Oh goodness! I am so overjoyed to find this thread. I probably should have looked harder, considering it was at the top of the thread I am in almost 90% of the time. Silly me!

anyway, here goes my rant.
These are the things I have heard from tons of people in the last 7 and a half months;
"Why aren't you pregnant yet?"
"When is the baby coming?"
"When will you grace us with the presence of a baby?"
"Why is it taking you so long?"
As if I could actually answer all of those. My family just assumed me and my DH were TTC so they didn't even think to ask if we actually were. They just all assumed that since we got married, we would start trying right away.
We did start trying, but we kept it silent. Then the questions started pouring out. ANNOYING. It hurts, especially because everyone in my family seems to have 100 eggs in line waiting to catch the first sperm that swims up. Seriously. Someone is always pregnant around me. It drives me crazy. I am so happy for them, but at the same time, SO jealous.
The worst part is that after we started accepting the fact that we were in fact TTC, people started this beautiful set of comments:
"Stop stressing or it wont happen."
"It will happen when you least expect it."
"Maybe God doesn't think you are ready."
"Do _____ and do _____, it will help." (most of the time coming from people who have never been pregnant

"Well maybe if you stop thinking about it, something will happen."
"You are too young, don't ruin your life so early."
The last one makes me FURIOUS! They talk about children like they are some sort of curse and life ruiners. Children are difficult, but that's part of the journey. I seriously hate when people act like having a child makes your life doomed. Yes, it changes your life, but it means that you are no longer in charge of just one person. You are in charge of another one. Someone to raise to be better than the person you were, someone to bring you smiles, someone to learn some valuable life lessons with, but most importantly, someone who will show you the meaning of unconditional love.
I wish all people saw children the way I do, and most (if not all) the ladies on this forum. Maybe the world would be a better place.
There is my rant for the day. It feels good.