My hubby and I are pro minimal vaccine (not anti, just against 90% of them), pro homeschooling and if all goes according to plan we want an at home natural birth. I want to feel as comfortable as possible and I have faith that midwives know what they're doing and will be able to make the judgement call if a transfer is needed. I live not even 5 minutes car ride away from the hospital.
So far I've heard the usual "kids need socializing, they'll end up socially awkward". (that was from my mom) to which my answer is bs, all you need to do is find play dates for them..problem solved. Plus, school is supposed to be about education not about social skills.
The usual "if you don't get all 765893467854976943 vaccines you're a selfish cow who needs to keep yourself and your bomb waiting to explode baby away from society". I get treated like an anti vax even though I'm still pro and plan on getting some of them for our kid just not all.
Last but not least, the home birthing. Got told that it's selfish to do an at home birth because many women across the world would give anything to be able to give birth at a hospital. That's like saying how dare you not finish your plate of food because there's people starving.
At the end of the day, I wish people would mind their own business. I'll do my thing, you do yours end of.