going to wait for AF to arrive now, its been 4 weeks to the day that MC happened so she should be here soon!!

you excited to test on Sunday hun xxx

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