My vent is that I'm tired of seeing women in the TTC#1 monthly testing threads that already have a child/children.
My vent is that I'm tired of seeing women in the TTC#1 monthly testing threads that already have a child/children.
totally agree! it is NOT the same! and in all honesty, it can't be that bad if you already have one, come on...
I feel your pain! It really bothers me that all these girls get pregnant without even thinking, so obviously they have no insurance. Next thing you know, they are on Medicaid (ok, one got fired from my job, but she was 19, whatever, the other girl is a bartender, come on)... While I have been having a good insurance that covers maternity for ages, costs me arm and a leg, basically I am paying for other women having children, yet my own does not cover infertility... People who say they can't afford insurance, well, how can they afford children??
I feel your pain! It really bothers me that all these girls get pregnant without even thinking, so obviously they have no insurance. Next thing you know, they are on Medicaid (ok, one got fired from my job, but she was 19, whatever, the other girl is a bartender, come on)... While I have been having a good insurance that covers maternity for ages, costs me arm and a leg, basically I am paying for other women having children, yet my own does not cover infertility... People who say they can't afford insurance, well, how can they afford children??
Exactly what I was thinking! She can't afford her insurance so she decides to bring a helpless little life into the world, knowing darn well that she can barely provide for herself. grrrr. I know there must be some women who genuinely don't see it coming...... but when you admit you did it on purpose don't expect my sympathy. I work hard to keep my insurance and now I will have to pay for hers too. Feels so good to get that all out!![]()
to my mother:
STOP! STOP! STOP telling me that i dont need a baby right now! STOP telling me to wait to have kids! STOP acting like having a baby is the worst most tragic life ruining thing that could ever happen to me. I am happily married, and financially stable and i dont ask you for a damn thing, so please tell me how you've come to the conclusion that you even have a say in this matter? and for the love of GOD, when people ask ME about MY plans to have kids STOP butting in and cutting me off saying "Shes waiting at least five years for that," because i dont know where the hell you heard that insane idea, and then you have the nerve to add insult to injury by turning to me and saying "Right?" in that annoying uppity fake voice you put on whenever we're around people you feel the need to impress. Because while i might mumble around and change the subject or give some half ass beauty pageant answer at the moment, what i really want to say is "NO! NOT RIGHT! and since everybody feels the need to put my reproductive system in spotlight how about this- i have PCOS and might not be able to have these 'children' of which you speak. so as a matter of fact I AM trying to get pregnant right now, to no avail by the way. and it kills me everyday that my body cant perform the one task it was actually made to do! and ignorant buttholes like you dont make it any easier with your rude questions and assumptions!!"![]()
Random vent.....I am tired of all the complainers on social media's. The ...."life sucks I woke up this morning and kid spilled milk and had gum in hair. Or I stepped in a puddle before work. I am not the best at having a positive attitude but I try not to tell everyone I bump into about it. Everyone has a bad day now and then but when it happens might want to see a doc about receiving some counseling or some happy pills. Life sucks sometimes but someone somewhere has it worse and what you actually do have is a blessing that someone else is without.
Today I thought I was finally going to get my bfp. We've been trying to conceive baby#1 for 8 months with no luck. I really thought we had it this month, until today, when af showed up. I had sooo many symptoms, I really thought this was it! It didn't help that my sister skype called me, with my 2 year old niece, to tell me that "mommy's having a baby!". So a big yey to my sister who got pregnant, first try, yet again. I don't want to sound rude, I really do love being an aunt. But when's it going to be my turn? I love how our conversation ended with "now you really need to get pregnant". She doesn't know that we've been trying. I think I'm going to absolutely loose it on someone this Christmas...especially now that my sister is preg with baby 2. Is that terrible?