Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Psych I'm trying to hang back more, but I definitely did not leave you! Keeping up hope for you and magic this time around!

I just had to drop in and give some :hugs: to ms and super. All the best to you both! I'm thinking now that a punching bag with the word chance (or whatever you need) on it could be quite therapeutic at these times :).

Ritter I've seen that the highest rates of pg are actually the day before O. You and DH did all you could this time! Maybe give it a day or two and then bd again just for good measure ;)

If anyone is interested...I found this book a while back...The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant. I read through it and it was pretty good. I don't know that it helped with the actual getting pg part, but I really liked chapter 7 which addresses the emotional aspects of ttc. Could help with those tough days when you feel your hope slipping away.

You're doing all you can lovelies. Take care, and sending you all the :dust: I can muster!
Anyone know if its possible to not O while on Clomid when you've been Oing fine by yourself before going on it?

Reeeeeally frustrated. CD 20 and still no temp rise. Either my thermometer is going (quite a possibility, considering I bought it back in June and have used it religiously every morning) or the clomid isn't working. Aaaaaaaargh! This is the latest I've ever been in the FP. This sucks!
hi girls!

I'm still a busy, busy bee over here....

les - so glad everything is going well for you. hope you have a wonderful pregnancy! have you seen the dr yet?

ab - I don't know anything about clomid personally but I know another friend of mine on a thread here that took clomid for the first time last month and had a long anovulatory cycle that she needed to take provera for. She never mentioned if the docs said it had anything to do with the clomid or not so I'm not sure if that was a fluke or what. It seems that I mostly hear about success stories or at least normal cycles with clomid though. I guess just saying it's at least possible to happen if nothing else?

magic - thinking of you (big time yesterday) with the very sad passing of david bowie! :( :( also thinking of you in your TWW and hoping you get to use that test on Friday!

super and msH - so many hugs your way.... if it's not our cycle, why does our body have to give us false hope? ugh. my chart was triphasic last month before I got AF. :(

ritter - good luck! things are sounding really good with your timing. DH has occasionally gotten sick of the BD around O time which I thought would never happen! hell must have frozen over lol he's mostly like a teenage boy. But I can say I tire of it very quickly. We will be cycle buddies - I believe I'm O'ing today, but could be tomorrow too. only temps will tell.

psycho - glad your temp is up! chart is looking good and I'm hoping that last month gives you the extra boost and fertility

AFM - had my physical this morning. it was the first time I saw my PCP since losing the baby. She came in very concerned about all that she read. I guess she's kinda been the first doctor besides the ones that were working with me that read through it all and she reminded me that I am lucky to be alive. I know it was life threatening and I could have died, but I guess hearing it all again from a new perspective was overwhelming. I ended up bawling to her about TTC and of course she referred me back to the therapist. But she looked at all of my tests results and offered up her own theory which is what I have been thinking the past couple of months. Her guess is it's anatomical - that the scarring from the cervical stitches is preventing the sperm from entering. She said to give it one more month and then she will refer me for tests, but I am going to my obgyn for my yearly on feb 4 so she thinks that will just get the ball rolling. She said to make sure they examine that area and then they should refer me for further testing either way since march will be a year. But she totally agreed that something doesn't sound right and we are past the point of "healing" and recovering from the trauma my body went through many months ago.

I'm feeling a little down - while trying to make me feel better she said if it was scarring that IVF could help me have a baby. I guess I just never thought it would get that far and of course I'm open to it but it was just hard to hear, even if it's just a random suggestion at this point. She also noticed my heart murmur (I developed it at age 13 which is not normal so it has to be kept an eye on) was worsening. I've been dreading this day for so long because it could mean I need a new valve which isn't super serious but would be open heart surgery. Cardiology is going to call me to schedule an echocardiogram. I just don't want another thing interfering with TTC. This wasn't how things were supposed to go.

that all being said, O is today or tomorrow. of course will BD tonight and hope for the best like always
beemeck: Your post was such a rollercoaster to read! I'm really glad that there could be an explanation and that they could verify the scarring on a test. I do believe that anything that screws with the cervix will basically zap all sperm before they can go anywhere. But I actually thought IUI can also by pass the cervix, can it not?

I'm so sorry to hear about the heart murmur. And I totally get the "o no not now!" but if there is an issue to take care of, it would be best to do it before you get pregnant. A heart complication during pregnancy would be so much worse. :hugs: and hope your heart is healthy.

abe: I don't personally have experience with Clomid, but what dosage are you taking? I think there are some Clomid threads here where you can ask for experiences. I really hope that the delay is just your follicles taking its time really maturing before O.

leson: Thanks, and so glad to see you're doing so well :)

AFM: was thinking of testing tomorrow morning if temps stay up but not sure if we have time to do that before having to leave for work. So we'll see. Wish the weekend would just come and I'll know if AF shows.
thanks psy :hugs::hugs:

I too was thinking that IUI would be able to do the trick but I figured no need to get into questions about it before actually figuring it out. Just hope that she doesn't know something about the scarring that we don't. :dohh:

I only have a few more weeks to wait until my obgyn, so just will try not to focus on it too much until then. easier said than done, I'm sure :shrug: the echo should happen before then so if I get good news then, I will feel a lot more relieved that at least another wrench hasn't been thrown in.

really hoping AF doesn't come for you this weekend. my fingers will stay super, super crossed. :hugs:
Ah bee I'm so sorry you're going through so much! :hugs: I hope everything checks out ok!

I'm doing well as far as I can tell. I'm in a good routine now. Symptoms are there but more manageable, still no spotting or cramping, and my lines are staying darker than control (I really can't stop poas). The doctor won't see me until 8 weeks, so just lots more worrying and waiting for me for now :coffee: decaf. From what I've read about MCs everything is fine until it isn't and while risk of MC is 20%ish risk of MMC is just 1% (you know me and my numbers by now). With that in mind, I'm trying to just celebrate each day that goes by. I'll feel better once we see the hb at our first scan on February 5th. Like I said before, the worry can be crushing at times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world :cloud9:.
Feb 5th should be here before we know it! :hugs: my gyn appt is feb 4 so we should both get good news that week (hoping so for me!). try not to stress about it so much - during my pregnancy I worried so much but in the end when I found out it was a cervical ectopic, all of that worrying didn't even help me prepare for it one bit. So it really doesn't do any good. If you can stay distracted and think positive, it'll let you enjoy it a little bit more :hugs:
Bee - I'm sorry your appointment was tough. I totally understand the emotions from your appointment. Very similar convo with my OB at my yearly NYE day. Even though we have assumptions about why it's so tough for us to conceive again, it really cuts deep to hear the same assumptions coming from a professional. *sigh* BIG :hugs: I'm sure my news was not helped by the fact that PMS had me super emotional... Thanks a lot mother nature!
BUT.. I am with you. We will try again this cycle, and plan to schedule a consult with the specialist (about a hour away from us, yay *rolls eyes*) for next month hopefully. Since the cost is so high we will do the consult and all of the initial tests and discuss the recommended treatment plan and cost from there... One step at a time, you know?

Les - Hahahaha get out of my head... lol I told my love just the other day that we need a punching bag/man so I can beat it to oblivion when Mother nature decides to be so cruel.. Getting ready for this new cycle and my chance to through the middle figure up at the odds... lol
Bee- Your story is so moving. The whole thing makes me want to reach through the Internet and give you a hug. It's great that the doc is thinking the same thing you are. Take comfort that there is action being taken and you are moving forward. It may not be your ideal situation, but you have options.
As for the heart murmur, one of two things could happen: one, you're fine. Great! Two: you need surgery. Great, because your body will be even stronger and healthier for the baby you'll eventually have.
P.S.- Yay cycle buddies!


Les- omg I can't imagine what it must feel like to know you have your own bean snuggled inside you!!! Squeeee!!! Hoping you have a healthy pregnancy!

Msh- I'm so intrigued to hear how things are progressing with you. Keep us updated!

AFM, still a bunch of BDing happening. I think I O'd on the 11th or 12th. Gonna BD one more time tonight for good measure and maybe call it the TWW. Feeling good about the timing this cycle, I've got my fingers crossed. If I do end up getting AF I hope she at least shows up full swing so I know my body is regulating. No more of this spotting BS!
thanks for all of your lovely support ladies. I always consider going back to see a therapist to work through all of this but I never do because you BNB girls help me more than that could <3

msH - I have you in my thoughts often. I feel that we have such similar stories and my heart really goes out to you. aside from all of this crazy news we get, I truly believe we will each get our baby eventually.

ritter - everything is sounding great this month! post-baby loss, I now spot before AF every month. I think that this is just one of the ways my body has changed. I wonder if that will be the same for you post BC so try not to worry about it too much - although I hope it stops for you! I still worry about it for myself even when I try not to :dohh:

It's been such a rollercoaster for me - this TTC journey. That was a perfect way to describe it pyschochick. Going from the crazy excitement of falling pregnant on the first try, to having a 1 in 16,000 rare pregnancy and being told that you will probably have to have a hysterectomy, to miraculously being able to keep all of your reproduction organs, just to find that you might not be able to get pregnant again anyway. Talk about ups and down! sheesh. It's def taking it's toll on me but I think overall I am doing quite well. Used a softcup last night and made sure I had an O after we BD :haha: so added 2 new things to the mix. temp jump this morning so here I am at 1 DPO....
Bee - fingers double, triple crossed for you this cycle. And I def agree you are doing very well handling everything. It is so emotionally and physically draining at times. But Oh how great it's going to feel when we get those BFP's and shortly after get to snuggle those precious lil babies. This WILL be our year! (<-- practicing speaking it into existence... hey, I'm trying it ALL, lol) Praying this cycle is yours!!! XO
Bee- My heart hurts for you. Everyone has basically said everything that could be said. You are so strong and such an amazing woman and one way or another you will have your baby and you will be able to tell that child that you fought for them every single month. I hope medically that your heart is okay, either with surgery or without. I'm wishing you all the good luck in the world for this cycle. Xo
really. you guys are so great. I can't wait until we are all moms and checking up on one another through bnb every so often :hugs: :hugs: exchanging pics of our adorable little ones! :winkwink:
Ladies I think.. I might have a BFP this morning. Tested with FMU on a surepredict cheapie and second line showed up within 3 minutes. I don't dare to be too hopeful esp because of chemical last month and with the temp dip this morning, but I just saw two lines on a cheapie this morning, darker than last cycle. I threw away the pee before I could bust out the FRER cuz I was testing mostly for kicks, so I am really really really hoping this is firstly not a false positive and secondly not going to be a chemical again. I'm 12DPO, AF should be friday or saturday.

You have no idea how surprised I am, I really thought I wouldn't be seeing another two lines for another 8 cycles. I actually wonder if the royal jelly I've been taking + not swimming during fertile week is what did it. Both last month and this month the pool heater has been broken so DH and I didn't swim during fertile week. Wonder if the chlorine messed up the pH just enough to zap the sperms. DH was also on L'arginine last month and maca this month. I'm kind of just ranting now because I can't focus on anything. :wacko:

Regardless of whether this is for reals or not, I'll still take it as a sign that 2016 is a lucky year. I showed DH the test and his response was: "wow. hm maybe I should go and buy lotto tickets" :haha: silly man. I know this will be a great year for all of us!!!! :flower:


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Congrats Psycho! What a wonderful start to the year. I would head to the doctors and go get some bloodwork done ASAP! Temps tend to do wonky things after your BFP so until you get your counts I would just keep a cautious eye on them. Here's hoping if I ever get my O that I join you this month as well (darn that flukey cycle last month for the both of us!)
Um psycho no questions asked that is a bfp! No way is that an Evap and who needs an frer when you've got that !? Congrats I'm so happy for you !!!!
Psycho!!!! Omg! That's for sure a positive :) *tears* congrats!!!
Holy Moly Psycho!!! CONGRATS!!! YAY for 2016 babies!!! :happydance: :dance:
That's a strong 2nd line, psycho! Congrats are in order. Hope that it is the stickiest of beans lol.

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