Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

PSYCHOCHICK!!!!! What a beautiful, clear, strong line!!! No squinting needed!! CONGRATS!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!
Im so happy for you Psy! Woop :D lots of extra sticky baby dust your way. Good luck x
I am taking notes and getting hub on board with what yours tried hehe.

Also jotted down the book leson mentioned :) its nice to get so much support and advice. Thinking of you and your docs appointment, take care and im glad youve not forgotten us ;)

Bee- we will always be here for you. You are definitely someone who I look up to for strength. Thoughts and prayers with you and wishing you all the best with your appointments, I know the timing must be frustrating but I agree with all the girls if surgery should happen you will be in the best hands and then fighting fit for pregnancy.
Thanks for the mention I was gutted Bowie passed!! Xx

Afm- cd01 a little behind my twin super! Hubby has a docs appointment for something else tomorrow so im going to sneak in with him and just chat to our gp as we have been trying a year. (Not massively long in the grand scheme of things but long enough to be concerned.)
Well, DH and I have decided if this isn't our month (and I'm really hoping it is because there have been so many BFPs this month from all of the TTCers who have been trying for 6 cycles or more!) we are going to drop everything and just wait until we get a call from the fertility clinic before picking up anything else for TTC. So if we don't get our BFP this month there will be no charting, OPKs, Preseed, acupuncture, or random herbs. Just straight love.

In other news, it looks like my temps are on the rise finally! I'll wait a couple of days for FF to confirm O but I'm thinking it will put crosshairs on CD20, when I felt O pains. Luckily we BD'ed right through O pains and hopefully that was good enough. I'm chalking up today to a tentative 2DPO.
yay ab, finally! :happydance: I'm 2 DPO too so we are TWW buddies :hugs: This should be my last month without official medical help - possibly next month too since my appt is feb 4 and it will take some time to get the ball rolling and tests going, but I'm hoping this is one of those instances where you least expect it and it happens. FX for us both!
feeling like im going out of my mind!
Hey ladies, well where do i start ive been trying to concieve with my OH but had a few dissapointing months where nothing has happened but this month has been a little different!

1-7 dpo nothing didn feel anything apart from a bit of creamy discharge

8 dpo, i couldnt stay awake no matter how hard i tried i just kept snoozing. also OH would be lying with his head on my belly and he kept claiming there was constant fluttering and bubbly noises coming from my belly. also very very gasy which is still going to this day.

9 dpo - had to take my bra off and go braless all day as the sides of my boobs were killing me and couldnt lean on them or lie on my sides as they felt very tender. also felt very sick everytime i lied down, and just could not get comfy.

10dpo today. went out for a walk earlier as part of my diet, nearly dropped asleep half way was shattered. nipples are very sore when touched. i had an itch on my boob went to itch it and rubbed against my nipples and felt like a burning sensation was horrid. very very dry mouth since yesterday no matter how much a drink it doesnt help gttt..

Sorry for the long message i just wanted to no if anyone knew what this all meant could i be preggo or is it because my period is due in 6 days, just seems weird because this does not usually happen before a period..

Anyone out there had similar symptoms and got their bfp?? thaanks guys
@rlp: I wouldn't symptom spot! A lot of pregnancy symptoms are also AF symptoms. The only way you'll know for sure is to take a test! GL!
I have had one bfp in my past, but I can't say I relate to most of that. But it's different for everyone! I will say that I had suuuuper sore boobs, but not until after AF would have been due. Def nothing early on. In fact, I can actually say I had zero symptoms before the pos HPT. Except for feeling nauseous that morning and then taking the test and getting my pos. ab is right, by this time I think we have all had cycles that we are sure must be it, but they aren't, sadly. :cry: hoping this isn't the case for you and keeping my FX!
Thanks ladies.. ive been trying not to symptom spot but its been so hard to avoid.

Agreed with the symptoms being the same as AF just never felt this crappy. maybe im just in for a bad one lol... thanks girls
rlp - I agree try to avoid symptom spotting (easier said than done, I know) But with that said, Good Luck on that BFP! FX for you!
Thanks so much for the well wishes everyone.

abe: Glad to see you've O'ed! And hopefully you've released good strong eggs. Hope this is your month but if not, lots of love is a great plan :) That's what DH and I did. I mean I still did OPK and temping but those didn't really change anything. They were more of an FYI. We just BD'ed every other day and that seemed to work just fine.

magic: ooh glad you found my notes useful! TTC is such an imprecise process. I even thought I was out because I had a cold but beemeck pointed out that colds actually help conception which is just so counterintuitive but apparently true!!!!

rlp: welcome! I have to say both times I had BFP the only symptom that stood out was muscle fatigue. I didn't need to sleep more or anything, but my muscles would feel sore doing things I normally do. I exercise very regularly so I was surprised when I couldn't lift the same amount of weight, and I would get winded going up the stairs. Both times, that happened right before BFP. But otherwise all other symptoms are exactly like AF. I think symptom spotting is only useful if you know your own symptoms, because it's not going to be same as everyone else's.

bee: Thanks girl, and you were right about colds helping conception. It's so crazy!! I am always rooting for your BFP.

Msh, Trr, ritter, anyone else I forgot, thanks so much and :dust: for all of you.
Yay bee! glad to see you got your crosshairs too today! How are you feeling?

@psycho: This cycle was a little weird with O, but I'm chalking it up to clomid. Usually I see a strong clear temp rise, not a slow climb. I'm just hoping that means good things will hopefully happen. If not, I won't complain though. In two cycles we'll be on a cruise taking a break from life, and it may just be the break we need from TTC,
Abe- I like that way of thinking: "just straight love". Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in this TTC that it becomes more of a project with and end goal and we may forget who is in front of us.

Bee- I wish you luck with your tests! I hope they're not too invasive... I can barely stand the pap every few years!

Well ladies, I spoke too soon about being cycle buddies with Bee. CD1 for me with a vengeance. AF certainly loves to come at the most inopportune times. We just closed on our house and are set to move tomorrow. I shall love to lift heavy boxes with cramps galore. I say why not add to the soreness?

On a positive note, this is the first real period I've had since coming off birth control five months ago. It seems like my body is evening itself out more and more every cycle, so here's to new beginnings and a fresh start to try again!

Edit: Looking at my charts with my AF added in, it totally makes sense that I could have been Oing on Jan 1st or 2nd because I have notes that I was insatiable those days.. Unfortunately DH was sick during that time or I would have had a chance this month. Oh well. Good to know that "horny" is a huge sign of O for me! Haha!
@ritter: DH lately has felt more like a BD machine than a husband. Part of the reson we're getting away at the end of February and taking the break from over actively TTC. I'm sorry you're back at CD1, but it could mean your cycles are finally evening out! I know mine took about 5 months before they regulated themselves. Here's hoping for that BFP this month for you!
Ritter- ah the frustrations of illness messing up timings huh!
Good to know your body is adjusting and your cycles are behaving though.
All the best with your moving house :)
FF is somehow saying that today is 4 DPO -- meaning O on CD 8...
I'm guessing since I've got dashed crosshairs that it could easily change as I add temps.
My last AF started as brown spotting--I had one heavy day with cramps--then spotting/very light for 2-3 more days.
I have been feeling so tired and sick to my stomach pretty often. Yesterday we moved a lot of heavy furniture in the apartment and I don't know why but I tested...
I see a faint line...but I don't know how


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Hey ladies! I haven't been on in a couple months. This was partly due to the holidays and because I wanted to take my mind off everything, but as of right now I'm 3 days late, AF was supposed come on the 14th. But I'm still testing negative :(

Did anyone on here take a long time to get their BFP? I'm going crazy!!
Congrats!!!! So happy for you psychochic!!! I only just saw your post
@Ivska: I would take another one, if its getting darker go to the doctor! It could be an ectopic pregnancy (one that forms in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus)

AFM: 6DPO and temps are looking great this cycle. Also have consistently been getting creamy CM, and I've got a stuffed up nose, all of which I am hoping are good things! Might start POASing in a couple of days here!
Abe- all good signs. I got abundant creamy cm from 6dpo onwards the cycle I was pregnant.
Ivksa- That's odd, test again and let us know!


AFM, we have all of our stuff moved into the house and are getting settled. Lots of weird noises to get used to. The change of scenery is amazing! I moved from a one bedroom apartment downtown (where you can't open your curtains because you'll see right into the neighbor's house) to a big open country home that needs no curtains at all! I woke up this morning to a beautiful orange, purple and pink sunrise spilling across the countryside.

In other news, AF was only three days of medium flow and is now apparently done. Not sure what my body has in store for me this month, so I'm thinking more of a NTNP approach for this month since we are so busy with the house.

I hope all of you are doing well!

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