Thanks so much for the well wishes everyone.
abe: Glad to see you've O'ed! And hopefully you've released good strong eggs. Hope this is your month but if not, lots of love is a great plan

That's what DH and I did. I mean I still did OPK and temping but those didn't really change anything. They were more of an FYI. We just BD'ed every other day and that seemed to work just fine.
magic: ooh glad you found my notes useful! TTC is such an imprecise process. I even thought I was out because I had a cold but beemeck pointed out that colds actually help conception which is just so counterintuitive but apparently true!!!!
rlp: welcome! I have to say both times I had BFP the only symptom that stood out was muscle fatigue. I didn't need to sleep more or anything, but my muscles would feel sore doing things I normally do. I exercise very regularly so I was surprised when I couldn't lift the same amount of weight, and I would get winded going up the stairs. Both times, that happened right before BFP. But otherwise all other symptoms are exactly like AF. I think symptom spotting is only useful if you know your own symptoms, because it's not going to be same as everyone else's.
bee: Thanks girl, and you were right about colds helping conception. It's so crazy!! I am always rooting for your BFP.
Msh, Trr, ritter, anyone else I forgot, thanks so much and

for all of you.