Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Hi everyone!

I have just been lurking in the background.

This thread moves very quickly and it's so hard to keep up most days. Congrats to all the ladies who got BFPs recently.

Nothing really going on here. 6dpo and just up in northern Ontario, taking the next two days off with the snow. Of course I feel like I have every symptom in the world of early pregnancy. I'll be testing starting 8dpo because I have a whole lot of HPTs.

Bee- my fingers are so very extra crossed for you. I hate that month after month your charts look amazing and then no BFP.
abe and bee: both of your charts are so good this cycle, and both of your charts were good last cycle too. I don't really understand what's going on either. I really hope it's just late BFPs for both of you.

Hope everyone else is doing well! Things are progressing nicely for me but I miss you guys. I joined leson in a pregnancy thread and will be waiting for all of you to come along soon too!
bee and psycho - I don't get it either. I think that's why I'm giving up temping next month, because it always looks so good, and then AF shows. I'm hoping this is it for you, Bee. Your temps haven't dropped yet. Here's hoping tomorrow they stay up!

AFM: Well, expecting AF but it's now 11 am and still nothing (I usually get AF in the am) trying to stay cautiously optimistic but its hard. I've joined a Canadian IVF board in preparation for our upcoming infertility clinic appointment. I just feel so discouraged at this point. Maybe a month or two away from it all will help?

Update: 1:00pm and still nothing. Got some EWCM, which is odd this late in the game, and cervix is still HS... can't tell if its open or not because its too high up.
Update: 1:00pm and still nothing. Got some EWCM, which is odd this late in the game, and cervix is still HS... can't tell if its open or not because its too high up.

Sending hopeful, positiveness, crossed fingers, thoughts and prayers your way!! :dust:
Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind if I join in! I have never really been on the TTC #1 thread only the "regular TTC thread" and the 2ww thread! I have been ttc #1 for almost 3 years now, this is my 35th cycle. I consider my little boy in heaven my first child, I had 9 happy months with him inside me but sadly that ended the same day he entered this world. So, I have struggled with which thread to be on... because I keep having the fear (probably irrational) that everyone will consider me "ttc #2"... so my situation is quite complicated. Anyhoo, I am currently on CD16/2dpo. This is my first cycle using Clomid as well as an HCG trigger shot. So timing was spot on for O! I 100% O'd on the 24th! However, today I have had some pinching/pulling near both ovaries (mostly left). I know I'm only 2dpo.. and therefor implantation is some days away and symptoms obviously can't be happening.. however, fertilization happens anywhere between 12hrs-2days after O! So i'm hoping this means my eggo is fertilized and is making its way down to implant! What do you ladies think? I hope this is the month for all our bf's!! :dust:
hey y'all

I'm 21 and this is my first month TTC. I don't temp just chart when I'm supposed to o. we bded on my most fertile days and now i am 12dpo and AF was supposed to be here today.

my periods sometimes go from 28 day cycle to 31 day cycle.

i dont feel like af is comming though. here is a list of what i am going through. please give me your opinion.

very tinder breasts, lots of cm, crampy but not normal period cramps, nausous, very vivid preg dreams, and very odd cravings (pickles ice cream and peanuts).

let me know what you think:blush:
The only way you'll know for sure if to take a test. Symptom spotting can really drive you crazy. Good luck though!
GeargiaPeach - GL and lots of :dust: Now Go :test: Lol

Psycho - glad things are going well and progressing nicely..

Bee and Ade - How are you ladies doing?

AFM: Decided to wait on the specialist and those tests for now, the cost will break the bank for us. So we will keep saving and maybe look into again in a few months. Until then, just old fashioned loving and prayers for us. Taking a step back from all the monitoring, checking, tracking as well, at least for this cycle. Just feeling a lil discouraged at this point. *shrugs* Prayers for all of your BFP's. XoXo Mel
Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind if I join in! I have never really been on the TTC #1 thread only the "regular TTC thread" and the 2ww thread! I have been ttc #1 for almost 3 years now, this is my 35th cycle. I consider my little boy in heaven my first child, I had 9 happy months with him inside me but sadly that ended the same day he entered this world. So, I have struggled with which thread to be on... because I keep having the fear (probably irrational) that everyone will consider me "ttc #2"... so my situation is quite complicated. Anyhoo, I am currently on CD16/2dpo. This is my first cycle using Clomid as well as an HCG trigger shot. So timing was spot on for O! I 100% O'd on the 24th! However, today I have had some pinching/pulling near both ovaries (mostly left). I know I'm only 2dpo.. and therefor implantation is some days away and symptoms obviously can't be happening.. however, fertilization happens anywhere between 12hrs-2days after O! So i'm hoping this means my eggo is fertilized and is making its way down to implant! What do you ladies think? I hope this is the month for all our bf's!! :dust:

Jenn- So sorry for your loss:hugs: Welcome to the group and kudos for being so positive. And it doesn't matter what other people think you're ttc #1, #2 it really doesn't matter. The love and desire to bring new life into this world and to nurture it and watch it grow is what matters and everyone here understands that. You are welcome in any group. Sending positivity and crossed fingers your way! And a little extra baby dust! :dust:
jenn - welcome! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Since losing my last pregnancy at 7 weeks, I SO emotional about others' losses - especially when they are far along or even worse, stillborn. Honestly - my heart goes out to you so much. I consider my first "baby" to be my child and I do consider myself a mother. But I also consider myself ttc #1 because my child is absent from my life. I'm hoping that the clomid does the trick right away and that your rainbow is just about on it's way :hugs::hugs:

abe - wow what a strange cycle for you! seems like at least the clomid balanced a few things out - great post o temps and a longer LP. Now maybe next month everything will be ready. That's great that you found some options for you and your DH with assisted conception. I worry about it so much, but I know when it comes down to it and my DH and I will do absolutely anything and everything to make this happen. Just hope it doesn't come to that. :hugs:

msh - so glad to have you check in! was thinking about you the other day :hugs: I'm sorry that things are feeling so overwhelming. Hey - I think that old fashioned way is probably the key anyway. My type A/extreme control freak personality just won't let me do it. I considered (again) not temping this cycle since honestly I KNOW when I O - super regular. But nope, the stress of just considering that wasn't even worth it :dohh: I have my obgyn appt next week (march will make it a year TTC so this should be the start of the real investigations) and I'm anxious/nervous/emotional beyond belief. It's crazy - I honestly tear up thinking about it! Just feel like there is so much riding on it and I have no idea what to prepare myself to hear. So definitely thinking of you and hoping that a relaxed approach gives you a surprise bfp :hugs:

So I *guess* AF is starting today. Boy, is she being timid. But I would consider it a little more than spotting and my LP is 14 days anyway so we will just say it's a slow start. Prob because my temps ONLY dropped this morning. I'm not as devastated as I thought I would be. I usually don't test but I'm glad I did this month - seeing my chart looking so perfect then getting AF would have killed me. The BFNs were nice buffers. Also, I prob would have convinced myself that I had a chemical - which would have been heartbreaking AND medically inaccurate in recounting my story of not getting pregnant since losing the baby. I think the appt is helping me to not feel SO down. I keep telling myself - help is on the way. So let's hope it is....
MSH- I'm doing well. I go in for a colposcopy today due to an abnormal pap back in October, expecting AF but she still hasn't shown yet. 15DPO (that's the first time I've been able to say that!) and temps are dropping, but still not writhing AF range, so we'll see. I've got extremely mild cramping today and cervix is still high, actually higher than yesterday. I don't know what's going on....

Bee - sorry to hear AF came, but glad it wasn't a huge let down because of your temps. This cycle sure has been a wonky one! Officially my longest cycle to date! I'm hoping you won't have to use any extra resources and you get your BFP really soon (March was the cycle you start your monitored, right?) I'm hoping our wont come down to IVF, but even getting the referral to the fertility clinic has me on edge. It's so much more of a waiting game now, I'm thinking the next couple of cycles where we won't be monitoring anything will definitely be a nice, welcomed break.
Bee - Tons of thoughts and prayers for your appointment and YES ma'am, help is on the way, at least as back-up. Try not to stress, you'll get the answers and help you need and make beautiful babies really soon :hugs: My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

My controlling nature is def killing me with TTC... the one thing in my life I have absolutely NO control of at all... *sigh* I get tempted to temp, chart, track, check because it does help me feel like I have some control, but then it hits me "silly girl, your one lil tube is jacked up too so unless God smiles down on you and throws a miracle your way, temping isn't gona help." :sulk: So positive right? Please :ignore: my nonsense.. I really am a positive person and have maintained a very optimistic outlook throughout all of this but man I hit the wall.. It will pass, just gota shake off the disappointment and keep focusing on those happy things.

Abe - I had to have a colposcopy done years ago.. It's not so bad and goes pretty quickly. But def take a few minutes afterwards before you start trying to move too much. I remember almost fainting on my way out of the office, but it could have been a combo of nerves, dehydration and the procedure *shrugs* hoping all comes back good for you. Mine was just abnormal cells that appear to be genetic as my grandmother, aunt and mother have had the same as well at some point in time. Better safe than sorry though. WOOHOO :happydance:.. def have my fingers crossed for you! and prayers going up for your appointment today!
I'm reading through the most recent posts and part of me feels bad because for whatever reason I've had this surge of positivity the last couple days and I've been trying to hold on to it desperately. But the mood in the group seems to be kind of mellow.

Bee- so sorry about AF, like Abe said, glad it wasn't a huge let down. Isn't it funny how some cycles it's like your world has been shattered and then others its like your so exhausted from the anticipation and waiting that just knowing the tww is over is such a relief and instead of despair it's like, "ok on to the next round". Sorry it has now been a year but best of luck at your doc apt!! Sending as much of my excessive positivity your way as I can

AFM- I finally invested in a basal thermometer. Temp is definitely low today, but I also still don't know what my normal is just yet. Opk test was pretty much same as yesterday (negative). Also, I have a very tilted cervix and I think this is getting in the way of me being able to determine its position because it seems to always be high. Anyone know how to get around this?? I can, however, tell that it definitely feels like its open, but if it's open should my CM be more watery instead of creamy still? And shouldn't I be getting a positive opk test soon?

Side note: I bought some Soft Cups to try in conjunction with pre-seed when BD time comes around and I have to say I think I might be quitting tampons. Anyone else used them with AF or to help with ttc?
sorry bee: I'm the same in that I do want to test at least once a cycle just so there's no ambiguity about what happened. I still think about my chemical cycle and wonder if I made it all up in my head and the line was just a dye run.

Erin: I started using Instead cups for AF AND BD. I usually use a fresh one around ovulation time, and reuse it for all the BD during that time. And continue using the same one for AF, then throw it away after AF and restart the cycle. I also put a little preseed inside the cup before inserting it after BD. I did that for a while including the BFP cycle so I wouldn't say it was THE savior but it was comfortable and helped those times I needed to get up right away and go to work.
psycho- thanks! I didn't even think about putting some Pre-seed IN the cup too, but that makes perfect sense...why not right? I'm so super anxious for that positive OPk and/or O day to get here so I can try all these new things I've been learning about. uuuugggghhhh:brat::blush:
hey ladies, so you know how I've been a ball of energy and positivity in my last few posts? I think I can literally feel that slipping away from me. My mood is starting to plummet. I'm hoping its ovulation related. I read some articles that talked about mood swings and bursts of energy around ovulation time....but that kind of contradicts my OPKs unless my OPKs are actually positive, but im pretty sure they were too light. I'm afraid I'm going to miss my O day. Should I wait to BD or go ahead just for good measure?

Here's my opk from yesterday and today. what do you guys think?


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hey yall quick question. do you think up and up brand digital tests are reliable or should i go get a FRER?
Hey guys, trying for #1 for about two yrs now, I have irregular cycles so it makes it more difficult. This cycle I've just started a combo of vitex, geritol, red raspberry leaf and folic acid. Hoping this will be my regulation coctail and I can finally have my time. I love reading all the love and support on here, it's nice knowing I'm not the only one dealing with this craziness ��
Hey guys, trying for #1 for about two yrs now, I have irregular cycles so it makes it more difficult. This cycle I've just started a combo of vitex, geritol, red raspberry leaf and folic acid. Hoping this will be my regulation coctail and I can finally have my time. I love reading all the love and support on here, it's nice knowing I'm not the only one dealing with this craziness ��

Welcome Steph- You might want to look into acupuncture. I used it to help regulate my cycles after my ectopic. It really helped and I'm back to a pretty normal cycle now. And it's so relaxing.

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