Bee- that's great that you don't have cramps this round! If you find the secret, be sure to let the rest of us know! I've never had acupuncture but that's a convincing testimony! How can they tell all that from a pulse is amazing.
Les- DH sleeps like a rock, I'd probably lose my consistent temp just trying to wake him up to take his own temp! I do like the idea of closing my mouth for a minute when I wake up. I think that sounds easier and much more enjoyable than a chilly pokey thermometer in my lady bits first thing in the am. That'll wake me up!
So glad to hear you're doing well, despite the illness and fatigue! I love the nickname sprout- when my mother was pregnant with my sister, they called her Cletus the Fetus.. Haha!
MsH15- YAY! Cautiously excited!!!!! Almost a week late, wow! Keep us posted!
Super- Sorry about the BFN

we are here to vent to if AF shows. But you're not out til you're out! Have you tested again yet?! By the way, what is a conception reading?
Psychochick- Your comment about the old Chinese movies made me chuckle- I just imagined if us non-doctors could tell pregnancy by pulse, I'm sure we'd all be wandering around all day with our fingers to our necks! At least we'd save a bunch of money on FRERs!
Trr- Sorry to hear AF arrived. Here's to a speedy painless AF and on to the O!!!
Abe- Good luck with O, hoping you catch the egg!!
Magic- What great self control! I think I would have been overcome with curiosity that I wouldn't be able to focus... Then I'd probably test and not be able to focus anyway... Haha! Congratulations on the anniversary! Did you get married on DH's exact birthday? We had two choices for wedding dates: my exact birthday and one week after. We chose after, cuz I don't wanna share my birthday!
AFM, my husband and I had a funny conversation last night. I told him another coworker was TTC but was taking the NTNP route- (because he doesn't know what that means, I think I said "they're not trying hard") and he said "yeah that's good, we're not trying too hard either" and I looked right at him and said "oh we are. We are trying SO HARD." He's like "We are? Oh.. Uh, Ok"
Haha! It's funny, the men just show up to have the fun but some don't know what does into ttc!! All the data collecting, temps, BD planning, CP, CM...
Right now I am in my fertile period, CD14- FF has me Oing on the 10th and period tracker has me Oing on the 12th. DTD 7th, 8th and planning on 10th, 12th. I think I'm going to start temping next month because I can't stand not confirming if I've O'd. I'm going by CM, CP and just general feeling right now. Gotta keep reminding myself that women have not temped for all of eternity before me and that pregnancy relies on one thing: BD, BD, and more BD.