Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Ritter: I temp vaginally. I found it to be a way more reliable method.

MsH: I'm sorry for the news, but don't lose hope! You will get your blessing (hopefully soon)

AFM: CD13 today. Temp drop so I think I'm expected to O in the next couple of days. My temps have been higher and more linear this month as opposed to previous months. I'm guessing it's the Synthroid doing its magic. So far nothing big from the Clomid, but we'll see. FX!
Congratulations! <3

Hi ladies,

I'm back in KSA and back to work after my short trip home.

Today started CD 1 for me. My chart looked pretty good this past cycle. It was probably the most "clear" chart that I've had so far. However, traveling always makes things a bit more complicated.

I got a positive OPK with clearblue on CD 15 (after a negative CD 13 and a flashing CD 14). BD'd CD 14 + 15 (didn't on CD 16 because of travel) + 17. I'm thinking that the BD on CD 17 was probably late and I feel like the travel back to the states makes my charting a bit off because of basically repeating hours from change in time zones.

I didn't notice any EWCM this cycle either.

I'm supposed to go back to the doctor's and have full blood work done CD 3. We're traveling this weekend to go to my husband's family, so I'm not sure how that's going to work, but maybe I can find a clinic there and just go anyways.
Took an IC with fmu this morning, BFN. I guess I am still adjusting. No matter, because O is this weekend! Quick, to the bedroom!!!!:sex:
@ritter thank you so much for sharing that story. It really gave me some much needed encouragement this morning. Your parents story gives me so much hope. Thank you again. :hugs:

@Magic - thanks girl. I'm waiting on AF to show (she's running a lil late), but I think we are going to skip next cycle and continue researching our options. We bd daily and I don't intend on changing that :winkwink: so I suppose there is ALWAYS a chance for a miracle.

Lots of love and prayers for lots of :bfp:s in the near future. XO
@ritter I would test. And just wrap the test in a ton of tissue just like you would a pad. easy fix :)

@psycho ive been experiencing some serious gas cramps and i feel like af may come a bit early since i o-ed early.
i wish u the least obsessing tww :)

@Msh i got chills reading your post. you are such a fighter! <3

@ritter i also sleep with my mouth open. its probably the most attractive way to sleep ;) I havent tried temping vaginally. so if you chose to please feel free to share your findings!

@ magic ive been looking forward to your post! I will definitely check those sites out.
i suspect my af should arrive on friday since i o-ed early. ( i wouldnt be surprised if you o-ed early as well lol) So once again we are right behind the other

@abenn does temping vaginally give you more of a window to temp? as in do you still have to temp at the exact time every day?

@ivska have you tried mucinex? it always helps with my cm

@ ritter lol have fun~
@super: Nope, same window. Think of the time of day being your control in a study, its one of the things that don't change.

Looks like I may have ovulated yesterday. I can't really tell though. My temps are definitely higher than where they should be right now (see chart attached). Any thoughts ladies?
hi girls!

huge congrats to les!!! wishing you and h & h 9 months. do keep us updated on your pregnancy ! :) :happydance:

super and magic - hi girlies! I'll group you together since you are are always in sync lol. hoping you both get a little surprise bfp soon. I know when I got mine I felt like AF was just around the corner. I was even making frequent bathroom stops (we were on our honeymoon) to check and make sure because I swore I could feel it, but nope. so it's never over til it's over :)

ab - your chart def looks like you o'ed, but sadly you'll prob have to wait a day or two before finding out for sure... my temp jumped insanely today - from 97.1 to 97.9 which is totally a post o temp for me, but I'm still just wrapping up AF with the last of spotting today so sometimes I just get an off temp like that. but perhaps you did and the clomid is working it's magic! GL!

psycho - hope you are feeling better and I hear it's good to have an immune system down around conception time since our acids tends to attack to sperm :haha: wishing you tons of luck that this is finally your cycle!

mrs H- I'm so sorry I must have missed your update about the dr. You have a great attitude though and I always feel the same. We will never "give up" or stop because at the end of the day, you are still DTD with your DH and not using protection so I guess we will always be trying til it happens! I'm thinking an HSG will do wonders for you and be just the thing you need. keep us updated when you check in :hugs:

ritter - sorry that your light AF was such a tease. Even with my heavy periods I sometimes think well maybe..... lol it's crazy. I bled so much with my first pregnancy (it was an ectopic and eventually it was lost) but the bleeding wasn't me losing the baby so I do it more out of fear than out of hope but you just really never know. glad you are getting ready to O now! I should be right behind you :)

today is CD 8 for me. I have an extremely heavy period that is just finally ending. I do normally have a 7 day AF but with things slowing down greatly around day 5 which did not happen this month. I also had NO cramps if you can even believe that. Never in my 17 years of menstruating has that happened... So I tried 2 new things last month and they were acupuncture and vitex. I don't know which one I can thank for that so I'm continuing with both. Next acupuncture is actually tonight. Hoping I'm all cleaned out after that heavy AF and ready for game time. I should O a week from today so BDing will commence on Friday. Feeling a little refreshed after an extremely depressed AF. PCP appt next Tuesday where I will be asking her for help too.

Baby dust to all! :dust::dust::dust:
oh and lvska! keep forgetting to send you huge hugs in regards to your grandfather! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I lost mine in May 2 weeks after losing the baby. When it rains, it pours, huh? Hopefully you can get those CD 3 bloods done! GL and FX for you
@Ms: :hugs: Glad you and DH can take some time to figure things out. Big hope that it happens naturally for you in the meantime (I've read so many stories like the one ritter shared about her parents), but also that those funding leads you have work out if needed. It sounds like you have a great partner with you on this journey!

@ritter: Hopefully good signs that AF will even out soon. Happy O time! If you don't feel like temping vaginally, you could just keep your mouth shut for a minute right when you wake up and then temp. I think whatever you do as long as you're consistent, you'll see your pattern. I've also read that it is sometimes more accurate to graph the difference in temp between you and DH (since you both sleep in the same environment he could serve as your control).

@super: Almost there! So much fx your way! Hoping for :af:

@magic: :dust: Hope the :witch: stays away!

@Ivksa: Glad you had such a clear cycle! It's gotta be a sign of good things to come :). Preseed is also a good option if you're not getting much. I had maybe just a patch of it 1 day my bfp cycle (when I had a few days of it all the other cycles), but we did use preseed. :shrug: You never know.

@ab: I agree it does look like you O'd. I guess the pattern over the next few days will confirm or not. CD13 is a great day to O. FX to you!

@psycho: So sorry you've been sick. Hope you feel better soon! Your temps are still above CH and you covered your bases, so I'm still holding out hope for you :thumbup:.

@trr: Hope you're doing well too!

AFM: 4 weeks tomorrow! I've never been so happy to be so sick. The fatigue, nausea, extreme thirst, and frequent urination hit me like a truck the very next day. I didn't expect it all so soon. Also, the fear that something will happen, and I'll be right back to CD1, is strong. All in all though, we're doing well :cloud9:. I haven't had a lick of spotting since that first day, and my line is now darker than control (I know I've poas way too many times!). We've decided to call our little ball of quickly dividing cells Sprout and/or Gremlin. First appointment and scan scheduled for 2/5 at 8 weeks. I must say that I am kicking myself now for stressing out during the tww. The BFP was the earliest sign...everything else followed. Hope you all find some zen in your TWWs, and FX that we get a few more September babies in here!
@supergongjoo -- I haven't tried mucinex, but I actually wrote myself a note to do so this cycle. Thanks for the suggestion. It is helpful to know that its worked for others. I don't think that I'll find mucinex brand here, but I just need to get guaifenesin, right?

@beemeck -- woo hoo for no cramps! Thank you <3 it isn't easy to lose someone, but there is a reason for everything. I'm sorry to hear that you had two losses in such a short time. I hope that you have been able to heal and find a little peace.

@lesondemavie -- I am thankful to have finally had a chart with a very clear temp rise and biphastic pattern. I've thought about preseed. I think if I don't have any success with mucinex I'll try to get my hands on some preseed. Thank you for the suggestion <3

@abennion -- I've had a few cycles where my predicted O day has been shifted by FF while charting through the month. You never know, you could drop back down again or you could continue to rise and confirm O. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens for you <3.
Les - You're awesome... I needed your update to remind me to stay positive and keep trying! Thank you.

AFM - Still no AF (2 days late) with NO signs of her arrival. Just scared to get even the slightest bit excited so I'm cool as a cucumber (<---HAHA, I'm not even buying that and I typed but trying to be at least. I know stressing can only prolong the unavoidable (in either direction, good or AF) so, u know.. just trying to keep my mind busy and well... wait. *sigh* I'll test tomorrow, got BFN yesterday FMU and too nervous to get another so decided to wait to test again as long as I possibly can, well Saturday at the latest, I think. in the mean time, trying to hold onto my sanity.. lol :wacko:

Have a blessed day ladies... And Congrats to all these wonderful BFPs popping up! And thank you for sharing, spreading the love and hopefully spreading some of that lucky baby dust... XO Mel
@aben i hope you got some dancing in! have you confirmed o?

@bee <3~! how do you always know just what to say :)
I actually woke up this morning and took a test. BFN ( about 12dpo) and felt so discouraged. But you are right. its not over til its over
I'm so glad to hear you are seeing results already. I'm debating on whether i should go back to acupuncture. It helped tremendously for my back pains (very mild scoliosis) but i didnt see enough results for fertility. how often do you go?

@les you are such a beacon of hope! thank you for coming back to share your experiences and offering your insights. I have been praying everyday for you to have a happy and healthy 9 months. Sprout that Gremlin! <3 and dont leave us!

@ivk yes i believe thats the main ingredient that you are looking for. I started taking it cd1 and all the way until o and i definitely saw a difference.

AFM 12dpo and BFN My LP are usually between 11-12 days so AF should arrive on saturday. I felt especially certain that i conceived this cycle so the BFN was a bit of a blow. so i feel if af shows on satuday i will be extra devastated.
@Magic i looked into the site you suggested and one thing led to another and i got a conception reading lol it was only 10$ and im supposed to get the full report by monday. ill keep everyone posted on how it was.
@msh i plan to test until saturday too! Where are you in your cycle?
super ! sounding like good news thus far at least that you are 12 dpo with an 11 -12 day luteal phase.... I just recently saw someone get a late bfp after bfns so you just really never know. but I know that extra devastation feeling. my chart was triphasic last month with temps higher than they have ever been. when they started to drop and AF came, I felt like I was hit by an emotional truck :cry: the good news is after a week in that really low spot, I'm back at it and ready to go. oh, ttc.

I was so impressed with the acupuncture appt last night. one of the questions they asked was if I noticed a heavier flow this month. I said I did (still having brown tinged cm on CD9!) and I asked if that was what was supposed to happen and it was. So I feel good knowing that things are "working" and I'm having a little bit more faith in this chinese medicine. last month they said my pulse showed stagnation in my liver which I looked up later and said had to do with retention of phlegm which I was totally experiencing. This time my pulse showed issues with my digestive system and I had had 4 days of weird stomach aches in a row.... so it def took me by surprise.....
super ! sounding like good news thus far at least that you are 12 dpo with an 11 -12 day luteal phase.... I just recently saw someone get a late bfp after bfns so you just really never know. but I know that extra devastation feeling. my chart was triphasic last month with temps higher than they have ever been. when they started to drop and AF came, I felt like I was hit by an emotional truck :cry: the good news is after a week in that really low spot, I'm back at it and ready to go. oh, ttc.

I was so impressed with the acupuncture appt last night. one of the questions they asked was if I noticed a heavier flow this month. I said I did (still having brown tinged cm on CD9!) and I asked if that was what was supposed to happen and it was. So I feel good knowing that things are "working" and I'm having a little bit more faith in this chinese medicine. last month they said my pulse showed stagnation in my liver which I looked up later and said had to do with retention of phlegm which I was totally experiencing. This time my pulse showed issues with my digestive system and I had had 4 days of weird stomach aches in a row.... so it def took me by surprise.....

Bee - YAY! for Acupuncture. I'm so glad you found a good acupuncturist. And all that you described were similar questions and info my acupuncturist gave me as well, i.e., pulse and association with different major organs and body functions, as well as changes in monthly flow,clots, cramps,etc... FX that acupuncture does the trick for you! :hugs:

Super - Im on CD 35 (2-3 days late) my cycles are usually 32 days, but the witch is MIA. Tested yesterday BFN sooooooooo scared for another so we feel better knowing I'm not waiting alone.. YAY, we can wait together :flower: Prayers for our late BFPs... XO
bee: ooo cramp-free AF sounds like heaven. Although nowadays I've gotten to taken ibuprofen on the worst day and even the smallest dose clears up my head. I would put my money on the acupuncture hahaha I don't know why. Also in the chinese movies I watched where they show doctors diagnosing issues centuries ago, all the doc would do is feel the pulse and he'll be like "you're pregnant!" or "you have a stomach bug" and I always thought it was fiction but maybe there's something to it afterall.

leson: Great to hear that your bean is progressing :) Sucks that nausea hit so early but hopefully this will be a good reminder that it's growing. Also yes thank you for pointing out that TWW symptom spotting is unnecessarily insane. Symptom spotting is the worst part of TTC imo and I'm consciously not doing it even if I feel something different.

super: FX that AF doesn't show on sat. You never know :)

abe: it's really hard to tell until you have a dip AND a rise above pre-O temps. But no worries, looks like your BD schedule is great.

lvksa: you guys travel a lot! I am a little jealous of the traveling but I understand that's tough on TTC. I definitely can't temp very consistently when I'm traveling.

magic: hope AF stays away, both you and super

Oh my there are so many ladies on this thread now I'm having trouble keeping up. This is exciting :)
Well it looks like af is right on schedule. Started spotting today. Cd1 tomorrow probably.
Its all good. I think it may have been a wonky temp. 97.3 this morning. Had some EWCM this morning so I should be gearing up for O soon anyways.
i just realized i skipped a whole sentence in my last post lol my lp are usually 11-12 days and the longest one was 14 so i expect AF on saturday

@bee thanks for the hope love<3
i hear you on the emotional wreck thing. ive done that a few times. you would think the disappointment gets easier..
Its great to hear that acupuncture is working out for you. Youve convinced me to give it another go lol

@msh i have a wait/test twin now! lol makes waiting not seem so bad :)
do you know when u o-ed?

@psycho i know! there are so many lives and stories and news happening now! its hard but fun to keep up. like watching a soap opera about babies that you are involved in lol

@trr <3

@abenn its go time! lol

AFM holding on to hope ! waiting on my psychic reading and waiting on af/bfp. so just waiting ...
Super - oh you did thats great (nothing to be ashamed of) goodluck I hope it gives you some hope and maybe helpful tips too. I reckon I could be around 12dpo even though I didnt do an opk so that would be using cm as a rough guide.
Decided to not test its hubbys birthday today and we are celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary so I want it to be about him and not my crazy hormones. Fx the witch stays away for me and you X

Bee- I missed your bubbly self :D im so pleased the acupuncture is having an effect thats got to be good to know. I still havent done anything about going but think id like to try it.

Trr- all the best for next round if that was the evil witch.

Psy- thanks lovely. Hope youre doing well sorry If you already said where are you in your cycle?

Babydust to all and enjoy your bd aben hehe!!

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