Trying before AF?

I wanted until I got a negative. From what I understand when you get a positive OPK you are believed to O 24-48hrs later. I was temping and I O'd 48 hours after my FIRST positive OPK since I got 2. That was also on CD 28 and I usually O on cd 14. You also have the best chances of conceiving if you do it like the day before you O so the sperm is waiting when the egg gets released. I got 'Taking control of your fertility' (a book) and it had TONS of info in it. This last month We'd BD once 2 days before O and twice after and we got it =)
Good luck ladies. I'm rooting for you, keep rooting for me ;)
I also went on ebay and got 100opk and 100hpt ;)
Hey ladies how's everyone doing?

I'm 6dpo and dying to test!!! Got weird pinching feelings around my ovaries and uterus and been feeling achey and tight!! Hope is a sign of a little nugget snuggling up and not the witch getting ready to show herself!!
I'm 5dpo and soooooooooo itching to test even though I know there'll be nothing on it! TOO EARLY!

I think i have veiny boobs (though I have really pale skin). I've had a bit of a sore lower back today, but other than that no symptoms that I've noticed...

This is so harrrrrd! :grr:

GL Bailey! I've got everything crossed for you!

Eeeeek!! We are almost the same dpo flapjack!!! I tested this morning hahaha!! Bfn if course! Any symptoms hun? All I've got is weird achey twinges and what feels like O pains.
I'm alright. Waiting on 4th beta, should be getting an ultrasound in the next few days if they'll call me back. It's driving me BONKERS. I had an annoying pain yesterday if I sat down or stood up and was BLOATED and GASSY. This lil one is already causing more trouble than DD did in the whole 9 months! Betas look great though!!
14dpo 408
16dpo 618
21dpo 5457
Just waiting on 24dpo. :)
I'll be watching for news from you guys.
Eeeeek!! We are almost the same dpo flapjack!!! I tested this morning hahaha!! Bfn if course! Any symptoms hun? All I've got is weird achey twinges and what feels like O pains.

I'm 5dpo and soooooooooo itching to test even though I know there'll be nothing on it! TOO EARLY!

I think i have veiny boobs (though I have really pale skin). I've had a bit of a sore lower back today, but other than that no symptoms that I've noticed...

This is so harrrrrd! :grr:

GL Bailey! I've got everything crossed for you!


Dont worry FlapJack, im 5DPO also and i also tested today and a BFN but didnt hurt me one bit,bc i know i have to have it this time!!! GL ladies
Keep up the good work jagger!

GL girls! I've got lower back pain and convinced myself it's some sort of implantation cramps - I don't even though if they exist!?


Wow we're all similar dpo! It was meant to be!!!

I wanna test tomorrow!! Can't take anymore lol!! My uterus is all hard and I felt pains like AF but it's too early! Needing to pee a lot too, really think I might have it yay!!
Dont test Jaggers, trust me we all want too, you only have 3 days left!!! im having EWCM, and my legs is sore and im still having on a off left Ovary pains. GL ladies
I tested yesterday so I knew what a BFN looked like lol!


I'm testing tomorrow 8dpo, but it doesn't count! I just need to know as I have a long day ahead of me.

Official testing Monday!

So I got my 4th beta 2 days ago and was really irritated with the lady who gave it to me. It's not the lady I usually talk to and she was kind of rude.
A little confused here.
1st beta @ 14dpo 408
2nd @ 16dpo 818 (47.8 hour doubling time)
3rd @ 21dpo 5457 (43.8 Hours doubling time)
4th @ 24dpo 11,567 (68.28 Hour doubling time)
She said the number is within the 60% doubling within 48 hours but it really makes her nervous as it could be indicative of an ectopic pregnancy.
I've done a lot of reading and know I've read this on 20 different sites.
Under 1,200 mIU/ml Between 30 and 72 Hours
1200-6000 mIU/ml Between 72 and 96 Hours
Over 6,000 mIU/ml Over 96 Hours
Which would explain why my doubling time increased. When I asked the RN about it she said 'Yeah it slows, but usually at like 35,000 not now. I said that I read after 6000 and she said "I've seen people at this point with numbers like 200,000" Ok, lady since were doing betas as you guys don't know my dates, you have no idea how far I am, and do not need to be a witch.
I am very upset she worded many things as she did. She scheduled my ultrasound and was upset I had to work all day the first day she asked about. (I have a job lady, and can't call in all the time.) I don't understand why she mentioned an ectopic in the first place as all it did was put additional worry on me when she should have just said we'll schedule the scan, since that's what we were doing in the first place!
Everyone I've talked to agrees that there doesn't appear to be any reason she jumped to this conclusion as I've had no other symptoms and my numbers/doubling time are well within the limits for how far along and what my numbers are.
I have my scan at 3pm (3.5hrs from now) to rule out ectopic and hope to all hell they are wrong as I do not know how I could deal with a loss under these circumstances.
Chances of ectopic are like 1%, chances of ectopic that has a beta over 10,000 are 9% (ie, only 9% of ectopics have a beta over 10,000)
If it doesn't go well I have a feeling I'll be taking a break for a few months. It's hell to go through the 1st few weeks of pregnancy over again with the symptoms and worries, plus my boss must wonder why the hell I'm yawning and sick 24/7.
MEANWHILE please hope and pray I see my lil one in the CORRECT spot today, with a little heart flickering :)
Any feedback you guys are more than welcome!!
aww jaggers i dont have much info on ectopic pregnancies, but i really pray and hope that's not the case. Some Healtcare workers can be soooo horrible at their job when they suppose to be encouraging and helpful not evil. My fingers are crossed that your scan will go ok and the little bean is fine, Def THINK POSITIVE MA'AM!!
I hope it all went ok jaggers. I don't know why they would think its ectopic based on just your betas, maybe ask on a thread in the TTCAL forum as I know there are a few ladies on there who have had ectopics that might have researched it more than i have though.

AFM, I caved and tested this morning at 8dpo and you were right never giving up, I shouldn't have!! Bfn and now im sad and convinced I'm not pregnant. I really felt like AF was coming today, really really achey and uterus feels hard and tightened so I thought I would be bound to be pregnant as AF not due for another four days. Never mind, positivity, I've got to remember that even if I'm not pregnant I can just keep trying and enjoy my life rather than obsessing over getting pregnant.
I'm sorry about that woman jaggers! :grr: :grr: :grr:

I hope everything goes ok please let us know. I don't know much about it, but sending all my thoughts and prayers your way.

Sorry about BFN Bailey, but it is still really early hun :hugs:

I hope it's just too early. Despite saying that I wasn't going to get my hopes up I knew I would be disappointed! Just looking on t'internet thanks to dr google and in most cases 8dpo is too early to get BFP with urine as inplantation may not have even occurred yet. Hurry up eggy if you are there!! Does anyone watch Friends? I like to sing a song of Phoebe's;
"are you in there little foetus, in 9 months will you come greet us, I will buy you some Adidas" hahaha!!
Baileybubs, Lol, that i never watched, "Friends", but the words to that song was very amusing.heehee. Dont worry ma'am, you're def to early. If i wouldve tested it wouldve had to be 10DPO at least, but that's evn worser bc i know it's closer. But i agree ma'am, you couldnt of said it better. We def still have a life to live regardless of what we get, and def another chance to try in July!! But of course we're thinkin Positive since it was early so that test dosent count, bc we're rooting that you def have a BFP!!!!
Does anyone watch Friends? I like to sing a song of Phoebe's;"are you in there little foetus, in 9 months will you come greet us, I will buy you some Adidas" hahaha!!

:haha: yeah I love that episode!

Never watched Friends nevergivingup? I am in shock!

8dpo so early -PMA Hun! You have got your sticky bean! Everytime you get disappointed it means you'll be more elated when you do see that BFP!

Baby is in the right spot, measuring one day ahead. We got to see sac, pole, and a HB of 115. Baby was measuring 1 day ahead putting me at 6 weeks, with a due date of 2/14/2013. Not sure if I should change my due date or not... (I had guess 2/15/2013)

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