Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Super - I thought I knew, but I suppose I could be off since I wasn't temping or using opks because I am pretty regular and can almost set a clock to my cycles. *shrugs* Still no AF... just waiting :-= no normal PMS either. A few small, quick cramps here and there, a pimple or two, but that's seriously it... :shrug: I have VERY oily skin so my PMS break outs usually get me pretty good too... I can't call it though.. *sigh*

Had a nice glob of milky watery/lotiony CM yesterday after work. And My temp the past few days has been going down by .1 or so every day though. Doesn't that usually mean AF is approaching?

anything new with you?
@magic missed u twin!
Yes i figured it would be a fun little beacon of hope. when do you expect af?
happy happy anniversary! hope you guys have tons of fun celebrating

@msh well this is the cycle i had left ovary pains on and off for about 10 days. its calmed quite a bit but i still get twinges every once in awhile.
I have had really terrible back pain for about 3 days. but i have also been pretty physically active.
I dont temp but i have noticed thick globs of very lotiony cm and ewcm. but ive also had that before af a few cycles.
So at this point i honestly dont know lol.
Tomorrow is saturday! do you plan to test?
oooh sounds so exciting for both of you, msH and super! my fingers are so tightly crossed for both of you and I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow :thumbup:

magic - so good to see you pop in :hugs: happy bday to your DH and a very happy anniversary for you both! my fingers are crossed for you too, as always :)

My cm is thinning out and my left side is getting a little achey. BD starts tonight. we had talked about who has bought baby stuff before on here and honestly, I never have. Until today! I pre-ordered the new self installing car seat from 4moms. It's not being released until June anyway and I couldn't resist. Maybe a little positive thinking will go a long way? :shrug:
@magic missed u twin!
Yes i figured it would be a fun little beacon of hope. when do you expect af?
happy happy anniversary! hope you guys have tons of fun celebrating

@msh well this is the cycle i had left ovary pains on and off for about 10 days. its calmed quite a bit but i still get twinges every once in awhile.
I have had really terrible back pain for about 3 days. but i have also been pretty physically active.
I dont temp but i have noticed thick globs of very lotiony cm and ewcm. but ive also had that before af a few cycles.
So at this point i honestly dont know lol.
Tomorrow is saturday! do you plan to test?

Super - My goodness we sound so similar. My back hurt a lil yesterday but I chopped it up to sitting funny at work all day... and being a lil busier than usual. *shrugs* the cm is a lil new for me, or maybe I just never paid close enough attention to it before. I also wasn't checking my CP until this cycle too (still getting the hang of it and learning my Cps at different times). I def have the twinges a lot this cycle and usually I just get full on cramps the day or two before AF arrives, but so far, nothing but the twinges... hmmm... I do plan on testing Saturday or Sunday. I will def keep you posted and please do the same on your end. GL FX for both of us!
Bee - that's so cute and consider it like speaking it into existence... :shrug: lol... I always get so tempted in stores, but some how I manage to resist. Barely, but still... lol
@bee: you're not alone! We already have a crib and mattress, along with some clothes. Usually its clothing I find absolutely adorable and nerdy, and I know if I don't get it right then and there we'll miss out.

@MsH: I say if its more than a week late, test again! You might just have a little sticky bean!

Well, O should be here at the earliest tomorrow. Just waiting for my temp rise to confirm right now. BDing every other day so we get higher sperm counts in.
@bee: you're not alone! We already have a crib and mattress, along with some clothes. Usually its clothing I find absolutely adorable and nerdy, and I know if I don't get it right then and there we'll miss out.

@MsH: I say if its more than a week late, test again! You might just have a little sticky bean!

Well, O should be here at the earliest tomorrow. Just waiting for my temp rise to confirm right now. BDing every other day so we get higher sperm counts in.

Abe - It will be a full week late on the 12th... I will test tomorrow as I tested yesterday with BFN- fmu... and they say hcg should doubles every other day.. So we will see... I may try my best to just wait until the 12th and if I get another BFN I'll call the doc to see if I can get blood work done.
@bee thanks a bunch sunshine!
i actually have been buying baby stuff a lot recently. i have about 4 baby showers coming up within the next 5 months so i figure worst case i can use them as gifts.
we will use our loot just hope its soon!

@msh i plan to test with fmu tomorrow and i have an appt next week anyways to check for cysts ( i chalked up the ovary pain to a possible cyst)
So excited to test with you tomorrow! feel free to wake up early as i am excited lol
Trr: :hugs: onto next cycle!

magic: I'm smack in the middle of TWW, a week away from AF woohoo...

bee: I have several baby stuff from my friend for free cuz she was giving things away. She was really excited to hear that I was going to start TTC so she gave me a bunch of stuff since she's done with babies.

msh: ooo late AF is always exciting. looking forward to more POAS

super: are you going to test tomorrow if no AF?? I'm def checking in tmr for you and magic.

AFM ladies I totally had a dream that I came onto this thread and a bunch of people had BFPs! And of course I was half excited and half sad that you'd all be leaving me hahaha. But hopefully my dreams come true soon ;)
Bfn... again... still no AF *sigh*

SUPER- whats the word girl?
Bee- that's great that you don't have cramps this round! If you find the secret, be sure to let the rest of us know! I've never had acupuncture but that's a convincing testimony! How can they tell all that from a pulse is amazing.

Les- DH sleeps like a rock, I'd probably lose my consistent temp just trying to wake him up to take his own temp! I do like the idea of closing my mouth for a minute when I wake up. I think that sounds easier and much more enjoyable than a chilly pokey thermometer in my lady bits first thing in the am. That'll wake me up!
So glad to hear you're doing well, despite the illness and fatigue! I love the nickname sprout- when my mother was pregnant with my sister, they called her Cletus the Fetus.. Haha!

MsH15- YAY! Cautiously excited!!!!! Almost a week late, wow! Keep us posted!

Super- Sorry about the BFN :( we are here to vent to if AF shows. But you're not out til you're out! Have you tested again yet?! By the way, what is a conception reading?

Psychochick- Your comment about the old Chinese movies made me chuckle- I just imagined if us non-doctors could tell pregnancy by pulse, I'm sure we'd all be wandering around all day with our fingers to our necks! At least we'd save a bunch of money on FRERs!

Trr- Sorry to hear AF arrived. Here's to a speedy painless AF and on to the O!!!

Abe- Good luck with O, hoping you catch the egg!!

Magic- What great self control! I think I would have been overcome with curiosity that I wouldn't be able to focus... Then I'd probably test and not be able to focus anyway... Haha! Congratulations on the anniversary! Did you get married on DH's exact birthday? We had two choices for wedding dates: my exact birthday and one week after. We chose after, cuz I don't wanna share my birthday!

AFM, my husband and I had a funny conversation last night. I told him another coworker was TTC but was taking the NTNP route- (because he doesn't know what that means, I think I said "they're not trying hard") and he said "yeah that's good, we're not trying too hard either" and I looked right at him and said "oh we are. We are trying SO HARD." He's like "We are? Oh.. Uh, Ok"
Haha! It's funny, the men just show up to have the fun but some don't know what does into ttc!! All the data collecting, temps, BD planning, CP, CM...

Right now I am in my fertile period, CD14- FF has me Oing on the 10th and period tracker has me Oing on the 12th. DTD 7th, 8th and planning on 10th, 12th. I think I'm going to start temping next month because I can't stand not confirming if I've O'd. I'm going by CM, CP and just general feeling right now. Gotta keep reminding myself that women have not temped for all of eternity before me and that pregnancy relies on one thing: BD, BD, and more BD.
@msh I saw brown cm when I wiped so Im out. :(
I'm praying for your bfp!
CD14, should be ovulating soon-I've been having dull aches that started on my left side and then became cramps on both sides. Small amount of EWCM, hopefully will O within the next two days. Hopefully this will be the lucky month!
Af got me this morning... on to a new cycle!
So sorry MsH and super! I had really been hoping for you both!

You catch that egg Ritter!

AFM: CD 18, should be Oing either today or tomorrow. Temps are still wonky but at least there's a bit of a pattern now. Just realized I haven't gotten my results back from my bloodwork from last months thyroid test. It's routine now so I'm sure I should have still been called to go over the result. I'll be going in today to get the results/ another blood req.
So I've been having dull aches on both sides of my ovaries the last few days. I'm assuming that's the follicles and ovaries gearing up. I felt one or two sharp pangs in my right ovary last night. I have a hard time believing the pangs were O since last month they were VERY noticeable. Maybe it's still getting ready and I will O on the 12th like period tracker predicts. DH and I BD'd 7,8,10 and planning on 12th. so hopefully if I did O, I've already caught it but if I haven't yet, there's still plenty of BD time! Cervix has been low and hard but this morning it felt more open. Had a small amount of EWCM but now with all the semen mixed in it's hard to tell what's what. FX!
super and msh: o man both of you were so close. :hugs: Continuing FX for next cycle.

btw super, I know you've tried several things already, how about your DH? Is he also on supplements or chinese herbs too? I think attacking it on both fronts would definitely help. After my last chemical, I'm wondering if DH being on l'arginine helped at least fertilize the egg. He's no longer on l'arginine because he's already on blood pressure medicine, but he's taking maca now. My parents also told me that DH should make sure his feet are warm when we DTD lol, kind of an awkward convo but apparently that's the advice that my mom's bro gave to my dad, so just continuing the legacy of awk family convo.

ritter: yeah the pre-O twinges also confuse me. I'm always like o wait, can I already be O'ing? My O pains also vary from month to month. Some months I think I can line it up with my OPKs and temps, other months not at all. That's why I use OPKs and temps, otherwise there's too much uncertainty :P

abe: looks like you're definitely closer to O now, the estrogen's bringing your temps lower. And your BD schedule looks really good. I had the same schedule this cycle too. :thumbup:

AFM: temps have been pretty low until yesterday. Not sure what my body is doing these days. Took a cheapie yesterday and there looked to be an evap line way after the time frame. Planning on testing again tomorrow or wednesday morning, depending on temps. Anyone else testing these few days? I feel like after last cycle I've become a POAS addict blegh
Goodness me missed so much again :)

Thanks for hubs Birthday messages and our anniversary wishes xx its actually our wedding anniversary this Sunday but he has to work nights (booo hisss!) So we celebrated it all in one :D he chose the wedding date because I chose the venues.

Super- oh no sorry to hear the witch got you. Has af started properly?

Afm- tested yest morning bfn no faints nothing :( so think im out aswell. Still trying to be hopeful but will buy a cb test if nothing by Friday.

Goodluck pych and anyone else still in the tww.. fingers crossed for next cycles.
Psychochick- Test! Test! If you did already, what were the results?

Magic- Sorry you're feeling out.

It's been quiet on here!! Can we get an update? How's everybody doing?

AFM, I made DH BD again last night. I don't think he loves the two in a row so much. If this cycle isn't my time, then I think we will try diligently for every other day next cycle. It's just HARD to wait when you're damn sure you've got O pains, and cervix is high soft and open.....
Not sure if I did O, since my cervix is still H,S,O this morning. If I'm still gearing up then I hope we caught it with enough sperm stored up from the last two nights. Gotta give DH a break... Reminding myself he is NOT a machine...

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