Ok need to get this off my chest. I'm so heartbroken because my sister doesnt want to heear anything about what I'm going through to get pregnant. Her and I started going through fertility testing together... she's 34 been married and divorced and was with her bf at the time for over a yr. Im 26 married 5 together 6. Our day 3 blood test came up fine had an HSG test mine was fine her left tube was closed then we both got the low blow that our progesterone levels were low. Well now I'm on clomid and she isn't cause her and her bf broke up. So now I'm torn because I talk to my sis about everything but she's convinced herself she will never have a baby. I feel bad for her butt at the same timme I'm angry with her. I'm angry because I'm going through this and she doesn't want to talk. Is that wrong of me?? I'm very close with her and even tho I'm taking further steps to get pregnant its not a for sure thing so I'm scared and need support to. I just feel that I'm being selfish.
I think it's natural for you to have those feelings, but - and I know this might sound very harsh - I can completely understand why she might not want to talk about this with you for a while.
From her perspective... she is older than you, she has a blocked tube AND low progesterone, and to top it off she's now single again, right at the time when she probably imagined she'd be happily married/settled with a baby. On the other hand, you are younger than her, settled with your partner, have found out what might be preventing you from getting pregnant, and are now on medication, so with any luck you'll get your BFP in no time. (I hope so!)
I bet your sister's body-clock is ticking so loudly in her ear at this point that she cannot and does not want to talk to anyone about their troubles TTC, even though you were going through it together up until now. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for her and I completely understand why she might think that her chances of having a baby have gone up in smoke.
I know from some some of my friends that being 34 and single when you desperately want children is hard enough... it must be even harder when you already know that you have medical problems that might make it difficult to conceive even if you do find the right guy to take that step with. To her at least, I bet you seem to be the lucky one in this situation at the moment, as you're so much closer to getting what you want than she is.
Give her some time to grieve what she thinks she's lost - her dreams of a family, as well as her relationship with her boyfriend - and perhaps come on here more, or find other people in the same boat as you to talk to, until she's ready to talk.
I know that TTC for a long time is really hard and I really hope that you get your BFP soon.