to my mother:
STOP! STOP! STOP telling me that i dont need a baby right now! STOP telling me to wait to have kids! STOP acting like having a baby is the worst most tragic life ruining thing that could ever happen to me. I am happily married, and financially stable and i dont ask you for a damn thing, so please tell me how you've come to the conclusion that you even have a say in this matter? and for the love of GOD, when people ask ME about MY plans to have kids STOP butting in and cutting me off saying "Shes waiting at least five years for that," because i dont know where the hell you heard that insane idea, and then you have the nerve to add insult to injury by turning to me and saying "Right?" in that annoying uppity fake voice you put on whenever we're around people you feel the need to impress. Because while i might mumble around and change the subject or give some half ass beauty pageant answer at the moment, what i really want to say is "NO! NOT RIGHT! and since everybody feels the need to put my reproductive system in spotlight how about this- i have PCOS and might not be able to have these 'children' of which you speak. so as a matter of fact I AM trying to get pregnant right now, to no avail by the way. and it kills me everyday that my body cant perform the one task it was actually made to do! and ignorant buttholes like you dont make it any easier with your rude questions and assumptions!!"
Very late reply (new to the board and just scrolling through), but oh my god, I know how you feel! I'm so scared to tell my grandma who I am very close to, because I KNOW she would tell me it's a good thing and that I don't need kids, as if that IN ANY WAY would make it better. She acts like having babies is the worst thing in the world.
If i were you i wouldn't tell her or any family like parents or siblings because they will feel like they can say certain things to you and ask inappropriate questions! I know you said you were new but there's plenty of ladies here who told family members (usually its mom or sister) about TTC and have said many times that they regret doing it! I have told a few friends the general "we might be trying soon, we'll see.." type of thing. But only two know the whole story about whats really going on. And they never ask about it, they only talk about it if i bring it up first

Which is why i love them!
I often think about telling my mom "I don't care what you think, i'm a married adult and i will have a baby if i want to!" but i wont do it because theres nothing she can do about it anyways so why start all that drama for no reason. She wont know anything until i actually get pregnant (hopefully soon) and its better that way!
Stay strong and dont let the negativity get to you!