Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

That reminds me of the couple who already had a son, but wanted another so they did IVF. Then when they found out both eggs had fertilized they aborted ONE twin because they didn't want two more babies just one more. I would be lucky to get pregnant at all, and these people get to play god and pick and choose. So much selfishness!!

Ps. My life is complete hell right now in case anyone cares to know.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: keep your head up. don't know your situation right now but just. thought id give a hug. :hugs:
Hi Lovely Ladies

I'm new to all of this & was hoping on some help/guidance :-)

I've just come off the Marvelon pill and had my (what I would normally call period) on 9th August, lasted about 4-5 days as normal. I was therefore expecting to ovulate this week, however i started bleeding again yesterday a bit like a normal period.

I've read lots of threads - I initially thought it was bleeding prior to ovulation however it now sounds like my intiial period was in fact a withdrawal bleed from the pill & that yesterday was infact the 1st day of my cycle. Which means ovulation will be approx 13 days from now.

Can anyone give any pointers? My partner & I are TTC and thought this could be the week however, it doesnt appear so now.

Thank you x

Kayles x
Thanks Mum and Hopeful :) I'm doing a little better now.

Except I'm going crazy thinking I could be pregnant. I finally got a natural AF on July 4th and if by some miracle my cycles were starting to regulate, another AF would have been due August 1st. For the past two weeks I've been feeling like shit. Tired, headaches, peeing a lot, having loose BMs (sorry for the tmi), no appetite unless its something im craving, and EVERYTHING SMELLS BAD! I would put heartburn and nausea on there too but I get those from time to time anyway. I've been pretty stressed lately so I'm thinking it could be that but of course I can't just ignore all my "symptoms."

I had an hCG urine test done today and with my insurance I can see results online. I peed in the cup at 10am it is now 4pm and the results are still not posted!! I'm pretty sure if its positive they have a nurse call and tell you, but I could be wrong. The clinic closes soon so if I don't get a phone call tomorrow morning I'll check online and probably see a BFN :( Really trying not to get my hopes up.
I swear. Every time I log onto facebook someone else is announcing their pregnancy. It makes me want to quit facebook all together during this time. I want to be happy for all of these people but something inside me just wants to scream :( My conflicted feelings about that is making me feel even worse. On top of how stressful TTC already is!! UGH. Ok rant over.
Same here. I have always been the kind of person who could be genuinely happy for others and I was content just to focus on my own life. Now I feel so bad because I am not happy for people who have babies. My best friend just had her baby a few days ago after TWO cycles of trying and I try to be happy and content with being an 'auntie' but it's killing me! I just want to scream and cry and I am so angry that it isn't me. And that makes me feel even worse. To top it off, pregnant women and new moms are treated like saints who can't do anything wrong and that makes me feel even more like some wicked fairy tale witch. Sigh.
Another BFP announcement. This one completely unexpected and as Im waiting for my (most likely negative) test results to come in. This is getting old..
Oh sure, I totally want to go into the baby section to look at strollers for my step sister in law who tricked my step brother into getting her pregnant *eyeroll* My heart was 6 feet under being in the baby section.

On the upside, af never showed while my mom was visiting thankfully. Now lets hope she stays away.
Results still aren't posted online. And still no call from a nurse. Even though I called the clinic today and requested a nurse call me with my results (bfn or bfp). This is starting to piss me off because I know it's probably negative and the only thing worse than a BFN is waiting days for a BFN :/

I would buy a FRER but I know I would end up squinting and taking it apart, then buying a digi just to see the dreaded "not pregnant" and I just can't handle that right now.
A co-worker brought in her newborn today to show off to everybody. And everyone acts like they've never seen a baby before! Just a bunch of women gathered around oohing and aahing in high-pitched babytalk voices.... Ugh! Then the girl I sit next to who knows I have been having a lot of trouble getting pregnant looks at me and starts gushing about how cute the baby is and how she has never seen anything so cute and how I should go see it. At first I wanted to smack her, but she's kind of an idiot, so I guess I shouldn't expect her to have any kind of decency or common sense.

Yeah, I'm bitter. I should still be pregnant right now. But no. Just back to the same old crap and waiting for yet another period to start while people around me celebrate all their happy accidents.
Reading these posts has me in tears, on one hand I am slightly relieved I am not the only one frustrated while ttc, but I also feel guilty for feeling that because it means other people are feeling the same pain.

It seems as though everyone I know is getting pregnant except me, its just not fair! My best friend got pregnant soon after I started trying, her baby is now 8 months old, and she is 20 weeks with twins! (unplanned) She knows how long we've been trying and is constantly talking about how 'super fertile she is', it is driving me mad! I sometimes wonder whether she is trying to upset me... :(
Nurse finally called. BFN. Of course.

Even worse is now I know why (aside from stress) I've been feeling bad. My wisdom teeth are coming in. This just keeps getting better. F my life.
Started spotting, af due tomorrow. Af most likely on the way. Another cycle failed. I'm at the end of my rope. We can't afford anything but natural so it's the old fashioned way or nothing at all. So not fair to struggle so badly to get bfp meanwhile watching plenty of teens and people who are in no shape of raising a kid get pregnant at a sneeze and yet here I am, fourth year into our marriage and still no child. Starting to think being a mother will remain nothing but a fantasy. I feel like a 2 year old wanting to throw a tantrum on the floor. Excuse me while I go eat a box of Peanut Butter chocolate chip cookies and cry my heart out.
Started spotting, af due tomorrow. Af most likely on the way. Another cycle failed. I'm at the end of my rope. We can't afford anything but natural so it's the old fashioned way or nothing at all. So not fair to struggle so badly to get bfp meanwhile watching plenty of teens and people who are in no shape of raising a kid get pregnant at a sneeze and yet here I am, fourth year into our marriage and still no child. Starting to think being a mother will remain nothing but a fantasy. I feel like a 2 year old wanting to throw a tantrum on the floor. Excuse me while I go eat a box of Peanut Butter chocolate chip cookies and cry my heart out.

I completely feel like a 2 year old wanting to throw tantrums & I usually lounge around eating reeses cups & kit Kats when the witch shows & have cry fests & hating everyone I feel ya Tami :hugs:
AF definitely showed as per expected, luckily it's on a Saturday where we have nothing important needed to be done. Still, sucks the big one...upward and onward!

Edit: and to add insult to injury, just as the pills finally started to kick in with 2 advil and 2 aceptominophines later I see on facebook someone saying "going 4 wheeling today with my sister" b**ch you're 22 weeks pregnant! Some people really don't deserve what life offers them as gifts. Despite someone else telling her that that's very dangerous, she responded to them that she will take it easy. How about not taking the risk at all?!?!
wish people would stop thinking teens cannot have children.

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