Trying preseed this time!

I agree. 34 is great! I remember when I had blood work done to determine if I had PCOS the nurse told me that my progesterone level was around 35 (can't remember the exact number anymore) and she said that was a great result. It meant that I definitely ovulated and could possibly have been pregnant at the time (although, I wasn't). I didn't ask what my progesterone levels were after my pregnancy was confirmed... probably would have been a good thing to ask!... but, I think 34 is great! Who knows, maybe that is just IB????? Have you tested or had any other symptoms?
Hi Hope, I'm in the here like to see it over 30 i believe (it's measured in different units for some reason over here), so it looks like it is still good but could be better :) I'll see if the doc makes any comments tomorrow!
I really should refresh the page before replying! Unfortunately it looks like the spotting is getting worse :( I didn't really expect anything different, but it still sucks!
Heard back from the docs...results all look fine. Got an appointment on Mon so the doc can discuss them with me. I'm happy the results are fine but that means doc won't do anything to help we're 13 months in with no reasons why. Doc will refer at 18 months but that's not till Nov :(
MrsB - I really hope they provide some assistance, or at least suggestions. I'd really push for it if I were you. Also, have you looked into the fertilaid or agnus cactus anymore? If you still have to wait before medical assistance, I'd say either one of those would be great options at this point... I hate the thought of you having to wait without help :(
Thanks Mrs.326. They don't like to do much in the UK until people have been trying 12-18 particular docs will refer at 18 months. I am hoping that the doc will do another blood test next month and I'd like DH to have a SA but I doubt he will authorise that yet. If he won't do anything yet then I think I will give agnus cactus a go and see if that helps at all...I have longer cycles (around 36/37 days) and a shorter LP (around 11-13 days) plus spotting before AF so I think it may well help. I just don't want to take it if he will agree to another blood test next cycle! I guess I will see what he says on Monday :) All this waiting sucks! How are you coping with the wait until Saturday??
It is literally like the worst TWW of my life! The anticipation is killing me... My dreams have been much more vivid lately and as a result I'm not sleeping all that well... I know it's just the excitement! I dreams it's a boy, then a girl, then a boy, and so on... Last nights dream was all boy! And the baby was black (DH and I are both white - so that was odd?). Makes me feel better to know that some of the ladies in my due date group are dreaming of birthing kittens, though. :haha: So, I guess my dreams aren't too strange. Just 3 MORE DAYS! :yipee:
Lol, I can imagine...I just don't know how people can wait until baby is born to find out if it's a boy or girl! No way I could wait that long!

That is pretty random! I like having vivid dreams (when they're good dreams anyway) but it really doesn't help you get a good nights sleep! Ooo, I've just seen your tracker says 'mommy should feel me kick soon...' - have you felt baby move yet?? I guess with it being your 1st it may be a few more weeks yet.
Ah! I didnt even see that on the ticker! Nope, nothing yet but I really hope to feel something soon. I poke around my belly at night trying to get some movement, but nothings happening... at least not that I can feel. My sister-in-law felt her first around 18 weeks, so I'm trying to be patient until then. I've officially "popped" I've had a semi bump for a few weeks (some days it was there, some days it was not?? and it was pretty much between looking pregnant and looking bloated) but now I definitely have a baby bump, so I'm hoping the movement will soon follow!
Hey ladies sorry it's been a few days!! Mrs b. Have you thought about trying to go to a new doc for a second opinion? Have you asked for clomid and they said no?

GL hope! Catch that eggie!!
GL mrswynesse!
Mrs326 can't wait to hear your news ! I say boy!!
Had bloods done today, progesterone was 28.43 but hcg said not pregnant :( so now a very long wait for new doc appt with scan for me and SA for husband! If I get my period on time I'm going to call to see if they have any openings to get in earlier! :( big bummer though t our last round was going to be it.
Mrs.326 - Ooo it's so exciting! You'll have to let us know when you feel some movement!! Only Thurs and Fri left now until your appointment on Sat!!

MrsK - I've actually got a really good doc...I'm pretty sure it's a UK thing - I've heard other UK ladies on here say the same thing about referrals, testing, meds etc. The doc told me the reason he can't refer until 18 months is because he has tried referring before between 12 and 18 months and his referral got rejected, so he knows it won't go through. They're cutting funding and apparently that's one of the areas that is being hit :( I haven't asked for Clomid but as my bloods came back fine (so the on call doc says who looked at them) I very much doubt they will give me any meds. As I understand it Clomid is to help you ovulate? - my bloods are suggesting I'm ovulating fine. I think I'm probably ovulating - but probably not as well as I could be!! Mrs.326 suggested I try Agnus Cactus...if the docs won't do anymore to help before they refer me in Nov then that's what I'm gonna try - it might help stop some of the spotting before AF!

That's an awesome Progesterone result! How many dpo are you? Could it be too early for the pregnancy to be picked up? When's your scan and SA booked in for? FX you can still get you BFP this month hun!
Mrs326 can't wait to hear your news ! I say boy!!
Had bloods done today, progesterone was 28.43 but hcg said not pregnant :( so now a very long wait for new doc appt with scan for me and SA for husband! If I get my period on time I'm going to call to see if they have any openings to get in earlier! :( big bummer though t our last round was going to be it.

I go back and forth so much - sometimes I think boy, sometimes girl. In just 2 DAYS I won't have to wonder anymore :)

Has your doctor offered any opinions as to why you're ovulating but not conceiving? It's great your levels were high, though! Hopefully you get answers at your next dr. appt. How long of a wait do you have?

(I agree with MrsB - is there anyway the test was just too early and you possibly could have caught the eggie this round??)

Mrs.326 - Ooo it's so exciting! You'll have to let us know when you feel some movement!! Only Thurs and Fri left now until your appointment on Sat!!

MrsK - I've actually got a really good doc...I'm pretty sure it's a UK thing - I've heard other UK ladies on here say the same thing about referrals, testing, meds etc. The doc told me the reason he can't refer until 18 months is because he has tried referring before between 12 and 18 months and his referral got rejected, so he knows it won't go through. They're cutting funding and apparently that's one of the areas that is being hit :( I haven't asked for Clomid but as my bloods came back fine (so the on call doc says who looked at them) I very much doubt they will give me any meds. As I understand it Clomid is to help you ovulate? - my bloods are suggesting I'm ovulating fine. I think I'm probably ovulating - but probably not as well as I could be!! Mrs.326 suggested I try Agnus Cactus...if the docs won't do anymore to help before they refer me in Nov then that's what I'm gonna try - it might help stop some of the spotting before AF!

I absolutely will :)

That sucks that they're cutting fudning on infertility treatments! Here's hoping something works before you hit the 18 month mark. I can't imagine and I admire your strength & determination!

Oh! You know what else I forgot to suggest - ZINC! I had my DH start taking it about 3 months before we conceived (they say it takes 2-3 months for it to completely take effect). He had testicular cancer about 4 years ago (he's fine now), but his results after surgery were only "okay". I don't know if Zinc is what did the trick, but I'm sure it helped. It's supposed to boost the over quality and supply of the... um... stuff. You might give that a try as well!
(I'm going to have you pumped full of pills & pregnant before too long!! :haha:)
Mrsb-.sorry they have such long waiting periods! that's awful! Yes I would definitely trythe cactus then, what harm could it do really.

I am somewhere around a week dpo. I had some major funky opks last week. Hcg test can pick up with in just a day or so I believe so it's a no go. My brothers wedding is coming up at the end of the month so hopefully that will take my mind off it.

Has anyone else had an hsg? My appt with the doc is the 26th, I'm not sure if they planned to do it that day or not. do we have to put off trying this month? I would think with the stress this puts on your cervix and with the dye it's wouldn't be a goods idea. That thought makes me sad :(
Oh and it's a new doc but i will be asking why she thinks that's happening. I'm interested to great ask her new insight!
I know it's scary to change docs, but hopefully this one can over a fresh opinion! Wishing you all the best!!!

Hello everyone! Congrats to all with BFP's! I can't wait til I finally get one! I am starting clomid once AF arrives here in a day or so...I go next week for a U/S and blood work...then day 5-9 clomid then on day 10 more bloodwork. It's for the clomid challenge test. Then after that I will have the hsg. A few months ago my regular gyn did a 21 day progesterone and it was 7.7 He said I prob didn't ovulate, and referred me to a FS and he said I did ovulate"?? Very confusing. But I am hopeful because I do know the FS I am seeing is VERY good at UF at Shands, so I am praying they can help me. I am 36 and was with my ex for 10 years (never used protection) and we never I am with the man of my dreams and we have been ACTIVELY trying since December with no luck. I used preseed for the first time last month and loved it! I am a little nervous about the clomid, but I am also very excited about it too. I am praying I fall preggo becuase I feel my clock is majorly ticking!!!! Has anyone had the clomid challenge test????
Mrs.326 - I think they're cutting funding on a lot of things...though it is a bit of a postcode lottery...some areas will be referred at 12 months, others perhaps 24 months. So I guess it's not too bad...I can't do anything about it anyway (apart from keep going back to the docs until he get's fed up and refers me!!!), it's just one of those things :)

I so hope something happens before the 18 month mark! I really don't want to get referred...I have enough health issues to deal with without having to start taking fertility meds too! I've got the hubby on Wellmans vitamins which have...15mg of zinc (apparently 150% rda?). Is that a good amount for improving fertility? He has only been on them a couple of months so it may take a bit longer before they really help. Sorry to hear your DH has had testicular cancer, that must have been awful :( Glad he's doing fine now though :)

Lol, feel free to pump me with whatever pills you can think of! Really want to see that bfp!!!

MrsK - I know, I'm so impatient as well! I'm not sure how I've made it to 13 months ttc without going completely crazy!!

Surely the HCG test can only pick up after implantation has occurred? If you're only about a week dpo then implantation may not have occurred yet so it wouldn't be picked up on the blood test. I don't think you're out of the running just yet!

What is a hsg? Is that the dye test to check for blocked tubes I keep hearing about? Just make sure you do a PG test before to be absolutely certain you're not PG before they do the test. IDK, I'm sure I've seen a post on here where they said that you may be more likely to conceive after...something to do with clearing the tubes?? I would say if you have a good few days between the test and ovulation then that should be plenty of time for the dye to all disappear and your cervix to de-stress :)
Hi Jules, welcome :) Good luck with your Clomid Challenge test, let us know how you get on! :)
Hi Mrs B! I will definitly let you know. I just hope when I have the HSG they don't find blocked tubes because he said then the only option is IVF and I cannot afford that. AF should be here tomorrow or Sat, but I really hope she stays away and I get my BFP and I don't have to go through all these tests. It's no fun :nope:
I'd say it's unlikely you will have blocked tubes - I would imagine only a small percentage of women suffer from that problem so I wouldn't worry about that until you have the tests done (though it's great your doc is testing you so it will put your mind at rest!)...I'm pretty sure I had heard others on this forum say that the test itself can help to clear the tubes and poss help you get a bfp sooner :) FX your HSG comes back all clear!! I know you said you didn't use protection with your ex for 10 years and didn't conceive...that doesn't mean there's anything up with you, he could have had a low sperm count/mobility etc. FX you get your bfp soon with your dream fella :) :)

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